Solutions to the Beauty of Problems

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  • Post 661 Key move 1.Qd6

    Post 662 Key move 1.f8=B, Ke8 2.Nf6 mate.

    Post 663 Key move 1.b4+, cxb3 2.Nb2, b4 3.Nc4 mate.

    Post 664 Key move 1.Ba8, Nxa8 2.Ba7 mate. or Kxa8 2.Qc8 mate. Other Black moves also lead to mate in one.

    Post 665 Key move 1.Qa3
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Wednesday, 28th August, 2024, 08:15 PM.


    • Post 666 Key move 1.Qe1+, b4 2.Qe5 mate.

      Post 667 Key move 1.Qa6

      Post 668 Key move 1.Qe3

      Post 669 Key move 1.Bb5

      Post 670 Key move 1.Rd7
      Last edited by Hans Jung; Thursday, 29th August, 2024, 09:58 AM.


      • Post 671 Key move 1.Qf1

        Post 672 Key move 1.Qc4

        Post 673 Key move 1.Rb6!, cxb6 2.c3, b5 3.Kc5, b4 4.cxb4 mate

        Post 674 Key move 1.c4!, bxc3 en passant 2.Qc4 mate or 1...Kxb3 2.Qc2 mate.

        Post 675 Key move 1.Qc6! The thinking is White must have answers to Black's three different piece moves. The king can move to a6. The b - pawn can move to b4. The d-pawn can move to d6 or d5. Only Qc6 covers all three by mate on a8 or mate on a4 or finally if dxc6 (losing the queen) then Ra6 is mate. That is why you should follow the logical thinking otherwise the loss of queen will stop you from considering the move.

        Full solution: 1.Qc6, b4 2.Qa4 mate. or 1...Ka6 2.Qa8 mate or 1...dxc6 2.Ra6 mate.
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Sunday, 1st September, 2024, 11:50 AM.


        • Post 676 Key move 1.Nh1 The logic thinking is - what Black pieces can move? The H-pawn, the knight, and the G-pawn. If the knight moves then 2.Nf2 mate. if the H- pawn moves 2.Ng5 mate. if the G pawn captures knight and promotes to Q,R, or B then 2.Qg3 mate. if the G pawn promotes to knight then 2.Qf1 mate.

          Post 677 Key move 1.Nf4

          Post 678 Key move 1.Qc6

          Post 679 Key move 1.Kc8

          Post 680 Key move 1.e8=B
          Last edited by Hans Jung; Sunday, 1st September, 2024, 12:42 PM.


          • Post 681 Key move 1.Nb7

            Post 682 Key move 1.Qa6

            Post 683 Key move 1.Qb7

            Post 684 Key move 1.Qc6

            Post 685 Key move 1.f6


            • Post 686 Find Black's only piece move, than find the zugzwang move that leads to mate.
              Key move 1.Qh8

              Post 687 1.Rc6

              Post 688 1.Kd5

              Post 689 1.b8=N and 2.a8=N mate.

              Post 690 1.Bd5 and 2.Kf7 mate or Kg6 mate, depending on which piece the Black rook captures.
              Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 2nd September, 2024, 09:31 AM.


              • Post 691 Key move 1.Bb5

                Post 692 Key move 1.Kc1

                Post 693 Key move 1.Rf4

                Post 694 Key move 1....Qe5

                Post 695 Key move 1.Bb1


                • Post 696 Key move 1.Kc2

                  Post 697 Key move 1.Kg2

                  Post 698 Key move 1.Rb8

                  Post 699 Key move 1.Rd2 if Nxd2 2.Nc1 and 3.Nb3 mate or 1...Nb3+ 2.Kb3 and 3.Rxa2 mate or 3.Rd1 mate, depending where the black knight moves.

                  Post 700 Key move 1.Rb6! only this move stops the black rook from blocking mate in two (and also threatens Rb8 mate) if 1...axb6 2.Ra4 mate.


                  • Post 701 Key move 1.Qc7

                    Post 702 Key move 1.Rb5

                    Post 703 Key move 1.Bh2

                    Post 704 Key move 1.Rb6

                    Post 705 Key move 1.Rg1
                    Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024, 10:23 AM.


                    • Post 706 Key move 1.Qa1

                      Post 707 Key move 1.Rc4

                      Post 708 Key move 1.Bb5

                      Post 709 Key move 1.c7

                      Post 710 Key move 1.dxc8=R
                      Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024, 10:32 AM.


                      • Post 711 Key move 1.h4+, Kh5 2.Rf5+, gxf5 3.Bf7 mate or 2...g5 3.Bf7 mate.

                        Post 712 Key move 1.Qe6

                        Post 713 Key move 1.Qg1

                        Post 714 Key move 1.Bd4+, c5 2.bxc6 en passant mate.

                        Post 715 Key move 1.Qb2
                        Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024, 04:23 PM.


                        • Post 716 Key move 1.Nf5

                          Post 717 Key move 1.Re8, e6 2.Rxd6 mate or 1...e5 2.Rxe5 mate or 1...Ke6 2.Rxd6 mate

                          Post 718 Key move 1.Qg3

                          Post 719 Key move 1.Nb5 or 1.Nd5 Black cannot stop the knight mates and Rdc4 mate at the same time.

                          Post 720 Key move 1.Na4 Black cannot stop one of the knight mates on b6 or b2.


                          • Post 721 Key move 1.Nc2

                            Post 722 Key move 1.Nc2 but not 1.Ne3 or 1Ng2 as the bishop can stop the knight mates. On 1.Nc2 the bishop can stop Na3 mate or Ne3 mate but not both.

                            Post 723 Notice I have placed the knight on key squares around the black king focus on c4 to deliver checkmate: There are many.

                            Key move 1.Nd1

                            Post 724 Key move 1.Qh8 the bishop discovered check (in one variation double check) and the bishop blocking the rook attack are key to this problem.

                            Post 725 Key move 1.Qh8


                            • Post 726 Key move 1.Kb7

                              Post 727 Key move 1.Qg7, Kb1 2.Qg6+, Ka1 3.Qf6, Kb1 4.Qf5+, Ka1 5.Qe5, Kb1 6.Qe4+, Ka1 7.Qd4, Kb1 8.Qd1 mate. The black king can go to c1 but it shortens the process as once the queen gets to the D-file it then goes to d1 or d2 mate.

                              Post 728 Key move 1.Qf6 and then Qh4+ and Qxb3. The mate takes longer if the black king abandons the pawns but its just a process of bringing the white king across to help in the mate.

                              Post 729 Key move 1.Rf2

                              Post 730 Key move 1.Qf4, d1=Q or R or B 2.Qf2 mate. if 1....d1 =N 2.Bd2 mate.


                              • Post 731 Key move 1.Qa1

                                Post 732 Key move 1.Qa8

                                Post 733 Key move 1.d3

                                Post 734 Key move 1.Qc-e3

                                Post 735 Key move 1.Kh8
                                Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 6th September, 2024, 10:45 AM.

