Solutions to the Beauty of Problems

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  • Post 736 Key move 1.Qe4

    Post 737 Key move 1.Ka5

    Post 738 Key move 1.Qe5

    Post 739 Key move 1.Rc7

    Post 740 Key move 1.f8=B
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 6th September, 2024, 10:59 AM.


    • Post 741 Key move 1.Rf7

      Post 742 Key move 1.Ra2

      Post 743 Key move 1.Kg5

      Post 744 Key move 1.Qb8

      Post 745 Key move 1.Qc2, Qxa8 2.0-0 mate.
      Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 6th September, 2024, 02:30 PM.


      • Post 746 Key move 1.Rc3

        Post 747 Key move 1.Qg8

        Post 748 Key move 1.Qg7

        Post 749 Key move 1.Ne3

        Post 750 Key move 1.Bf7, Kh5 2.Rf5 mate. or 1...h5 2.Bc1 mate.


        • Post 751 Key move 1.Ke7

          Post 752 Key move 1.Rg1

          Post 753 Key move 1.Nd8 Black has several different piece moves, all zugzwang, all leading to different mates in one.

          Post 754 Key move 1.Ra2, b1= Q or R or B 2.Rxd2 mate. if 1...b1=N 2.Bc2 mate.

          Post 755 Key move 1.Bc3, Kc1 2.Ra1 mate, if 1...c1=Q or R 2.Bh5 mate. if 1...c1=N 2.Bc2 mate.


          • Post 756 Key move 1.Qd5

            Post 757 Key move 1.Qxe5

            Post 758 Key move 1.Kb2

            Post 759 Key move 1.Re2, Rh1+ 2.Kg3, Kxb2 3.Be1+, Kc1 4.Kg2, Kd1 5.Rd2+, Ke1 6.Rd4, Rf1 7.Re4+ and wins the black rook.

            Post 760 Key move 1.Nd7


            • Post 761 Key move 1.Qb5

              Post 762 Key move 1.Qc2

              Post 763 Key move 1.Qa8

              Post 764 Key move 1.Kf5

              Post 765 Key move 1.Kh2


              • Post 766 Key move 1.Nf3+, Ke2 2.Re3 mate. or 1...Kc2 2.Qc1 mate.

                Post 767 Key move 1.Ng3

                Post 768 Much humour here. There are ten candidate key moves. I'll try a list. 1.Rd1, Re1, Rf1, Rg1, Rh1, Bd5, Bf3, Bg2, Bh1 and Kc5 Ive never seen that many candidates for key move.

                Post 769 Key move 1.a4+ and 2.Rc8

                Post 770 Key move 1.Qg8


                • Post 771 Key move 1.Qe4

                  Post 772 Key move 1.Kb3

                  Post 773 Key move 1.Rc3

                  Post 774 Key move 1.Bg4

                  Post 775 Key move 1.Be8


                  • Post 776 Key move 1.Ra6-c6

                    Post 777 Key move 1.Rg2 or 1.Rh2

                    Post 778 Key move 1.Qg5

                    Post 779 Key move 1.Ne1

                    Post 780 Key move 1.Kd2


                    • Post 781 Key move 1.Qg3

                      Post 782 Key move 1.c5

                      Post 783 Key move 1.Qh5

                      Post 784 Key move 1.Rg1

                      Post 785 Key move 1.Qc2


                      • Post 786 Key move 1.Ke7

                        Post 787 Key move 1.Qc8

                        Post 788 Key move 1.Rb4+, Kc3 2.Rd3 mate.

                        Post 789 Key move 1.d4+, Nxd4 2.Nd3 mate or 1...Rxd4 2.Nf3 mate

                        Post 790 Key move 1.Rg2


                        • Post 791 Key move 1.Qc6

                          Post 792 Key move 1.Bd5

                          Post 793 Key move 1.Rd6

                          Post 794 Key move 1.Qd1

                          Post 795 Key move 1.Rh8, Kf6 2.g8=N mate.
                          Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 13th September, 2024, 08:33 AM.


                          • Post 796 Key move 1.Qf2

                            Post 797 Key move 1.Kb5

                            Post 798 Key move 1.Qe6

                            Post 799 Key move 1.Qa6

                            Post 800 Key move 1.Qg3


                            • Post 801 Key move 1.Ke2

                              Post 802 Key move 1.Rb2

                              Post 803 Key move 1.e8=B

                              Post 804 Key move 1.Qe5

                              Post 805 Key move 1.Qh6


                              • Post 806 Key move 1.Qd4 Sometimes its obvious. Connect all the dots. The queen connects the rooks, the queening square of the pawn, targets a checkmating rank and two key checkmating target squares, as well as pinning the key defending knight in one critical line. I.Qd4, Ka4 2.Rxa2 mate. A beautiful problem and critical learning.

                                Post 807 Key move 1.Bc2

                                Post 808 Key move 1.Qa1

                                Post 809 Key move 1.Rg8

                                Post 810 Key move 1.d4
                                Last edited by Hans Jung; Sunday, 15th September, 2024, 10:10 AM.

