Solutions to the Beauty of Problems

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  • #76
    Post 359 Key move 1.Qf1

    Post 360 Key move 1.Qd6

    Post 361 Key move 1.Qc6

    Post 362 Key move 1.Ba4

    Post 363 Key move 1.Qa7


    • #77
      Post 364 Key move 1.R1-f6

      Post 365 Key move 1.Rg6

      Post 366 Key move 1.Qb1

      Post 367 Key move 1.Qa7 or key move 1.Bd7 Both moves work.

      Post 368 Key move 1.Qc3


      • #78
        Post 369 Key move 1.Qa4

        Post 370 Key move 1.Qa8

        Post 371 Key move 1.Qd5

        Post 372 Key move 1.Ne5

        Post 373 Key move 1.Nf5


        • #79
          Post 374 Key move 1.Ke5

          Post 375 Key move 1.Ke1 or Kf1 or Kg1 or Kg2

          Post 376 Key move 1.Qa4

          Post 377 Key move 1.Qe5

          Post 378 Key move 1.Ra1


          • #80
            Post 379 Key move 1.Bf5, e5 2.g8=N mate or 1...Kxf5 2.Qf3 mate or 1...Kxf7, 2.Qxe6 mate or 1...Ke7, 2.Qxe6 mate.

            Post 380 Key move 1.Bg2

            Post 381 Key move 1.Be7

            Post 382 Key move 1.Kg4

            Post 383 Key move 1.Nf4


            • #81
              Post 384 Key move 1.Qa8

              Post 385 Key move 1.Rxd4

              Post 386 Key move 1.Qh8

              Post 387 Key move 1.Qg8

              Post 388 Key move 1.c6


              • #82
                Post 389 Key move 1.Qg7, Rxf3 2.Nc4 mate, if 1...exf3 2.Ng6 doublecheck mate, if 1...Nxf3 2.Nd3 doublecheck mate, if 1...Ne6+ 2.fxe6 mate, if N elsewhere 2.g5 mate. if 1...R elsewhere 2.Qxg5 mate. Also shows the power of discovered check and double check.

                Post 390 Key move 1.Ng3

                Post 391 Key move 1.Nf2, Ke5 2.Ng4+, Kd5 3.Ne7+, Kd6 4.Nf5+, Kd5 5.e4 mate

                Post 392 Key move 1.Qe3

                Post 393 Key move 1.Nd2
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 9th August, 2024, 09:55 AM.


                • #83
                  Post 394 Key move 1.Kf1

                  Post 395 Key move 1.Qd1

                  Post 396 Key move 1.Kg8 or Kh8

                  Post 397 Key move 1.Ra8

                  Post 398 Key move 1.Qe6


                  • #84
                    Post 399 Key move 1.Rd2!

                    Post 400 Key move 1.f8=B

                    Post 401 Key move 1.e8=B

                    Post 402 Key move 1.Rd4

                    Post 403 Key move 1.Qd1


                    • #85
                      Post 404 Key move 1.Rc2

                      Post 405 Key move 1.Rd7

                      Post 406 Key move 1.Rf2

                      Post 407 Key move 1.Ba6

                      Post 408 Key move 1.d4


                      • #86
                        Post 409 Key move 1.d5

                        Post 410 Key move 1.Qg7

                        Post 411 Key move 1.Qe5

                        Post 412 Key move 1.Ba4

                        Post 413 Key move 1.Nxc3


                        • #87
                          Post 414 Key move 1.Qe2

                          Post 415 Key move 1.Qb8

                          Post 416 Key move 1.Qd4+

                          Post 417 Key move 1.b6

                          Post 418 Key move 1.Qg4
                          Last edited by Hans Jung; Saturday, 24th August, 2024, 02:01 PM.


                          • #88
                            Post 419 Key move 1.Bh1

                            Post 420 Key move 1.Re1

                            Post 421 Key move 1.Bc1

                            Post 422 Key move 1.Qf8

                            Post 423 Key move 1.Qc8


                            • #89
                              Post 424 Key move 1.Rc4

                              Post 425 Key move 1.Qg5

                              Post 426 Key move 1.Bg8

                              Post 427 Key move 1.d8=N

                              Post 428 Key move 1....Rf4+


                              • #90
                                Post 429 Key move 1.Rf2

                                Post 430 Key move 1.Rh4

                                Post 431 Key move 1.Na3

                                Post 432 Key move 1.0-0

                                Post 433 Key move 1.Qh8

