2024 Canadian Open (July 13-18)

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  • 2024 Canadian Open (July 13-18)

    Rd. 3 in apparently 10 min. according to Lichess.org. Was tentatively scheduled for 4:00 PM, but they adjust depending on length of games in prior round.

    There is one GM/IM game.

    Being held in Laval, Quebec (Just north of Montreal - 2440 Autoroute des Laurentides at the Sheraton Hotel).

    Note: Since being held in Quebec, you can play in any section as of right.....no playing up restriction. I was going to play, as of Friday night (Was in Montreal), and could have played in the U 2000 Section (CFC 1369; FQE 1517; FIDE 1570). But, unfortunately, then had to return to Toronto.

    Bob A
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 14th July, 2024, 06:59 PM.

  • #2
    Are you ok with my comments mixing into this thread Bob?


    • #3
      Love it! Just thought we should have a generally titled thread that all could jump into.....you're welcome always to jump in in any of my threads.

      Bob A


      • #4
        We'll make a good team. Our own Canadian commentary team!


        • #5
          At CFC 1369, I won't be doing much chess analysis.

          Interesting note from another of my threads:

          .............................................DoB.......................... City............. CFC Regular....... FIDE Standard

          2. Eric Cloutier.......... 1925 (99 y.o.!)................... Quebec, QC.............. 1759.................... 1682

          Eric is registered to play in the Canadian Open in Laval, QC, from Sat. (Tomorrow - July 13) - Thurs., in the U 2000 section.

          Good luck & good skill!

          Bob A


          • #6

            Live: Can be watched at: Lichess.org. - Watch - Broadcasts - 2024 Canadian Open [https://lichess.org/broadcast/2024-c...nd-3/bwEfb5uQ]

            Rd. 3 - 2nd game on Sunday


            My Position Assessments - be kind; from a CFC D Class player

            Top Six Boards - Highest Player

            1. GM Van Foreest, Jorden 2671 - Netherlands - won.
            2. GM Stefansson, Vignir 2500 - Iceland - won
            3. GM Michalevski, Victor 2499 - Israel - won.
            4. GM Rodrigue-Lemieux, Shawn 2499 - Canadian - Prov. of Quebec - won
            5. GM Kantans, Toms 2471 - Latvia - won
            6. IM Migot, Tangi 2345 - FIDE Federation - France (Don't have citizenship; appears currently resident in Montreal, QC) - won

            Rd. 4 - Monday, July 15 @ 2:00 PM

            Time Control: 90 + 30

            Please advise of any corrections or add any missing info.....thanks

            Bob A (Avid Chess Player! CFC 1369; FQE 1517; FIDE 1570; USCF 1546)
            Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 14th July, 2024, 08:33 PM.


            • #7
              Live: Can be watched at: Lichess.org. - Watch - Broadcasts - 2024 Canadian Open [https://lichess.org/broadcast/2024-c...nd-3/bwEfb5uQ]

              Updates (Made as I check in): X:00 PM

              Rd. 4 - 2:00 PM, Monday, July 15

              My Position Assessments - be kind; from a CFC D Class player

              Top Six Boards - Highest Player

              1. GM Van Foreest, Jorden 2671 - Netherlands - 3/3 pts.
              2. GM Stefansson, Vignir 2500 - Iceland - 3/3 pts.
              3. GM Michalevski, Victor 2499 - Israel - 3/3 pts.
              4. GM Rodrigue-Lemieux, Shawn 2499 - Canadian - Montreal, Quebec - 3/3 pts.
              5. GM Kantans, Toms 2471 - Latvia - 3/3 pts.
              6. IM Migot, Tangi 2345 - FIDE Federation - France (Don't have citizenship; appears currently resident in Montreal, QC) - 3/3 pts.

              Others with 3/3 pts. - 4 - all Canadians!
              12 IM Chiku-Ratte, Olivier Kenta CAN 2314 3
              14 FM Zheng, Richard CAN 2290 3
              16 FM Stevens, Christian CAN 2241 3
              32 FM Zomorrodian, Eilia CAN 2115 3
              So we are going to have some very competitive games in Rd. 4!

              Rd. 5 - Tuesday, July 16 @ 10:00 AM

              Time Control: 90 + 30

              Final Standings: Chess-Results: https://chess-results.com/fed.aspx?lan=1&fed=CAN

              Please advise of any corrections or add any missing info.....thanks

              Bob A (Avid Chess Player! CFC 1369; FQE 1517; FIDE 1570; USCF 1546)
              Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 14th July, 2024, 10:49 PM.


              • #8
                I have a commitment this afternoon......so I will only be checking in to do revisions very late in the round 4.

                As always, other CT'ers are strongly invited to post responses during the round (Even when I finally get here).....and Hans has a special invitation!


                Bob A


                • #9
                  I have made a video about a couple of games from the Canadian Open so far on my youtube channel. Please send me any games you would like to see in a recap. They don't have to be on the top boards or in the top section. Check it out and feedback would be appreciated! https://youtu.be/iCAQBjpWxCU


                  • #10
                    Which Format for the Can. Open do you prefer (all 3 have been used, AFAIK):

                    One big Swiss, with accelerated pairings?
                    One big Swiss with normal paring?
                    Multi-section as for 2024 (5 sections)?

                    Bob A


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chris White View Post
                      I have made a video about a couple of games from the Canadian Open so far on my youtube channel. Please send me any games you would like to see in a recap. They don't have to be on the top boards or in the top section. Check it out and feedback would be appreciated! https://youtu.be/iCAQBjpWxCU
                      I like your enthusiasm. In the game Duong Kantans you asked why black played Kf8. The idea is two fold: he wants to leave the rook on the H-file to support the rook pawn and potential action against the white king and he also wants to clear the E-file because of potential action in the center which you saw happen in the game.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                        Which Format for the Can. Open do you prefer (all 3 have been used, AFAIK):

                        One big Swiss, with accelerated pairings?
                        One big Swiss with normal paring?
                        Multi-section as for 2024 (5 sections)?

                        Bob A
                        Depends on number of players I think. If large numbers you want accelerated pairings in order to get more challenging pairings (GM vs GM, master vs master) as soon as possible.


                        • #13
                          Rd 3 Lin vs GM Van Foreest You have to admire the GM's skill level. It wasnt until move 19 that Black found a way into White's king position by first playing Nf4+ and following up with a nice destruction sacrifice Bxf2! a real shocker unless you know your tactics. The rest was an enjoyable king hunt. (I was watching)


                          • #14
                            Rd 3 Nice endgame demonstrations in the Stefansson, Mikhalevski, and Shawn RL games. Shawn in particular demonstrated high skill at high speed at the end of his game.


                            • #15
                              Rd 3 I envied IM Tangi Migot's play with the two knights and pawns. The game is well worth playing over.

