2024 Canadian Open (July 13-18)

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  • #16
    Rd 3 GM Kantans game against IM Duong is covered in the Chris White video above. Worth a look.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Which Format for the Can. Open do you prefer (all 3 have been used, AFAIK):

      One big Swiss, with accelerated pairings?
      One big Swiss with normal paring?
      Multi-section as for 2024 (5 sections)?

      Bob A
      With visiting GMs there are chances for IM norms, but good results against GMs usually get wasted by playing a couple of 1400 rated players. It's a waste of time having a game where the players are 600 rating points apart. Low-rated players can play a GM in a simult. I like a top section for masters, an intermediate section for club players, and a beginner's section. If having one section, the French accelerated pairings seem best (3 groups: 1 pt for top players, 1/2 for club players, and 0 phantom points (for 3 rounds) for lowest players).


      • #18
        Rd 4 Finally! GM vs GM, GM vs IM, and many GM's vs FM's (because its Canada). Specifically GM Kantans vs GM Stefansson and GM Van Foreest vs IM Chiku-Ratte, and GM James Tarjan vs IM Eric Lawson.
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 15th July, 2024, 03:39 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
          At CFC 1369, I won't be doing much chess analysis.

          Interesting note from another of my threads:

          .............................................DoB.......................... City............. CFC Regular....... FIDE Standard

          2. Eric Cloutier.......... 1925 (99 y.o.!)................... Quebec, QC.............. 1759.................... 1682

          Eric is registered to play in the Canadian Open in Laval, QC, from Sat. (Tomorrow - July 13) - Thurs., in the U 2000 section.

          Good luck & good skill!

          Bob A
          Its nice to report that Eric won against a 1900 player in rd 3. Incroyable! (at almost age 100)


          • #20
            Total players in the tournament over 5 sections 391 (I think).


            • #21
              First result on the top boards: Christian Stevens vs Shawn RL draw. Congratulations Christian!


              • #22
                Dont usually comment on time used but IM Chiku-Ratte is down to 11 minutes on the clock at move 23 in his game against GM Van Foreest. The GM has well over an hour left. The position is simplifying but there are still some road bumps ahead.
                Down to three minutes on move 26.
                White has the better endgame potential with a passed E-pawn but both kings are poorly placed for endgame play. Black has control of the D-file. Should be interesting what follows.
                Did White play too hasty? Looks like Black will soon have a passed A pawn. Very interesting endgame.
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 15th July, 2024, 05:04 PM.


                • #23
                  GM Vera vs FM Zomorrodian White has a critical weakness on b2, can he survive a queenside collapse? If not we might have our first GM scalp.

                  White has used over twenty minutes on his clock and is down to two minutes on move 26. He is also a piece down. Turns out Black has to give the piece back but has good compensation. However Black played badly for most of the rest of the game and ended up first losing his queen and then getting checkmated.
                  Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 15th July, 2024, 06:39 PM.


                  • #24
                    GM Van Foreest won a lovely endgame with three connected pawns vs a rook. Well worth playing over.


                    • #25
                      GM Sambuev defended like Houdini the first three quarters of the game and then played the endgame like a wizard.


                      • #26
                        Rd 4 GM Kantans was pressing most of the way but in the endgame GM Stefannson held the draw with active play.


                        • #27
                          GM Mikhalevski played a beautiful endgame sacrificing a knight for two pawns and then proving two pawns were equal to a knight, leaving him with a good bishop vs bad knight. Incredible depth perception. Have a look.


                          • #28
                            No GM scalp this round, some of them were pressed but they all arose to the challenge.


                            • #29
                              Best Canadians after round 4: Shawn RL, Bator Sambuev and Christian Stevens; all with 3.5.


                              • #30
                                After 4 GM Van Foreest and GM Mikhalevski tied for first with perfect scores.

