2024 Canadian Open (July 13-18)

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  • #31
    Live: Can be watched at: Lichess.org. - Watch - Broadcasts - 2024 Canadian Open [https://lichess.org/broadcast/2024-c...nd-3/bwEfb5uQ]

    Updates (Made as I check in): 2:12 PM (Round over)

    Rd. 5 - 10:00 AM, Tuesday, July 16

    My Position Assessments - be kind; from a CFC D Class player

    Top Six Boards - Highest Player

    1. GM Van Foreest, Jorden 2671 - Netherlands - 4/4 pts. - won
    2. GM Stefansson, Vignir 2500 - Iceland - 3.5/4 pts.- lost
    3. GM Rodrigue-Lemieux, Shawn 2499 - Canadian - Montreal, Quebec - 3.5/4 pts.- won
    4. GM Kantans, Toms 2471 - Latvia - 3.5/4 pts. - draw
    5. IM Han, Johnathan 2333 - Canadian - Kanata, ON - 3/4 pts.- won
    6. IM Olivier Kenta Chiku-Ratte 2314 - Canadian - Montreal, Quebec - 3/4 pts. - won

    GM vs GM Games - 4
    IM vs FM Game
    IM vs CM Game

    Rd. 6 - Tuesday, July 16 @ 4:00 PM

    Time Control: 90 + 30

    Final Standings: Chess-Results: https://chess-results.com/fed.aspx?lan=1&fed=CAN

    Please advise of any corrections or add any missing info.....thanks

    Bob A (Avid Chess Player! CFC 1369; FQE 1517; FIDE 1570; USCF 1546)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 03:10 PM.


    • #32
      Rd 5 The heavyweights (grandmasters against each other) are now swinging and we are in the heart of the tournament! Halfway!


      • #33
        Rd 5 GM Mikhalevski vs GM Van Foreest Fantastically dynamic central pawn play initiated by Black (note diagram position after move 10 and after move 13) White exchanges and clears the center but Black has some pressure and initiative. Can he make more of it?

        Tactics and threats flowing on both sides. Im loving 37...Nf3 - will it be played? Never mind its terrible, but Black definitely has his eye on the white king.
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:43 PM.


        • #34
          Rd5 Shawn RL is involved in a Sicilian tussle. White's position has Maroczy Bind features, Black is hedgehog structure.

          Shawn has won a piece in the complications. Does Black have enough compensation?

          Vera castles on move 30! Has the black king escaped. Shawn does play Rh1.
          Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:54 PM.


          • #35
            Rd 5 IM Han vs FM Stevens A positional Alekhine's Defence

            After lots of sparring a fascinating endgame is shaping up. Lots of ugly pawns and pawn weaknesses.

            Defense Christian Defense!
            Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:59 PM.


            • #36
              Rd 5 IM Chiku-Ratte vs CM Kalinin A cagey London by transposition. Piece placement is of utmost importance here.

              10.e4 followed by 11.Ne5 is a very nasty idea.

              White's idea at move 10 and 11 netted him the exchange and a technically winning position.

              It all comes down to a winning king and pawn endgame for White.
              Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:48 PM.


              • #37
                Rd 5 GM Stefansson vs GM Komarov White sacrifices a pawn in the E5 French Defence.

                Black has lots of pressure and better squares for his pieces. It looks like White is barely holding on.

                I sense a breakthrough coming for Black.
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:41 PM.


                • #38
                  Rd 5 GM Sambuev vs GM Kantans Benoni transposition. Will it be son of sorrow or will Black come alive?

                  Black has offered the exchange with the rook on e5 and has active pieces but has only one minute on the clock. Will GM Sambuev cash in or will Black stay alive?
                  Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 01:35 PM.


                  • #39
                    My Prediction:

                    Boards 1-3 will all be finished while Bds. 4-6 are all still playing.

                    Let's see........

                    Bob A


                    • #40
                      Rd 5 Beautiful finishing combo by GM Van Foreest to win! Clear first with a perfect score! WoW!


                      • #41
                        Rd 5 Komarov breaks into White's king position and scores the win!


                        • #42
                          Rd 5 Shawn delivers the knockout sacrifice Rh8!! and should be checkmate.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                            My Prediction:

                            Boards 1-3 will all be finished while Bds. 4-6 are all still playing.

                            Let's see........

                            Bob A
                            You are absolutely right Bob! and you do know your chess!


                            • #44
                              My Prediction was wrong - Bds. 1 & 2 were finished, but then Bd. 6 finished.

                              But I was close - Bd. 3 finished seconds after Bd. 6!

                              Bob A
                              Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 02:06 PM.


                              • #45
                                Still excellent 2 out of 3 and it was a close finish between boards 3 and 6.

