$120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

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  • #61
    Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    I never said that Chris Mallon has anything to hide, nor did I infer that he is part of a conspiracy with Barry Thorvardson on the OCA / Trillium file. Certainly, as OCA President, he acted correctly in ordering a more thorough investigation of the matter.

    But, with the many other serious problems which have taken place around Chris when he was acting in an official capacity (while he was CFC President: the 2006 CYCC Kitchener financial disaster; the firing of Peter Arseneau as CFC Executive Director in July 2006; Peter's replacement by the disastrous David Gordon, also in July 2006; Chris's resignation as CFC President when the problems with Gordon became apparent, later in the fall of 2006), this is one more on that growing list.

    SOMEONE certainly deleted my post on this site from earlier this week. I posted it and then checked it a few minutes later. A couple of days later it was gone.
    Wow! This is getting juicier, ripening years later. I have not seen nor paticipated in previous forum discussions re. Thorvardson's pruported embezzlement of 90K$, in disguise of consultation fees, thus I apologize for any rehashing/reiteration. As Larry Bevand alludes to above, w/o director's insurance, any of OCA execs during Thorvardson's 'tenure' may be deemed liable. Does this go for CFC execs and governors all the time, as well?The CMA (Bevand's)and ACA(Ficzere's presently) do have this insurance. Is this why the lack of any disclosure? Or an independent inquiry?

    Is it wise to be the Administator, here on Chesstalk, Mr.Mallon when in power as President of OCA; ie. how can you be expected to remain objective when politically charged issues, like this, arise? And have you spoken to, or retrieved any paper trails from Alice Laimer, then Treasurer of OCA at the time of $90,000 disappearing? Is it just coincidence that she was and probably still is, Treasurer of the Brampton Chess Club where Barry officially or unofficially presided? I know of many lawyers that are actually good. That love chess.That have a conscience. That would work pro bono, esp with a great chance of success. When the civil defendant has business concerns and a reputation and deep pockets to guard. Maybe Barry should have thought of this before taking the OCA's money, and then just say he was 'paying himself'? He cannot claim ignorance; he knows of accounting programs, and is a successful entrepreneur. You're not going to fight back?This is a huge sum in chess terms.The OCA will probably never receive a donation of this magnitude again. OCA members deserve more, no?


    • #62
      Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

      I'm not a lawyer, but from what I read (and I did look into it in 2008) the Statute of Limitations has passed on this matter, in terms of suing Barry. That's why I originally requested that the investigation be completed in 2008, not at the end of 2009, so that we would have that option even though the general consensus from the AGM was that we wouldn't use it.

      In what way exactly have I not been objective on Chesstalk? Larry has access to the moderator logs as well and he'll be able to see that I haven't done anything to anyone's posts.

      I have not spoken with Alice Laimer, other than maybe saying "Hello" at the AGM if she was there. You'll have to ask Eric if the investigators ever contacted her.
      Christopher Mallon
      FIDE Arbiter


      • #63
        Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

        I never said I had grand visions for the OCA. I had a very simple vision - and it boiled down to "Get out of Debt"

        I asked many other people to first run for OCA President against Barry before I stepped forward due to nobody else being willing. I stated up front what my plan was.

        Of course a failed project with a 6 figure budget was a concern for me. We have since addressed this concern with an investigation committee and two bash session AGMs. For how many years would you like to beat this dead horse?

        If you have such a grand vision, why don't YOU run for OCA President?
        Christopher Mallon
        FIDE Arbiter


        • #64
          Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

          Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
          The whole political system running Canadian chess needs to be blown up, simplified, and scaled to match the current size of operations.

          We ALL are very smart on internet to blame others. That is easy.

          Yes, Chris is not perfect person in terms of the leadership. However, he made decision and stepped forward in 2008 by replacing Barry Thorvardson. Where have you been in those days, when Barry Thorvardson wrote in his president report "The York Region Trillium Project successfully completed last July and the area continues to have great school programs and even more chess camps scheduled for this summer", while one month ago he (Barry) and H.Bond were questioned by Trillium fund (see the vice-president report) and two month ago were discussed at chesstalk?

          seems, I am too slow to type :)


          • #65
            Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!


            We ALL are very smart on internet to blame others. That is easy.

            Yes, Chris is not perfect person in terms of the leadership. However, he made decision and stepped forward in 2008 by replacing Barry Thorvardson. Where have you been in those days, when Barry Thorvardson wrote in his president report "The York Region Trillium Project successfully completed last July and the area continues to have great school programs and even more chess camps scheduled for this summer", while one month ago he (Barry) and H.Bond were questioned by Trillium fund (see the vice-president report) and two month ago were discussed at chesstalk?

            Do you know what a YES man is ? or a b***kisser?
            Why do we have CFC governors that are barely proficient in one our official languages, if all they do is attack individuals like Duncan whom is sadly right.
            Stalin was smart. He realized how to control. Control the minutes. Control the meetings.Know who the dissenters, know all their ideas. Then squash. Then send in the STUPID army.Where is the paper trail?Why would an OCA president not talk to the outgoing treasurer if one tenth of a MILLION dollars was absconded? Eric's report would make Mao proud. It revealed nothing. Pravda?


            • #66
              Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

              Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
              I'm not a lawyer, but from what I read (and I did look into it in 2008) the Statute of Limitations has passed on this matter, in terms of suing Barry. That's why I originally requested that the investigation be completed in 2008, not at the end of 2009, so that we would have that option even though the general consensus from the AGM was that we wouldn't use it.

              In what way exactly have I not been objective on Chesstalk? Larry has access to the moderator logs as well and he'll be able to see that I haven't done anything to anyone's posts.

              I have not spoken with Alice Laimer, other than maybe saying "Hello" at the AGM if she was there. You'll have to ask Eric if the investigators ever contacted her.
              There is a two year limitation period in Ontario for civil matters.

              There is no limitation period for criminal matters unless the offence is a Summary Conviction offence.This is not one of those.

              If Chris delays in contacting the police, they will be less and less interested. If the two year mark comes and goes it may be the end.

              Keep passing the buck. Tony Cheron and Spraggs are jerks, but right, some of the time.


              • #67
                Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                [How could this happen you may ask? The biggest deception tool in Barry's arsenal the story that "the best is yet to come". The York region grant was a pilot project which if successful had reasonable chances of rolling out province wide. There was also a second grant, based on Nevada tickets if I recall, which would be an indefinite annuity. Couple these promises of gold with a lack of forthrightness and an opportunity is created. Sad but true.

                Aren't you a trained accountant/ Did you not attend the majority of said meetings? We will not speak of any alleged overspending via expenses in your earlier term as executive director for the CFC, when times were not as lean.
                But please do not claim ignorance; that the wool was pulled over your eyes.
                I am sure you could have afforded better fare than BK in London, recently.
                You, as VP, in the BT OCA years, have not only escaped unscathed , but seem to have been unduly rewarded.Where is the paper trail? Have you had discussoins w/ outgoing Alice Laimer? What is the truth? Or does it matter to you, LAD?


                • #68
                  Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                  Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                  I agree with you, Steve. The purposes of an OCA/Ontario chessplayers' investigation into the matter should be substantially along the lines noted by Eric Van Dusen on the CFC's discussion board, namely:

                  The OCA directors who eventually completed the investigation/report into the matter weren't up to the task. The question is, where do we go from here? It's clear that Chris Mallon has no interest in completing a proper investigation himself and he can't be replaced until the 2010 agm. My suggestion is that the OCA appoint an independent committee of people to investigate the matter thoroughly by using Van Dusen's statement of purpose as the basic term of reference for the committee's mandate.


                  Hi Peter:

                  I agree with you about what the purpose of any further activity should be. There seem to be lots of people fulminating on the issue of criminal activity (Inspector Dixon of Kingston Yard for one), others who decry that the money wasn't used for their pet project (hello, Trillium wasn't funding a large tournament with a huge prize fund, nor would they be), still others who want to rehash past grievances (Chris Mallon once turned me into a newt), and others whose agenda seems to be nothing other than to stir the pot and/or try to float a witch in it.

                  Having said that, I think there is good reason to pursue the matter: namely that however you want to view what happened, it involved (for the OCA) a *big honking amount of money* and it appears that the primary beneficiary of that money was the then-president of the OCA. Given both the appearance of impropriety, the statements of impropriety, and the sanctions handed out by the OCA, I think it is necessary that there be a full, comprehensive report as to exactly *what* the impropriety was. In other words: exactly *what* happened to the money? The purpose of the report should be to provide a full explanation of what happened, opinions as to what was wrong with what happened, and recommendations of how to ensure it doesn't happen again.

                  I see on the other site that you're looking to strike an independent committee. Sounds like a good idea to me, but for that committee to get anywhere you'll need to have the OCA give them authority/releases for them to talk to folks such as Trillium.



                  • #69
                    Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                    Has anyone else noticed that we post here on VBulletin and BT's company is, in effect, VGalaxy? Connection?

                    I believe this 120K$ was intended to help the underprivileged children of the T.O. outskirts. To help some of them develop mentally; or at least keep them off the streets, away from gangs, after school.Tsk tsk Barry. You helped 'preen' The then Can Champ Noritsyn in said region ( upscale curling club), so this was your 'management fee?

                    i had forgotten about chess.ca. Eric VanDonothing has been sufficiently prodded to produce his take, finally, by Peter 'Bulldog' McKillop. Here is one exchange from Dec22/09, for the benefit of readers that don't venture over there ( or forget to):

                    FROM PETER DEC22/09:

                    Eric, you and Chris are a real pair. You guys were so apathetic about this thing that you couldn't even be bothered to obtain what Trillium offered you - a copy of the final contract. You guys and von Keitz have done all this "investigating" and you know dick about the most fundamental aspect of all this; i.e. the terms of the grant. You guys, who reportedly have banned Thorvardson from holding office in the OCA again, don't even know what the hell was supposed to have happened with the grant money. For all you guys know, Thorvardson might have complied fully with all of the terms and conditions stipulated by Trillium. The circumstances suggest other possibilities but the point is that you guys, who presumably have some responsibility for looking out for the best interests of chessplayers in Ontario, know dick. Thanks for your valiant efforts on our behalf!!

                    FROM ERIC DEC22/09:

                    Normally, I would not respond to such a discourteous response.
                    I do in fact know pretty much what the grant was for as pretty much almost everyone in the OCA does. The OCA had a contract with the Trillium Foundation where its grant was for a pilot project in York Region to support youth chess activities. The grant was primarily for a salary of a Program and Volunteer Coordinator and the purchase of chess equipment (boards and clocks).
                    Thorvardson hired a person to do this work. He soon fired this person and notified the OCA Executive that he was going to do some work for the pilot project and "pay himself a little something", as quoted from David Gordon, an OCA governor at the time from the EOCA. What he did not inform the OCA Executive, that he, as president of the OCA, was going to hire himself out as the Program Coordinator and renumerate himself with the Trillium Grant that he, himself had applied for.
                    I remember quite well the idea for this grant because Barry had explained it to me over a few dinners we had shared at the Canada Open, when it was held at Kapaskasing for the second time. It never ocurred to me at the time that the grant would be for a salaried person, let alone that Barry would pay himself with the grant.
                    The contract with the Trillium Fund is and still remains well understood. If Chris Mallon, the President of the OCA wants a copy of the contract, he, himself can contact the Trillium Fund and get a copy of the contract.
                    What he cannot get and what I desired most was the reports that Thorvardson was contractually obligated to submit to the Trillium Fund describing the results of the pilot project.
                    The Trillium Fund referred to privacy laws and stated uncategorically that it could not release these reports to the OCA. The Trillium fund manager stated that what Thorvardson had done was not criminal but unethical. This manager had assured Hal Bond, CFC President at the time, that as long as Thorvardson was eliminated from the OCA, then the OCA would be in the position of receiving more grants from the Trillium Fund in the future.
                    Thorvardson is now banned for life from holding any official position in the OCA and in turn, the CFC. Thorvardson was requested to resign his position from the Chess Foundation as directed by myself under the order of the 2009 CFC AGM. What else do you want done, Peter? I do have the power to refer his case to the CFC Ethics Committee which could consider a lifetime ban from the CFC.
                    I am still puzzled about how privacy regulations can over ride the contractual obligations between the Trillium Fund and the OCA. The OCA should be able to have full access to the file that is held by the Trillium Fund and yet, it does not have this access. It would be a very good question to refer to a lawyer or better yet, your local Member of the Provincial Parliament at Queen's Park.

                    The ball is in your court, Peter.

                    FROM STEVE DEC22/09:

                    How is the ball in Peter's court? He doesn't represent the OCA. If his reply was discourteous it's probably because he's frustrated with the buck-passing that's going on. How can you (or anybody) be satisfied with that report. Your own post that I'm replying to contains more information than the report.
                    But even your post has the same problems as the report does: it doesn't cite anything. It uses language such as "everybody knows". How about a report that includes the following:

                    - letters or other communications between the OCA and the CFC about the 2006 closed

                    - financial statements from the OCA about both the closed and the Trillium grant

                    - a list of all people contacted in preparation of the report including why they were contacted and when they were contacted (this should include Barry Thorvardson)

                    - a written statement from somebody at Trilllium about the grant (preferably a somebody with, umm, a *name*)

                    - a copy of the agreement between Trillium and the OCA

                    - references to specific OCA by-laws that were violated with respect to the Trillium funding (if any)

                    - references to specfic provisions of the grant agreement that may have been violated (if any)

                    - if any supporting documents are missing: a statement of why they are missing and what steps were taken to acquire them

                    Peter's not the only one who wants to know what happened and filling a report with a whole bunch of "everyone knows" and "everyone agrees" and making references to verbal statements of un-named individuals is not a "report". What has been presented so far is an incomplete executive summary of a report.

                    As Clara Peller would say, "Where's the beef?"
                    Last edited by David McTavish; Monday, 4th January, 2010, 10:54 AM. Reason: sorting quotes, cut and paste redundancy


                    • #70
                      Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                      Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                      For the conspiracy theorists, weren't club buds Ferrier and Laimer both OCA executives during BT's Reign of Error? :)
                      OK so the President says its out of his hands and into yours. Strange. Are you still taking the lead, then? Are you finally going to contact the authorities (police),your or York MPP like you've been alluding to these past long-running lagging months, now years, or continue to procrastinate, as well? Long ditance calls are free using Skype , or usu. 3 cents a minute now with a standard phone nationally ( in urban areas only). Call BT, call Ferrier, call Laimer. We also know the last names of two of the Trillium front line funders; its posted over there. Call Frank in Kingston, he promised to get legal advice in order to pursue, as well. I know my MP's here, by first name. This is purely provincial, though? How about using the Freedom of Information Act to get Trillium info? Or Steve Douglas will? I think he's a CFC guv, and won't push his luck, he ultimately wants to be part of the Canadian chess ' in crowd'. What can I do to help us get some, any evidence? Tell me. Let's get some ammo for you to confront Van Weakz in London winter tournament coming up?Tarrasch was wrong. Threats are not stronger than their execution. We're passing the buck, too, Peter.:o


                      • #71
                        Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                        Originally posted by David McTavish View Post
                        ... We're passing the buck, too, Peter.:o
                        You're absolutely right, David. This business irritates me in two ways. As a chessplayer I think I've made my feelings clear on our two discussion boards. But it's as a taxpayer that I'm really angry.

                        Here's what I'll commit to do. I have some family issues requiring attention but, by no later than the end of this month, I shall submit a complaint, from a taxpayer's perspective, to my MPP, Tim Hudak.

                        I'll also commit to assisting on a committee that will properly investigate this matter subject to these conditions: 1) that people understand that I won't be in a position to make much of a contribution this month; 2) that, as noted elsewhere by Steve Douglas, the OCA provide the committee members with all of the necessary authorizations required to review all of the OCA's records, including banking records, and to represent the OCA in dealings with third parties (e.g. former OCA directors, Trillium, the bank); 3) that the committee's terms of reference be acceptable.
                        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                        • #72
                          Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                          Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                          You're absolutely right, David. This business irritates me in two ways. As a chessplayer I think I've made my feelings clear on our two discussion boards. But it's as a taxpayer that I'm really angry.

                          Here's what I'll commit to do. I have some family issues requiring attention but, by no later than the end of this month, I shall submit a complaint, from a taxpayer's perspective, to my MPP, Tim Hudak.

                          I'll also commit to assisting on a committee that will properly investigate this matter subject to these conditions: 1) that people understand that I won't be in a position to make much of a contribution this month; 2) that, as noted elsewhere by Steve Douglas, the OCA provide the committee members with all of the necessary authorizations required to review all of the OCA's records, including banking records, and to represent the OCA in dealings with third parties (e.g. former OCA directors, Trillium, the bank); 3) that the committee's terms of reference be acceptable.

                          I second that emotion.
                          Bob armstong has already antipipated this, and doubts any reconvening
                          of a proper committee, though. This will just be stifled, and dragged
                          along by Chris and Eric, too. They have already proven that they are
                          not only ineffective, but purposely play against each other, to the point
                          that now no civil recompense is possible.MPPs will probably refer someone
                          to a lawyer, or the OPP. The OPP will wonder what took so long ,
                          and the lack of a paper trail. That there is not one piece of paper
                          available smells so bad , they might just have a look, after all.
                          That report from Van Dusen, Von Keitz and Zeromskis was so blantantly
                          non-compliant to its original mandate, that it makes a non confidence vote
                          a real possibility.If the new OCA directorship and CFC governors weren't such pawns, that is.

                          So if any taxpayer, specifically, in the York Region is reading this;is
                          following the BT scandal, and wants to be a 'man', then here are your MPPs for York:

                          Peter Shurman, MPP (Thornhill) Current Parliamentary Roles
                          Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
                          Critic, Economic Development and Trade
                          Critic, Francophone Affairs
                          Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

                          Queen's Park Room 450, Main Legislative Building,
                          Queen's Park
                          Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A8
                          Tel 416-325-1415
                          Fax 416-325-1485
                          Constituency Suite 203
                          7368 Yonge Street
                          Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8H9
                          Tel 905-731-8462
                          Fax 905-731-2984

                          Ontario Liberal Party
                          Greg Sorbara - Contact Information Queen's Park Room 186,
                          Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park
                          Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A4
                          Tel 416-212-1022
                          Fax 416-212-1025
                          Constituency Unit AU8
                          140 Woodbridge Avenue
                          Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 4K9
                          Tel 905-851-0440
                          Fax 905-851-0210

                          Here is info for the two York Region MPPs.If I have the right
                          district? Please check this first before contacting; chessplayers
                          may already appear a muddled, if not thieving, mass, to gristled
                          politicians above-mentioned.Wow! Look at those economic
                          creditials, Sarbaro esp being the money brains behind last decades'
                          (sounds funny, still,eh?) Red Machines' success (not Dalton).
                          As a side-note, why would Trilium assign such a donation to a
                          provincial (OCA) nonprofit organization, when a specific region
                          was being targeted for extracurricular educational stuff?
                          And why York? North York, and its infamous problems, esp. guns
                          and youth, would have seemed to be THE choice for such a 'project', if any.


                          • #73
                            Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                            Hi Jonathan,

                            Hope all is well (and not too cold) on your island. You save your acerbity, like many others,including myself, for here. But your national authoritative voice remains steely.
                            New info has come to light today re. this thread, over at chess.ca. There might be a news related story brewing after all,imho. Money talks. Money vanished weeps.

                            Posted by Hal Bond today:

                            How can I be more transparent?

                            Peter, David et al;

                            I have provided my report and tried to fill in blanks when asked. I am disappointed to have been named as someone who is trying to conceal the "truth". For 27 years I have served this Federation and my integrity has been central to this service.

                            Shall I describe the depths of my embarassment and fury when I found out that Barry had duped us all? It was a seriously dark day in August of 2007. As newly elected President of the CFC (defeating Barry Thorvardson) most of my energy had been devoted to the national trainwreck.

                            I sent an email to Barry asking who was paid the Trillium salaries. He replied that Leslie Armstrong was paid $2000-3000, as was Roman Pelts,(both legit) and the rest went to him. BOOM!! I consulted with many colleagues. Advice ranged from calling the police to demanding Barry's resignation. I chose the latter. Barry refused, stating that he had done nothing wrong! The rest is in my report.

                            Jim Ferrier was the Treasurer during this period and when I contacted him he confirmed that he provided a second signature.

                            Posted by Kerry Liles today:

                            Thanks Hal! I may be wrong, but it seems that everything you posted in this note is new information (certainly is new detail to me, and I have been following this issue for some time!). It has long been alleged that one or two 'other people' received money other than Barry (and it was widely believed those other amounts were paltry sums in comparison).

                            THIS is exactly what is needed: facts.
                            I guess we can leave the innuendo to Kevin Spraggett's blog.

                            Posted by David McTavish today:

                            Thank you Hal for the full disclosure.If there's any details that pop up later, please inform. We have some name and numbers now. Peter will not relent, albeit his anger, may be misplaced. The only one that has made direct accusations re. your role in this scandal is kevin spraggett.
                            everyone knows his tendencies and track record re. this. Baseless vitriol,usu.And most know of your nearly impeccable track record; i think being called in as an Arbiter for a Topalov match verifies this, as well as the utmost respect of the international chess community.
                            We need something from Ferrier now. It is the perceived cover-up that may be his undoing. If you are reading this, Jim, please respond. An independent inquiry would clear this up , as well. Indded, it may the only way. Criminal charges against Mr.Thorvardsson can still be levied. No statute there, but you'd have to check w/ a criminal lwayer, of course. As well as anyone aiding or abetting, complicit, or receiving some of these funds that Barry looks to have embezzled. He really thought he had done nothing wrong? Can he spell megalomania?Incredible, or as , Larry Christiansen always says."Amaazink!"


                            • #74
                              Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                              Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
                              I'm not a lawyer, but from what I read (and I did look into it in 2008) the Statute of Limitations has passed on this matter, in terms of suing Barry. That's why I originally requested that the investigation be completed in 2008, not at the end of 2009, so that we would have that option even though the general consensus from the AGM was that we wouldn't use it.

                              In what way exactly have I not been objective on Chesstalk? Larry has access to the moderator logs as well and he'll be able to see that I haven't done anything to anyone's posts.

                              I have not spoken with Alice Laimer, other than maybe saying "Hello" at the AGM if she was there. You'll have to ask Eric if the investigators ever contacted her.
                              How about Jim Ferrier? He signed the money over to Barry, I guess.What was, or is , the nature of their relationship?


                              • #75
                                Re: $120,000 disappears into thin air and no questions asked!

                                Originally posted by David McTavish View Post
                                How about Jim Ferrier? He signed the money over to Barry, I guess.What was, or is , the nature of their relationship?
                                What you mean " I guess " ? It has been confirmed numerous time.

                                Above from Hal Bond email:"Jim Ferrier was the Treasurer during this period and when I contacted him he confirmed that he provided a second signature."
                                A computer beat me in chess, but it was no match when it came to kickboxing

