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  • #16
    Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

    Originally posted by Jason Lohner View Post
    This is what happens when you play too much starcraft
    Husky is LAME. THIS is what happens when you play too much Starcraft:


    • #17
      Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

      Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
      Well, "too much" is by definition bad, but how much is "too much"? My personal position would be that any amount of "starcraft" is already "too much", but I admit to bias.
      If you are a biased bloke who blindly speaks out hatred, then BEGONE. YOU ARE ALSO NO LONGER WELCOME IN THIS THREAD.


      • #18
        Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

        Originally posted by Jason Lohner View Post
        Have you ever tried it? Starcraft may be just a 'video game' but it has dominated the strategy genre for around 10 years. It's the chess of video games, simple in concept, but amazingly deep. World championships are held and there are people who make their living playing this one game. Just try it you might find that you actually like it :)

        How many people watched the last Chess world championship live? Do you think they could pack a building like the last Starcraft World championship?
        There's been another WCG since. Flash won, obviously. Big events in Korea get hella more people, though:


        • #19
          Re : Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

          I used to love Starcraft 1, but I got tired very fast of the second one. Maybe it's because I don't have enough RAM to make it run smoothly....


          • #20
            Re: Re : Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

            Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
            I used to love Starcraft 1, but I got tired very fast of the second one. Maybe it's because I don't have enough RAM to make it run smoothly....
            Starcraft 2 is lame in comparison... Only good thing is that it has Boxer, July and Nada. They only switched because they're old and don't get to play much Brood War anymore.


            • #21
              Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

              Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
              If you are a biased bloke
              If you believe that there is anyone without biases, including yourself, then I think you are disconnected with reality. Your apparent belief that you can somehow "banish" me from the thread lends supporting evidence to this theory.


              • #22
                Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                If you believe that there is anyone without biases, including yourself, then I think you are disconnected with reality. Your apparent belief that you can somehow "banish" me from the thread lends supporting evidence to this theory.
                Sir, having a bias towards something is a far cry from blindly hating it and making purposeless, distasteful posts towards it. I cannot stop you from posting in here, but it is most certainly not welcome. Please educate yourself on the matter at hand before posting any further.


                • #23
                  Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                  Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                  Sir, having a bias towards something is a far cry from blindly hating it
                  I don't have any blind hates, that's merely your ugly misinterpretation of what I said.

                  and making purposeless, distasteful posts towards it. I cannot stop you from posting in here, but it is most certainly not welcome.
                  Lighten up guy! It was an offhand remark, nothing more. Everyone in the world doesn't have to like what you like. I take your excessive and over the top language as evidence that my bias is correct.

                  Please educate yourself on the matter at hand before posting any further.
                  Please feel entirely free to go out and have yourself stuffed.


                  • #24
                    Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                    Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                    I don't have any blind hates, that's merely your ugly misinterpretation of what I said.

                    Lighten up guy! It was an offhand remark, nothing more. Everyone in the world doesn't have to like what you like. I take your excessive and over the top language as evidence that my bias is correct.

                    Please feel entirely free to go out and have yourself stuffed.
                    Sir, in response to a inquiry as to whether or not you've played Starcraft before, you responded with the following: "Nope." You know nothing of the matter at hand, yet you are posting derogatory remarks. I do not butt into conversations about Fable with hateful comments, for I've never played it and know nothing about it. I'd appreciate it if you could show the same courtesy and respect for the topic at hand.


                    • #25
                      Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                      Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                      Sir, in response to a inquiry as to whether or not you've played Starcraft before, you responded with the following: "Nope."
                      Because I hate computer games other than chess and the odd manic run at freecell. So there was no need to know more. However, if you think people have to have actual knowlege before having an opinion then you are exceedingly naive.

                      If you cannot tolerate people having other opinions for no good reason than you then for your own good you had best go into a monastary. Otherwise you'll soon be in another institution.

                      If you think what I said was "hateful" then report it to the police. Otherwise maybe you should, for your own good, learn to tone down your rhetoric. It is over the top, pointless, and silly. Can't be good for your health.

                      Maybe you should see if you can buy yourself a sense of humour.


                      • #26
                        Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                        Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                        Because I hate computer games other than chess and the odd manic run at freecell. So there was no need to know more. However, if you think people have to have actual knowlege before having an opinion then you are exceedingly naive.

                        If you cannot tolerate people having other opinions for no good reason than you then for your own good you had best go into a monastary. Otherwise you'll soon be in another institution.

                        If you think what I said was "hateful" then report it to the police. Otherwise maybe you should, for your own good, learn to tone down your rhetoric. It is over the top, pointless, and silly. Can't be good for your health.

                        Maybe you should see if you can buy yourself a sense of humour.
                        Sir, computer games cover an incredibly broad spectrum. While I am capable of handling the opinions of others, your bigotry is not appreciated, nor are your strange insults (I've yet to be in any kind of mental institution). Perhaps you should attempt to purchase the ability to interact with others in a civilised manner. Goodbye.


                        • #27
                          Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                          Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                          Sir, computer games cover an incredibly broad spectrum. While I am capable of handling the opinions of others, your bigotry is not appreciated, nor are your strange insults (I've yet to be in any kind of mental institution). Perhaps you should attempt to purchase the ability to interact with others in a civilised manner. Goodbye.
                          As the man said, get stuffed!
                          Fred Harvey


                          • #28
                            Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                            Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
                            As the man said, get stuffed!
                            Sir... Please stay out of my affairs.


                            • #29
                              Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                              Originally posted by Lucas Davies View Post
                              Sir... Please stay out of my affairs.
                              This thread could become awesome, when Starcraft obsession goes to a StarCraft board.


                              • #30
                                Re: Playing TOO MUCH CHESS.

                                Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                                Because I hate computer games other than chess and the odd manic run at freecell. So there was no need to know more. However, if you think people have to have actual knowlege before having an opinion then you are exceedingly naive.
                                I'm hoping this is sarcasm. Or maybe you're talking about what reality is, and not what we should all be attempting to be. Generally, if I have no knowledge of something, I don't like to immediately denigrate and insult it.

