CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

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  • #16
    Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

    Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
    The original target was March 15th - tomorrow! Are we ready to roll? Can someone give an update?
    I am awaiting the final schedule from the contractors. I don't think we will have the site finished until the latter part of April.

    There is lots of work going on, though.


    • #17
      Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

      Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
      I said "suspect". I don't think that qualifies as a promise.
      Oh. "suspect". I guess I missed that weasel word. :p
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • #18
        Re: Presidential Candidates??

        Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) urges those governors or new incoming governors thinking of running for President, to declare themselves early now. We hope other current executive will now declare their intentions, as well as new candidates for the other executive positions.

        As we noted in our original post, the CFC Members will shortly start electing the new incoming CFC governors in their provinces ( the Greater Toronto Chess League/Ont. AGM usually comes up in early April ). The members should know who the executive candidates are, and who their local representative CFC Governor candidates are backing, so they know whether to vote for them or not.

        Reality check: Last year there were exactly 6 people who came forward to fill the 6 elected executive positions. Certainly, I'd love to see enough people to come forward to need elections, but I'm a bit doubtful.


        • #19
          Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

          KS weighs in today on the CFC's recent leadership.


          • #20
            Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

            Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
            KS weighs in today on the CFC's recent leadership.
            Is the new web site on budget?
            Gary Ruben
            CC - IA and SIM


            • #21
              Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

              Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
              KS weighs in today on the CFC's recent leadership.
              KC informs ChessTalk about some guy's blog today.... again.


              • #22
                Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                I'm glad to see you noticed, Roger. I suppose I could copy and paste sections of it if you prefer?


                • #23
                  Please Don't!

                  Thank you!!


                  • #24
                    Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                    Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                    Is the memberships up or down this term?
                    The membership count is down.
                    May 1, 2010 - 1883
                    March 1, 2011 - 1826
                    Drop = 57

                    My target was to get to 2,000 members by May 1, 2011. It is doubtful we will reach the target and this is very disappointing.

                    The biggest drop is with the BC Juniors.
                    May 1, 2010 - 90 members
                    March 1, 2011 - 56 members
                    Drop = 34
                    The other loses are in Alberta, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland.

                    We are investigating and will report in full at the April governors meeting.

                    We will accomplish two major initiatives this year, the new website and the introduction of the CYCC qualification system. The new website is on budget but about a month behind the original launch date. Remember, this project was in limbo for several years, what is one more month. Patience please. :)

                    Similarly, the CYCC qualification system was in limbo for years. It is not perfect yet, but we did not shy away from it. We made it happen. Year 2 will be better as we fix the problems on the fly.

                    We expect both these projects to generate new members long term. :D


                    • #25
                      Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                      Is the new web site on budget?
                      Yes. No changes have been made to the original price.


                      • #26
                        Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                        If I could nominate/prefer people for the position of CFC President for 2011-12, my own choices at the moment would be confined to people in the Ottawa area that I've known.

                        There's Aris Marghetis, though he may be too busy or uninterested.

                        Then there's Gordon Ritchie, though he's been emphatically uninterested in the past.

                        Then there's Neil James Frarey (who Tom reports may be returning to the chess scene soon), who might pull (or put ) the CFC out of it's [currently slowly improving?] misery with some bold strategy or another.
                        Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                        Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                        • #27
                          Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                          Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                          If I could nominate/prefer people for the position of CFC President for 2011-12, my own choices at the moment would be confined to people in the Ottawa area that I've known.

                          There's Aris Marghetis, though he may be too busy or uninterested.

                          Then there's Gordon Ritchie, though he's been emphatically uninterested in the past.

                          Then there's Neil James Frarey (who Tom reports may be returning to the chess scene soon), who might pull (or put ) the CFC out of it's [currently slowly improving?] misery with some bold strategy or another.
                          For those who haven't followed the Ottawa scene, here's at least some observations on my prefered choices that I can make (other than stating that all have been CFC Governors at one time or another):

                          Aris is (and has been) President of the Eastern Ontario Chess Association (EOCA), and he currently organizes and directs all of the roughly half dozen annual EOCA events held in Ottawa at the RA. He has been especially active on chess message boards, belting out event reports, pairings, etc.

                          Gordon chaired the organizing committee for the 2007 Canadian Open in Ottawa, and was involved with some of Canada's international trade negotiations in the past. He is currently President of the RA club.

                          Neil has been President of the EOCA in the past. At his own cost he established the Ottawa Chess Club Website & Message Board (which became defunct years later, but has since been revived by another person). Also at his own cost, he has donated chess clocks and equipment to local clubs. In the past he has organized and directed EOCA tournaments in Ottawa. Years ago he fought for the RA club to adopt a new policy allowing many more juniors under 14 into the club, which has greatly boosted club membership in the years since. A man of mercurial temperment and innovative ideas, he's definitely the choice of those willing to take a risk in the hope of large gains.
                          Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Saturday, 19th March, 2011, 05:53 PM.
                          Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                          Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                          • #28
                            Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                            Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                            At his own cost he established the Ottawa Chess Club Website & Message Board (which became defunct years later, but has since been revived by another person).
                            "At his own cost" ... well I dunno about the OCC website, but the message board is on a free and ad-riddled provider, so I'm sure that broke the bank :p
                            Christopher Mallon
                            FIDE Arbiter


                            • #29
                              Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                              Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
                              "At his own cost" ... well I dunno about the OCC website, but the message board is on a free and ad-riddled provider, so I'm sure that broke the bank :p
                              The OCC Website wasn't free (don't know the cost).

                              Chris, instead of taking the time to take shots at your old rival NJF, how about sometime improving the chesstalk Social Group and Friends features so that they are more useful/user-friendly, if that's within your power?
                              Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                              Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                              • #30
                                Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                                I wasn't taking a shot at NJF, I was simply saying that claiming the board cost anything is pretty funny.

                                As for the social group and friends features... I've never used them, and on every site I actually own myself I've just disabled them when I install them since I have no use for them. It's great that you've found a use, but as for actually improving - that would probably need a forum software upgrade, which = $$$. You could see if the newer vB versions such as the one the CFC site uses have any more useful features, and if so, you could ask Larry if he'll pay for the upgrade. From an administrator standpoint, there is little reason to bother with an upgrade at this time.
                                Christopher Mallon
                                FIDE Arbiter

