Occupy Movement is back

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  • #46
    Re: Occupy Movement is back

    Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
    Bob Rae is and has always been a liberal.
    Bob Rae was elected on a platform of public auto insurance, if you recall. When he got elected that promise went by the wayside.

    The problems ran deeper than his handling of the economy.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #47
      Re: Occupy Movement is back

      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Hi Guys:

      Is this the same party founded by ex-Conservative/ex-Liberal , Paul Hellyer?

      Bob A
      I remember Hellyer but have no idea regarding your question.

      Seeing as how this thread is about rebelling and that sort of thing, I believe in fighting the fights that need fighting.

      An example would be that bill they want to bring in which allows snooping on peoples internet and online connections.
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • #48
        Re: Occupy Movement is back

        Hi Gary

        I recalled you mentioned Paul Hellyer was mentioned, when I posted concerning CAP ages ago. Indeed, my memory turned out to be correct:


        Regarding the federal (Conservative) bill you mentioned, it appears from what I've seen in the media that they may be beginning to back peddle on that one.

        In the last federal election I faced a dilemma. No fringe party to vote for in my riding, other than the Greens, which were unacceptable to me (for reasons McGuinty's Green Energy policy has highlighted). I held my nose and voted, against the possibility of a coalition. I don't believe in not voting. In such a case, even fringe parties that no one likes might get in, if almost everyone abstained too.

        My preference is for the Family Coalition (sp?) guy who runs in our riding, though lately he's only been doing it provincially. Of course, if no parties ran in this country that were anything but toxic (e.g. communist, like the NDP's constitution was based on when it was first formed), then I'd have to choose between running myself, if I could, or leaving the country, the latter being the realistic option.
        Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
        Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


        • #49
          Re: Occupy Movement is back

          Kevin, like I said, I remember him from his cabinet days. However, what he's done since isn't something that has stuck in my mind. He had his 15 minutes.

          They should back peddle on on that snooping (or spy if your prefer) bill. Harper should replace that minister.
          Gary Ruben
          CC - IA and SIM


          • #50
            Occupy Movement - What is the Future?

            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
            To mark the 4 month anniversary of the first OWS occupation at Zucotti Park in New York City, the Occupy movement marched on Capital Hill yesterday to protest corporate money influence on US politics.


            Protesters also returned recently to Zucotti Park, but without their tents.
            ( from New York Times ) Kalle Lasn ..... is the editor of Adbusters, whose Twitter tag #OccupyWallStreet branded the movement last summer. He does not feel the Occupy movement needs to look to the Port Huron statement for guidance. “If you ask me what is the most powerful, personal and collective feeling of people in the Occupy movement, it is a feeling of gloom and doom, that they’re looking toward a black hole future,” Mr. Lasn said. “I’m not quite sure we need a manifesto to say that.”

            Bob A


            • #51
              Re: Occupy Movement is back

              Well, it seems now is the chance for the Occupy movement to try to make a difference in Ontario. Budget time in Ontario and a minority government.

              The NDP, last time I read their position, wanted a wealth surtax on incomes over $500,000.00 per year plus child care, disability support, $100 million more in health care, scrapping plans to privatize the Ontario Northland Transportation corporation (whatever that is) and capping salaries of public sector executives at $418,000.00.

              The premier was offering a bit more for child care and a 1% raise in benefits for the disabled which, in my opinion, will make what they receive a bit less pathetic. He'll pay for this by cutting from education and cutting from the drug plan, according to my newspaper.

              Ms. Horwath completely misses the boat on the deterioration of the mental health system in this province, or possibly she doesn't know or agrees with what's happening with that.

              So come next week we'll know if the NDP will accept a few crumbs from McGuinty or if they will go for a home run. The NDP has a chance to make a real difference, in my view, because I don't think the liberals are in a position to increase their number of seats in an election.

              We'll see if the leader of the NDP can play high stakes poker with the premier of the province now she has something he needs.
              Gary Ruben
              CC - IA and SIM

