Anthropogenic Climate Change ( title changed ) - Assertion & Denial

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  • Re: International APD Report (# 14-3) Climate Change

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Sign me up please.
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    Bob A


    • International APD Report (# 14-4) ACC Analysis & Remedies (Pt. I)

      International APD Report

      Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Planetary Destruction

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      Issue # 14-4 – February 15, 2014

      Hi Newsletter Subscribers:

      Part I of 2:

      Climate Change, including Global Warming: A Layman’s Perspective (By Bob Armstrong, Editor)

      1. The earth has gone through global warming and global cooling cycles over the eons.
      (I suspect GW Deniers are right, that the earth some times in the past, has actually been hotter than now).

      2. However, there is strong evidence that since the last global cooling period (the last Ice Age), we are in a steady global warming cycle again.

      3. Some of the climate change (including global warming) we are experiencing in this current cycle is from natural causes (some GW Denier evidence is that other planets have been warming as well, where there is no man-made influence on climate).

      4. Man-made gases on earth are a significant contributor to our current climate change cycle - CO2 in the atmosphere being the main problem (and the oceans are warming, and from CO2 absorption, are becoming more acidic). Human farming practices are also contributing:

      a. The world's livestock produce more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined;
      b. 24% of all land on the planet is used for beef and dairy farming; 20% of all land is used for grazing - twice the area used for crops; 70% of all agricultural land is now used for livestock; 18% of all greenhouse gases come from cattle farming.
      Note: I was advised:” the greenhouse gas produced by livestock is methane, and a little research shows that while methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, there is over 200 times more CO2 in the atmosphere. Hence the amount of warming methane contributes is 28% of the warming CO2 contributes." What I am unsure of now is what is meant by methane being more potent – is it that if we have the same amount of methane as CO2, the methane contributes more to the warming than the CO2 because it is denser?

      5. The consequences to life on earth are dramatic and detrimental from climate change/global warming, if not eventually fatal to man - we experience

      a) not only “ warming “ ,
      b) but also greater extremes of climate and weather. ( from Brian Armstrong - For example, disruption of the gulf stream which relies on arctic ice caps to move warm air and sea water along the European coast has led to a cooling of Britain, and further loss of ice mass could mean a dramatic drop in temperatures in that area. ( Also, warmer does not necessarily mean drier climate: for example the interior of Africa faces the threat of desertification, but the release of locked arctic H20 into the weather system means more dramatic cycling into storms, hurricanes, and flooding in other areas.)

      6. So we must try to slow the cycle down re what we have control over - the production of man-made emission of climate changing gases.

      7. We can hope that in future, we may discover some methods of also slowing down at least some of the natural causes of climate change/global warming.
      Climate Change Analysis & Remedies

      # 13/14 – 13/6/17

      What is Solution to Climate Change?:

      # 29/14 - 2010

      Social Exploitation and Climate Change (by Brian Armstrong)

      Climate is a complex system that is little understood and even less successfully controlled by humans; environment is any system in which humans necessarily exist, and people’s relationship to this system – especially to the other people within it - in turn affect the ability of the system to sustain itself. With this in mind, it becomes more poignant to examine how our current climate problems have at their root social problems. Addressing these issues, in many cases grave human rights violations, is an immediate, effective and lasting agent of positive change, while current abstract climate rhetoric centered around the environmental symptoms eclipses the real issues and generally propagates the ‘business as usual’ strategy.'

      Consider this:

      The largest producers of C02 are tied to production and use of oil, and extraction of minerals. Every major mineral extraction venture is tied to grave human rights violations - the entire history of colonization revolves (continues to revolve) around resource domination.
      The Iraq war is motivated and fuelled by oil production, the Afghan war is arguably motivated by strategic control of mineral extraction.
      It takes the equivalent of 10, 000 cars to fuel an aircraft carrier's trip to Afghanistan.
      The greatest environmental sacrifice zone, The Athabasca Tar Sands, are a hot point for Native resistance against ongoing genocide that resource extraction has inflicted on their people.
      Regardless of their contributions overall to climate change, urban sprawl, automobile culture, and excessive consumption are directly related to pollution and toxicity which degrade standard of living at a local level.

      In every instance of major environmental destruction, including greenhouse gas production, we find tied to it grave social injustices. This is something that science cannot refute. Not to say that science does not have a place in the argument, only that science removed from its social context (purposely) obscures progress. A new mentality is growing that the industrial-capitalist model that served us during the last century is at best no longer relevant, and at worst continuing to facilitate and protect those that profit off rights violations and environmental damage. Many environmental groups thus seek to check and balance these political, economic, and social issues, with the understanding that advances in social justice are synonymous with advances in environmental justice.

      # 27/14 – 07/12/20

      Historical Scientific Review of Global Warming & Denial Strategy (Re Oceans: YouTube – Speech – about 1 hr.):

      Be Strong Chats about the Environment
      (By Brian Armstrong, part-time columnist)

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      An Income Analysis of Climate Change - 14/2/10

      I think one of the most interesting things about APD (as our newsletter so bluntly calls it) is the socio-political effects. Many people do not understand why corporations/co-opted governments would continue to do things that put the whole human race in danger. Well, the truth is that climate change affects different classes of people very differently - the evidence shows that difficult and unpredictable climate patterns and resource shortage disproportionately affects poor and marginalized populations, and in fact benefits the already rich and powerful who use this disadvantage to further consolidate power, appropriate resources, and profit off imbalance and scarcity. It's like a sinking ship, you can either organize a mass exodus, or steal/sell the lifeboats!

      This is why the political right and self-serving corporations who subscribe to the social Darwinist mentality are so brazen and aggressive (as well as a huge push in covert intelligence and psy-op strategies) about exploiting resources, innovating technology and monitoring resistance movements (which, in all its heart and courage, is using only a gnat-sized part of its potential). This is because they know better than anyone (no they are not 'denying', or 'ignorant' like we naively believe) that the stakes are getting very high very quickly!
      A small proportion of upper middle class and specific regions will not even feel much effect at all, and will be nursed as necessary machinery in the upper echelons of these hegemonic hierarchies (tempting to deny anything is happening for both reasons). The general and poor population, mostly caught up in struggling with the day to day actualities of ADP and global hegemony, are way behind in their understanding and foresight of what extinction-level change really means and how we can resist those few who are the major driving force, and become more resilient. It will not happen like in the movies, with all the floods, earthquakes, starving, flooding and zombies happening in 90 minutes. Though it will happen quickly on a geological scale (the earth is 7 billion yrs. old) it will happen slow enough in the lifetime of a human that we are like the frog in the pot that will stay in the boiling water as long as the temperature is raised gradually enough.

      Continued in Part II Below
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 18th February, 2014, 09:38 PM.


      • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

        International IAPD Report, Issue # 14-4, Feb. 15, 2014

        Part II of 2:

        How to READ IAPDR: The links provide an extensive amount of material. They cannot be meaningfully read all at once. We suggest archiving your APD’s, and when you have time and interest, go pick one link to peruse. Then leave it for a while. It may be that some can deal with a few links at a time, but we feel trying to do them all at one sitting is counter-productive. Also, when archived, you have research at your fingertips, should you need it in future.

        Readers’ Feedback – We welcome your comments on what you read, see, etc., whether laudatory, questioning or constructive criticism. Or if you have something you’d like published, send it to us and we’ll discuss it to you – from links, public articles, etc., to you writing your own article to be published here. Contact: .

        THIS NEWSLETTER IS FREE – IAPDR is targeted to come out on the 1st and 15th of each month (due to scheduling conflicts, readers may have to cut us some slack on this sometimes). As we’ve said, should you think this newsletter might be of interest to any of your family or friends, I’d be pleased to have them subscribe – as I said, it is free. Just “forward” the cover e-mail and this newsletter attachment to them, and they can decide then whether to respond to me or not: .

        Newsletter Goals: There are passionate advocates, and passionate so-called deniers both with respect to ACC & APD. This newsletter is just trying to do its small bit on sharing info & raising “awareness”. We hope to generate thereby, a more intelligent debate on these issues. Though we are among those concerned about the planetary changes occurring, which we see as negative, we do seek to present information on both sides of the debate (though our balance will be in favour of those concerned).

        Editor: Bob Armstrong:

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        The Aboriginal first nations' historical ties to nature, in all countries, give them a big advantage over us immigrants, with respect to dealing with Planetary Destruction, including Climate Change. We ignore their wisdom at our peril.

        Published by: International Anthropogenic Planetary Destruction Clearing House;
        Coordinator: Bob Armstrong


        • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

          Look all, enough is enough.

          While the banter back and forth on climate change, bee population collapsing etc has been well and good, this is getting out of hand.

          I thought this bulletin board was called CHESStalk. I don't come here to read multi-post newsletters about climate change issues. If I wanted that, I would log onto CLIMATEtalk.


          • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

            Amen to that! But dream on, this site has for years been hi-jacked by a few guys without a life!
            Fred Harvey


            • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

              Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
              Amen to that! But dream on, this site has for years been hi-jacked by a few guys without a life!
              Is this a case of you like chess but you don't like chess players?

              The international chess message boards I used to frequent also had various posts not on chess topics. That's what keeps them interesting.

              Not everyone on chess message boards play at the same level nor do they have the same interest in openings, kids or adult chess or any other of a number of things.

              Now Bob and I don't agree on a lot of things but I like Bob and if he wants to write about stuff I have to look up in a dictionary that's OK with me.
              Gary Ruben
              CC - IA and SIM


              • Re: Climate Change ( 3rd Version ) - Assertion & Denial

                Check the Australian "chess" discussion boards. As well as off-topic forums ("fora"?), they even have chess broken down into several sub-forums (I prefer just one for chess). Parental guidance may be suggested for some of the humour threads. :-)



                • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

                  Hi Gary:

                  I'm surprised you know what a dictionary is - did they have them around when you were a kid,,,,,in the dinosaur era! :)

                  Bob A (by the way, "anthropogenic" wasn't mine...I got corrected by someone on this board, because I was wrongly using "anthropomorphic". In fact, my 35 year old Random House Dictionary doesn't even have "anthropogenic"! So it is a good thing that person explained it to me! This board is so helpful on so many things besides chess!)


                  • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

                    I read in the newspaper today that climate change is a scam. I suspected as much. :)


                    • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      I read in the newspaper today that climate change is a scam. I suspected as much. :)
                      Hi Vlad:

                      Well....I at least post my source!! Was it your own newspaper you publish for yourself? Source please - I like to investigate sources, mine and those of the deniers! None of us on either side wants to be "scammed".

                      Bob A


                      • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

                        Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                        I thought this bulletin board was called CHESStalk. I don't come here to read multi-post newsletters about climate change issues. If I wanted that, I would log onto CLIMATEtalk.
                        Uff. The problem is that many come here to READ, not talk. Whatever subject is :/
                        Nevertheless, the climate change is important for outdoor chess. Thus, this is not completely off-topic LOL


                        • Re: International APD Report (# 14-4) Climate Change Analysis & Remedies (Pt. II)

                          Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                          Uff. The problem is that many come here to READ, not talk. Whatever subject is :/
                          Nevertheless, the climate change is important for outdoor chess. Thus, this is not completely off-topic LOL
                          Hi Egis:

                          Not to mention, the connection when we get great extremes of weather, like record-breaking snow & ice-storms, and players call in to their clubs asking for "byes". Anthropogenic Planetary Destruction is important for that chess too! :)

                          Bob A


                          • Climate Change Analysis

                            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                            I read in the newspaper today that climate change is a scam. I suspected as much. :)
                            Let me guess: was it Rex Murphy, the journalist "for hire" by the oil and gas industry, who pretends objectivity while shilling for climate change deniers?

                            Rex has been outed and the CBC is back-pedaling, trying to justify him, while claiming they have new policies that will prevent such shills from using the CBC for their own bully platform.

                            Neil Young 1 Rex 0. No contest.

                            See The Rex Murphy Big Oil Soap Opera
                            Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Friday, 21st February, 2014, 01:09 AM.
                            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                            • Re: Anthropogenic Climate Change - Dyer article

                              Gwynne Dyer has a little piece on "Documenting the blindingly obvious effects of climate change".

                              Here is a taste of the article ...

                              Originally posted by G. Dyer
                              f you want to go on eating regularly in a rapidly warming world, then live in a place that’s either high in latitude or high in altitude. Alternatively, be rich, because the rich never starve. But otherwise, prepare to be hungry.

                              That’s the real message of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report on the impact of warming on human beings, released this week: the main impact is on the food supply. Of course, everybody who was paying attention has already known that for years, including the scientists. It’s just that scientists are professionally cautious, and will not say anything that they cannot prove beyond any shadow of a doubt.
                              Dyer goes on to point out that while countries like Canada, in the higher latitudes, may do much better than other countries nearer to the equator, we are going to have billions of very hungry people. It won't be zombies that get you.

                              the World Bank, for example, has long known approximately how much food production every major country will lose when the average global temperature is 2 degrees C higher. At least seven years ago it gave contracts to think tanks in every major capital to answer precisely that question.

                              What the think tanks told the World Bank was that India will lose 25 percent of its food production. China, I have been told by somebody who saw the report from the Beijing think tank, will lose a catastrophic 38 percent. But these results have never been published, because the governments concerned did not want such alarming numbers out in public and were able to restrain the World Bank from releasing them.

                              So, too, for example, the armed forces of many countries have been incorporating predictions of this sort into their scenarios of the future for at least five years.
                              So I guess the World Bank and the military of the US, the UK, Russia, India, Pakistan, China and Japan have all got this wrong?

                              Yes! ... we're told that evidence of climate change due to global warming is just a bunch of yammering by left-wing, granola-chewing kooks.

                              Uh huh. Seems like a great expense for nothing by these global institutions.
                              Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                              • Re: Anthropogenic Climate Change - IPCC report

                                Supplemental: 5 key takeaways from the most recent United Nations IPCC (United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released today:

                                1. The food supply is in trouble.

                                2. The poor will be hit hardest, but the rich will feel it too.

                                3. The world will become less stable (conflicts over resources intensify with reduced food and increased "natural" disasters).

                                4. Wealthy countries are minimizing their responsibility. The example is given from the World Bank, noting that poorer countries would need $100 Billion/year to offset the effects of climate change; rich countries, like Canada and the US "tried to have that figure stricken from the 48-page executive summary that most readers and the press would peruse before turning to the full report." I find sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la" works just as well.

                                5. The next big chance to do something is later this year.

                                See Connecting the Dots - Five Key Takeaways ...
                                Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

