My 61 Memorable Games

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  • #16
    Re: The Dance Goes On!

    Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
    The Dance Goes On!
    Fine. For $100 I was going to loan it to you under the condition you get the money back when I get the book back. That's now off the table.

    I paid $400 for each of my copies.

    The one I've been reading is available for $500.
    The one I've been preserving (unopened, unread) is available for $600.


    • #17
      Re: My 61 Memorable Games

      Looking at book's photos, I really amazed, that B.F. commented and wrote in a such strange way:

      487 page. (
      He (somebody) provides the variation at move 12 then goes 10 moves (24.) and starts to give blunders (M 24. fg3 is a gross blunder). Looks weird to me.
      The header of the books is most funny: "My 61 memorable games, November 9, 2007"
      What's so special about this date to include in a header? :)


      • #18
        Of course, it is off the table...............

        It was never on the table! All you needed was some excuse not to show the book.

        BTW, I WOULDN'T PUT $100 DOWN FOR A LOOK-SEE BECAUSE I WOULD THEN OWN IT AT THAT PRICE. One would never get the $100 back, but would, de facto, have bought it!!


        What a joke this whole thing is. A book that is a piece of CRAP, someone who is desperately trying to legitimize it with fake reviews and fake postings and also trying to unload copies at $100 as a "deposit."

        Good-Bye, whoever you are!

        Larry, how do you vet these "new" members?


        • #19
          Re : Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

          Originally posted by Art Hamilton View Post
          Louis, if you said you'd bring $3000 to me in person for chess book, I'd think you were a policeman. Maybe you scared her off. Why didn't you just agree to buy 1 in person?
          Art, I emailed her during the ebay auction and several weeks after. The auction was for all books she had, not only one. At the time, she was not interested to sell only one book. The 30 books I was ready to buy was the very minimum she was willing to sell. At first, her husband was supposed to bring the books in Montreal, but for some reason changed his mind. Then came several nonsense claims (for example, most books were put to garbage in a shopping mall) before she asked me to send money by mail to a post office box. Anyway, if the book is real and you could get a copy, congratulations! But what a poor bookseller she was! She acted as if she was selling illegal stuff and her life was being threathened.

          No, I will not buy a single copy for $400 or $600.


          • #20
            Re: Re : Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

            Originally posted by Louis Morin View Post
            Art, I emailed her during the ebay auction and several weeks after. The auction was for all books she had, not only one. At the time, she was not interested to sell only one book. The 30 books I was ready to buy was the very minimum she was willing to sell. At first, her husband was supposed to bring the books in Montreal, but for some reason changed his mind. Then came several nonsense claims (for example, most books were put to garbage in a shopping mall) before she asked me to send money by mail to a post office box. Anyway, if the book is real and you could get a copy, congratulations! But what a poor bookseller she was! She acted as if she was selling illegal stuff and her life was being threathened.

            No, I will not buy a single copy for $400 or $600.


            In my opinion, the whole thing is a scam...and you did well to keep your money in your jeans :)

            I doubt that the fellow who recently posted here under the name of using his-her real name.

            I will do some research in the next 48 hours.



            • #21
              Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

              Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post

              In my opinion, the whole thing is a scam...
              Fischer's old friend Larry Evans fell victime of the hoax too. Here are his two articles about it:




              • #22
                Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                ;) empty :)
                Last edited by Egidijus Zeromskis; Friday, 16th January, 2009, 08:10 PM.


                • #23
                  And Yet Another "New Member"

                  joins the posting attempt to make this book "really" a Fischer book.

                  Just helping a friend? More like, just the same guy!


                  • #24
                    My 61 Memorable Games

                    LOL! When the moderator pulls/deletes the offending e-mail, it makes one wonder what I am railing on about!!


                    • #25
                      Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                      Guess my opinion on this book does not count? I validated Art's post, I have the book it is real, almost as large as a Bible!.many many hundreds of new annotations from Fischer, new unpublished pics, easy to follow figurine algebraic anecdotes from Bobby, corrections to the typos, ect. This is the real deal!!IMHO


                      • #26
                        You Validated Nothing...............

                        You are a fake just as Art H. was!

                        I think you will have to try some other Bulletin Board where you might have more luck.

                        OK, more fakes may arrive, but I will not respond any further. Sufficient opinions above should convince even the most gullible that the book is a fake and not by Fischer.

                        It is obvious that someone put a lot of cash having this "book" printed and now he/she/they are squirming with the cost and no chance to sell it!

                        Serves you/them right.


                        • #27
                          Re : You Validated Nothing...............

                          Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                          Sufficient opinions above should convince even the most gullible that the book is a fake and not by Fischer.
                          Using on the ISBN given in the eBay auction, I obtained the following:

                          "ISBN-10: 0-9666673-0-1 (0966667301)
                          ISBN-13: 978-0-9666673-0-1 (9780966667301)
                          No copies of this book were found in stock from
                          over 100 online book stores and marketplaces."

                          Even a fake book not written by Fischer would find buyers... if it exists. My personal opinion is that it does not even exist.
                          Last edited by Louis Morin; Saturday, 17th January, 2009, 01:24 AM.


                          • #28
                            Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                            In my opinion the book exists, is written by Fischer and is weirdly distributed because of copyright and other legal issues.


                            • #29
                              Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                              Although Ed Trice is renowned for creating fake accounts and IDs to post in various newsgroups and message boards, Bruce Towell is not one of them. Bruce is a real person and seems to have genuinely bought a couple of copies of this vanity press book for several hundred dollars apiece!

                              There is a huge amount of evidence pointing to Ed Trice being the initiator of this scam at Edward Labate's website:

                              Labate's page on "My 61 Memorable Games" isn't the easiest one in the world to work your way through, but it's worth persevering as there are some real gems there, including:

                              1) An e-mail from Dan Heisman (who belongs to the same chess club as Trice) confirming that Ed Trice showed him a manuscript of "My 61 Memorable Games", claiming it had been sent to him by someone in Iceland.

                              2) A message posted by Bruce Towell saying that Ed Trice spoke to him about "this project" in Summer 2007.

                              3) An e-mail from Cathy Purdy of confirming that Ed Trice asked her for a quote for printing "My 61 Memorable Games".

                              4) Numerous e-mails between Ed Trice and Edward Labate. If these are faked by Labate then you can be sure that Trice will have sued him by now!

                              That Ed Trice had "My 61 Memorable Games" published is a certainty, the only question is whether Fischer himself had anything to do with it. I have not seen a single shred of evidence to suggest that Fischer collaborated with Trice over this book and my opinion is that Trice is responsible for the whole thing himself.
                              Last edited by Jon D'Souza-Eva; Monday, 2nd February, 2009, 11:44 AM.


                              • #30
                                Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                                Originally posted by Lawrence Day View Post
                                In my opinion the book exists, is written by Fischer and is weirdly distributed because of copyright and other legal issues.
                                I've had it for a week. It's hard to put down.

                                Some of the 2007 revisions I posted into
                                chessgames threads-->Keres, Robatsch, Petrosian.

                                I definitely believe it's written by Fischer however if it were a matter of whether the proceeds went to child support for Fischer's daughter Jinky, to Batsford's lawyers, or to the U.S. Treasury, then I would consider reconsidering;
                                otherwise, definitely.

                                fwiw this copy is second edition, printed in Iceland but no publisher or editor listed. I connected through Joshka.

