Toronto Labour Day Open

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  • #16
    Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

    2012: Chief Arbiter: Geordie Derraugh
    Deputy Arbiter: Bryan Lamb

    2011: TD: Bryan Lamb

    2010: Bryan was (chief?) TD.


    • #17
      Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

      Any listing of preregistered players would be greatly appreciated (a link).


      • #18
        Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

        I tried sending an e-mail to Then I got a Mailer Daemon notice saying that the person doesn't have a Rogers account! Any ideas anyone? Did he provide the wrong e-mail for himself?? Maybe someone could post here Brian's phone # and/or Randy's e-mail/phone #. Thanks in advance!



        • #19
          Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

          Did you try "Bryan" (with a "y")? :-)


          • #20
            Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

            Hi Dave:

            Not sure, but think you can't use capitals (+ you spelled his name wrong): .

            Sent you an e-mail.

            Bob A


            • #21
              Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

              Thanks Hugh! I actually just realized myself that "brian" was incorrect, and should be "brYan"! Also, as Bob notes below, i shouldn't use capitals! Anyway, thanks again---I appreciate it!


              • #22
                Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

                Thanks Bob! I also got your e-mail, so thanks again! See you there.


                • #23
                  Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

                  Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                  Last year's Labour Day Open was held at Hart House, and I believe was run by a different set of organizers. Pre-registrant list was available.


                  2011: organized by Annex CC (I think?). Readers were kept up to date.


                  2010: similar requests for a pre-reg list and (later) results.

                  Gone were the days where attractive prizes used to be.
                  Now, the trendy high entry fees, low class prizes but FIDE rated
                  with no chance of norm for less than 9 rounds.

                  Wish you the best!


                  • #24
                    A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                    Hi Mark:

                    I think you raise a point for thought. The Toronto Labour Day Open has been a long-time fixture in Toronto.

                    What would happen if it began on Thursday evening (Round # 1 ), and continued with 2 rounds per day for Friday - Monday (Rounds 2 - 9)? And let's assume it will be FIDE rated for the top section at least.

                    What would the FIDE take on this be? With 2 rounds per day (which I think is not allowed in certain cases), would norms be available? What would be the necessity of GM's/IM's and foreign participation?

                    Just something to think about.

                    Bob A


                    • #25
                      Re: A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      Hi Mark:

                      I think you raise a point for thought. The Toronto Labour Day Open has been a long-time fixture in Toronto.

                      What would happen if it began on Thursday evening (Round # 1 ), and continued with 2 rounds per day for Friday - Monday (Rounds 2 - 9)? And let's assume it will be FIDE rated for the top section at least.

                      What would the FIDE take on this be? With 2 rounds per day (which I think is not allowed in certain cases), would norms be available? What would be the necessity of GM's/IM's and foreign participation?

                      Just something to think about.

                      Bob A
                      2 rounds per day is not a problem. Getting the foreign GMs/IMs is more difficult.


                      • #26
                        Re: A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                        Originally posted by Rene Preotu View Post
                        2 rounds per day is not a problem. Getting the foreign GMs/IMs is more difficult.
                        Hi Rene:

                        Could the TLDO morph into a new Toronto International?

                        From your experience, could we get the foreign players from the USA for such a compact tournament? How many can you have from one country? How many foreign players do you need, and with what titles?

                        Interested because there may be organizers in Toronto willing to consider such a possible tournament for 2014.

                        Bob A


                        • #27
                          Re: Toronto Labour Day Open

                          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          Hi Dave:

                          Not sure, but think you can't use capitals (+ you spelled his name wrong): .

                          Sent you an e-mail.

                          Bob A
                          Capitals are not a problem, but spelling is critical.
                          FWIW, Gmail ignores period(s) in an email name, but I think they are important for whatever email system Rogers uses...
                          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                          • #28
                            Re: A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                            Hi Rene:

                            Could the TLDO morph into a new Toronto International?

                            From your experience, could we get the foreign players from the USA for such a compact tournament? How many can you have from one country? How many foreign players do you need, and with what titles?

                            Interested because there may be organizers in Toronto willing to consider such a possible tournament for 2014.

                            Bob A

                            I don't have experience organizing chess tournaments. In Ontario are only 3 FIDE IOs (international organizers) but this is not a requirement to have a norm tournament. All tournament requirements are on the FIDE website article 1.6
                            The biggest problem in such a tournament is the maximum opponents from own federation (limited to 5). There is a exception for this:
                            The regulations regarding mix of federations as in the boxes marked * are waived if the event is a Swiss System tournament in which the competitors include at least 20 FIDE Rated players, not from the host federation, from at least 3 federations, at least 10 of whom hold GM, IM, WGM or WIM titles.


                            • #29
                              Re : Re: A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                              Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              Hi Rene:

                              Could the TLDO morph into a new Toronto International?

                              From your experience, could we get the foreign players from the USA for such a compact tournament? How many can you have from one country? How many foreign players do you need, and with what titles?

                              Interested because there may be organizers in Toronto willing to consider such a possible tournament for 2014.

                              Bob A
                              If you want a Swiss tournament that provides IM/GM norms, it will cost you quite a lot (definitely over $10 000 for this section alone). Round-robin tournaments are more affordable. American players will most likely cost you much more than GMs from other countries (as obviously $1000 in South America or Eastern Europe is worth much more than in the USA).

                              The Canadian Open could definitely be a good opportunity for norms (as it will be for next year), but only if organizers agree to have multiple sections.
                              Last edited by Felix Dumont; Thursday, 29th August, 2013, 10:22 AM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Re : Re: A 9-Round Toronto Labour Day Open??

                                This topic is somewhat hijacking the TLDO thread. So please note that I have now started a new Toronto International thread. So please now make any comments on a possible 2014 Toronto International on Labour Day weekend in the new thread. Thanks.

                                Bob A

