COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Is there a way to hide an entire thread? Asking for a friend.
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


    • Wow. I just learned something I never wanted to know.


      • ..........
        Last edited by Sam Sharpe; Saturday, 5th November, 2022, 07:29 PM.


        • To Sid,

          It is very clear you don't believe current existing vaccines recommended in Canada against Covid-19 are safe. It is your right. As a scientist (not in Medicine but in Physics), I disagree with you, It is my right too. We can at least agree that we disagree on that point. Ideally I'd like to discuss with you on Covid vaccines and therapies, but I prefer debating face to face. It is much more efficient and less time consuming. Hopefully one day between 2 rounds in a chess tournament?

          I may be wrong (please correct me), but I understand you want to keep us informed about your readings on Covid-19, vaccines consequences on our health and possible public misinformation. You surely want to warn us and keep us informed, why not? It can be useful for those of us who want to know what you think on the topic. You have surely read documents others (me included) haven't read, the opposite is also true. We can't read everything which is published on Covid-19 since fall 2019, it's too huge.

          However, I'd like to make a suggestion for the benefit of a lot of us (I think?). Why don't you start a new specific thread on the controversial points you want to share with us: your ideas, your findings, references for further readings, your interpretation, your advices to keep us in good health,...? All of us having an interest could write in this new thread and debate with you on vaccines, big pharma theories, early therapies, etc. In a new thread your messages will not be diluted amoung others in the general thread 'Covid-19, how do we cope :)'. They will have more impact. What do you think?

          Having a new thread will also be very useful for those of us who like to read the general thread without having to read / avoid the same sterile debates again and again. Already 138 pages in the thread, it is useless. It is always better to start a more focused thread when there are many pages related to a specific topic.I suggest a title like 'Discussion and debate with Sid on Covid-19', you will surely find a better one, it will be your thread.

          Thks for reading
          Patrick Gougeon, Ph.D.


          • Patrick I am glad you think it is my right. Governments around the world are trying to take away that right and worst, break international law by mandating an experimental injection. This article sums up the state of affairs very nicely by my friend and true hero Dr. Fareed of El Centro California who saved over 5000 lives at his urgent care clinic along with Dr. Tyson. I have nothing further I can add to the conversation.


            Here is a similar article from back in June where several of the videos are heavily censored. Welcome to the dystopian world of heavily censored science. As a scientist that should concern you.



            • A short clip on the current status from Canada viewpoint.





                • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                  Patrick I am glad you think it is my right. Governments around the world are trying to take away that right and worst, break international law by mandating an experimental injection. This article sums up the state of affairs very nicely by my friend and true hero Dr. Fareed of El Centro California who saved over 5000 lives at his urgent care clinic along with Dr. Tyson. I have nothing further I can add to the conversation.


                  Here is a similar article from back in June where several of the videos are heavily censored. Welcome to the dystopian world of heavily censored science. As a scientist that should concern you.

                  Science can be proven...



                  • Brian, I am delighted to see an intelligent and coherent
                    post from you
                    Several points to consider from this interesting article.
                    1) The experience in Israel, UK, Portugal, Gibraltar, and already in some US states is that as the delta variant becomes the more dominant strain over time the ratio tends to shift from more vaccinated rather than unvaccinated that are infected and the transmitters of the disease.
                    2) The article mentions several cases of infection within 21 days of the vaccine that likely is not COVID but either ADE (immune system overreacting to a variant it is not inoculated against ie Delta variant) or simply an adverse reaction to the vaccine where the newly manufactured viral spike protein has gone beyond the Deltoid muscle to the blood stream and to other organs presenting COVID like symptoms.
                    3) Suppression of safe efficacious therapeutics contributes to the hospitalizations outlined in the article as it has to the entire pandemic for the last 18 months.Please consider carefully the article I posted in my previous post.


                    • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                      Wow. I just learned something I never wanted to know.
                      Brian, I take back what I said to you a week and a half or so ago about memes/etc. not moving the conversation forward. Since then I've found out that using memes is fun and that the good memes have a grain of truth, or something thought-provoking, in them. After all, this is chesstalk - who really cares whether the conversation moves in any direction?? Memewhile, I don't know if the following qualifies as a meme but it's 'meme-like' and says something that most pro public health people have probably thought (but not said out loud).

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1628609757686.jpg
Views:	112
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	214673
                      "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                      "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                      "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey




                        • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                          ..... Memewhile, I don't know if the following qualifies as a meme but it's 'meme-like' and says something that most pro public health people have probably thought (but not said out loud).
                          Further to my previous post, here's something else to think about when considering the cost of freedom (freedumb, as some say) for anti-maskers/-vaxxers:

                          "However, a report by Ontario’s fiscal watchdog in May (edit: 2021) said it will take the province approximately three-and-a-half years to clear the surgical backlog from the COVID-19 pandemic.
                          The Financial Accountability Office (FAO) projected, at the time, that the backlog of cancelled surgeries will reach 419,200 procedures by the end of September (edit: 2021)."

                          Last edited by Peter McKillop; Tuesday, 10th August, 2021, 02:18 PM.
                          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                          • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                            Brian, I take back what I said to you a week and a half or so ago about memes/etc. not moving the conversation forward. Since then I've found out that using memes is fun and that the good memes have a grain of truth, or something thought-provoking, in them. After all, this is chesstalk - who really cares whether the conversation moves in any direction?? Memewhile, I don't know if the following qualifies as a meme but it's 'meme-like' and says something that most pro public health people have probably thought (but not said out loud).

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1628609757686.jpg
Views:	112
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	214673
                            Memes definitely have truth in them. But in general, all comedy has truth in it. That is what makes it funny. I am glad you are enjoying the memes. I will endeavor to only post the highest quality ones I can find and I will not spam this thread with them.




                              • You misinterpreted this graphic last time. I was going to point it out, but you are dead set on a certain narrative, so it is pointless. Yes, it seems that vaccinated people can catch it. However, not as easily and the outcomes are better.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210808-145814_Reddit.jpg
Views:	87
Size:	15.1 KB
ID:	214681

