Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Re Sid's Post # 1063 Above

    Sid - I do read some of the information you post (I simply do not have time to read it all - I have a life outside of NACC!).

    But I also do a bit of research, when I can, and come up with information that conflicts with what you post.

    The issue in this thread is not that one side or the other should stop posting the science they believe to be correct. The point is for both sides to post what they think is most relevant, whether supportive of their position, or against it.

    Then let CT'ers decide, based on a good winnowed sampling of both sides of the debate.

    I think we are achieving that here. I'm sure there are some here who have been greatly educated by your posts, including me. But that does not mean that I am foregoing the mainstream scientific evidence. I still have a clear position..........but you have made me see that the "Negative Natural Climate Change" position is sophisticated, and can bring forth science on its behalf (Though almost always it is minority science).

    And, NO, I am not satisfied yet as to the connection between "The Climate Change Crisis" and the "New World Order", a reality on which the two of us seem to agree......and that it is NOT just a "conspiracy theory".

    I see a certain logical connection in your argument, but I am unconvinced re the on-the-ground reality of:

    "Climate Change Hysteria is one of the tools the "Higher Authority" is using, to incrementally consolidate one world domination".

    My Research

    1. What elements are involved in greenhouse gases?

    The main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor (which all occur naturally), and fluorinated gases (which are synthetic). Greenhouse gases have different chemical properties and are removed from the atmosphere, over time, by different processes.

    Greenhouse Effect 101 - NRDC

    2. What are the 3 main contributors of the greenhouse effect?

    In descending order, the gases that contribute most to the Earth's greenhouse effect are: water vapour (H2O) carbon dioxide (CO2) nitrous oxide(N2O)

    The greenhouse effect - British Geological Survey

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

    Bob, you have not presented scientific evidence; you have presented articles that, in effect, put forward a hypothesis. Where is the data supporting this? The only thing I have seen in the literature is climate modeling.
    As I already pointed out my positions are not based on "minority science," as I proved in this post already; that must be one of the posts you have not read.


    • Greta and friends are travelling to World Economic Forum to present a petition to Big Oil CEO's to stop any new oil and gas projects.

      I signed the petition, which has nearly half way to the target of 1 million signatures.

      I thought I would share it here!
      To fossil fuel CEOs:

      This Cease and Desist Notice is to demand that you immediately stop opening any new oil, gas, or coal extraction sites, and stop blocking the clean energy transition we all so urgently need.

      We know that Big Oil:

      KNEW for decades that fossil fuels cause catastrophic climate change.
      MISLED the public about climate science and risks.
      DECEIVED politicians with disinformation sowing doubt and causing delay.

      You must end these activities as they are in direct violation of our human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment, your duties of care, as well as the rights of Indigenous people.

      If you fail to act immediately, be advised that citizens around the world will consider taking any and all legal action to hold you accountable. And we will keep protesting in the streets in huge numbers.
      It feels extremely difficult to keep hope alive in the face of climate devastation around the world -- from millions on the verge of starvation in East Africa, to the rampant destruction of the Amazon rainforest. But our hope lies in people -- in the millions of us who are determined to come together and demand corporate and political leaders take action.

      It's time to put these CEOs on notice -- showing them that 2023 will be a watershed moment for accountability. Let's do this, together.

      Vanessa from Uganda, Greta from Sweden, Helena from Ecuador, Luisa from Germany


      • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

        Greta and friends are travelling

        OMG! Could they not just fax the petition? How dare they instead choose to unnecessarily burn so much of our scarce gas resource in order to ask us to stop producing more of it? And how could they contribute to the emission of so much of earth warming gases (more than an equivalent number of farting/burping cows would, whom they want eliminated...)?

        Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 15th January, 2023, 07:49 PM.


        • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

          to World Economic Forum
          Could they not choose a less specious platform?


          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

            the petition, which has nearly half way to the target of 1 million signatures.
            Good to know that it appears, so far, that only about 1 in 10,000 are suffering so much from climate-anxiety, as to sign this petition...
            Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 15th January, 2023, 07:42 PM.


            • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
              Greta and friends are traveling to World Economic Forum ...
              Instead of traveling to China ... LOOL.

              As usual, she's heading in the wrong direction, ha!


              • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders
                Greta and friends are travelling to World Economic Forum to present a petition to Big Oil CEO's to stop any new oil and gas projects.

                I signed the petition, which has nearly half way to the target of 1 million signatures.

                Here is what your wretched WEF is after. The same ones brought the world the lethal injections, aka slow-kill bioweapons. The new thing is the food supply, don't believe it? Ask any farmer in the Netherlands. All this disruption under the delusion of anthropogenic climate change! Anyone that has faith in our WEF-infiltrated governments, and especially the WEF Nazis, is an uninformed moron!

                Food As A Weapon

                "Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine kicked off a fresh round of global food insecurity. Ukraine harvested 19 million tonnes of wheat in 2022, down more than 40% from the previous year, and the smaller harvest means that cash-strapped Ukrainian farmers have fewer resources to invest in vital inputs like fertilizers, meaning that there is likely to be an even smaller harvest in 2023. This affects not only the countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh that rely on Ukraine for their wheat imports, but also poor countries in sub-Saharan Africa, whose flour derives from Ukrainian wheat processed in Turkey. It also drives up grain prices around the world, contributing to instability and food insecurity for millions.

                All told, the shocks to the global food supply chain have contributed to a doubling in the number of people facing acute food insecurity since the start of the scamdemic.

                Given this vivid demonstration of just how fragile the global food supply is and just how much economic and societal chaos can result from any shock to this system, it would be unthinkable that governments would now be deliberately attempting to undermine that supply chain further, wouldn't it?

                Well, think again. From the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka, governments are cracking down on farmers, forcing them to cull herds, lower production, dump milk and comply with onerous new operating restrictions in the name of reducing pollution.

                These governments are not stupid. Like the British, the Soviets, the Americans and other repressive regimes throughout history, they know that these measures, if played out to their conclusion, will result in widespread hunger and unrest. In fact, we've already seen massive protests against these restrictions in numerous countries, from Germany to Italy to Poland to Spain to Panama to Argentina to Canada. Dutch farmers made headlines for their dramatic protests last year, and Sri Lanka descended into chaos last summer, with protesters storming the capitol and causing the President to flee the country when it became obious that the Sri Lankan government's own green policies and farming restrictions had contributed to the collapse of the nation's economy.

                But if this food crisis is being knowingly engineered, the question is why? What purpose would governments have for creating food shortages for their own people?

                The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

                As it turns out, the "solution" to this food crisis being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

                One thing is for certain: the future of food will look very different from anything that we have seen in human history.
                The Future of (Weaponized) Food

                Anyone who has been paying attention in recent years will already know the direction that the food industry is heading.

                Yes, by now we all know the Eat Ze Bugs agenda being pushed by Klaus Schwaub and his Davos minions. I guarantee that wherever you are, in whatever corner of the world you are reading this editorial, you will have seen (or could easily find) a local news story about high school students "spontaneously requesting" cricket powder dumplings in their school lunch or a puff piece about how valiant scientists are working to save the world with worm burgers.

                And we all know about the GMO problem: genetically modified organisms making their way into our food supply. We know about the multiple health studies that have proven time and time again the deleterious health effects of GMO consumption. We know about the insane lengths that the GMO giants have gone to to suppress bad news about their products and the insane lengths that the press has gone to to assist them in this cover-up. And we know about the additional harms that this technology causes, ruining farmer's lives, contaminating the genome of the planet and causing associated products like glyphosate to further contaminate the food supply and further endanger our health."

                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 16th January, 2023, 02:26 AM.


                • ChessTalk

                  Negative Anthropogenic Climate Change (NACC) Thread

                  (Started: 21/12/9)

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Number 7.jpg Views:	0 Size:	7.1 KB ID:	224061

                  Week # 2 (23/1/9 – 23/1/15: 7 days)

                  Weekly Stats:

                  .....................................................2023 Average.... 2022 Average
                  Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Views/Day
                  Views/Day........Views/Day.............(2 wks. .)........ ......(2 wks.).


                  Responses (Posts)

                  ......................................................2023 Average.........2022 Average

                  ....Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day......Responses/Day

                  Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (2 wks.)....................... (2 wks.)


                  Analysis of First Weeks Stats for 2023

                  The stats for the first two weeks of 2023 are somewhat consistent. They are a bit behind in comparison with 2022. We'll see how the participation goes in 2023.

                  Climate Change Thread “Responses”

                  There are lots of climate change articles out there, both on negative anthropogenic climate change, and negative natural climate change.

                  This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the climate change posts of interest they see elsewhere. Overall, ChessTalker's have been quite active here in posting “responses” and it seems that chessplayers across Canada re wanting information on climate change, a challenge unlike any our species has ever faced before.


                  1. The goal of this thread is not to woodshed an opposing view into submission. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide.
                  2. I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least every 2nd day, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is great that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

                  The Pressing Climate Change Issue

                  The core issue:

                  Building a sense of URGENCY on this issue in society. We must realize that we cannot kick it down the road any longer!

                  The public is aware of the climate change issue.......


                  climate activists must find strategies to “AWAKEN” the public to the “urgency”.

                  It is expected, though somewhat disheartening, to see other negative issues of the day climb immediately to the top of the public's agenda, with climate change being sometimes substantially downgraded in importance. We will all pay for this.........

                  The Time Line

                  Nature's Tipping point is estimated to be, on current trajectory, only 9 years away (Around Jan. 1, 2031). Capping the temperature rise at only 1.5 degrees Celsius (the original international target) is now impossible (UN Climate Change Panel's most recent report). Their position is that the problem at this time is mostly due to human activity, and that radical change in our method of living is the only way to avoid this rising, very problematic, temperature. UNCCP noted that current government deadlines were totally insufficient to solve the problem. CO 2 must be capped by 2025! Methane is another greenhouse gas of concern, with some maintaining it contributes more to the problem than CO2. The extent of involvement in the greenhouse effect of water vapour is somewhat controversial.

                  Also, it has now become necessary to add in the process of CO 2 “removal”, along with “eliminating” the spewing of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere by human activity.

                  Our window of opportunity is fast closing.

                  The Large Picture Solutions

                  Can we come up with at least one viable suggestion of some impressive, radical thing that might wake up the public, that we could then put out there to other concerned climate activists?

                  Negative “Natural” Climate Change

                  This thread has had a number of CT'ers arguing for Natural Climate Change, and arguing that the human economic activity contribution to negative climate change is negligible. We are just in one of Nature's long warming cycles.

                  We would encourage everyone to consider the materials being presented, and then see whether they in any way change your perspective, if you are an adherent of negative Anthropogenic climate change. Whether you change anything, or not, your assessment of the evidence would be most welcome in this thread.

                  CT'ers' Local Actions on Climate Change

                  You can do something! When you like one of this thread's links on an aspect of climate change, spread the news by posting it to your social media accounts and other Websites/Discussion Boards you participate in!

                  ~ Bob (T-S/P)
                  Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 16th January, 2023, 03:30 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                    Good to know that it appears, so far, that only about 1 in 10,000 are suffering so much from climate-anxiety, as to sign this petition...
                    The "climate change is a hoax" crowd love to create new words to mock and ridicule those of us concerned about climate change.
                    They love to troll us, thinking this new word "climate-anxiety" is so clever. Whatever, sad.

                    I see this morning the petition has grown from 494,111 to 669,974 and continuing upwards.

                    Despite all the efforts of the denial camp to convince us it's all BS, there really are more of us than you. A lot more.


                    • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                      The "climate change is a hoax" crowd love to create new words to mock and ridicule those of us concerned about climate change.
                      They love to troll us, thinking this new word "climate-anxiety" is so clever. Whatever, sad.

                      I see this morning the petition has grown from 494,111 to 669,974 and continuing upwards.

                      Despite all the efforts of the denial camp to convince us it's all BS, there really are more of us than you. A lot more.
                      Don't put words in my mouth, Bob G. When did I say it is all a hoax? I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the climate-anxious...


                      • In a strongly-related note, testosterone in men has been decreasing by about 1% per year for more than a generation. Go eat some protein and lift something heavy.
                        "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                        • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders
                          there really are more of us than you. A lot more.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Non Saluting Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 11.31.36 AM.png
Views:	67
Size:	1.09 MB
ID:	224077


                          • The petition now has 793,016 signatures.


                            • Negative Anthropogenic Climate Change (NACC)

                              There seems a consensus on direction needed to avoid species suicide.

                              But the devil is in the details.

                              "Why the World Is Protesting America's Climate Plan"


                              ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


                              • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                                The petition now has 793,016 signatures.
                                More than 4999 out of 5000 have not signed! Good for them to say NO to suicide (even before remarkable climate change could occur)...

