New World Order (NWO), sometimes called the Great Reset

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    The Democratic Marxist Alternative to NWO: "A Planetary Collection of Villages" (Local Political Units - LPU's)

    The push-back against NWO is that centralized power leads to "abuse of power", and to great risk to the planet due to so many countries amassing huge militaries and arms.

    In another thread in the English Chess Forum, I set out the basics of this "Collection of Villages" structure; I thought it fit nicely here as well; here it is:

    The electors within a Local Political Unit (LPU) will decide what, if any, services they wish to have provided by their local government. For example, an LPU might decide to have a Disability Support Program, for those co-residents disabled such that they cannot work. The electors might feel that these fellow-residents should not be existing solely on the possible charity of their fellow residents, and its uncertainty. Or the residents may want local garbage pick-up, as they have had.

    Such a system means that the electors would have to implement some type of self-taxation at a rate that meets their needs.

    Also, two contiguous LPU's might decide that it is cheaper for each to have a common garbage pick-up in both LPU's - both will split the cost. No "Higher Level" body likely needs to be created to implement this "Common Contract". But if it is needed, it can be time limited with the length of the pick-up contract, and in future, at the end of the period, it will have to be reviewed.

    All LPU's could decide this by themselves, and are not bound by what other LPU's may be doing.

    This is the Democratic Marxist twist on it, implementing the principle that the majority should pay for services needed by residents who are incapable of self-supplying their own needs. Also, sometimes, government centralized planning, by the LPU, may be helpful in terms of both cost and efficiency. An example of this might be "Affordable Housing".

    Any comments would be welcome.

    Bob A (T-S/P)

    Democratic Marxism looks all good and glamorous, until you add 'human nature' to the equation, when it all falls apart, as history has shown us time and time again...

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    The Democratic Marxist Alternative to NWO: "A Planetary Collection of Villages" (Local Political Units - LPU's)

    The push-back against NWO is that centralized power leads to "abuse of power", and to great risk to the planet due to so many countries amassing huge militaries and arms.

    In another thread in the English Chess Forum, I set out the basics of this "Collection of Villages" structure; I thought it fit nicely here as well; here it is:

    The electors within a Local Political Unit (LPU) will decide what, if any, services they wish to have provided by their local government. For example, an LPU might decide to have a Disability Support Program, for those co-residents disabled such that they cannot work. The electors might feel that these fellow-residents should not be existing solely on the possible charity of their fellow residents, and its uncertainty. Or the residents may want local garbage pick-up, as they have had.

    Such a system means that the electors would have to implement some type of self-taxation at a rate that meets their needs.

    Also, two contiguous LPU's might decide that it is cheaper for each to have a common garbage pick-up in both LPU's - both will split the cost. No "Higher Level" body likely needs to be created to implement this "Common Contract". But if it is needed, it can be time limited with the length of the pick-up contract, and in future, at the end of the period, it will have to be reviewed.

    All LPU's could decide this by themselves, and are not bound by what other LPU's may be doing.

    This is the Democratic Marxist twist on it, implementing the principle that the majority should pay for services needed by residents who are incapable of self-supplying their own needs. Also, sometimes, government centralized planning, by the LPU, may be helpful in terms of both cost and efficiency. An example of this might be "Affordable Housing".

    Any comments would be welcome.

    Bob A (T-S/P)

    in Israel they had a system of Kibbutz that is sort of like what you are talking about.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    The Democratic Marxist Alternative to NWO: "A Planetary Collection of Villages" (Local Political Units - LPU's)

    The push-back against NWO is that centralized power leads to "abuse of power", and to great risk to the planet due to so many countries amassing huge militaries and arms.

    In another thread in the English Chess Forum, I set out the basics of this "Collection of Villages" structure; I thought it fit nicely here as well; here it is:

    The electors within a Local Political Unit (LPU) will decide what, if any, services they wish to have provided by their local government. For example, an LPU might decide to have a Disability Support Program, for those co-residents disabled such that they cannot work. The electors might feel that these fellow-residents should not be existing solely on the possible charity of their fellow residents, and its uncertainty. Or the residents may want local garbage pick-up, as they have had.

    Such a system means that the electors would have to implement some type of self-taxation at a rate that meets their needs.

    Also, two contiguous LPU's might decide that it is cheaper for each to have a common garbage pick-up in both LPU's - both will split the cost. No "Higher Level" body likely needs to be created to implement this "Common Contract". But if it is needed, it can be time limited with the length of the pick-up contract, and in future, at the end of the period, it will have to be reviewed.

    All LPU's could decide this by themselves, and are not bound by what other LPU's may be doing.

    This is the Democratic Marxist twist on it, implementing the principle that the majority should pay for services needed by residents who are incapable of self-supplying their own needs. Also, sometimes, government centralized planning, by the LPU, may be helpful in terms of both cost and efficiency. An example of this might be "Affordable Housing".

    Any comments would be welcome.

    Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Fred (Post # 35):

    Yup.......serious........NASA, we have a situation.............

    Truth can be stranger than fiction.

    Also, facts were given...I did research on a number of organizations that seem to be moving in that direction.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    If globalization is associated with de-militarization, removal of 'trade barriers & restriction of movement of individuals' and with a libertarian way of life for individuals, it would be a true panacea!

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  • Fred Henderson
    "What do CT'ers think about globalization - good? not good?"

    Definition: Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.

    IN theory, globalization should be good. What about you Bob? Is globalization good or bad? I couldn't figure out where you stood from reading your posts, which contained lots of conjecture, but few if any substantive facts.

    ":And do you believe that it is part of a planned incremental process by unknown individuals to eventually establish a dictatorship over the whole globe?"

    unknown individuals establishing a dictatorship over the whole globe? You can't be serious. LOL.

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  • Vlad Drkulec
    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post

    In 1991, as the USSR was breaking up, Russia controlled and ruled more than 10 per cent of the world's land mass, more than 8,000,000 square miles. That didn't even include the eastern European countries which were Russian-controlled, such as the former East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania.
    Russia never controlled Yugoslavia. You are mistaken on that idea.

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    World peace is a wonderful idea, in fact I can't imagine a better one!!! I sincerely hope to live long enough to actually see it. I doubt I will.

    From a practical standpoint, it runs into Russia, the perfect counterexample.

    Starting over 1,000 years ago, from the small city-state of Muscovy (Moscow), the Russians have done little else but successfully conquer other peoples and countries. It is what they do, what they are good at. Along the way, they fought off invasion challenges from King Charles XII of Sweden, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler. All three would-be conquerors ran into the formidable 'General Winter', and were defeated by counterattack.

    In 1991, as the USSR was breaking up, Russia controlled and ruled more than 10 per cent of the world's land mass, more than 8,000,000 square miles. That didn't even include the eastern European countries which were Russian-controlled, such as the former East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

    The British Empire was at one stage larger than that, but Britain has since granted independent rule to its former colonies, such as Canada, Australia, and British India (those three themselves made up over 8,000,000 square miles).

    Russia, smaller now but still the world's largest nation by area, at over 6,000,000 square miles, has now said 'farewell' to detente, and has resumed its warlike ways.

    World peace has once more met its match -- Russia -- now closely allied with powerful China.
    Good read below, the WEF has nothing to do with "World peace" and everything to do with tyranny and genocide. Of course, what can you expect from the likes of WEF leader Klauss Schwab and it's deputy director Chrystia Freeland all descendants of high-ranking Nazis?
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 29th December, 2022, 06:06 PM.

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  • Tom O'Donnell
    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

    The central premise is so offensive to me I am feeling gobsmacked. The author is arguing that we need to work toward equality of outcomes and not equality of opportunity. He argues that smart people have an advantage and we should work to eradicate this advantage. The dangers of such an approach are apparent to most smart people. Colour me a dinosaur but I want my surgeon or doctor to be smart. I want my computer technician to be smart.

    I sometimes buy books like this to get insight into the mind of these activists but this just fills me with a deep foreboding of harder times ahead as these policies work their way into the mainstream. The world of Charlton Heston's version of Soylent Green can not be far behind.
    These people read Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" but didn't understand that it was dystopian satire.

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  • Frank Dixon
    World peace is a wonderful idea, in fact I can't imagine a better one!!! I sincerely hope to live long enough to actually see it. I doubt I will.

    From a practical standpoint, it runs into Russia, the perfect counterexample.

    Starting over 1,000 years ago, from the small city-state of Muscovy (Moscow), the Russians have done little else but successfully conquer other peoples and countries. It is what they do, what they are good at. Along the way, they fought off invasion challenges from King Charles XII of Sweden, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler. All three would-be conquerors ran into the formidable 'General Winter', and were defeated by counterattack.

    In 1991, as the USSR was breaking up, Russia controlled and ruled more than 10 per cent of the world's land mass, more than 8,000,000 square miles. That didn't even include the eastern European countries which were Russian-controlled, such as the former East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

    The British Empire was at one stage larger than that, but Britain has since granted independent rule to its former colonies, such as Canada, Australia, and British India (those three themselves made up over 8,000,000 square miles).

    Russia, smaller now but still the world's largest nation by area, at over 6,000,000 square miles, has now said 'farewell' to detente, and has resumed its warlike ways.

    World peace has once more met its match -- Russia -- now closely allied with powerful China.

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  • Vlad Drkulec
    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
    Here is someone's "deep dive" into the Great Reset in a series of tweets that is an excellent summary of how climate change Covid19 etc are all interrelated.
    Thanks for that.There seems to be a full court press to promote this suicidal and genocidal agenda on the great unwashed.

    I buy way too many mostly online books (kindle and kobo mostly but also forward chess). Regular books take up less room though I still like them but I digress.

    Every day I get notifications about book deals and since they are coming from amazon and bookbub they sometimes include books arguing for this great reset. Today there was a book about the education system.
    Fredrik deBoer
    The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice

    The central premise is so offensive to me I am feeling gobsmacked. The author is arguing that we need to work toward equality of outcomes and not equality of opportunity. He argues that smart people have an advantage and we should work to eradicate this advantage. The dangers of such an approach are apparent to most smart people. Colour me a dinosaur but I want my surgeon or doctor to be smart. I want my computer technician to be smart.

    I sometimes buy books like this to get insight into the mind of these activists but this just fills me with a deep foreboding of harder times ahead as these policies work their way into the mainstream. The world of Charlton Heston's version of Soylent Green can not be far behind.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    It would certainly seem that the World Economic Forum is the public face of the New World Order project.


    "The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab."

    The WEForum website:

    "The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

    The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

    It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.

    Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.

    We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change."

    To achieve the goal "to shape global, regional and industry agendas" requires:

    1. An agenda of what is wanted for the future (One World Government?);
    2. Significant funding from someplace (?)

    This is a corporate not-for-profit organization. Usually these type of private corporations must file somewhere annual statements of revenue/expenses. Has anyone looked to see where "donations" are coming from?

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Wednesday, 28th December, 2022, 05:57 AM.

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Straight from the son of a Nazi war criminal's mouth.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    ChessTalk New World Order (NWO) (Sometimes referred to as the Great Reset) Thread

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Number 7.jpg Views:	0 Size:	7.1 KB ID:	223622

    Week # 3 (22/12/20 – 26: 7 days)

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2022 Average..........................................................2022 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(2 wks.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (2 wks.).


    Analysis of Last Weeks Stats

    Few responses over the holidays have led to low participation.

    But we do have a core group of CT'ers following this thread.

    NWO Thread “Responses”

    There are lots of articles out there on NWO, the Great Reset, globalization on many fronts, world free-trade, and higher governments stomping on the wishes of the local residents, and their local government.

    This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the NWO posts of interest they see elsewhere.

    Note: I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is going to be necessary that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

    The Time Line

    There is much disagreement whether the New World Order project actually exists. There are those who simply relegate it to the realm of “conspiracy theories", such as QAnon.

    But there are others, including myself, who assert that already a covert group of much influence is directing government law and policy, in nations across the globe, and incrementally implementing the pieces of an eventual one-world government. We fear this is not good in the long run.

    Some of us propose:

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. That eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe.

    We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    To me, this is a most important human issue.......we give governments power to rule us.......we need to know if the ones we elect are not the ones behind the decisions that govern us.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P) Click image for larger version

Name:	Democracy  1.jpg
Views:	118
Size:	7.2 KB
ID:	223602
    The solution is very simple. We all know that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely (this is not just a wise quip, it is truth we experience every day of our lives). So, ask yourself: why do we have to give a lot of accumulated power to the governments? Why not, as in a Libertarian system, keep the tiny amounts of divided power with the individual citizens, and simply have a strong Judiciary to ensure fairness? In such a system, you will never see the surrealistic rise of any Kochs or Bezos or the like, because it is the stupid rules of our current 'capitalistic' systems which enable a few individuals to amass such wealth...

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