Democratic Marxism

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    Americas - Argentina

    Javier Milei’s Radical Plan to Transform Argentina

    In particular, what will be the wealth/income gap created ....?

    Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
    If everyone becomes more prosperous, but some attain more than others, the wealth/income gap will widen. Do you have a problem with that, Bob? (In Marxism everyone becomes poorer, though the administration-arse-lickers become less so; and the 'gap' keeps on widening with time, as the history of Marxist countries has repeatedly shown).


    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

      1.Forces are at work now (The initial suspects are the Oligarchs of the world) to depopulate the planet, with the goal of establishing a World Autocracy.

      2. These forces unleashed the SarsCov2 virus, causing a COVID-19 pandemic, as part of this depopulation grand plan.

      3. Negative climate change is a "hoax" by these forces in order to remove freedoms, by public choice or by direction, in dealing with a false climate emergency, and to gain more economic power for themselves by shutting down current areas of commerce (Such as farming, fossil fuel industry, etc.). The shutting down of farming is for the long-term goal of massive deaths from starvation.

      4. Controlled by these forces, and being used to implement the Grand Plan, are the UN, WHO, World Bank, and the private organization, World Economic Forum. They have gained influence among numbers of world leaders.


      Bob A (Anti- New World Order/Great Reset)
      LOL! This sounds like a quick-and-dirty summary of some of Sid's positions.
      "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
      "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
      "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


      • Hi Peter:

        Does resonate a bit, doesn't it?

        Bob A


          (Some 'pie in the sky' books which avoid the term 'Marxism', but foolishly espouse just that...)


          • Democratic Marxism
            (Started: 24/1/3)

            Weekly Overview

            1. The “Weekly Overview” of the topic is posted for the benefit of new members who may have come in between the “Weekly Overviews”. It provides an executive summary of the issue for new viewers.

            2. The Stats of participation are important to allow all to determine the extent of continuing interest. For thread originators/responders, they are important to see if the interest no longer warrants the labour. Or alternatively, they show that those of us discussing it are drawing in more participants, because they have begun to see the importance of our topic

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Democratic Marxism.jpg
Views:	155
Size:	13.7 KB
ID:	233874

            A. Statistics

            1. Weekly Stats:

            Week # 21 of 2024 (5/20- 26 [7 days])

            (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

            .....................................................2024 Average
            Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day
            Views/Day........Views/Day.............(21 wks.)


            ................................................2024 Average

            Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day

            Responses/Day....Resp./Day.......(21 wks.).


            2. Analysis of Last Week's Stats

            Last week's stats are right on those of 2024 so far. A bit surprising since for a new topic/thread there is often an up-front flurry of activity, 'til things settle in at a slower, normal pace.

            More discussion/increased participation does happen when a current controversial issue is brought into the thread. The thread does involve discussion of current political affairs from the different perspectives of the various participants, so “current” issues do arise.

            Fundamentally, though, this thread is an “educational” thread about something that may not be that attractive to some CT'ers. Nonetheless, the stats for this thread (Per day: Views – 27; Responses - 2) are good, and not that far below many other active threads in the Non-chess forum.

            The stats do show that CT'ers are interested in learning more about DM, and about government from the DM perspective. This thread is an opportunity to learn something about the political system known as “Democratic Marxism”! It is also an opportunity to question DM in a good and safe forum, where we try to respect the right of all CT'ers to have their own analysis, and to be entitled to put it forward for consideration, even if differing from DM.

            Note: I, as originator/main poster, am now just posting 1 DM discussion paper per week, near the start of the week. But I do try to respond to response questions, and introduce new “current” topics when they seem appropriate. So, overall, it is expected that the stats will slowly come down, compared to the beginning phase of this thread.

            B. Goal of this Thread
            • To make clear what Democratic Marxism is, and what it is not (Old-style USSR Communism)
            • To provide materials that help CT'ers analyze the pluses and minuses of DM.

            Additional Notes:

            1. The goal of this thread is not to try to beat opposing views into oblivion. Political economy spans the spectrum. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide among the many competing political philosophies.

            2. CT'ers are welcome to post responses here regularly, in addition to our core group of very active responders.

            Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI)

            Author: Bob Armstrong, DMGI Coordinator

            Most Recent Revision: 24/5/26

            Fb Page: Democratic Marxism – Global


            Fb Group: Democratic Marxist Global Forum




            Snail Mail:


            P.O. Box 3246,

            Meaford, Ontario, Canada

            N4L 1A5


            In development

            Copyright – Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI) - 2024


            • Libertarianism

              Americas - USA

              "What are America’s Libertarians for?

              They are grappling with whether to go for national influence or local wins"


              Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


              • ChessTalk Survey - CT.Dem. Marxism Thread


                Post # 343 (24/5/24)
                Deadline: Tues., 24/5/28


                Of the average viewers of this thread per day (27), only 1, Dilip Panjwani, held that the statements were all true. No one, other than Dilip, even believed that one of the four statements was true.


                This allegation still remains a "Conspiracy Theory" only.

                Bob A (Anti-New World Order/Anti-Great Reset)


                • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                  ChessTalk Survey - CT.Dem. Marxism Thread


                  Post # 343 (24/5/24)
                  Deadline: Tues., 24/5/28


                  Of the average viewers of this thread per day (27), only 1, Dilip Panjwani, held that the statements were all true. No one, other than Dilip, even believed that one of the four statements was true.


                  This allegation still remains a "Conspiracy Theory" only.

                  Bob A (Anti-New World Order/Anti-Great Reset)
                  Are you on psychedelic drugs, or what, Bob? I never said anything about the statements being true or not. And neither has anybody else. Stop imagining and reaching conclusions without any factual basis, Bob.


                  • CT Survey on Depopulation/Autocracy Allegation (Re Dilip's Post # 353 [Immediately above] - 24/6/1)

                    Conspiracy Statement # 1:

                    1.Forces are at work now (The initial suspects are the Oligarchs of the world) to depopulate the planet, with the goal of establishing a World Autocracy.

                    Dilip: "Suffice to say that the corrupt alliance of oligarchs and politicians/bureaucrats has always and will always harm the common man (the 'worker' in Bob's terminology)."


                    a. Seems to me Dilip is agreeing that there are "forces at work", and that among them are the "oligarchs".
                    b. Dilip agrees that these forces "has always and will always harm the common man". It seems to me, that he implies he is agreeing with the harm proposed in the Statement # 1: a World Autocracy. I say this because he does not explicitly reject the proposed harm in the statement, nor does he cite any alternative harm details.

                    However, I did not read his response carefully enough, and he clearly did not respond at all re Statements # 2 - # 4. Sorry about that Dilip.

                    Question to Dilip: If not World Autocracy, what harm do these "forces at work" wreak, or intend to wreak, on the worker?

                    Bob A (Anti-New World Order/Anti-Great Reset)
                    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 2nd June, 2024, 07:58 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

                      Question to Dilip: If not World Autocracy, what harm do these "forces at work" wreak, or intend to wreak, on the worker?

                      Bob A (Anti-New World Order/Anti-Great Reset)
                      Perpetuating the workers' dependency on handouts (transforming the honorable task of working for a decent living into an entitlements race).
                      Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 2nd June, 2024, 05:14 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                        Perpetuating the workers' dependency on handouts (transforming the honorable task of working for a decent living into an entitlements race).

                        Ask yourself, Dilip, why are WORKERS having to depend on handouts?

                        Because the companies they work for do not pay enough for them to cover THEIR LIVING COSTS. A decent living? How about just a living PERIOD?

                        Not the fault of the workers. The fault of the Ayn Rand disciples.


                        • Libertarianism puts a worker in an EQUAL position while negotiating his/her contract with a company!


                          • Democratic Marxism
                            (Started: 24/1/3)

                            Weekly Overview

                            1. The “Weekly Overview” of the topic is posted for the benefit of new members who may have come in between the “Weekly Overviews”. It provides an executive summary of the issue for new viewers.
                            2. The Stats of participation are important to allow all to determine the extent of continuing interest. For thread originators/responders, they are important to see if the interest no longer warrants the labour. Or alternatively, they show that those of us discussing it are drawing in more participants, because they have begun to see the importance of our topic

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Democratic Marxism.jpg
Views:	91
Size:	13.7 KB
ID:	233962

                            A. Statistics

                            1. Weekly Stats:

                            Week # 22 of 2024 (5/27 – 6/2 [7 days])

                            (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

                            .....................................................2024 Average
                            Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day
                            Views/Day........Views/Day.............(22 wks.)


                            ................................................2024 Average

                            Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day

                            Responses/Day....Resp./Day.......(22 wks.).


                            2. Analysis of Last Week's Stats

                            Last week's stats lag behind those of the prior week and of 2024 so far. Not surprising since for a new topic/thread there is often an up-front flurry of activity, 'til things settle in at a slower, normal pace.

                            More discussion/increased participation does happen when a current controversial issue is brought into the thread. The thread does involve discussion of current political affairs from the different perspectives of the various participants, so “current” issues do arise.

                            Fundamentally, though, this thread is an “educational” thread about something that may not be that attractive to some CT'ers. Nonetheless, the stats for this thread (Per day: Views – 27; Responses - 2) are good, and not that far below many other active threads in the Non-chess forum.

                            The stats do show that CT'ers are interested in learning more about DM, and about government from the DM perspective. This thread is an opportunity to learn something about the political system known as “Democratic Marxism”! It is also an opportunity to question DM in a good and safe forum, where we try to respect the right of all CT'ers to have their own analysis, and to be entitled to put it forward for consideration, even if differing from DM.

                            Note: I, as originator/main poster, am now just posting 1 DM discussion paper per week, near the start of the week. But I do try to respond to response questions, and introduce new “current” topics when they seem appropriate. So, overall, it is expected that the stats will slowly come down, compared to the beginning phase of this thread.

                            B. Goal of this Thread
                            • To make clear what Democratic Marxism is, and what it is not (Old-style USSR Communism)
                            • To provide materials that help CT'ers analyze the pluses and minuses of DM.

                            Additional Notes:

                            1. The goal of this thread is not to try to beat opposing views into oblivion. Political economy spans the spectrum. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide among the many competing political philosophies.

                            2. CT'ers are welcome to post responses here regularly, in addition to our core group of very active responders.

                            Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI)

                            Author: Bob Armstrong, DMGI Coordinator

                            Most Recent Revision: 24/6/2

                            Fb Page: Democratic Marxism – Global


                            Fb Group: Democratic Marxist Global Forum




                            Snail Mail:


                            P.O. Box 3246,

                            Meaford, Ontario, Canada

                            N4L 1A5


                            In development

                            Copyright – Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI) - 2024


                            • Click image for larger version

Name:	Socialism.jpg
Views:	101
Size:	17.8 KB
ID:	233978


                              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Socialism.jpg
Views:	101
Size:	17.8 KB
ID:	233978
                                In Capitalism, the predators with capital thrive,
                                In Marxism the administration arse-licking predators get glorified,
                                In Libertarianism, no predator can survive!

