Life - How Should It Be Viewed?

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  • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    1. Low wages (Capitalism) and high inflation (Marxism) are both not desirable. The Libertarian way to correct these is to let entrepreneurs flourish (by getting rid of laws preventing it, which have been created by the evil collusion of monopolies/oligopolies with politicians), which will lead to a myriad more jobs getting created and consequent rise in wages; as these jobs will be productive (unlike the Marxist creation of dysfunctional jobs, the type Javier Milei has gotten rid of en-masse), the society's output will increase, with consequent deflation in prices...
    Entrepreneurs ARE flourishing ... by engaging in greedy and evil practices that harm others. This will NEVER change. "Letting" entrepreneurs flourish even more only increases the greed and evil practices.

    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
    2. Despite all the AI, there is and will continue to be a huge need for people willing to do so called menial jobs, given our aged and busy society.
    Not always "willing" to do .... almost always FORCED to do at subsistence wages by exploitative overlords.

    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
    3. The definition of 'Theft' as understood by all is: an act of taking another person's property without that person's willingness, thus depriving the rightful owner of it, for the only reason that the thief wants to take it away. When idiotic and corrupt politicians create laws to enable such theft by progressive taxation, it is rightly labeled as 'legal theft'.
    As pointed out by Bob A., it is not without people's willingness. They vote for it.

    They do NOT vote for Libertarianism except where fooled into doing so by populists using the word "freedom". Another word for "nothing left to lose".


    • Click image for larger version

Name:	Medicine.jpg
Views:	140
Size:	9.4 KB
ID:	233474


      a medication, sold under the brand name Versed, among others - is a benzodiazepine medication used for anesthesia and procedural sedation, and to treat severe agitation. It induces sleepiness, decreases anxiety, and causes anterograde amnesia.


      "Latricide" - I have searched and cannot find the exact definition of this kind of killing (Term used by Sid Belzberg in another thread re this topic). Can someone help?

      Concerned - Video raising alarm:

      I also have posted this to my Democratic Marxist news broadcaster, The REAL News (, under the heading: "Playing with Death?".


      Bob A (78 y.o.)


      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Click image for larger version  Name:	Medicine.jpg Views:	0 Size:	9.4 KB ID:	233474

        a medication, sold under the brand name Versed, among others - is a benzodiazepine medication used for anesthesia and procedural sedation, and to treat severe agitation. It induces sleepiness, decreases anxiety, and causes anterograde amnesia.


        "Latricide" - I have searched and cannot find the exact definition of this kind of killing (Term used by Sid Belzberg in another thread re this topic). Can someone help?

        Concerned - Video raising alarm:

        I also have posted this to my Democratic Marxist news broadcaster, The REAL News (, under the heading: "Playing with Death?".


        Bob A (78 y.o.)
        It is not "Latricide." It is Iatrocide, which means death by the doctor/medicine. Your Wikipedia link is nonsense; Midazolam is used as part of the MAIDS protocol "Medically Assisted Induced Deaths" in Canada as well as executing inmates in the United States with lethal injections

        Midazolam stops you from breathing, and if you had taken five minutes to listen to the video posted, you would have also known what Iatrocide is.

        Edited to "Iatrocide" as per Dillip

        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 26th April, 2024, 08:43 AM.


        • The word Sid is referring to is commonly spelt as 'iatrocide'


          • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
            .... the debate is not about such rare cases. It is about families which do not ensure that their children and youth work hard to be able to earn for themselves as adults, forgetting that you reap as you sow.
            And where is this family breakdown happening the most? In "free-enterprise" "free markets" USA! Where you have the most school mass killings, where you have the highest fentanyl addictions in youth, where you have the worst academic scores in the developed world ....

            And why? Because the parents are too immersed in their businesses to think about their children, who are left in the care of low-paid Filipino nannies ......

            Lesson: Libertarianism will sow family breakdowns and reap societal breakdown.

            Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
            Even for such individuals, Libertarianism presents two options: it provides easy access to capital to start a business (perhaps in collaboration with other similar individuals) which does not require any skills other than hard work...

            NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Medicine.jpg Views:	0 Size:	9.4 KB ID:	233474


              a medication, sold under the brand name Versed, among others - is a benzodiazepine medication used for anesthesia and procedural sedation, and to treat severe agitation. It induces sleepiness, decreases anxiety, and causes anterograde amnesia.


              "Latricide" - I have searched and cannot find the exact definition of this kind of killing (Term used by Sid Belzberg in another thread re this topic). Can someone help?

              Concerned - Video raising alarm:

              I also have posted this to my Democratic Marxist news broadcaster, The REAL News (, under the heading: "Playing with Death?".


              Bob A (78 y.o.)

              DEMOCIDE EPIDEMIC: The First Ever Peer-Reviewed Journal Study That Proves Excess Covid-19 Deaths in the United Kingdom Were Due to Midazolam


              The peer-reviewed journal space is almost completely captured by BigPharma and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime. Which is precisely why a recent study entitled, Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic getting published in a scientific publication is such an historically important event in this post scamdemic new normal.

              The study abstract states the following:
              Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations. This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020. Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia. Unlike Australia, where assessing the statistical impact of COVID injections on excess deaths is relatively straightforward, UK excess deaths were closely associated with the use of Midazolam and other medical intervention. The iatrogenic pandemic in the UK was caused by euthanasia deaths from Midazolam and also, likely caused by COVID injections, but their relative impacts are difficult to measure from the data, due to causal proximity of euthanasia. Global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, based only on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, may be inaccurate, due to the neglect of significant confounding factors in some countries.

              Well in advance of the commencement of the PSYOP-19 “pandemic,” the UK government most presciently ordered unprecedented servings of Midazolam, such that the hospitals were overstocked with this deadly euthanasia drug.

              A couple of damning charts from the study which establishes how “coincidental” the UK government’s foresight really was in ordering staggering amounts of Midazolam ahead of their peaceful culling:

              Turns out that geronticide is an excellent way to discharge pensions, social security liabilities, and transfer assets to the next generation of indebted heirs, because the house (i.e. government and their bankster coconspirators) always wins.

              The summary of the research paper should, in a just and functioning world, result in mass arrests and hangings of every last one of the scamdemic “experts,” more at perpetrators:
              The COVID-19 pandemic in UK was iatrogenic, as it did not originate from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but originated from Midazolam use in euthanasia and then likely later from mass vaccination. The main findings supporting this conclusion are:

              • There were relatively few cases of infections in early 2020, indicating the non-prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the UK.

              • The UK Health Security Agency declared on 19 March 2020, the absence of any “high consequence infectious disease”, denying the existence of a pandemic.

              • The enormous spike in excess deaths attributed to COVID-19 was inconsistent with the lack of prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was not veried, due to shortages and unreliability of PCR tests.

              • NHS and Nightingale hospitals were mostly empty, confirming absence of a pandemic.

              • The excess deaths were spread uniformly and simultaneously across all English regions, inconsistent with natural contagion.

              • The spikes in excess deaths across all regions were strongly correlated with Midazolam injections, implicating euthanasia, particularly of the elderly in care homes.

              • On investigation, the UK Government, Amnesty International and the Care Quality Commission have all acknowledged that “a systemic or structural dysfunction in hospital services” and the widespread blanket use of “Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation” (DNACPR) notices in care homes have contributed to excess deaths in the UK.

              This is absolutely irrefutable evidence, and it proves that the role of the government is now full on theft and democide.

              And there is an additional conclusion pertaining to the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” that is also incredibly incriminating in that the UK government deployed Midazolam to not only murder the elderly, but to also provide the optics of a deadly “pandemic,” which in turn goosed excess C19 mortality data, which in turn served as a low-grade obfuscation of the surging “vaccine” adverse events and deaths:
              That “COVID vaccination kills” has been proven statistically using Australian macro-data, which should apply universally. However, this causality has not been confirmed for the UK, because the same method of proof is not available from UK macro-data due to the confounding effect of Midazolam use in UK euthanasia.

              The YouTube nurse-doctor extraordinaire with over 3 million subscribersthat pushed the DEATHVAX™ hard at the outset of the scamdemic has been back-peddling of late, but, sadly, the damage has been done; here is Dr. John Campbell reviewing the above paper:

              Yes Dr. John Campbell, Midazolam killed far more people than C-19…

              David Icke warned of this well over 3 years ago, and the “vaccines” that Dr. John Campbell so enthusiastically promoted — especially to old people! — were always slow kill bioweapons. Our good nurse-doctor is now also finally open to the possibility that there may just be a “vaccine” induced global turbo cancer outbreak.

              And just to add a little more color to what the criminals over at the WHO, which is the UN’s/Rockefeller’s “global health” node, are up to for their followup “pandemic:”

              Click on picture For The video from the above X post:

              The WHO worked very closely with various world governments to institute lockdowns, masking, and, ultimately, the Modified mRNA “vaccine” poisons. It would then be of little surprise to learn that WHO apparatchiks closely coordinated with the likes of former UK “health” secretary Matt “Midazolam” Hancock in the deployment of death-row eugenics drugs for the elderly.

              Ultimately, this was always an engineered global democide epidemic, and the perpetrators are just getting started, because “climate change” and gain-of-function “pandemics” go hand in hand en route to the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the WEF’s Great Reset hell on earth posthuman dystopia.

              They want you dead.
              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 26th April, 2024, 08:40 AM.


              • Re-post of Post # 132 (24/4/24)

                Our Life/Our Planetary Human Society

                So the weather here today is sunny & warm (19 C). Neighbours surface from the inside onto their front porches.

                So I go across the street and chat with a neighbour I now know quite well.

                He is slightly right of centre in his politics, and is a quite decent, honest and well-meaning guy.

                In our conversation he raises that he wants to keep up on world affairs.......but........

                He is finding the news relentlessly depressing and disheartening. It seems there is more violence between States, and between individuals. There seems to be more corruption of politicians and bureaucrats than before, and dealing with government has become much less user-friendly, and very hard to find and get to the person who will deal with your issue. And he believes this is world-wide, not just in Canada.

                He said he is now restricting the time for world-affairs, since he just can't take it.........but he's hoping he's reasonably keeping up. He prefers to spend his time on his gardens.


                How many CT'ers are finding the same thing as "John"? How many are similarly dealing with it?

                If so, what do you think is driving this current deterioration of our quality of life in society?

                Bob A (Fundamentally an optimist, but admittedly under some pressure)

                Note: This got initially posted during a snowstorm of posts on Libertarianism and Midazolam, and sort of got lost. I think it is an interesting question, so I'm re-posting to see if there are any comments out there!
                Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Saturday, 4th May, 2024, 06:36 AM.


                • [QUOTE=Bob Armstrong


                  What do you think is driving this current deterioration of our quality of life in society?

                  Bob A (Fundamentally an optimist, but admittedly under some pressure)

                  A very good question, Bob.
                  The answer lies in the world's progressive shift towards 'socialism' (Argentina may be an exception), which makes us dependent on the 'government' instead of looking after ourselves and our circles, and in this almost Marxist world, the corrupt politicians have created so many stupid laws & systems, that even if one is willing to work hard and smart, he/she has almost insurmountable obstacles in doing so, while those who can lick the of their government appointed superiors and politicians, and can play around with the myriad of contradictory laws, can enjoy life without ever being productive...
                  The way out of this mess seems to be Libertarianism, with enforcement of the Natural Law and easy access to capital.


                  • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                    A very good question, Bob.
                    The answer lies in the world's progressive shift towards 'socialism' (Argentina may be an exception), which makes us dependent on the 'government' instead of looking after ourselves and our circles, and in this almost Marxist world, the corrupt politicians have created so many stupid laws & systems, that even if one is willing to work hard and smart, he/she has almost insurmountable obstacles in doing so, while those who can lick the of their government appointed superiors and politicians, and can play around with the myriad of contradictory laws, can enjoy life without ever being productive...
                    The way out of this mess seems to be Libertarianism, with enforcement of the Natural Law and easy access to capital.
                    Interestingly, Bangladesh is living proof of easy access to capital being a vital part of their economy via The Grameen bank microloan program starting in the 1980s
                    1. Poverty Reduction: Grameen Bank's microcredit programs have helped millions of poor individuals lift themselves out of poverty by providing them with access to capital to start small businesses. This has led to improved living standards and reduced reliance on subsistence farming or menial labor.
                    2. Women's Empowerment: The Grameen Bank has played a crucial role in empowering women in Bangladesh. By providing them with access to credit and financial services, women have been able to generate their income, become financially independent, and contribute to household decision-making. This has resulted in greater gender equality and women's participation in economic activities.
                    3. Job Creation: The businesses funded by Grameen Bank loans have created employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, in rural areas where traditional job opportunities are scarce. This has helped stimulate local economies and reduce urban migration.
                    4. Entrepreneurship Development: Grameen Bank's model of providing small loans without collateral has encouraged entrepreneurship among the poor. Many borrowers have used the loans to start small businesses, ranging from agriculture to handicrafts to retail, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.
                    5. Social Impact: Beyond economic benefits, Grameen Bank has had significant social impacts. It has promoted social cohesion and community development by fostering self-help groups and encouraging collective responsibility among borrowers. Moreover, the bank's emphasis on education and healthcare has led to improvements in these areas among its borrowers and their families.

                    Overall, the Grameen Bank has been instrumental in transforming the lives of millions of poor Bangladeshis, contributing to poverty reduction, women's empowerment, and economic development in the country. Its innovative microcredit model has inspired similar initiatives worldwide, demonstrating the potential of microfinance as a tool for inclusive growth and development.

                    It would serve Canada well to have this.


                    • I totally agree Sid - as a former small time, low income neighbourhood, community organizer, and as having had low-income clients most of my career, micro-banking has worked wonders.

                      This will continue in Democratic Marxism - only the favoured corporate structure will be worker cooperatives (Not to exclude the other option of small, owner-owned, private corporations).

                      Micro-banking helped poor would-be entreprenuers when introduced into Africa years ago (That is when I became first aware of it).

                      Bob A


                      • Dilip - Post # 158 (24/5/4)

                        "while those who can lick the of their government appointed superiors and politicians, and can play around with the myriad of contradictory laws, can enjoy life without ever being productive..."

                        I suggest you look at whether your life view on this issue is "elitist, demeaning and dismissive" re the majority of hard-working, low-income Canadians. I do fear you reflect a fundamental view of Libertarianism.

                        Bob A


                        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          I totally agree Sid - as a former small time, low income neighbourhood, community organizer, and as having had low-income clients most of my career, micro-banking has worked wonders.

                          This will continue in Democratic Marxism - only the favoured corporate structure will be worker cooperatives (Not to exclude the other option of small, owner-owned, private corporations).

                          Micro-banking helped poor would-be entreprenuers when introduced into Africa years ago (That is when I became first aware of it).

                          Bob A
                          So, I have a question, Bob, based on a true story. An entrepreneur gets a microloan for $300.00 and buys some products that are sold online for $3000.00. Next, the $3000.00 is used to buy more inventory that is promptly sold for $30,000, and so on. Over a year, this person amasses $1,000.0000.00 in the bank. How would DM deal with a formerly poor person who quickly ascended to the top one percent?
                          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 5th May, 2024, 08:47 AM.


                          • Hi Sid:

                            Question many have of DM: DM will have both an Income, Goods and Services, and Wealth tax, as now, only on a more progressive scale.

                            Successful entrepreneurs will still be monetarily rewarded, as now, though less extensively and grotesquely. They will have an appropriate "success" reputation, as now. As intelligent electors, I would expect their opinion to be respected and considered re societal issues......I know this will surprise those busy trying to smear Democratic Marxism.

                            DM is not overturning all of society norms; it is set on tweaking the system to make it more just and equal.

                            In this sense, Democratic Marxism is, I guess, less radical that old-style USSR Communism (Hate to admit DM is not very radical). But it is a step left from Democratic Socialism.

                            Bob A (Democratic Marxism)


                            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              Hi Sid:

                              Question many have of DM: DM will have both an Income, Goods and Services, and Wealth tax, as now, only on a more progressive scale.

                              Successful entrepreneurs will still be monetarily rewarded, as now, though less extensively and grotesquely. They will have an appropriate "success" reputation, as now. As intelligent electors, I would expect their opinion to be respected and considered re societal issues......I know this will surprise those busy trying to smear Democratic Marxism.

                              DM is not overturning all of society norms; it is set on tweaking the system to make it more just and equal.

                              In this sense, Democratic Marxism is, I guess, less radical that old-style USSR Communism (Hate to admit DM is not very radical). But it is a step left from Democratic Socialism.

                              Bob A (Democratic Marxism)
                              Ok, so since Marxism calls for the tyrannical step of the abolishment of private property that you appear not to support, why have the word
                              "Marxism" included in your party's name?


                              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Dilip - Post # 158 (24/5/4)

                                "while those who can lick the of their government appointed superiors and politicians, and can play around with the myriad of contradictory laws, can enjoy life without ever being productive..."

                                I suggest you look at whether your life view on this issue is "elitist, demeaning and dismissive" re the majority of hard-working, low-income Canadians. I do fear you reflect a fundamental view of Libertarianism.

                                Bob A
                                Please read my post again, as you seem to have misunderstood it (hopefully you are not assuming the trolling role of your nasty troll friend): I was not referring to the hard-working, low income Canadians at all. They are to be applauded for continuing to work hard, despite the fact that our almost-Marxist system does not reward them adequately and only favors those who can lick the of their government appointed superiors and politicians, and play around with the myriad of contradictory laws...
                                Get it?

