Life - How Should It Be Viewed?

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Thanks Pargat......I would not have gone to the trouble I did, if I was not trying to understand.

    I am now a believer in my own theology, not the one in which I was raised.

    I will consider your comments carefully.

    Bob A
    Bob, please pay more attention. It was I who responded to you with those comments. It was Dilip, the Libertarian nutjob.

    This is the 2nd or 3rd time you have thought I was responding to you when it was someone else. Please LOOK at who is responding to you.


    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Hi Pargat:

      I am trying to sort out what I would call "your theology" is somewhat different..........

      1. There is some all-powerful Spiritual Creator.
      2. S/he/It created immortal, non-material, eternal human souls.
      3. It is part of the Creator's plan that each soul must go through a period of suffering in a material world (Life in the Multi-verse) to eventually make his/her way back to a spiritual realm (Heaven) to be with the Creator forever.
      4. Most humans incorporate into their material world plan to have a conscience, and to practice understanding and empathy.
      5. But, for this suffering to occur, Evil must exist in this material world in order to test us. We are also just materially suffering from the start because we need certain elements just to maintain our human, material life (Air, food, etc.). We also suffer from the fact that as material human beings, we not only have to have Maslow's basic hierarchy of needs, but we have "WANTS, beyond needs", and we sometimes suffer striving to achieve them. Our needs can never be eternally fulfilled here....we must one day die.
      6. To have suffering occur, some humans are allowed to choose to practice evil in their lives as part of the Creator's Plan.(I assume since they are choosing to live evilly to implement the Creator's Plan, there is no blame on them for their choice).
      7. All creatures eventually go to Heaven (There is no Hell) and live without any needs ever being unmet.

      Click image for larger version Name:	Heaven.jpg Views:	0 Size:	15.2 KB ID:	237493

      Let me know where I've gotten it wrong.....I've inserted a few elements that seem to me required to make your theology seamless.

      I'd be interested in what other CT'ers think of this as a "theology"!

      Bob A

      The only part you didn't get right is point 3 where you wrote "each soul must go through a period of suffering in a material world... "...

      No, the Creator doesn't force any soul to incarnate on Earth or any other planet in the Universe (there are billions of them, according to many NDEers). Instead, the Creator "offers each soul the opportunity to incarnate into a physical universe" and the soul can decide for itself. Most souls jump at the chance, because they know they will survive no matter how much suffering they go through, and the suffering advances their spiritual understanding.

      Also, your point 6 is only relevant to those people of Earth who seem because of their evil nature to "have no soul" or no conscience. Hitler, Stalin, Trump, etc, etc, For the rest of the souls, practising evil is part of THEIR life plan, not part of the CREATOR'S plan. So the Hitlers and Stalins etc are required to set the environment at some particular time and place to be mostly evil in nature, and it is in this evil environment that human suffering can be enhanced for the good of all the souls who want to suffer here on Earth.

      This "soul plan" idea is not really a theology in the sense of an invented system of thought. It is the message that comes back to us via those who have been allowed to briefly return to the other side via death, and then be returned after getting some information that is allowed to be spread to the incarnates on Earth. As such, there is no 'soul plan" church or movement. There doesn't need to be. No one needs to be "converted".

