Life - How Should It Be Viewed?

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  • I've been giving this a lot of thought, let's see if I can get it right. I present a scholarly paper on the subject matter, which you, BobA, dismiss out of hand, after reading only the first paragraph, the abstract which always contains the conclusion,, not even sniffing at the pages of supporting information and provide absolutely no useful supporting argument of our own, other than a brief tautology, I guess this is how you like to cook up those "commonly agreed upon" facts of yours.



    • Actually I have done a lot of thinking on LIFE, theologically and philosophically. I also have read on the scientific theory of evolution of life on earth (No, I can't give you sources). I don't just dismiss others' views out of hand........very poor assessment of me, and you've know me for years as a chess friend........

      I happen to disagree, and I do try, it is true, to be succinct and not use jargon.


