FIDE Election for President

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  • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

    Originally posted by Adam Cormier View Post
    While I believe Kasparov is not an amazing choice for the job of FIDE president, I don't see him doing a worse job than Kirsan and by the polls numbers it would seem the majority of people who decided to vote would also prefer to see Kasparov in place.

    The current FIDE administration's incompetence is well known, and even the Olympiad might be in trouble now (source: ). Adding the World Cup as a requirement to the bidding process when Norway's chess federation had already discussed funding with the government beforehand has led to 2 million extra euros being required and the government is not allowing this increase in funding. Forcing a country to host another massive tournament when likely money would be strained from simply the Olympiad seems like a very poor decision by FIDE, but it is nothing unexpected.
    Adam, thank you for your post. Who would you suggest be an amazing choice for the job? Obama? Putin? Lincoln? Lenin? Moses? Stalin? At least Kasparov's name is already a part of human civilization, in fact if elected he's facing enormous challenges and I don't think he'll fail.
    Last edited by Sasha Starr; Thursday, 15th May, 2014, 05:25 PM.


    • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

      Originally posted by Adam Cormier View Post

      The current FIDE administration's incompetence is well known, and even the Olympiad might be in trouble now ....
      If it's moved to Russia our government may not allow our teams to participate.
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

        Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
        I hate to tell you this, Paul, but I mostly ignore your posts too. Life's too short. Try using fewer words, and they might have more impact.
        You are free to do as you please, John. But a question: do you ever read non-fiction books? Much longer than any of my posts. They still sell, because some people are ok with long reads to learn about a topic in depth.

        The reason many of my posts are so long is that there are multiple points I'm addressing, usually all related. I try to help people see the big picture, not just a few pixels.

        In one of your posts of another thread today, you asked why Juniors who leave chess at high school age aren't coming back as adults. Do you realize how many possible answers there are to that? I'd like to go into it with you, but you won't read it. Some people are just too lazy to learn.

        The Universe is unfolding as it should. Speaking of which, here's a very good non-fiction book for any inquiring mind:

        "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. It explains that the Universe is actually, literally unfolding (and enfolding).
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

          Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
          If it's moved to Russia our government may not allow our teams to participate.

          Oh, BTW Russian Federation has just nominated on one of the key FIDE's executive positions somebody closely associated with one of the sponsors of the Moscow's World Championship match in 2012, who is now on the top of the suncions' personal list (USA, Canada and EU).


          • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

            Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
            Adam, thank you for your post. Who would you suggest be an amazing choice for the job? Obama? Putin? Lincoln? Lenin? Moses? Stalin? At least Kasparov's name is already a part of human civilization, in fact if elected he's facing enormous challenges and I don't think he'll fail.
            I supported Karpov's attempt more than Kasparov's but I believe both are far superior to Kirsan. I agree I don't think he will fail and will be better at promoting chess in all parts of the world rather than just the ones that load FIDE's pockets with money.
            University and Chess, a difficult mix.


            • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

              Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
              If it's moved to Russia our government may not allow our teams to participate.

              Russia is an interesting topic right now, but with Kasparov's negative ties with the current Russian dictatorship I don't think he will attempt to have too many big tournament's in Russia (or at least no more than Kirsan). I'm not really nationalistic I'd prefer to see an Olympiad without Canada than no Olympiad at all (Of course I still enjoy when Canadian players do well internationally, well if I like the person they are that is) since I enjoy going through and analyzing the games played.
              University and Chess, a difficult mix.


              • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                You are free to do as you please, John. But a question: do you ever read non-fiction books? Much longer than any of my posts. They still sell, because some people are ok with long reads to learn about a topic in depth.
                Nothing untoward about comparing the length of some of your posts to a book.

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                In one of your posts of another thread today, you asked why Juniors who leave chess at high school age aren't coming back as adults.
                It was actually Garland Best who asked that question.

                Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                ... I get that when one finishes high school other aspects of life take priority. However, at some point one has the opportunity to come back to chess. Why don't they?


                • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                  Originally posted by Adam Cormier View Post
                  Russia is an interesting topic right now, but with Kasparov's negative ties with the current Russian dictatorship I don't think he will attempt to have too many big tournament's in Russia (or at least no more than Kirsan). I'm not really nationalistic I'd prefer to see an Olympiad without Canada than no Olympiad at all (Of course I still enjoy when Canadian players do well internationally, well if I like the person they are that is) since I enjoy going through and analyzing the games played.
                  Kasparov simply can't visit Russia, therefore he'll not likely organize any tournaments there. However KI also will not organize any tournaments there, however for entirely different reasons.
                  Last edited by Sasha Starr; Thursday, 15th May, 2014, 09:27 PM.


                  • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    I think I have wasted enough time with you. Unless you have something new to contribute I will have to stop responding to you. I see exactly where you are going with this. I am dealing with the CFC that I inherited and not the one that I created. Will I cooperate with the games that you want to play to twist the CFC`s structure so that you can deliver a vote and endorsement to Gary in the full realization that playing those games could unravel the compromises that we engaged in to pass the new NFP compliant bylaws, articles and structure. No, not much. Do you need mine or the executive`s cooperation to play your game between meetings. Yes you do.

                    This whole NFP process was a big time sink that had to be done. It took a lot of the governors, the executive and my own time. It took time that I could have spent organizing tournaments and preparing the Windsor kids for tournaments. Unfortunately it was absolutely necessary if we wanted the CFC to even continue to exist. Our real problem here is not who is going to be the next FIDE president. Our real problem here is what we can do to improve the lot of chessplayers here in Canada and encourage more people to play chess. Pretty much everything else needs to be subservient to that.

                    If you want to see a CFC endorsement and vote for your candidate then feel free to discuss it. If you want to heap abuse on the executive and me for taking a strategic view of the CFC`s interests you will not further your cause. As far as I can tell you don`t have any sneaky maneuvers available to you without my cooperation or that of the executive. Of course I could be wrong on that and if I am I guess we will find out soon enough.

                    Vlad Drkulec on 05/13 at 1:45 pm Eastern:

                    "We are not in a position where we have to bend over just because someone might at some point sponsor something"

                    Vlad Drkulec on 05/14 at 9:30 pm Eastern:

                    "Our real problem here is what we can do to improve the lot of chessplayers here in Canada and encourage more people to play chess. Pretty much everything else needs to be subservient to that."

                    Could it possibly be? Could Kirsan's aliens have just taken Vlad Drkulec for an overnight ride in their spaceship, and educated him as to what is really needed in chess, i.e. sponsorship? I wonder if Sid Belzberg was along for the ride...

                    By the way... I just LOVE the juxtaposition of the terms "bend over" and "subservient"!!!! Couldn't be more perfect!!!
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      The ground has a habit of shifting under you when you make a premature decision.
                      But you make decisions underground!


                      • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                        Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                        Vlad Drkulec on 05/13 at 1:45 pm Eastern:

                        "We are not in a position where we have to bend over just because someone might at some point sponsor something"

                        Vlad Drkulec on 05/14 at 9:30 pm Eastern:

                        "Our real problem here is what we can do to improve the lot of chessplayers here in Canada and encourage more people to play chess. Pretty much everything else needs to be subservient to that."

                        Could it possibly be? Could Kirsan's aliens have just taken Vlad Drkulec for an overnight ride in their spaceship, and educated him as to what is really needed in chess, i.e. sponsorship? I wonder if Sid Belzberg was along for the ride...

                        By the way... I just LOVE the juxtaposition of the terms "bend over" and "subservient"!!!! Couldn't be more perfect!!!
                        And to avoid to "bend over" and be "subservient" our President is:
                        1.about to break the rules (has not done it yet, just doing his "due dilligence")
               prepared to go against wishes of majority of public opinion (results of his own poll)
               not considering the present political cituation and its implications - from the Globe and Mail: "The Canadian government has begun publicly discouraging business executives from travelling to Russia in a new effort to further shun Vladimir Putin’s regime over its aggression in Ukraine. The measure comes amid a growing Canadian boycott of a major global energy conference in Moscow next month." Next could be the chess tournaments in Russia and/or organized by Russians with the ties to persons on the sunctions' list.
                        4.misleading readers here that somehow he and/or executives have a power over the CFC's vote on Presidential election - this power belongs to the incoming Assembly of Governors, who may or may not delegate it to executives etc.
                        Last edited by Sasha Starr; Friday, 16th May, 2014, 09:37 AM.


                        • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                          Originally posted by Mark Biong View Post
                          But you make decisions underground!
                          Sounds like a good tune for Tom Waits!


                          • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                            Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                            Sounds like a good tune for Tom Waits!
                            Thank you, Vlad: Waits LOL!


                            • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                              Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                              Thank you, Vlad: Waits LOL!
                              Actually, here's a direct link >>>

                              Now This is Tom Waits>>>>
                              Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Friday, 16th May, 2014, 09:40 AM.


                              • Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                                Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                                Actually, here's a direct link >>>

                                Now This is Tom Waits>>>>
                                Thank you, Vlad!

