In the upcoming federal election how would you be likely to vote?

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  • #61
    Academic Freedom and UBC

    Supplemental: RECENT evidence of right wing conformity and silencing of dissent at the highest levels in Canadian academia.

    What we are talking about is the relentless advance of a corporate agenda and putting the boots to independent thinking.

    I was recruited to the University of British Columbia last year with a mandate to help organizations advance gender and diversity in leadership. I interpreted this to also mean UBC, which is lacking in gender and diversity in its leadership. For example, at its Vancouver campus, 11 of the 12 deans are white and 10 are men.*

    As someone who studies a controversial subject, it is inevitable that some of the things I have to say will upset some people, perhaps especially those who have risen to power in current systems. But as a faculty member I have always felt safe, and indeed obligated, to exercise my right to academic free speech.

    A week ago today I received a phone call from the Chair of the UBC Board of Governors, John Montalbano, who also happens to be on the Faculty Advisory Board of the Sauder School of Business and the donor of the money for my Professorship within it. His purpose in calling was to tell me that my blog post from the day before was "incredibly hurtful, inaccurate, and greatly unfair to the Board” and “greatly and grossly embarrassing to the Board." He said I had made him "look like a hypocrite.” He said my post would cause others to question my academic credibility. He repeatedly mentioned having conversations with my Dean about it. He also repeatedly brought up RBC, which funds my outreach activities, to say that people there were on “damage control” should the media pick up on this.
    She concludes:

    I am simply stunned by this behavior on the part of the leadership at this university. I have never felt more gagged or threatened after expressing scholarly viewpoints and analysis of current events.

    I am a full professor. Even if the university’s leadership doesn’t recognize it, I have a right to academic freedom and expression, free of intimidation and harassment. I cannot be fired for exercising this right.

    When I imagine being an assistant professor at this university, or anyone without the protection of tenure, this experience becomes unspeakable. I would be terrified, not angry. I would have retracted my post, or not have written it at all. I would avoid studying and speaking on controversial topics.

    Imagine a university of scholars so silenced, and the implications for the world we live in.
    Read the rest for yourself. Because freedom.

    The case of Jennifer Berdahl. Academic Freedom and UBC
    Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


    • #62
      Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

      Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
      For reference I scored -2.38 for Left-right, -2.15 for Libertarism - Authoritarism. Which places me slightly left and libertarian of center.
      Which, according to the same site apparently puts me almost exactly at the same point as the NDP currently resides.


      • #63
        Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

        Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
        For reference I scored -2.38 for Left-right, -2.15 for Libertarism - Authoritarism. Which places me slightly left and libertarian of center.

        Which, according to the same site apparently puts me almost exactly at the same point as the NDP currently resides.
        Thanks for the great link, Garland. I vaguely remember taking this test for the U.S. 2004 election, but it appears to be significantly expanded.

        Today, I scored (-0.88) on the economic scale (Left-Right), and (-6.72) on the social scale (Libertarian-Authoritarian). Alas, there is no major federal party in Canada that would occupy a similar position on the chart. Nowhere near at all.

        However, when printing my wondrous personalized certificate off the site, I was pleasantly surprised that my red dot was located directly on Thomas Payne's chin. :) Thrilled to hold opinions similar to those of the author of Rights of Man.


        • #64
          Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

          For me, -6.88 on the economic scale and -6.1 on the social scale.
          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


          • #65
            Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

            Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
            I would be curious on how people score on this website. I am not making any claim that it is at all accurate, but still it would be interesting to see.

            For reference I scored -2.38 for Left-right, -2.15 for Libertarism - Authoritarism. Which places me slightly left and libertarian of center.

            2.5 Economic, 2.51 Social.

            I was surprised at those numbers!


            • #66
              Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

              Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
              2.5 Economic, 2.51 Social.

              I was surprised at those numbers!
              The ChessTalk crowd chart so far.
              Last edited by Vadim Tsypin; Monday, 31st August, 2015, 07:42 AM. Reason: Chart updated on 8/31 to include new responses.


              • #67
                Re: Academic Freedom and UBC

                Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
                Supplemental: RECENT evidence of right wing conformity and silencing of dissent at the highest levels in Canadian academia.

                What we are talking about is the relentless advance of a corporate agenda and putting the boots to independent thinking.

                She concludes:

                Read the rest for yourself. Because freedom.

                The case of Jennifer Berdahl. Academic Freedom and UBC
                Just one Canadian university and one professor feeling aggrieved there. Hmmm. It's recent, it's true, but at least most post-grads, who largely would vote NDP (which is what Vlad Do. referred to originally) went through the Canadian university system long before too recently. So even if you're right, Nigel, I hope you see my point based on the less recent links I gave concerning Canadian universities (note plural).
                Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Monday, 31st August, 2015, 04:41 PM. Reason: Spelling
                Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                • #68
                  Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                  Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                  Aren't you confusing "left vs right" with "totalitarism vs anarchism" ?
                  Hi Garland

                  Not sure if you're addressing Nigel or myself, or what you're referring to.
                  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                  Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                  • #69
                    Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                    My reply was to Nigel's post.


                    • #70
                      Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                      Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                      I would be curious on how people score on this website. I am not making any claim that it is at all accurate, but still it would be interesting to see.

                      For reference I scored -2.38 for Left-right, -2.15 for Libertarism - Authoritarism. Which places me slightly left and libertarian of center.
                      That link wouldn't be to the political scoring survey the federal Liberals furtively tried to use during an election runup in order to skew its results towards their party a number of years ago, would it?

                      Fwiw, I scored -3.77 for Economic Left - Right, -0.75 for Social Libertarianism - Authoritarism. Puts me somewhat in the mushy middle, I suppose. I didn't try to see if all of the questions asked on the website were somehow given similar weight in the scoring.
                      Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Monday, 31st August, 2015, 06:53 PM. Reason: Grammar
                      Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                      Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                      • #71
                        Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                        Economic Left/Right: 0.25
                        Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.23

                        I went through all of the charts and the only party in any of the countries that really was close to my score was the Pirate Party in Germany. Really interesting. Guess it's not surprising that I find political parties to be totally out of touch with my own personal view of reality in Canada. Thanks for the link, I found it interesting.


                        • #72
                          Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                          Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                          That link wouldn't be to the political scoring survey the federal Liberals furtively tried to use during an election runup in order to skew its results towards their party a number of years ago, would it?...
                          Here's a link to a criticism wikipedia notes about Vote Compass (might be an older version of the link I refer to that Garland provided), mentioning the 2011 Canadian federal election in particular:


                          [edit: Another link below.]

                          Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Monday, 31st August, 2015, 07:39 PM.
                          Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                          Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                          • #73
                            Higher Education's Silent Killer isn't "left wing" grads - It's the University itself

                            Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                            Just one Canadian university and one professor feeling aggrieved there. Hmmm. It's recent, it's true, but at least most post-grads, who largely would vote NDP (which is what Vlad Do. referred to originally) went through the Canadian university system long before too recently. So even if you're right, Nigel, I hope you see my point based on the less recent links I gave concerning Canadian universities (note plural).
                            It may very well be that post-grads are resisting the brutal pro-corporate conformity that is taking place at Universities in Canada by voting for more "left" parties. But the key fact, not to be obfuscated by opinion polls on cosmetic issues, is that ...

                            Originally posted by M. Spooner
                            The corporate transformation of universities has by now been well documented in books like The Corporate Campus (2000), Universities for Sale (1999), and, more recently, Free Knowledge: Confronting the Commodification of Human Discovery (2015) and A Penny for Your Thoughts: How corporatization devalues teaching, research, and public service in Canada’s universities (2015).

                            The capsule summary of such assessments is this: as a direct result of successive governments’ chronic underfunding of post-secondary education, the traditional university is being transformed away from an accessible institution dedicated to fostering critical, creative, and engaged citizens while generating public-interest research, to an entrepreneurial training centre churning out atomized workers and corporate-directed “R&D.”
                            And that is very, very, very well documented, as noted by the above list of well researched texts. Where are your references?

                            Remember your claim?

                            Kevin Pacey: "I've heard that universities in Canada largely have a major left-wing bias, so there may well be some heavy indoctrination going on."

                            Yeah, heavy indoctrination all right. And strong resistance to it. Good on those "left wing" grads for resisting rw corporate totalitarianism. You seem to have cause and effect ass backwards by treating a consequence (possible voting behavior by grads) as a cause (university as sausage factory).

                            Higher Education’s Silent Killer
                            Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Tuesday, 1st September, 2015, 07:36 PM.
                            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                            • #74
                              Re: Higher Education's Silent Killer isn't "left wing" grads - It's the University it

                              How do I know the agenda of the authors you praise? You're totally ignoring or downplaying the links I already gave, too.
                              Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                              Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                              • #75
                                a critique of critical criticism

                                Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                                How do I know the agenda of the authors you praise?
                                You'd have to actually read a synopsis, and maybe some of the books, rather than look for excuses not to read the books.

                                Supplemental: The author of the article provides a link to a Conference that dealt with this very topic. You don't even have to strain your eyes and read a book. Just watch the proceedings of the Conference and form your own opinion based on the evidence of the scholars.

                                Mind you, the current regime in Ottawa wants to vet everything scientists say. So have a look before that right is taken away from you.

                                “Public Engagement and the Politics of Evidence in an Age of Neoliberalism and Audit Culture”
                                Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; Tuesday, 1st September, 2015, 09:48 PM. Reason: supplemental.
                                Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

