In the upcoming federal election how would you be likely to vote?

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  • #16
    Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

    Originally posted by Mathieu Cloutier View Post
    Harper knows who vote for him. And he knows how to take care of them. If it means not taking part some debates, so be it.

    Most Harper haters just don't understand how he's running circles around them.

    After the CNN debacle in the previous U.S. presidential election I don't think that any politician should ignore who they are putting forward as the moderator of any potential debates. If the moderator has a vested interest in seeing you lose they will probably run the debate in a way to make that more likely.


    • #17
      Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

      25 years ago Mulroney threw Kim Campbell to the wolves! It is about to happen once more.... control freak who has p****d off so many Canadians that there is no way he is going to win in October. Trudeau continues to come across as a lightweight...not connecting to the public. The public has refused to feed the polling organizations for quite a while will be a conservative rout! NDP majority, Liberal opposition. Better than what we have right now......
      Fred Harvey


      • #18
        Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
        The Conservatives did not do away with door to door delivery. Canada Post which is independent of the government did so. I predict promises to reverse the decision with a huge subsidy to Canada Post to do away with this plan but once the cost gets tallied the winning party if Liberal or NDP will find better priorities for its money.
        That's something I don't get. Canada Post is a Crown Corporation. Why wouldn't the government have adequate influence over them, then?
        Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
        Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


        • #19
          Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

          Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
          25 years ago Mulroney threw Kim Campbell to the wolves! It is about to happen once more.... control freak who has p****d off so many Canadians that there is no way he is going to win in October.
          Are you comparing Harper and his Canadian Alliance to the former Conservative Party? Because these are not the same. Not at all.

          But everybody got fooled because of the name.


          • #20
            Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

            No of course I'm not...try to keep up!

            We have a politician who has totally lost contact with the electorate, just like Mulroney, and who will be royally booted from office. The party name has absolutely nothing to do with anything!
            Fred Harvey


            • #21
              Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

              Originally posted by Mathieu Cloutier View Post
              Harper knows who vote for him. And he knows how to take care of them. If it means not taking part some debates, so be it.

              Most Harper haters just don't understand how he's running circles around them.

              Personally I'm likely to vote for the Cons. Still, to me Harper seems to be making some strange moves lately for a guy compared to a chess master at times.
              Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
              Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


              • #22
                Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
                No of course I'm not...try to keep up!

                We have a politician who has totally lost contact with the electorate, just like Mulroney, and who will be royally booted from office. The party name has absolutely nothing to do with anything!
                And hence why I said he's running circles around you...

                It doesn't matter what you think. Nobody cares about Fred and his good ol' canadian values. You can hate Harper all you want. He's still got a priviledged access to a sizeable part of the electorate.

                The more you hate them, the more they grow strong.

                And I'm not taking sides or making a statement. I'm just calling it as I see it.


                • #23
                  Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                  Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                  Personally I'm likely to vote for the Cons. Still, to me Harper seems to be making some strange moves lately for a guy compared to a chess master at times.
                  A chess master? Come on. A chess master wouldn't give away his moves like that.

                  Harper is a C-class player at best. And that's enough to win an election...


                  • #24
                    Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                    I tend to vote the lesser of evils in Federal Elections. For me that is a vote for Conservative by a wide margin.


                    • #25
                      Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      The Conservatives did not do away with door to door delivery. Canada Post which is independent of the government did so.
                      The Minister of Transport has responsibility for Canada Post crown corporation.
                      Gary Ruben
                      CC - IA and SIM


                      • #26
                        Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                        I understand that most homes in urban areas do not get home mail delivery now. Won't the new policy level the playing field? Do the Liberals or NDP promise home delivery for all?
                        Paul Leblanc
                        Treasurer Chess Foundation of Canada


                        • #27
                          Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                          Originally posted by Paul Leblanc View Post
                          I understand that most homes in urban areas do not get home mail delivery now. Won't the new policy level the playing field? Do the Liberals or NDP promise home delivery for all?
                          I don't know the percentages but the ones who don't get door to door mail delivery are mostly in the new areas. When they built the houses they planned and put in the community mail boxes at the time. People bought the houses knowing. Also, you're probably counting the high rise buildings which have a mail box in the lobby.

                          It's different than taking away the delivery in the areas with older homes and likely more seniors than the newer areas. They aren't set up for it. In the winter the snow is piled up where the boxes would go. At the side of the road. I'm in a cul de sac so get a lot pushed onto my lawn. It's pretty much a given a box won't go very close to here.

                          Both the Liberals and NDP promise to restore mail where it's recently been taken away and to continue door to door delivery. I can see them keeping those unionized letter carrier jobs.

                          I don't know how others in the riding feel about the topic. However, last summer there were a lot of houses on this street which had Save Door To Door signs on their front lawn. I didn't.

                          The level playing field might well be a factor for people who don't get the service continuing to vote Conservative. I guess we'll know in a few months it it's a factor in the election.

                          Let's talk about Justin for moment. I think he has a great hairdo.Short of buying a rug, I'll never have one like that. The man look Prime Ministerial. If you want a demonstration of his hard hitting come back style, google the Justin Trudeau - Patrick Brazeau punch out which was for charity. It's on youtube.
                          Gary Ruben
                          CC - IA and SIM


                          • #28
                            Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                            The peasants are getting very restless! I don't think they are worrying about hairdo's or mail delivery....the last time I had home delivery was fifty years ago....but who knows? As I said earlier, real major surprises ahead, because the peasants are not feeding the pollsters.....
                            Fred Harvey


                            • #29
                              Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                              Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
                              The peasants are getting very restless! I don't think they are worrying about hairdo's or mail delivery....the last time I had home delivery was fifty years ago....but who knows? As I said earlier, real major surprises ahead, because the peasants are not feeding the pollsters.....
                              A whole 50 years you haven't had mail delivery. Since 1965 when Lester Pearson was Prime Minister. You remember Pearson. He won some minor prize. Had a bit to do with a pension plan and medicare.
                              Gary Ruben
                              CC - IA and SIM


                              • #30
                                Re: Now, if only some others felt the same way...

                                Fwiw, it was 30 years ago Canada Post first began putting up community 'super mailboxes', in new neighbourhoods (under the PC government of Brian Mulroney).

                                Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                                Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer

