CYCC Vancouver bid.

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  • #61
    Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

    Originally posted by Frank Broughton
    "Follow the money stupid!"

    If you actually took a look at the bid, a good portion of the "organizers" are parents who Vlad gets money from for coaching their children. Of course he is going to support his city! Like politician, his sole interest is appeasing who pays the bills, not the health of Canadian chess. A fool would understand how much better the Quebec and Vancouver bids were. Sound, respected organizers (CMA, yourself, FQE, etc.) vs. unscrupulous Windsor parents supported by Vlad. Financially, the Quebec bid also makes more sense, also. The Vancouver bid also makes plenty of financial sense also.

    Scott, your argument about middle-class families is true. In both this years and last years CYCC, the "official photographer" (I won't mention names, you probably know who it is) was from B.C. He/She had three children playing in this/last years CYCC. They had their plane fare, hotel all paid for using the registration fees, not sure if it was CFC arm-twisting the organizers. I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of photographers in Windsor and especially Montreal, that wouldn't require thousands of dollars to accommodate. But sadly, for some hard working chess playing families in B.C, they can't all be "official photographers" and receive special treatment. Considering Vlad supports a Putin, ISIS loving crony, it only makes sense that he would start to emulate him.
    Shucks, almost had my hole dug.


    • #62
      Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

      For my head.


      • #63
        Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

        Please Scott, don't get me even started about how poorly organized last years CYCC was. A closed access playing area, with no visibility (except if you had a boat and 20 foot ladder), with Windsor Coaches and Parents (who's kids were playing in the CYCC) allowed into the playing halls. Considering we live in a post Borislav Ivanov world, this sounds surely like a good idea?
        Last edited by Frank Broughton; Tuesday, 22nd December, 2015, 05:13 PM.


        • #64
          Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

          Originally posted by Frank Broughton
          In both this years and last years CYCC, the "official photographer" (I won't mention names, you probably know who it is) was from B.C. He/She had three children playing in this/last years CYCC. They had their plane fare, hotel all paid for using the registration fees, not sure if it was CFC arm-twisting the organizers. I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of photographers in Windsor and especially Montreal, that wouldn't require thousands of dollars to accommodate. But sadly, for some hard working chess playing families in B.C, they can't all be "official photographers" and receive special treatment.
          Frank, you claims are completely false. I would ask that you withdraw them immediately.


          • #65
            Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
            Frank, you claims are completely false. I would ask that you withdraw them immediately.
            I guess the Windsor organizers were lying when they were speaking to Vlad openly about it? I think not.


            • #66
              Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

              By the way Bob, considering you are a part of an organization that openly supported a Putin, ISIS linked crony, maybe you should think before you shoot? Any credibility you or the CFC had is now completely gone. You saying "my claims are completely false" offers no value what so ever. I would advise readers on Chesstalk that believing Bob and the CFC is like believing Nixon. Full of lies and corruption!
              Last edited by Frank Broughton; Tuesday, 22nd December, 2015, 06:00 PM.


              • #67
                Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                Originally posted by Frank Broughton View Post
                I guess the Windsor organizers were lying when they were speaking to Vlad openly about it? I think not.
                Frank, I am not privy to conversations between the Windsor organizers and Vlad, so I can’t comment on that. You have made a claim that Victoria’s family received special treatment in return for her acting as the official photographer. She did receive an honorarium of $1,000 as Head of Delegation. We typically do award an honorarium to the HOD, so there is nothing unusual here. You have implied their airfares and hotel bills have been paid out of some slush fund. Totally false. Other than the HOD honorarium, the family has received the same treatment as other families. There is no scandal here. Please retract your comments.

                I do realize that we have no yet published a detailed report of the CYCC / WYCC spending. I will see about putting that report together over the Christmas break.


                • #68
                  Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                  Originally posted by Frank Broughton View Post
                  By the way Bob, considering you are a part of an organization that openly supported a Putin, ISIS linked crony, maybe you should think before you shoot? Any credibility you or the CFC had is now completely gone. You saying "my claims are completely false" offers no value what so ever. I would advise readers on Chesstalk that believing Bob and the CFC is like believing Nixon. Full of lies and corruption!
                  Oh, snap! I guess you told me. :)
                  Help me, Spock! I'm getting sucked into the chess talk void.

                  This is why I try to stay away from the politics.
                  Oh, and Frank, who are you?


                  • #69
                    Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                    Frank, I am not privy to conversations between the Windsor organizers and Vlad, so I can’t comment on that. You have made a claim that Victoria’s family received special treatment in return for her acting as the official photographer. She did receive an honorarium of $1,000 as Head of Delegation. We typically do award an honorarium to the HOD, so there is nothing unusual here. You have implied their airfares and hotel bills have been paid out of some slush fund. Totally false. Other than the HOD honorarium, the family has received the same treatment as other families. There is no scandal here. Please retract your comments.

                    I do realize that we have no yet published a detailed report of the CYCC / WYCC spending. I will see about putting that report together over the Christmas break.
                    If you are not aware of the conversation or any of it's details, I suggest you keep out of this discussion.


                    • #70
                      Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                      Originally posted by Frank Broughton
                      The CFC pays about $1500 a player. There are only supposed to be 14 official delegates. That only amounts to about $21000. So Scott does have a point, we do we need more than that? To fund a personal CFC slush fund? Most likely! Who knows were the other $20,000 goes? All of which is unaccounted for!
                      How do you know what hasn't been accounted for? Maybe before shooting your mouth off about "a personal CFC slush fund" you could ask whether the CFC has produced CYCC financial statements and where interested parties can obtain copies.
                      "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                      "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                      "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                      • #71
                        Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                        Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                        Oh, snap! I guess you told me. :)
                        Help me, Spock! I'm getting sucked into the chess talk void.

                        This is why I try to stay away from the politics.
                        Oh, and Frank, who are you?
                        Don't the wild accusations and abusive behaviour remind you of someone? (ask FB if he's working on any 54-page reports)
                        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                        • #72
                          Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                          Originally posted by Frank Broughton View Post
                          If you are not aware of the conversation or any of it's details, I suggest you keep out of this discussion.

                          Frank, is there to your knowledge tangible proof of these allegations? Because if there is, it would seem this could be grounds for legal action against Vlad and / or the CFC and possible removal of Vlad as President and of the CFC's NFP status.

                          On the surface, these allegations seem very plausible. First there's Vlad's personal bromance with Kirsan taken to the point of a very contentious CFC endorsement, now we see Vlad again presiding over another very contentious action, approval of a bid from his home city against several other bids. But there is the aspect of innocent until proven guilty, so for now the only thing Vlad is guilty of is very bad judgment and a total inability to sense (or an inability to care about) the optics of a particular action.

                          The one thing that seems as if it should be easily provable is the conflict of interest you mention regarding parents of children Vlad is doing paid coaching for also being part of the Windsor organizers putting in a competitive bid to the CFC. Simply reporting this to whatever government ministry oversees the NFP act might be sufficient to get Vlad's forced resignation?

                          Also Frank, if you do have proof of these allegations, you might want to contact the people Vlad mentioned he is working with... I think he mentioned Caesars in Windsor, who are apparently very involved and might want to know if the person they are working with is provably unscrupulous.
                          Only the rushing is heard...
                          Onward flies the bird.


                          • #73
                            Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                            Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                            Don't the wild accusations and abusive behaviour remind you of someone?
                            Peter, it brings back so many fond memories, not!
                            And now for something completely different.
                            Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Thursday, 24th December, 2015, 04:55 PM.


                            • #74
                              Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                              Is this video symbolism for the stupidity of the CFC?


                              • #75
                                Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                                Originally posted by Steve Douglas View Post
                                Wowzers! I'm not sure how to follow this. Now Putin's involved. Sid, Nigel, can you help here?? I know how to use a camera! Can I get on the CFC gravy train too?


                                Any claims that money went towards a photographer in Windsor are erroneous. There were unpaid, volunteer photographers at the Windsor CYCC. One was from BC. One I believe was from the GTA. Another was from Windsor. None received payment for their services and no plane flights were paid for. He can carry on. Haters gotta hate, hate, hate. Players gotta play, play, play. I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake it off.

                                I don't have time for Sid Vicious and his hangers on.

