US Elections

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  • #76
    Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    According to some of the betting sites, Trump has around 18% chances to win. Interestingly, before the BREXIT, they gave similar odds: 16% for the exit, 84% for remain.

    538 gives Trump around 32%. I would agree more with this number.
    I'm annoyed at VISA because it wouldn't let me make an online bet. As of Sunday night you could get 4:1 on Trump win... 8:1 at sites (like PaddyPower) which are illegal to use in Canada.

    BTW, re: another set of posts: predicting rain doesn't mean you like rain.


    • #77
      Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
      He points out as evidence.... his belief that there is media bias against Trump. No actual facts, folks.
      Well, if you do not see any media bias being directed against Trump and in favour of Clinton then I am afraid I can't help you.


      • #78
        Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
        Well, if you do not see any media bias being directed against Trump and in favour of Clinton then I am afraid I can't help you.
        Brad, our definition of media bias may be different. I am appalled at the media coverage as well, but my criticism is that the mainstream media basically gave Trump a free ride: lots of free coverage, a shocking lack of tough questions, all in the pursuit of ratings and profits.

        Tough questions and calling Trump and his surrogates out on their obvious bullshit does not equal media bias. They are just doing their jobs. I am sure most of them are indeed voting for Clinton, that is not bias, just good judgement.
        Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Tuesday, 8th November, 2016, 10:29 AM.


        • #79
          Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
          He points out as evidence.... his belief that there is media bias against Trump. No actual facts, folks.
          Oh, please. Wikileaks emails.


          • #80
            Re: US Elections

            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
            Oh, please. Wikileaks emails.


            • #81
              Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
              Brad, our definition of media bias may be different.....They are just doing their jobs. I am sure most of them are indeed voting for Clinton, that is not bias, just good judgement.

              A most excellent point, Bob.

              Brad, think of it this way. If you are a heavy smoker and you go to several doctors and they all tell you to stop smoking or you'll die within a year from the effects, are you going to accuse the medical profession of being biased against tobacco companies? Would you side with protestors who are with the tobacco companies, all of them saying it's all a hoax, smoking doesn't cause any health issues?

              There are some policies, especially economic and foreign policy ones, that are hard to pin down exactly what effect they would have, good or bad. But racism, sexism, xenophobia are known to be bad to the health of a nation. And those are the things that the media has come down on Trump for. That's why I (for one) say that if anyone continues to hold the position that the media is biased, then that someone must be a Trump supporter.
              Only the rushing is heard...
              Onward flies the bird.


              • #82
                Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                Brad, our definition of media bias may be different. I am appalled at the media coverage as well, but my criticism is that the mainstream media basically gave Trump a free ride: lots of free coverage, a shocking lack of tough questions, all in the pursuit of ratings and profits.
                Ah, now we are getting somewhere! One could plausibly argue that the media was in a sense biased for Trump. He certainly received more coverage, a lot more in fact. And if bad coverage is better than none, and therefore still good, maybe the media knew this all along and their apparent bias against Trump was actually intended to serve him.

                Now, I am not saying that this is or is not the case. But you have raised a very interesting thought!!


                • #83
                  Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  Ah, now we are getting somewhere! One could plausibly argue that the media was in a sense biased for Trump. He certainly received more coverage, a lot more in fact. And if bad coverage is better than none, and therefore still good, maybe the media knew this all along and their apparent bias against Trump was actually intended to serve him.

                  Now, I am not saying that this is or is not the case. But you have raised a very interesting thought!!
                  The media was acting in their own interest when they were giving intense coverage of the Trump circus. Just like they were giving intense coverage of the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford lunacy. The media always does what gets them the most rating points. People can't tear their eyes away from a train wreck. And in this case Donald Trump is the train wreck.


                  • #84
                    Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                    I would point out as evidence the clear and obvious media
                    That's not evidence, that's your bias. The actual evidence is to the contrary, but I won't bore you with the evidence since you aren't interested in it. You could find it for yourself by exercising the most simple web searching skills. But you won't.

                    What evidence do you have, and I mean credible evidence, that Hillary is wining this election legitimately? Nothing the media tells us is credible!
                    You don't get to demand evidence from me until you show the ability to provide some yourself. Or rather, you do get to demand it (you just did) but I have no reason to obey your desires. Anyone with a lick of sense can find the evidence.

                    The real evidence will be seen later today, but you will of course claim that these results are "illegitimate", and then go back to your comforting alternate reality with Fox news.


                    • #85
                      Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                      The media was acting in their own interest when they were giving intense coverage of the Trump circus. Just like they were giving intense coverage of the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford lunacy. The media always does what gets them the most rating points. People can't tear their eyes away from a train wreck. And in this case Donald Trump is the train wreck.
                      I would agree, except that I'd modify "in their own interest" to "what they perceive as their own interests". In actual fact they were acting against their own real interests, at least if they actually want to have a free press. Admittedly that is likely not true of a large part of America's "free" press who really just want to be "free" of competition.
                      Last edited by Ed Seedhouse; Tuesday, 8th November, 2016, 01:32 PM.


                      • #86
                        Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                        Oh, please. Wikileaks emails.
                        As he said, no evidence.


                        • #87
                          Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                          Ah, now we are getting somewhere! One could plausibly argue that the media was in a sense biased for Trump. He certainly received more coverage, a lot more in fact. And if bad coverage is better than none, and therefore still good, maybe the media knew this all along and their apparent bias against Trump was actually intended to serve him.

                          Now, I am not saying that this is or is not the case. But you have raised a very interesting thought!!

                          Well, this is the first inkling that you at least have an open mind and are willing to consider opposing views.

                          If that is the case, can you answer one question: if there really is media bias against Trump, why would it prevent him from getting more votes than Clinton but at the same time NOT prevent him from getting more people to his rallies?

                          And the reason I ask is because you are the one who wrote that in a "fair" election, Trump would win because he gets far more people at his rallies.
                          Only the rushing is heard...
                          Onward flies the bird.


                          • #88
                            Re: US Elections

                            Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                            As he said, no evidence.
                            Only in the case of those who refuse to see.


                            • #89
                              Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                              That's not evidence, that's your bias. The actual evidence is to the contrary, but I won't bore you with the evidence since you aren't interested in it. You could find it for yourself by exercising the most simple web searching skills. But you won't.

                              You don't get to demand evidence from me until you show the ability to provide some yourself. Or rather, you do get to demand it (you just did) but I have no reason to obey your desires. Anyone with a lick of sense can find the evidence.

                              The real evidence will be seen later today, but you will of course claim that these results are "illegitimate", and then go back to your comforting alternate reality with Fox news.
                              A lot of the Trump supporters don't seem to understand that the "bad press" is earned when a candidate continually lies ( and doesn't care ), pushes for economic policies that almost every objective economist on the planet considers unrealistic, and treats women and certain minority groups with little or no respect. However, it's Americans who will feel the full impact of whatever Trump's policies are if he wins ( I remain convinced he'll lose ). Any trade policies or "closed border" policies he tries to invoke with Canada will either be watered down or blocked by other politicians. Even Trump should realize that trade deals with Canada are highly advantageous to the US ( if he doesn't realized this, a lot of Americans and Canadians will lose jobs ).

                              So in some ways who wins isn't that important to Canadians. Trump might even be an entertaining fail as a President with some decent shake up of American politics longer term. I think he'll be a short term disaster for Americans but by failing he might open up some eyes and they start dealing with their problems properly. I don't think grassroots Americans fully understand what is happening to them since 2008. Many had a comfortable existence for decades and can't deal with the adversity.
                              Last edited by Duncan Smith; Tuesday, 8th November, 2016, 03:49 PM.


                              • #90
                                Re: US Elections

                                Sid, if you really believe release of emails is a public service based on the First Amendment, then please release to the public domain immediately all your personal email as well as all your emails from your business dealings over the past many years.


                                Yeah. I didn't think so.
                                Only the rushing is heard...
                                Onward flies the bird.

