US Elections

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  • Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Hi Tom, thanks for posting that article. It was an interesting read. I saw an interview with Scott Adams (Dilbert) last year where he predicted the rise of Trump and explained his skills as the “master persuader”, a term Vlad has used numerous times. While we can acknowledge his skills as a “master persuader” (or con man), approving of such methods to win the presidency is a completely separate issue. Has Trump now deepened the divide and just made everything worse?

    I think I will go ahead and buy the book “The truth about Trump” by Michael D’Antonio. I have seen the author interviewed numerous times. He acknowledges Trump’s skills and goes into depth on Trump’s past and his narcissistic personality disorder. So I pose the question: Did Trump learn his “negotiating skills” the old fashioned way, or is it just a product of his narcissism?

    So now after a lifetime devoid of ethics and morality, 18 months of insulting everyone who doesn’t kiss his ass, we get a week of him appearing rational and 24 hours of sounding conciliatory. So some now want to give him the benefit of the doubt as a way of dealing with the election result. Me? I am not buying it. He is still lower than pond scum.
    It is likely that he studied sales techniques and neurolinguistic programming or NLP. Perhaps he studied with Tony Robbins though I would suspect that Tony would have helped Hillary and not the Donald. Of course, it is possible he worked with Tony long before he had political ambitions.


    • Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
      Hi Tom, thanks for posting that article. It was an interesting read. I saw an interview with Scott Adams (Dilbert) last year where he predicted the rise of Trump and explained his skills as the “master persuader”, a term Vlad has used numerous times. While we can acknowledge his skills as a “master persuader” (or con man), approving of such methods to win the presidency is a completely separate issue. Has Trump now deepened the divide and just made everything worse?

      I think I will go ahead and buy the book “The truth about Trump” by Michael D’Antonio. I have seen the author interviewed numerous times. He acknowledges Trump’s skills and goes into depth on Trump’s past and his narcissistic personality disorder. So I pose the question: Did Trump learn his “negotiating skills” the old fashioned way, or is it just a product of his narcissism?

      So now after a lifetime devoid of ethics and morality, 18 months of insulting everyone who doesn’t kiss his ass, we get a week of him appearing rational and 24 hours of sounding conciliatory. So some now want to give him the benefit of the doubt as a way of dealing with the election result. Me? I am not buying it. He is still lower than pond scum.
      Obama used the same techniques that Donald Trump did. Whatever he is, he is also the incoming president of the United States. European feathers are already ruffled because he called England but not Germany or France.


      • Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
        Obama used the same techniques that Donald Trump did.
        What, give me a break?
        Actually, I really don't know whether you are trying to insult or compliment Obama, or just trolling.
        Next you'll tell us climate change is a hoax. (no reply necessary! :))

        As always, Bernie Sanders gives us good advise on navigating these troubling times.


        • Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          What, give me a break?
          Actually, I really don't know whether you are trying to insult or compliment Obama, or just trolling.
          Next you'll tell us climate change is a hoax. (no reply necessary! :))

          As always, Bernie Sanders gives us good advise on navigating these troubling times.

          Bernie Sanders used these techniques.

          Open up your eyes. These techniques are real and they are used by advertisers and politicians to get their story across in a compelling way. When I was new to these ideas I used to look at advertising and enumerate which particular guru and which patterns they were using in their advertising.
          Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Thursday, 10th November, 2016, 03:04 PM.


          • Re : US Elections

            test test test test test test I need 10 words


            • Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

              Open up your eyes. These techniques are real and they are used by advertisers and politicians to get their story across in a compelling way. When I was new to these ideas I used to look at advertising and enumerate which particular guru and which patterns they were using in their advertising.
              Okay. It doesn't surprise me that Obama uses good advertising techniques in his speeches.
              They are really good speeches. Professional writers and proof read etc. etc.
              I just find there is a significant difference between Obama and Trump speeches!
              Is it just me?

              Olive branch - Clinton really screwed up the campaign. Thinking that a private email server would be okay was really stupid. Grotesquely stupid! (Ken wants us to stop posting.)
              Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Thursday, 10th November, 2016, 03:12 PM.


              • Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                Hey Bob. Here's a recent article from The New Yorker that nicely captures my feelings on Trump (yours too, I'll bet):

                Mine also, Peter.

                As bad as it may be, we can look at this in the light of destiny. Could this be the last gasp of the hard right in America?

                A lot of us expected this election to be the definitive sinking of the good ship GOP. Trump was going to lose by a lot, and the party was going to splinter. That didn't happen because those hard right ideas rose up for one last gasp, thanks to the slumbering Democratic base along with the waking of the rural white non-educated males that are the base of the hard right.

                They are exhulting now, breathing in the fresh air of the White House. But a last gasp it will indeed turn out to be. There are many cases throughout history of similar last gasps of dying movements.

                And it should be mentioned, there is one way that Trump could still surprise us. He has never really been solidly grounded in the past, and so as the next 4 years go by, he could turn out to actually enact some very un-conservative policies..... policies actually liked by the Democrats. It's a long shot, but if he were to do that, then the splintering of the Republican Party could still be a possibility before the 4 years are even up. The Ted Cruzes of the party are certainly going to be keeping a wary eye on what comes down the pipe. There's a lot of things on their social policy wish list, Trump could possibly turn much of them down. After all, Trump is one who still has lustful thoughts towards his own daughters.

                I'm actually wondering if Trump's Democratic social leanings might be why both Hillary and Obama seemed very much ok with the results... disappointed yes, but not despondent. The reins of power are NOT going to Ted Cruz or Carly Fiorina.

                Incidentally, I'd like to ask both Hillary and Obama a question.... do they STILL believe Trump is disqualified to be President? And if they answer yes, I'd follow up with: What should be done about that?
                Only the rushing is heard...
                Onward flies the bird.


                • Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                  ...Could this be the last gasp of the hard right in America?...
                  It hasn't taken long for the hate to get rolling. NBC showing cell phone footage from many high schools across America, especially in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Shots of students carrying Trump signs and chanting "White Power".

                  This could get bigger than Trump. Plenty of racists are now feeling empowered, and it is only a matter of time before they act. This is how it all begins.

                  And btw, this IS related to chess. For all the Canadian kids thinking of travelling to chess tournaments in the U.S., if you're a visible minority, you may want to reconsider or at least keep abreast of the news.

                  Some will call that fear-mongering. Well, yes.... the U.S. is on its way to becoming non-welcoming to all visible minorities, and that goes for more than just new immigrants.
                  Only the rushing is heard...
                  Onward flies the bird.


                  • Re: US Elections

                    Hi Paul. Re what should be done about that, I think only the Republicans in the House and Senate can reign Trump in now. I suspect he simply won't be allowed to pursue his worst proposed actions. I don't think there will be a wall built at Mexico's expense, or 11 million deported, and I don't think NAFTA will be shredded (although I suspect it will be opened up for review/revision). But I wonder what Trump's supporters, the deplorables, will do when they clue in that, yet again, they've voted for someone who doesn't follow through once they get to Washington. What are your thoughts on this?
                    "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                    "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                    • Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                      Hi Paul. Re what should be done about that, I think only the Republicans in the House and Senate can reign Trump in now. I suspect he simply won't be allowed to pursue his worst proposed actions. I don't think there will be a wall built at Mexico's expense, or 11 million deported, and I don't think NAFTA will be shredded (although I suspect it will be opened up for review/revision). But I wonder what Trump's supporters, the deplorables, will do when they clue in that, yet again, they've voted for someone who doesn't follow through once they get to Washington. What are your thoughts on this?

                      Peter, you probably made a lot of readers here groan by asking me what are my thoughts on this!

                      I've posted on these Trump threads a lot, and I am feeling a bit exhausted on the topic. But.... hey, do you want the essay version or the (ahem) short version?

                      I really could just go on and on about it. We are living in truly historical times. Major, possibly unimagineable changes are coming down the pipe. We thought this might be the case when Obama took office, but I for one was never a big believer in Obama. I sensed he was not an original thinker, and he turned out very much not to be imo. Nevertheless, he turned out to be right for the time. He gave us 8 years of slow but stable growth. And he exuded civility even if he couldn't solve issues stemming from gun violence.

                      Now we have another dramatic change, and this time we DO have an original thinker. A very, VERY original thinker.

                      But I'll get on now to what you asked about: what will the "deplorables" do once they realize the Trump administration turns out to be, at least socially, another government staying very close to the political center?

                      First of all, I almost think the deplorables are very quickly going to start thinking and acting on their own. They've had 8 years of frustration, they aren't going to wait for Trump. They will take the election result as carte blanche to take it upon themselves to bring about the changes they have been yearning for. I just saw the first inklings of this tonight, high school students in MULTIPLE high schools walking around with Trump signs and chanting "White Power".

                      In terms of young people, we still do have lots of Bernie Sanders supporters. They aren't asking for social change as much as economic change. For them, it isn't about minorities or immigrants or women versus men, it is about the top 1% and Wall Street and Big Pharma.

                      Nevertheless, I am going to predict a lot of civil strife over the next 4 years. The battle lines are being drawn. I would not be surprised to see major conflicts in urban centers before Trump even gets sworn in. If the Black Lives Matter people were active before the election, they are going to be doubly engaged and vigilant now. White police officer ambushings are on the rise and this will likely continue.

                      The deplorables are getting energized as we speak. One thing you might see very soon is attacks on abortion clinics and possibly even immigration centers. Bombings, arson, what have you. The Trump ascendancy, and his coded words to action, are giving it all a legitimacy that wasn't there before. I'll be happy to be wrong on this.

                      Ultimately I believe this election result will be the last gasp of the hard right. I don't even know a single name of who might run for President for the Democrats next time around, but it almost doesn't matter. The left will come back with a vengeance now that the unexpected has happened and they are waking up to a real threat. The big question is, how much civil violence will we go through in the meantime?

                      The danger I am sensing that could throw fuel onto the fire are Trump's economic policies. Right now, the stock market is up as investors reshift into companies that stand to profit from infrastructure spending, Caterpillar being a prime example. Tech stocks are suffering because of the hit they expect to take from less immigration of skilled tech workers. All of this is somewhat temporary. Far more worrisome are the simultaneous signals of higher interest rates and much higher federal deficits to come. That combination will prove deadly this time around. All the Obama gains will evaporate. And if the urban white uneducated males don't get their decent-paying manufacturing jobs back, they might come to the cities to join the deplorables in taking action.

                      And then the question becomes: what will Trump do when he sees his leadership failing? When he sees that economic trends are beyond his control and that Americans are more divided than ever? Then we have the real possibility of curtailing of rights, of mass deportations taking effect by emergency decree, and American going all-in on nationalism.

                      And all of this isn't even addressing foreign affairs......
                      Only the rushing is heard...
                      Onward flies the bird.


                      • Re: US Elections

                        I'm willing to bet by the end of the 2018 NFL season the Kaepernicks of America will no longer need to take a knee.
                        Last edited by Neil Frarey; Friday, 11th November, 2016, 03:00 AM.


                        • Re: US Elections

                          Bernie Sanders was an excellent choice for President.
                          How did we end up with Donald Trump?

                          Glenn Greenwald explains.



                          • Re: US Elections

                            Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                            Nevertheless, he turned out to be right for the time. He gave us 8 years of slow but stable growth. And he exuded civility even if he couldn't solve issues stemming from gun violence.
                            Right for the time? The first President of African descent watches race relations in America degenerate back to the point that they were in the 1960s, without doing or even saying anything to try to help the horrible problem, and you say he was right for the time? The man continues the insane war-mongering middle-east policies of the previous administration and you say he was right for the time?

                            You spend far too much time digging for what are usually non-existent contradictions in other people's posts. You should think about your own attitudes instead.

                            I think you are an idiot.

                            This man was an unmitigated disaster. He was a terrible disappointment.


                            • Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                              Right for the time? The first President of African descent watches race relations in America degenerate back to the point that they were in the 1960s, without doing or even saying anything to try to help the horrible problem, and you say he was right for the time? The man continues the insane war-mongering middle-east policies of the previous administration and you say he was right for the time?

                              You spend far too much time digging for what are usually non-existent contradictions in other people's posts. You should think about your own attitudes instead.

                              I think you are an idiot.

                              This man was an unmitigated disaster. He was a terrible disappointment.

                              You have the right to your opinion.

                              Disappointment, yes, I totally agree. Unmitigated disaster, no, unless you expected him to bring whites and blacks together on the streets of Chicago singing "Kumbaya". And as far as him being the first African American President and yet presiding over worsening race relations.... did you expect him to issue an Executive Order commanding all white police officers to stop shooting unarmed black men? Or to order all blacks to drop to their knees and wave a white flag every time police officers are in the area?

                              As for the middle east, let's see what the Dumpster is going to do over the next 4 years and then do some comparisons before we start throwing around labels like "unmitigated disaster". Perhaps he's going to send his kids over to command the front lines against ISIS, considering that they all know more than the current Generals?

                              I think you are the idiot for having a set of unrealistic expectations. No one can wave a magic wand and make everything perfect, not even from 1 person's point of view (which would be yours, of course). If you took the time to look into every President's term of office, you'll find plenty of things they either didn't do or did do that caused unexpected problems or allowed existing problems to continue.... if you're not biased by the media, that is.

                              And Brad..... you're as bad as Neil Frarey for avoiding questions. You still haven't answered the contradiction that I DID FIND in your pre-election Trump argument. The question is: If media bias was NOT keeping masses of people from attending Trump rallies, why was that same media bias going to (in your opinion) keep them from voting for Trump?

                              Well, I think all the readers here can figure out why you continue to avoid that question.
                              Only the rushing is heard...
                              Onward flies the bird.


                              • Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                                You have the right to your opinion.

                                Disappointment, yes, I totally agree. Unmitigated disaster, no, unless you expected him to bring whites and blacks together on the streets of Chicago singing "Kumbaya". And as far as him being the first African American President and yet presiding over worsening race relations.... did you expect him to issue an Executive Order commanding all white police officers to stop shooting unarmed black men? Or to order all blacks to drop to their knees and wave a white flag every time police officers are in the area?

                                As for the middle east, let's see what the Dumpster is going to do over the next 4 years and then do some comparisons before we start throwing around labels like "unmitigated disaster". Perhaps he's going to send his kids over to command the front lines against ISIS, considering that they all know more than the current Generals?

                                I think you are the idiot for having a set of unrealistic expectations. No one can wave a magic wand and make everything perfect, not even from 1 person's point of view (which would be yours, of course). If you took the time to look into every President's term of office, you'll find plenty of things they either didn't do or did do that caused unexpected problems or allowed existing problems to continue.... if you're not biased by the media, that is.

                                And Brad..... you're as bad as Neil Frarey for avoiding questions. You still haven't answered the contradiction that I DID FIND in your pre-election Trump argument. The question is: If media bias was NOT keeping masses of people from attending Trump rallies, why was that same media bias going to (in your opinion) keep them from voting for Trump?

                                Well, I think all the readers here can figure out why you continue to avoid that question.
                                Maybe the reason that more Blacks are shot by police is because on average they are much more likely per capita to be engaged in violent criminal behaviour, including violence against other Blacks.


                                It is also strange that the cry of racism is so strong because the victims in these shootings are Black while the idea that an even greater majority are male is ignored. Where are the SJWs decrying the rampant sexism in the enforcement of laws? ;-)

                                I wouldn't expect that if a serial murderer were running loose the police would spend as much time tracking the movements of octogenarian Asian women as they would middle-aged Caucasian men. Evidently I am sexist, racist and ageist for thinking that.

                                The Left might argue that poverty is the ultimate cause of these sorts of problems. Yet in the US it is pretty easy to avoid being very poor. It requires three things:

                                1) Finish high school
                                2) Don't have children before marriage (and reaching 21)
                                3) Get a job


                                Maybe Obama can talk a bit about some of the above.
                                Last edited by Tom O'Donnell; Friday, 11th November, 2016, 04:16 PM.
                                "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.

