Bob and Gord Jun 03 active chess tournament in Milton

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  • #16
    Hi all, just a reminder to check that your cfc membership is in good standing on Jun 03 for the Bob and Gord Milton Active tourney this Sat (I hope you do!) if you are playing. If your name is not on this list, there is a good chance I have contacted you about cfc membership not in good standing.


    • #17
      Hi all, I will be updating the registration list a little later tonight ( around ten pm and then maybe im off to bed). In just a few hours the price goes up to $60 unless I receive the $50 entry fee b4 midnight!


      • #18
        38 entries as of 10:32pm. Please make sure your cfc membership is in good standing and on the cfc website. If you have purchased a cfc membership within a week, it may not be updated on the cfc website, please provide proof of membership with your entry fee. Good night all, need my sleep. I will update tomorrow, maybe on my lunch break or evening.


        • #19
          39 players registered so far. The entry fee is now $60 if received today. Thanks for signing up in our tourney. Get a good sleep tonight. You will need it for tomorrow.


          • #20
            Click image for larger version

Name:	20230603_174111.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	8.8 KB
ID:	227092
            Hi all, thanks to all who came to our tourney. Hope you enjoyed the chess themed cupcakes made by my wife ( I had no idea she was doing this until they just showed up) which I passed on everyone's thanks to her. See the attached pic of our fearless TD, Bobby Gillanders sporting one cupcake. I will put up the winners shortly. Hope to see you all in the next Bob and Gord tourney.



            • #21
              Thanks everyone for attending the Bob & Gord Milton Spring Active yesterday.

              The winners are:

              Elite section

              1st / 2nd - Kyrylo Demchenko 4/5 - $ 250
              Gordon Gooding 4/5 - $ 250
              3rd - Merlin Nazareno 3/5 - $100


              1st - Japveer Narula 4.5 /5 - $ 150 plus 1st Trophy
              2nd - Mustafa Shah 3.5 /5 - $ 75 plus 2nd Trophy
              3rd - Trifelino 3.5 / 5 - $ 75 plus 3rd Trophy

              U1200 & unrated

              1st Trophy - Muhammad Aman Shaik 5 / 5.
              2nd Trophy - Hisham Mohammed 4 / 5
              3rd Trophy - Kevin Barker 4 / 5

              plus participation cupcakes for all.

