Solutions to the Beauty of Problems

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  • Post 511 Key move 1.Ra3

    Post 512 Key move 1.Qf3

    Post 513 Key move 1.Qc7

    Post 514 Key move 1.Kb6

    Post 515 Key move 1.Nd5
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Sunday, 18th August, 2024, 04:40 PM.


    • Post 516 Key move 1.Qd5

      Post 517 Key move 1.Kf2

      Post 518 Key move 1.Qh1

      Post 519 Key move 1.Qg8

      Post 520 Key move 1.Qd4+, Qb2 2.Nec2 mate.


      • Post 521 Key move 1.Nh5

        Post 522 Key move 1.Rxd5

        Post 523 Key move 1.Nb3

        Post 524 Key move 1.Kh6

        Post 525 Key move1.g4+, Nxg4 2.Rf4+, Bxf4 3.e4 mate.
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Sunday, 18th August, 2024, 06:43 PM.


        • Post 526 Key move 1.Rc8

          Post 527 Key move 1.Bf5

          Post 528 Key move 1.Nc5

          Post 529 Key move 1.Qa8

          Post 530 Key move 1.Ne2


          • Post 531 Key move 1.Ba1

            Post 532 Key move 1.Qg3, Ke7 forced 2.Qd6 mate.

            Post 533 Key move 1.Qb3 if Kc1 2.Be3 mate or if 1....Ke2 2.Qc2 mate.

            Post 534 Key move 1.Qb3

            Post 535 Key move 1.Qb3


            • Post 536 Key move 1.Qb3

              Post 537 Key move 1.Qb3

              Post 538 Key move 1.Rd6

              Post 539 Key move 1...Bg3

              Post 540 Key move 1.R1-h2


              • Post 541 Key move 1.Qg5

                Post 542 Key move 1.B8=B

                Post 543 Key move 1.C8=N

                Post 544 Key move 1.Qa6, Kb2 2.Nd3 mate or 1....Kxd2, 2.Qh6 mate. or 1...cxd2 2.Qa1 mate.

                Post 545 Key move 1.Be3 if Bxe3 2.Bf3 mate or if Kxe3 2.Re2 mate.
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 19th August, 2024, 03:37 PM.


                • Post 546 Key move 1.Qc2 (also Qc8)

                  Post 547 Key move 1.Qf3

                  Post 548 Key move. 1.f3 If you have been doing these zugzwang problems regularly you should recognize that Black has only two moves here: Kd4 and d4. So f3 is required to keep the king trapped. You should see this almost instantaneous.

                  Post 549 Key move 1.Nd8 and 2.Bf7 double check mate.

                  Post 550 Key move 1.Bb1 and 2.Qh1 mate.
                  Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 19th August, 2024, 07:58 PM.


                  • Post 551 Key move 1.Re1

                    Post 552 Key move 1.Bf5

                    Post 553 Key move 1.Rd3

                    Post 554 Key move 1.Nd5+, Kc8 2.Qd8+! (this is the zugzwang move), Kxd8 3.Rb8 mate. or 2...Rxd8 3.Ne7 mate. if 1...Ka8 2.Nxc7+, Ka7 3.Qd4 mate. or 1...Ka7 2.Qd4+ Ka6 3.Qa1 mate.

                    Post 555 Key move 1.Qf4


                    • Post 556 Key move 1.Kf4

                      Post 557 Key move 1.Rh7

                      Post 558 Key move 1....Ne7

                      Post 559 Key move 1.Re8, Kxc7 2.f8=Q and 3.Qe7 mate.

                      Post 560 Key move 1.Re8
                      Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 20th August, 2024, 11:32 AM.


                      • Post 561 Key move 1.Kf5

                        Post 562 Key move 1.Rc6

                        Post 563 Key move 1.Ra2

                        Post 564 Key move 1.Rc3+, Bxc3 2.d3 mate.

                        Post 565 Key move 1.Qa8
                        Last edited by Hans Jung; Thursday, 22nd August, 2024, 01:05 PM.


                        • Post 566 Key move 1.Bf3+, Rg4 2.Kf6, g5 3.Bg5, h2 4.Kf5, h1=Q 5.Bxg5 mate.

                          Post 567 Key move 1.Qf3

                          Post 568 Key move 1.Nd6, Rxe7 2.Nc4+, Kb3 3.Na5+, Ka3 4.Bf2, Re5 5.Nc4+ and Nxe5 or 4...Kb4 5.Nxc6 and Nxe7

                          Post 569 Key move 1.Qd7

                          Post 570 Key move 1.Bf3
                          Last edited by Hans Jung; Wednesday, 21st August, 2024, 09:26 AM.


                          • Post 571 Key move 1.Ke5

                            Post 572 Key move 1.b4

                            Post 573 Key move 1.Rb1

                            Post 574 Key move 1.Qf2

                            Post 575 Key move 1.Rh2


                            • Post 576 Key move 1.f8=N

                              Post 577 Key move 1.Nc8

                              Post 578 Key move 1.Qh5

                              Post 579 Key move 1.Nd6

                              Post 580 Key move 1.Nf6 if Kxf6 2.Ne4 doublecheckmate. if Kd4 2.Ne2 doublecheckmate.
                              Last edited by Hans Jung; Thursday, 22nd August, 2024, 09:46 AM.


                              • Post 581 Key move 1.Rf3

                                Post 582 Key move 1.Rf1

                                Post 583 Key move 1.Be4

                                Post 584 Key move 1.Be5

                                Post 585 Key move 1.Qh7

