Re: ClimateGate - A Question for Ed Seedhouse and Paul Beckwith
Carl, what? are you serious? you're punking me, right! 

I disagree with just about everything you've written. :D I guess compared to you, I must be a lefty socialist tree hugging eco terrorist!;)
President Palin in 2012 ?
Hasn't the USA suffered enough.
Originally posted by Carl Bilodeau
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If you read about the climategate it will help you find what is the real scientific information and what is not. Following some readings Canadians should logically conclude:
1 - There is no global warming at all.
2 - CO2 is not pollution. The nature, the forest and the animals produce 100 billions tons per year while the human production is 3 billions. This is a lot but has no effect on the climate so far. Studies show that CO2 stays in the air probably only 10 years, not a 100 years.
3 - Water vapor is far more important in quantity and has a much more influence on the climate than CO2.
4 - On the climategate we understand that the top level scientists lied and they don't know where the "increase heat" is. They were very disapointed to see the that the climate data was not showing it and made sure to find ways to show a global warming that does not exist.
5 - A study showing that there was a scientist consensus on global warming has been proved to be completly false but was largely used in news media.
6 - Our cars have catalysers so that they produce low pollution and only CO2 which is not pollution.
7 - When you see smog over a city, you have to realize that there is 16 km of atmosphere over the city and that above 150 meters of the city you have fresh air.
8 - Ice level did recover, there is no problem there at all.
So the Canadians should change their priorities on pollution. Instead of reducing our productivity and mobility we should:
1 - Put our work on recycling. The more we develop technologies the more it will be use by other countrys. The real pollutions (not CO2) will be very important in developping countries in the future.
2 - Produce more petrol to help our economy but with less pollution on the grounds.
3 - Instead of giving money to the poor countrys to reduce pollution, we should pay them catalysers (made in Candana to reduce the actual help) for their cars and factorys.
4 - Make sure that we review the scientist studies and that they stop hiding their data for peer-reviewing.
5 - Help find technologies for clean and massive coal production. Our cars for the next 500 years will be running on coal. I mean they will be electric but the electricity will be produce by coal. USA and China has enough coal for more than 500 years even if the population will increase and that we would rely only on coal. As soon the petrol price will raise it will be the solution.
6 - The biggest climate problem actually on earth is the increase in nuclear plants all around the world. The risk increase every year and Tchernobyl, not CO2 has cause the worst problems in the last century.
You refer to Sarah Pallin. She has some very interesting logics and would be a much more better president than Obama. But I understand that USA needed to have a black president to cut the past and this is a very good thing. Globally the Canadians should put Global warming much lower in our top priorities like Sarah says. The biggest menace in the last 100 years have been world wars most of them created by the extremists from the left movements like we had with Nazi, communists, etc.
1 - So we must keep our economy strong in north america. We Canadians, Quebecers and USA are Americans and we will be the solution to the problems in the world like we have been in the last century.
2 - We must isolate and reduce the influence of extreme-left movements and anti-capitalism here on our continent like we have in Cuba, Venezuela, Quebec (voting for Harper is a good way you can do that since it bring Canada to the center). In other continents we must isolate the dictatures like we have in Iran and like we had in Irak and Afghanistan. We must participate in Afganistan, Irak and put our money there, not on global warming.
3 - Have much confidence in North America and in the USA which is our friend. We should be much more skeptical about Europeans that brought extreme-left movements and wars in the last century. They are globally moving from the left to the center in France, Italy, Spain and England, but it will take years to get to the level we have in USA and the global warming phenomena is a sign that the left is still too strong there and that they still can mobilize people on massive false project.
And finally for Quebec:
Move to the center politically in order to raise the economy, the education, and the entreprenorship. When this will be achieved voters will be confident in Quebec future and eventually vote yes for the separation from Canada. With a so big territory, this new country in 200 years will be the largest french country in the world (with 100% recycling hopefully). But for now Quebec must stay in Canada so that Canadians tax payers pay for our Quebec socialism govermental system like the West-Europe had to pay to fix what the Govermental Socialims systems did in East-Europe. Thank you Bob for your perequation taxes in the next 20 years. Personally, I would vote for Sarah Pallin for prime minister in Quebec (only two mandates)... less taxes, more productivity, family values, private school, less government, modern heathl care, less corruption (the bigger the government, the bigger is the corruption), competitions would be back Quebec vocabulary, etc!
If you read about the climategate it will help you find what is the real scientific information and what is not. Following some readings Canadians should logically conclude:
1 - There is no global warming at all.
2 - CO2 is not pollution. The nature, the forest and the animals produce 100 billions tons per year while the human production is 3 billions. This is a lot but has no effect on the climate so far. Studies show that CO2 stays in the air probably only 10 years, not a 100 years.
3 - Water vapor is far more important in quantity and has a much more influence on the climate than CO2.
4 - On the climategate we understand that the top level scientists lied and they don't know where the "increase heat" is. They were very disapointed to see the that the climate data was not showing it and made sure to find ways to show a global warming that does not exist.
5 - A study showing that there was a scientist consensus on global warming has been proved to be completly false but was largely used in news media.
6 - Our cars have catalysers so that they produce low pollution and only CO2 which is not pollution.
7 - When you see smog over a city, you have to realize that there is 16 km of atmosphere over the city and that above 150 meters of the city you have fresh air.
8 - Ice level did recover, there is no problem there at all.
So the Canadians should change their priorities on pollution. Instead of reducing our productivity and mobility we should:
1 - Put our work on recycling. The more we develop technologies the more it will be use by other countrys. The real pollutions (not CO2) will be very important in developping countries in the future.
2 - Produce more petrol to help our economy but with less pollution on the grounds.
3 - Instead of giving money to the poor countrys to reduce pollution, we should pay them catalysers (made in Candana to reduce the actual help) for their cars and factorys.
4 - Make sure that we review the scientist studies and that they stop hiding their data for peer-reviewing.
5 - Help find technologies for clean and massive coal production. Our cars for the next 500 years will be running on coal. I mean they will be electric but the electricity will be produce by coal. USA and China has enough coal for more than 500 years even if the population will increase and that we would rely only on coal. As soon the petrol price will raise it will be the solution.
6 - The biggest climate problem actually on earth is the increase in nuclear plants all around the world. The risk increase every year and Tchernobyl, not CO2 has cause the worst problems in the last century.
You refer to Sarah Pallin. She has some very interesting logics and would be a much more better president than Obama. But I understand that USA needed to have a black president to cut the past and this is a very good thing. Globally the Canadians should put Global warming much lower in our top priorities like Sarah says. The biggest menace in the last 100 years have been world wars most of them created by the extremists from the left movements like we had with Nazi, communists, etc.
1 - So we must keep our economy strong in north america. We Canadians, Quebecers and USA are Americans and we will be the solution to the problems in the world like we have been in the last century.
2 - We must isolate and reduce the influence of extreme-left movements and anti-capitalism here on our continent like we have in Cuba, Venezuela, Quebec (voting for Harper is a good way you can do that since it bring Canada to the center). In other continents we must isolate the dictatures like we have in Iran and like we had in Irak and Afghanistan. We must participate in Afganistan, Irak and put our money there, not on global warming.
3 - Have much confidence in North America and in the USA which is our friend. We should be much more skeptical about Europeans that brought extreme-left movements and wars in the last century. They are globally moving from the left to the center in France, Italy, Spain and England, but it will take years to get to the level we have in USA and the global warming phenomena is a sign that the left is still too strong there and that they still can mobilize people on massive false project.
And finally for Quebec:
Move to the center politically in order to raise the economy, the education, and the entreprenorship. When this will be achieved voters will be confident in Quebec future and eventually vote yes for the separation from Canada. With a so big territory, this new country in 200 years will be the largest french country in the world (with 100% recycling hopefully). But for now Quebec must stay in Canada so that Canadians tax payers pay for our Quebec socialism govermental system like the West-Europe had to pay to fix what the Govermental Socialims systems did in East-Europe. Thank you Bob for your perequation taxes in the next 20 years. Personally, I would vote for Sarah Pallin for prime minister in Quebec (only two mandates)... less taxes, more productivity, family values, private school, less government, modern heathl care, less corruption (the bigger the government, the bigger is the corruption), competitions would be back Quebec vocabulary, etc!

I disagree with just about everything you've written. :D I guess compared to you, I must be a lefty socialist tree hugging eco terrorist!;)
President Palin in 2012 ?
