Canadian Closed 2011

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  • #16
    Re: 2011 Canadian Closed " Conditions "

    Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
    Do you belong to these people in need of a "rationale" to raise the Closed Standards ? I hope it is just a slip that you came up with after an exausting day at work.
    If you read the two sentences Bob posted immediately before the one you quoted, you might understand what he meant.

    Of course that would ruin all the fun of selective quoting.
    Christopher Mallon
    FIDE Arbiter


    • #17
      Re: Canadian Closed 2011

      Originally posted by Gordon Ritchie View Post
      On reviewing the conditions imposed by the CFC AGM, I will be very surprised if anyone comes forward to organize the event, particularly given the unfortunate situation last time around when the winner chose to insult the organizer who stepped up at the last minute to salvage the event and thus the winner's trip to Khanty.:o
      This is what one get for getting deep and serious problems out in the open instead of wimpily sweeping them off under the rug. If that is insulting to a few people so be it. I will take the wrath for it as I am used to. In 1984 my "insults" were quite profitable for the Closed Champion (K. Spraggett) who pocketed an extra several hundred dollars because of them when the CFC raised the prizes DURING the event after banning me for a year for having withdrawn before the first round in protest for dismal conditions. In essence being right is insulting to some people and there is little to do about it.

      My prediction is that there will be a Closed this year (if only for the need to crown a more docile champion :)). But at this late date it is not likely to be much better than last one. It will be a last minute affair with all the shortcomings that usually go with it. Unfortunately.
      But if there is no Closed this year, so what ? The CFC will then simply choose its representative and then fall a bit further below self respectability, which in return may force some real changes for the future. As always I remain optimistic...:)


      • #18
        Re: 2011 Canadian Closed " Conditions "

        Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
        If you read the two sentences Bob posted immediately before the one you quoted, you might understand what he meant.

        Of course that would ruin all the fun of selective quoting.
        I carefully read everything. I still can't see why Bob would seek more "rationale" for raising the Closed standards. But I understand that your case may be different. You need all the rationale possible, to the point that no amount of it may be sufficient.

        P.S. I sometime quote selectively only for clarity's sake, not for fun.


        • #19
          Re: Canadian Closed 2011

          Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
          But if there is no Closed this year, so what ? The CFC will then simply choose its representative and then fall a bit further below self respectability, which in return may force some real changes for the future. As always I remain optimistic...:)
          If there is no championship this year you should probably remain champion and be the representative.
          Gary Ruben
          CC - IA and SIM


          • #20
            Re: Canadian Closed 2011

            Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
            If there is no championship this year you should probably remain champion and be the representative.
            Who knows ? I may be the last canadian champion as in "The last samurai" with Tom Cruise. :)


            • #21
              Re: Canadian Closed 2011

              Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
              This is what one get for getting deep and serious problems out in the open instead of wimpily sweeping them off under the rug. If that is insulting to a few people so be it.
              Jean, the problem isn't that you brought problems out into the open, it's that you chose to do so in an insulting way by posting them on Chesstalk after the event, rather than mentioning them to the organizers during the event first, when something could be done about at least some of them.

              So it just came off as you wanting to trash people, rather than being constructive.
              Christopher Mallon
              FIDE Arbiter


              • #22
                Re: 2011 Canadian Closed " Conditions "

                Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
                I carefully read everything. I still can't see why Bob would seek more "rationale" for raising the Closed standards. But I understand that your case may be different. You need all the rationale possible, to the point that no amount of it may be sufficient.
                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

                I don't know however, whether Mark felt that if an organizer could not meet the standards, it was better to have no tournament. I think he felt compromises might have to be made, but the starting point should be something everyone agrees presents a top-notch tournament if implemented.

                It is pretty clear to me at least that that is what Bob meant by "Rationale" ...
                Christopher Mallon
                FIDE Arbiter


                • #23
                  2011 Canadian Closed High Standard " Conditions " - A Spirited Defence Still Needed

                  Hi Chris and Jean:

                  I think I was trying to deal with one of the CFC realities - no organizer yet for a key national event that is supposed to be held in a couple of months from now.

                  Members/organizers have suggested a reason for this - the standards being set for the Closed are too high, too onerous and too expensive for a reasonable budget that allows organizers to make a decent wage out of the tournament, or even that allows a break-even result with a volunteer organizer.

                  This criticism has to be acknowledged and must be answered. For those supporting the higher standards Closed, the rationale may seem obvious. Not so to some other active and important CFC'ers - some mainstay CFC organizers of the past. So my view is that those supporting higher standards, still have lobbying to do to explain why high standards are a " good " thing, and not an " impediment " to getting a tournament at all.

                  Mark wanted the higher standards, and got them through the 2010 AGM - more accolades to him. But I consider that he still has a role in promoting his view as to why high standards is a good thing. I was opining that if he were not so busy, and currently somewhat out of touch, it would be great to have him join Jean in the spirited defence of 2010 AGM Motion 2010-13 - Canadian Championship standards. Here was the vote in favour of the motion:

                  YES: 23.
                  NO: 10.
                  ABSTAIN: 1 (I.Bluvshtein).
                  Motion passed.

                  But in the light of no current bidder, the arguments against a high-standard Closed " appear " to have currency, and may be seen as convincing to others. Those of us who believe in the high standards ( I seconded Mark's motion ) need to realize the issue is not dead, regardless of the 2010 AGM vote, and that we still have to be willing to spend some time promoting the " rationale " of high standards, and convincing others, especially organizers, of the merits of a " high standard " Closed.

                  Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 8th February, 2011, 08:34 AM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                    Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                    Is the CFC making a financial contribution to their prestigious event?
                    Such a contribution would take place in the 2011/12 budget year and will likely be contingent on what if any surplus we have from this year and what other competing programs there are for next year.

                    I would anticipate that a contribution of at least $1000 would be reasonable. Given the fact that we still have no corporate sponsers, this is a significant percentage of any surplus we might actually have.

                    I am optimistic that things can change in time for the next Canadian Closed after this one, which could be held as soon as summer of 2012 for the 2013 World Cup (assuming rules don't get changed all around again).


                    • #25
                      Re: 2011 Canadian Closed High Standard " Conditions " - A Spirited Defence Still Need

                      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      Hi Chris and Jean:

                      I think I was trying to deal with one of the CFC realities - no organizer yet for a key national event that is supposed to be held in a couple of months from now.

                      Members/organizers have suggested a reason for this - the standards being set for the Closed are too high, too onerous and too expensive for a reasonable budget that allows organizers to make a decent wage out of the tournament, or even that allows a break-even result with a volunteer organizer.

                      This criticism has to be acknowledged and must be answered. For those supporting the higher standards Closed, the rationale may seem obvious. Not so to some other active and important CFC'ers - some mainstay CFC organizers of the past. So my view is that those supporting higher standards, still have lobbying to do to explain why high standards are a " good " thing, and not an " impediment " to getting a tournament at all.

                      Mark wanted the higher standards, and got them through the 2010 AGM - more accolades to him. But I consider that he still has a role in promoting his view as to why high standards is a good thing. I was opining that if he were not so busy, and currently somewhat out of touch, it would be great to have him join Jean in the spirited defence of 2010 AGM Motion 2010-13 - Canadian Championship standards. Here was the vote in favour of the motion:

                      YES: 23.
                      NO: 10.
                      ABSTAIN: 1 (I.Bluvshtein).
                      Motion passed.

                      But in the light of no current bidder, the arguments against a high-standard Closed " appear " to have currency, and may be seen as convincing to others. Those of us who believe in the high standards ( I seconded Mark's motion ) need to realize the issue is not dead, regardless of the 2010 AGM vote, and that we still have to be willing to spend some time promoting the " rationale " of high standards, and convincing others, especially organizers, of the merits of a " high standard " Closed.

                      One of the potential consequences of stating the higher standards as a requirement is becoming a reality: it is late and no bids are forthcoming.

                      The CFC may have to kick start the process and inject some resources into the mix (I'm talking about money - not just hope someone will jump up and say "I'll run the tournament").

                      Is there any indication the CFC might do that?
                      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                      • #26
                        Re: 2011 Canadian Closed High Standard " Conditions " - A Spirited Defence Still Need

                        Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
                        One of the potential consequences of stating the higher standards as a requirement is becoming a reality: it is late and no bids are forthcoming.

                        The CFC may have to kick start the process and inject some resources into the mix (I'm talking about money - not just hope someone will jump up and say "I'll run the tournament").

                        Is there any indication the CFC might do that?
                        It's being discussed.


                        • #27
                          Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                          Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
                          Jean, the problem isn't that you brought problems out into the open, it's that you chose to do so in an insulting way by posting them on Chesstalk after the event, rather than mentioning them to the organizers during the event first, when something could be done about at least some of them.

                          So it just came off as you wanting to trash people, rather than being constructive.
                          I disagree. I don't think Jean's criticisms came off as Jean wanting to trash people (with the exception of the one individual who was clearly and maliciously stalking Jean). I think Jean's criticisms and suggestions were well presented. I think the primary problem was that people were determined to take what Jean said personally rather than as food for thought and discussion.
                          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                          • #28
                            Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                            Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                            I disagree. I don't think Jean's criticisms came off as Jean wanting to trash people (with the exception of the one individual who was clearly and maliciously stalking Jean). I think Jean's criticisms and suggestions were well presented. I think the primary problem was that people were determined to take what Jean said personally rather than as food for thought and discussion.
                            If he actually wanted things to change, he could have brought up his points during the event rather than waiting for after the event. Instead he comes off as someone who just wanted to gripe, at best.
                            Christopher Mallon
                            FIDE Arbiter


                            • #29
                              Re: 2011 Canadian Closed High Standard " Conditions " - A Spirited Defence Still Need

                              Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              Hi Chris and Jean:

                              I think I was trying to deal with one of the CFC realities - no organizer yet for a key national event that is supposed to be held in a couple of months from now.
                              Why doesn't the CFC pick up the slack and organize the event themselves? Show how to hold an event under their standards and break even or come out ahead.

                              Show them how it's done. Onward and upward!
                              Gary Ruben
                              CC - IA and SIM


                              • #30
                                Re: 2011 Canadian Closed High Standard " Conditions " - A Spirited Defence Still Need

                                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                reasonable budget that allows organizers to make a decent wage out of the tournament...
                                So you think (or imply) that there is at least one tournament out there where the organizer (and TD) make a decent wage.

                                Perhaps you could educate me and name one tournament in the last 12 months where the combination of organizer and TD made a decent wage. For the sake of not argueing, I'll accept the provincial statutory minimum wage as a 'decent wage' - not that I really consider that a decent wage. I won't even insist on overtime pay for a day exceeding 8 hours. My guess would be that there was not one tournament in Canada that meets that condition. TD's sometimes (rarely) get enough money to be minimum wage or more for their TD time but that doesn't include the organizational effort.

                                As to the lack of organizers, I can think of several more reasons other than the one you cite (the patent unrealism of the motion on 'minimum conditions')

                                1) we all know that last year's tournament organized under short notice was met by insults and carping masquerading as 'constructive criticism' of the organizer. Whatever the merit of the complaints, they were not delivered in a constructive manner. But more to the point, the tournament was not organized in a vacuum. It was presumably authorized by the then executive (or even by all the governers for all I know) who accepted the conditions of the bid. Those who approved the bid did not fully stand up to support the organizer and defend their own responsibility for the event. So, the organizer's lot for accepting a job under short notice is a lack of appreciation for his effort, public chastisement, and a lack of support from those approving his bid. Who needs that?

                                2) You assume that we all agree with the philosophical underpinnings of that motion. On the scale where one end is a tournament to determine first among equals, where resources that are available are divided more or less evenly apart from prizes, and the competition is primarily for the glory and achievement of becoming Canadian champion and the other end where some people are considered professionals and must be paid for their participation with others whose only role is to be present and pay an entry fee, that motion is clearly tilted to the latter. Well, the governers seem to agree with that view, and if that's the kind of championship they want, they are entitled to demand it. But those who disagree with that view are not going to submit a bid.

                                There were 23 people who voted for that motion. I would think that you should ask each of those to organize the Closed under the conditions of the motion. If they are not interested in undertaking the job, then their support for that motion is not very meaningful is it?

