Canadian Closed 2011

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  • #61
    Re: Canadian Closed 2011

    Hi David
    Sounds good to me. You want to be my first sponsor at say $500.00?

    Actually I could run the Closed at my place give 100% of prize fund back, provide Accommodation at my place cart blanche and give a full breakfast plus extra activities like darts, board games, card games, provide lunch and dinner and your $500.00 would even pay for bus fare to the Airport.
    Boy why did I not think of this sooner. Cdn Closed come on Down
    Last edited by John Brown; Wednesday, 9th February, 2011, 08:08 PM. Reason: Additions


    • #62
      Re: Canadian Closed 2011

      Answer: TELETYPE.

      With this day and age why could the CDN Closed not be played over the internet,
      No Costs for travel, minimal costs for set up and all you gotta do is pay the TD's to watch for cheating.
      Get your provincial and territorial champions from your tournament championships and then set up internet games. I've done it with friends I'm sure the CFC could do it for the CDN CLOSED no muss no fuss.
      No need for a big hula a blue.
      Really does it take a no name like me to think for the CFC?
      DR. Prescribes two aspirins ever 4 hours.


      • #63
        Re: Canadian Closed 2011

        Originally posted by John Brown View Post
        Answer: TELETYPE.

        With this day and age why could the CDN Closed not be played over the internet,
        No Costs for travel, minimal costs for set up and all you gotta do is pay the TD's to watch for cheating.
        Get your provincial and territorial champions from your tournament championships and then set up internet games. I've done it with friends I'm sure the CFC could do it for the CDN CLOSED no muss no fuss.
        No need for a big hula a blue.
        Really does it take a no name like me to think for the CFC?
        DR. Prescribes two aspirins ever 4 hours.
        John, we couldn't even find enough agreement from the PLAYERS to do this for the Ontario Closed. Much less the Canadian Closed.
        Christopher Mallon
        FIDE Arbiter


        • #64
          Re: Canadian Closed 2011

          you guys should probably chill

          chess is just a game
          i rep back 3+


          • #65
            Re: Canadian Closed 2011

            Originally posted by Kevin Me View Post
            you guys should probably chill

            chess is just a game
            Chess is a way of life.

            Winning is everything.

            The only thing left for those who can't win is to organize.

            G. Ruben I.A. Correspondence.
            Gary Ruben
            CC - IA and SIM


            • #66
              Re: Canadian Closed 2011

              Originally posted by John Brown View Post
              Answer: TELETYPE.

              With this day and age why could the CDN Closed not be played over the internet,
              No Costs for travel, minimal costs for set up and all you gotta do is pay the TD's to watch for cheating.
              Get your provincial and territorial champions from your tournament championships and then set up internet games. I've done it with friends I'm sure the CFC could do it for the CDN CLOSED no muss no fuss.
              No need for a big hula a blue.
              Really does it take a no name like me to think for the CFC?
              DR. Prescribes two aspirins ever 4 hours.
              I think players at that level (Canadian Closed) may believe that the over the board aspect of play is a crucial component of the games. Playing over the internet might be fine for team matches or games at lower levels (club level for example) but the lack of direct feedback at the board changes the dynamics of the game.

              Perhaps this is why players at that level are reluctant to start the experiment?

              Although the technological issues are easy to deal with, the psychological aspects cannot be so easily downplayed. Just as correspondence is quite different from OTB (for many reasons), I don't think internet matches are equivalent to OTB...
              ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


              • #67
                Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
                I think players at that level (Canadian Closed) may believe that the over the board aspect of play is a crucial component of the games. Playing over the internet might be fine for team matches or games at lower levels (club level for example) but the lack of direct feedback at the board changes the dynamics of the game.

                Perhaps this is why players at that level are reluctant to start the experiment?

                Although the technological issues are easy to deal with, the psychological aspects cannot be so easily downplayed. Just as correspondence is quite different from OTB (for many reasons), I don't think internet matches are equivalent to OTB...
                john brown was kidding...
                i rep back 3+


                • #68
                  Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                  Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                  You're a scary fellow, Paul.

                  Regarding the part of your post that I've put in bold text, I have a question for you: did Hal Bond ever thank you, either publicly or privately, for being such a valiant and eloquent White Knight on his behalf? No? Hmm, I wonder why not?
                  So I am scary, valiant, and eloquent. I sure wish you'd mention my GOOD points. :D

                  You assume the answer to your own question, demonstrating how sure of yourself and the rightness of your opinions you are. Perhaps Peter McKillop and Jean Hebert are one and the same...

                  Well... perhaps what you think you know is only what others prepare you to know. I could even be a secret financier for many things you would never suspect. People might tell you otherwise, but that could be because if they told you the truth, they might have to kill you.

                  So tell me what you know about me.... just for kicks and giggles. Even the mighty researcher David McTavish can't lay a glove on me. Oh, just go ask Bob Gillanders. He might be able to tell you something about me from 15 years ago when I was still in Canada. My formative years, LOL.

                  Or ask David Ottosen. Yeah, I sent him a private message when he got involved in the CC debate. Told him I'd like to do some development work for PokerStars if he was interested. I purposely downplayed to see how open-minded he might be. I guess he wasn't. That's cool. I don't offer twice, and PokerStars won't be a part of my future plans. They're doing ok... for now.

                  C'mon, Peter, I'm helping you out here. No, no, that's right, I'm just playing with your mind. Lather, rinse, repeat.

                  But rest assured of this: whether Hal Bond or anyone else ever thanked me for what I did has no standing for me. Whether the whole of Chesstalk, or the whole of Canada, criticizes me also has no standing. It was Hal Bond, but it could have been any decent and diligent organizer in Canadian chess. The concept of "thanks" never came into it. Clear enough for ya?

                  I hope people thank you, Peter, for whatever things you do, because this seems to be important to you. And some day when you least expect it, you may cry over that.

                  Just playin' with your mind again... ;)
                  Only the rushing is heard...
                  Onward flies the bird.


                  • #69
                    Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                    Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                    Someone once said to me...if you can't organize an event that you are totally proud of...then do not accept the challenge :). I now subscribe to that philosophy :)
                    That philosophy is very open-ended, perhaps that's what you intended? Are you proud of this forum? It is yours, after all. It is ok to answer "yes", and I for one think you should answer "yes".

                    Well, maybe Hal Bond was proud of CC 2009 despite its lack of bells and whistles. I think you know that and account for that in your philosophy.

                    To thine own self be true.
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • #70
                      Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                      Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                      Actually I could run the Closed at my place give 100% of prize fund back, provide Accommodation at my place cart blanche and give a full breakfast plus extra activities like darts, board games, card games, provide lunch and dinner and your $500.00 would even pay for bus fare to the Airport.
                      Boy why did I not think of this sooner. Cdn Closed come on Down
                      I think we have a bid!


                      • #71
                        Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                        And I have my First Sponsor!! When can I expect your cheque David?

                        Chris you know if the CFC Foundation Fund would release the Toronto Building funds plus the interest that it has made I'm sure there would be more than enough money to run a Canadian Closed.

                        On a serious note now I have some questions.

                        Why does the CFC have to look for organizers etc to run the Canadian Closed each year. Why can't the CFC take possession of the event and look for TD's.

                        Don't our members pay dues? Why can't some of that money be used to pay for some of Cdn Closed each year?
                        If the Cdn Closed was at the same location every year and at hopefully the same place and the out of towners were compensated in way of travel and if the entry was high enough so the players pay for their own prizes and the CFC kicked in an extra $1000- $2000 to increase say First and or Second prize then would you not have an event? Boy I like run ons they look so long.

                        All problems are complicated because the CFC won't act to take control. Volunteers have nothing to do with it . The CFC is our governing chess body and they can pay TD's . Look for a reasonable venue that is not an arm and a leg. Give the Masters their qerks and there is a doable event.

                        Last minute pull together events are basically what they are put together, not planned, not thought out and not done well.
                        So if you had a site every year then you have time to improve each time.
                        Is not the Cdn Closed supposed to be the best from each Province and Territory competing to be Canada's best? Is that why we have Ontario Closed? To send the Best Ontario Player to the Cdn Closed?

                        Well now you see why we can't keep our boat a float. All the holes still can't be plugged up. Unless we have leadership from the CFC. Can we count on the Old age Governors who sit back and do nothing until the idea to cut their numbers comes up at the AGM ? Let's pull together and make the Cdn Closed happen.
                        Last edited by John Brown; Thursday, 10th February, 2011, 08:01 AM. Reason: typo


                        • #72
                          Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                          Wake up John! The CFC doesn't have money. It doesn't have employees, except for one. It can't afford to hire people. It can't pay someone to scout a location. It can't pay people to run the thing. It doesn't have that kind of money.

                          It must rely on Volunteers.


                          • #73
                            Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                            I resign...
                            Last edited by Peter McKillop; Thursday, 10th February, 2011, 08:25 PM.
                            "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                            "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                            "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                            • #74
                              Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                              Originally posted by Kevin Me View Post
                              john brown was kidding...
                              He might have been kidding, but I wasn't. :)
                              ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                              • #75
                                Re: Canadian Closed 2011

                                Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                                And I have my First Sponsor!! When can I expect your cheque David?

                                Chris you know if the CFC Foundation Fund would release the Toronto Building funds plus the interest that it has made I'm sure there would be more than enough money to run a Canadian Closed.

                                On a serious note now I have some questions.

                                Why does the CFC have to look for organizers etc to run the Canadian Closed each year. Why can't the CFC take possession of the event and look for TD's.
                                That's what I've been saying. The CFC has set the conditions for the event and they should do the organizing.

                                Probably one year in the future some administration will come along, toss the foundation money in with the general revenue and use it to better the chess scene of the day, or whatever.
                                Gary Ruben
                                CC - IA and SIM

