CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

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  • #16
    Re: New membership dues & rating fees

    Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
    So is the next President coming from Ontario again
    This might happen. At least the person had (maybe still have) intentions to step forward.


    • #17
      Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

      I split this discussion off because a) it probably deserves its own thread and b) it's not really related to the other topic.
      Christopher Mallon
      FIDE Arbiter


      • #18
        Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

        I thought you were declaring your candidacy, Chris. ;) Young children and new jobs are never an impediment.


        • #19
          Re: New membership dues & rating fees

          Why not simply concentrate on who would build up the membership and promote chess the most instead of where he comes from?
          Gary Ruben
          CC - IA and SIM


          • #20
            Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

            Building the membership can be done by changing the membership model.
            The current model which only targets "serious" chessplayers has little room for growth.


            • #21
              Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

              The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) feels that it is disappointing to the members, with elections for the CFC Executive about a month off ( July 12 ), that so few candidates ( and we know there are some in the woodwork ) have publicly declared themselves - there is only one - Treasurer Fred McKim, who said he'd run again for that position, or any other the CFC might want him to take, except President ( and Bob Gillanders declared he was not running again for President ). We know there are some reasons why these candidates are reticent to declare, and since they are the volunteers thinking of coming forward, I guess we have to respect their views of how they wish to deal with their candidacies. But early declarations allow members to question the candidates, and advise their local CFC governors-elect whom they'd like to see elected.

              Bob, CCC Coordinator


              • #22
                Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) feels that it is disappointing to the members, with elections for the CFC Executive about a month off ( July 12 ), that so few candidates ( and we know there are some in the woodwork ) have publicly declared themselves - there is only one - Treasurer Fred McKim, who said he'd run again for that position, or any other the CFC might want him to take, except President ( and Bob Gillanders declared he was not running again for President ). We know there are some reasons why these candidates are reticent to declare, and since they are the volunteers thinking of coming forward, I guess we have to respect their views of how they wish to deal with their candidacies. But early declarations allow members to question the candidates, and advise their local CFC governors-elect whom they'd like to see elected.
                Bob, Are you one of the ones considering running? I think you should considering how much you already work at CFC stuff. I am sure you would make a good President!


                • #23
                  New Labourers to the Vineyard?

                  Hi Ken:

                  Thank you for your support. It is appreciated. And I have been asked to run by a number of different people. Again, appreciated.

                  But I have many volunteer hours on chess, spread through all levels of chess - club, GTCL, OCA, CFC and now Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ). I enjoy what I am doing, and do not really want to give up my existing projects, which I'd have to do if running for President. Also, though I was an administrator in my work life, it is not my first love. I prefer what I am doing now. And I am a non-executive officer already - Public Relations Coordinator, which I am going to run for again for next year.

                  With 1800 or so members, and 60 governors, it seems to me that we should be spreading the workload around more. Too few are doing more than should be expected. We're looking for some new blood to help Canadian chess continue to function, which it has been doing fairly well over the last two years ( CFC has 2 successive years of " black ", after 5 consecutive years of annual deficits of about $ 30k ).



                  • #24
                    Re: Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                    Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                    Bob, Are you one of the ones considering running? I think you should considering how much you already work at CFC stuff. I am sure you would make a good President!
                    Perhaps he would, but who then would do all the work he is currently doing??

                    There are a LOT of people complaining (me too some of the time) but very few stepping up to the plate (again, me too).

                    The estimate elsewhere of Bob Gillanders spending (only) 400 hours on the phone is likely way too low.

                    If you add in email time, I am sure one could easily imagine the CFC President's position being the equivalent of having a full time job (with zero benefits).

                    What happens if the Executive cannot be filled?? I think this time around we have to consider that a real possibility...
                    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                    • #25
                      Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                      I have tried to consider reasons why someone would run for President, other than being a masochist.

                      Can anyone make some suggestions why anyone would choose to do this?

                      I am curious what CT'ers think!


                      • #26
                        Re: Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                        Hi Kerry:

                        I am aware of candidates for all positions having expressed interest over the last few months - though I don't know if they'll all actually run.

                        The issue seems to be early declaration of being a " candidate ". I have been provided with reasons why some are hesitant to declare early - I can only say that it deals with having to deal with potentially lengthy negative criticism of the candidacy, and the energy taken to deal with it ( questioning and constructive criticism is accepted ). It is the negative destructive attacks that are feared.

                        I can only say that Treasurer Fred McKim took the plunge, and declared early for the CFC members, and as far as I can tell, there has been no abusive attention showered on him so far.

                        But as I said in a different post, these are volunteers coming forward, possibly, and so I respect that they wish to do it their own way. We need good volunteers, and may have to accept compromises to have them do the tasks their willing to do.



                        • #27
                          Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                          What kind of membership model do you think would build the membership? Unless increased revenue is not a concern and the governors are happy with the current model.
                          Gary Ruben
                          CC - IA and SIM


                          • #28
                            Re: Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                            The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) feels that it is disappointing to the members, with elections for the CFC Executive about a month off ( July 12 ), that so few candidates ( and we know there are some in the woodwork ) have publicly declared themselves - there is only one - Treasurer Fred McKim, who said he'd run again for that position, or any other the CFC might want him to take, except President ( and Bob Gillanders declared he was not running again for President ). We know there are some reasons why these candidates are reticent to declare, and since they are the volunteers thinking of coming forward, I guess we have to respect their views of how they wish to deal with their candidacies. But early declarations allow members to question the candidates, and advise their local CFC governors-elect whom they'd like to see elected.

                            Bob, CCC Coordinator
                            I didn't know there was an election coming until this thread started. Were potential candidates aware of the opening and when it would occur?


                            • #29
                              Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                              Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                              I thought you were declaring your candidacy, Chris. ;) Young children and new jobs are never an impediment.
                              LOL. In some parts of the country I think an announcement of my candidacy would actually spur others to declare their interest!

                              But no, I'm not running. If nothing else, my wife would kill me :p
                              Christopher Mallon
                              FIDE Arbiter


                              • #30
                                Re: Executive Elections - Early Public Declarations - Good?

                                Originally posted by Alan Baljeu View Post
                                I didn't know there was an election coming until this thread started. Were potential candidates aware of the opening and when it would occur?
                                No offense intended to anyone, but if someone doesn't know enough about the CFC to know that there's an election coming up, they probably aren't ready to be CFC President.
                                Christopher Mallon
                                FIDE Arbiter

