2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

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  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

    Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
    Your post helps illustrate one of the weaknesses in how the CFC does business. Its all one year plans and flying by the seat of your pants type management. Perhaps this is somewhat by necessity, but this is also why you get "surprises" like CYCC surpluses.
    Golly Duncan, that's bit harsh. :(
    FYI - it was I who wanted to keep some of the CYCC surplus for a rainy day, say for the WYCC 2012. But of course, I will lose that battle since most believe it is paramount to spend every penny as fast as possible. Oh yah, I guess that is your point. We agree. :)

    But you didn't answer the question. Why dig up stats for 2003 and 2004, is not 2010 more relevant? I guess I could have dug up data for several years, but I got more interesting stuff to do.:)


    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

      Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
      Your post helps illustrate one of the weaknesses in how the CFC does business. Its all one year plans and flying by the seat of your pants type management. Perhaps this is somewhat by necessity, but this is also why you get "surprises" like CYCC surpluses.
      When the Executive have a term of one year, exactly how important do you think long term planning can be? "Last year" represents a much more significant measure of the current situation than 8 or so years ago (and likely 8 or more Presidents ago...)
      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

        Just incase some players are holding out until I join Labour Day Open?
        I'd just like to let them know that I may now have to work Sat and Sunday of Labour Day weekend so if you are waiting for me please don't delay and enter to save any late fees.
        I may be down Monday though.


        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

          Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
          When the Executive have a term of one year, exactly how important do you think long term planning can be?
          Many execs are for more than one year (it does not mean that they keep the same position).


          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

            Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
            When the Executive have a term of one year, exactly how important do you think long term planning can be? "Last year" represents a much more significant measure of the current situation than 8 or so years ago (and likely 8 or more Presidents ago...)
            I have to find the exact quote but roughly it goes like this : the further we see in the past the further we can see into the future. Looking at last year's figures is hardly enough to identify trends, what is working and what is not, etc.


            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

              Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
              When the Executive have a term of one year, exactly how important do you think long term planning can be?
              It's not complicated. The current president (the escapee), as (s)he nears the end of her (or his) run, recruits from among the available talent a new president (the victim) who is willing to commit for three years. That's the way the old CFC worked. Of course, the governors (who need not be aware of the arrangement) could interrupt it, or a gung-ho new victim could present him- or her- self, promising a fresh three-year commitment. Presidents made multi-year plans, even though their terms were one year. It's a system that brings the best of both worlds, as a discontented assembly of governors need never bridle under an unwanted executive for more than one year, while presidents can judge their own usefullness to the organization.

              As Parkinson amply demonstrated, all bureaucratic systems suck, but their downfall is rarely in the system itself, rather in reluctance to take needed corrective measures. If your grape vine isn't productive, it's probably because you were shy about pruning it.


              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                42 players the day before deadline? I certainly hope that a huge rush of players will come soon, because that is disappointing compared to other years. How many entries are your prize funds based on?


                • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                  Originally posted by zachary dukic View Post
                  42 players the day before deadline? I certainly hope that a huge rush of players will come soon, because that is disappointing compared to other years. How many entries are your prize funds based on?
                  The advertised prize fund is based on 100 players.


                  • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                    I really would have liked to make it to this tournament and probably would have if I was still working but I really can't justify the $600 plus budget that it probably would have cost ($95 entry fee, $231 for 3 nights hotel with HST, $130 for gas/parking/subway, $150 for food and coffee for three and a half days (one restaurant meal a day, two fast food stops per day, a few Tim's or Starbucks coffee runs per day)) not to mention the unbudgeted obligatory bundle spent on chess books and dvds. My usual hotel jacked up the rates about $10 plus HST per night from last year. Add in some wonky blood sugar issues, the fact that I am playing poorly and that I would probably be playing one of the lowest rated players in the first round because of my 10th place seeding in a group of 23 (with me playing) and regretfully I will not be attending unless circumstances change between now and the weekend.


                    • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      I really would have liked to make it to this tournament and probably would have if I was still working but I really can't justify the $600 plus budget that it probably would have cost ($95 entry fee, $231 for 3 nights hotel with HST, $130 for gas/parking/subway, $150 for food and coffee for three and a half days (one restaurant meal a day, two fast food stops per day, a few Tim's or Starbucks coffee runs per day)) not to mention the unbudgeted obligatory bundle spent on chess books and dvds. My usual hotel jacked up the rates about $10 plus HST per night from last year. Add in some wonky blood sugar issues, the fact that I am playing poorly and that I would probably be playing one of the lowest rated players in the first round because of my 10th place seeding in a group of 23 (with me playing) and regretfully I will not be attending unless circumstances change between now and the weekend.
                      Surely someone with a good heart and an extra room will come up to accomodate Vlad and tip the balance towards his playing? He sounds like a pretty decent fellow but if I am wrong at least you will be made happy when he leaves. :)


                      • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                        I really would have liked to make it to this tournament and probably would have if I was still working but I really can't justify the $600 plus budget that it probably would have cost ($95 entry fee, $231 for 3 nights hotel with HST, $130 for gas/parking/subway, $150 for food and coffee for three and a half days (one restaurant meal a day, two fast food stops per day, a few Tim's or Starbucks coffee runs per day)) not to mention the unbudgeted obligatory bundle spent on chess books and dvds. My usual hotel jacked up the rates about $10 plus HST per night from last year. Add in some wonky blood sugar issues, the fact that I am playing poorly and that I would probably be playing one of the lowest rated players in the first round because of my 10th place seeding in a group of 23 (with me playing) and regretfully I will not be attending unless circumstances change between now and the weekend.
                        You should of played in HAMILTON SUMMER OPEN!!! :D:D:D


                        • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                          Originally posted by Mikhail Egorov View Post
                          You should of played in HAMILTON SUMMER OPEN!!! :D:D:D
                          I should have but I am on some new meds which has taken some getting used to. Long car trips are bad for my blood sugar. Sitting still for two or three days of a chess tournament is also bad for my blood sugar. My doctor is after me to not play so much chess. When my blood sugar is high or low I play like a 1700 player and even have trouble keeping score. Its not fun playing like a 1700 player. At home it is much easier to measure my blood sugar and to control and adjust my diet to compensate for blood sugar levels.

                          I played one day in Windsor and played like a 2100 player because my blood sugar was fairly reasonable.

                          Once I get my health and employment issues squared away I will be playing in every Hamilton tournament that I possibly can. I like the organizers, conditions, the competition and the fact that it is just a three hour drive from Windsor.


                          • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                            I registered for the tournament yesterday and also sent a follow up email to confirm that it was I who registered and not my dad who payed for me on paypal. It seems that i have not been added to the pre-registered list and i did not get a reply by email either. Can someone confirm that my registration was received and that I payed before the deadline.


                            David Itkin


                            • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                              ... Long car trips are bad for my blood sugar. ...
                              Hi Vlad. I don't know if your work schedule would allow it, but, for London / Hamilton / Toronto tournaments have you considered using Via Rail to get a break from the car?
                              "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                              "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                              "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                              • Re: 2011 Toronto Labour Day Tournament - Register Now

                                Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                                Hi Vlad. I don't know if your work schedule would allow it, but, for London / Hamilton / Toronto tournaments have you considered using Via Rail to get a break from the car?
                                London is not a problem. It is less than a two hour drive from Tecumseh. The logistics of getting from the train station to the tournament site and back would be more of an inconvenience than driving. I have used VIA in the past but not so much recently. For Toronto, especially for downtown Toronto tournaments, Porter Airlines which flies into the Toronto Island airport is about the same price as driving (at least in my current gas guzzler, a 2002 Lincoln) and sometimes cheaper when you catch a seat sale. Of course then you are locked into staying in the downtown hotels. Via would also be an attractive option in that case as well.

                                I have definitely considered VIA and even flying for some of the Toronto events but each time I have defaulted to the old automobile.

                                Also it is usually the trip home in the dark that takes the most out of me. For some reason I find the trip up which is usually in the daytime (if I can arrange it that way) much easier.
                                Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Tuesday, 30th August, 2011, 10:50 PM.

