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  • #16
    Canadian Chess News

    Originally posted by Gilles G. Jobin View Post
    I think any magazin is from old times.
    Why wait a particular time to read canadian chess articles ? CFC should use their own site to PUBLISH as they received them, the articles.
    The visitors should be able to read and play all the games directly on the web without any particular software. (HTML and javascript).
    Their should be a column (web page) on the site reserved to any particular column on CCN.

    Wasn't this already tried/done pre CCN?


    • #17
      Re: Canadian Chess News

      Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
      Wasn't this already tried/done pre CCN?
      Yes, several years ago. A registration and a membership was required to read articles online.


      • #18
        Re: Ccn

        Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
        The CFC should have news that is unique to the CFC membership. That means Canadian content
        For the website it is fine. The magazine should deliver more expanded articles about chess life in Canada.
        Why is New in Chess magazine so good? According to G.R. philososphy probably due to its price :D My lower-rated chessfriends love it because they see could quality pictures, interviews, other beletristics. Not of its sky-high games. I was buying it too. And everytime thought that it was overpriced. A good chess book is better than two magazines :)

        Imho, the regular publication is required for a serious organization. It provides a way to advertise its goods.

        Imh 2: the current cfc website design is not in a shape for a good news promation.


        • #19
          Re: Ccn

          Originally posted by Gilles G. Jobin View Post

          I think any magazin is from old times.
          Why wait a particular time to read canadian chess articles ? CFC should use their own site to PUBLISH as they received them, the articles.
          The visitors should be able to read and play all the games directly on the web without any particular software. (HTML and javascript).
          Their should be a column (web page) on the site reserved to any particular column on CCN.
          You're right the magazine is from old times. The problem is they still need it to communicate with their members. The point someone made about more Canadian content is good. The USCF still has Chess Life magazine their members can download. The CCCA still publishes Check!.

          The problem with the CFC site is that it's not visually attractive in my opinion. A dull grey opening page and not a very attractive layout. Personally, I would prefer hospital green to that colour.
          Gary Ruben
          CC - IA and SIM


          • #20
            Re: Ccn

            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post

            Imho, the regular publication is required for a serious organization. It provides a way to advertise its goods.
            Ok, but I don't see why the regular publication couldn't be in the form of publicly available content on the CFC website.

            If the idea is to advertise, don't you want to be seen by as wide an audience as possible?

            As it is, the CFC's message is reaching only a small number of people, the subset of the membership base that has their name on the distribution list.


            • #21
              Re: Ccn

              If it is a Canadian Magazine why does it need all the non Canadian stuff in it?
              We can get all the key foreign tournament info from many online sites.
              Make it a Canadian content magazine then maybe that would spark some Canadians submitting some Canadian chess news?
              Last edited by John Brown; Saturday, 20th October, 2012, 04:22 PM. Reason: typo


              • #22
                Re: Ccn

                Originally posted by Patrick Kirby View Post
                Ok, but I don't see why the regular publication couldn't be in the form of publicly available content on the CFC website.

                If the idea is to advertise, don't you want to be seen by as wide an audience as possible?
                Complicated matters. The publication is financed (solely?) through membership fees. Why should members share it with others?

                I don't see it (a magazine) as an attraction of new members. Tournaments are. To play in rated tournaments players should be members (there are some exceptions too)


                • #23
                  Re : Re: Ccn

                  Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                  Complicated matters. The publication is financed (solely?) through membership fees. Why should members share it with others?

                  I don't see it (a magazine) as an attraction of new members. Tournaments are. To play in rated tournaments players should be members (there are some exceptions too)
                  A few hundred players do not player in any tournament but still renew their membership. Making the magazine public would most likely make the CFC lose these members.
                  The magazine is actually the only thing that can justify the membership for many people.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ccn

                    I thought you said above "it is just not that bad"?
                    It is. In this day and age, unless you can provide original Canadian or international content, it is not worthwhile. Hergott on board is great. The Rozentalis article last issue the same. I cannot think of another thing in the mag that sticks out.
                    Like I said before, it costs thousands of dollars and if we showed it to a potential sponsor, we would be embarrassed by it. The new website needs a members area where we can see these articles posted as soon as they are ready. It would save a bundle and then we might not struggle to fund our players to travel to represent Canada.


                    • #25
                      Re: Re : Re: Ccn

                      Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
                      A few hundred players do not player in any tournament but still renew their membership. Making the magazine public would most likely make the CFC lose these members.
                      The magazine is actually the only thing that can justify the membership for many people.
                      This is a good argument in favour of scrapping the magazine. The incremental revenue from publishing the magazine is the dues of 100 or so members who would quit if the magazine did not exist.

                      The incremental cost of publishing is much greater.


                      • #26
                        Re: Ccn

                        Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                        Like I said before, it costs thousands of dollars and if we showed it to a potential sponsor, we would be embarrassed by it.
                        What are you referring to here. The CFC web site or the magazine. They are different. The magazine isn't as bad as some are pretending. It has good points.

                        What scared off a sponsor for a chess league was when a certain someone said he was looking after it. That's fact and not fiction.
                        Gary Ruben
                        CC - IA and SIM


                        • #27
                          Re: Ccn

                          Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                          Complicated matters. The publication is financed (solely?) through membership fees. Why should members share it with others?

                          I don't see it (a magazine) as an attraction of new members. Tournaments are. To play in rated tournaments players should be members (there are some exceptions too)
                          I agree, the only incentive for me to pay membership dues is to participate in rated tournaments.

                          If I knew my membership dues were going to fund a high-quality site that promoted chess in Canada, I might be willing to support that even if I didn't intend to play in any tournaments in the year.

                          The existence of an email newsletter which I've never even received isn't an incentive at all. In fact it makes me less likely to support the CFC, since it's a symbol of their incompetence.


                          • #28
                            Re: Ccn

                            I am guessing that is a crack at me. First off, there were no sponsors to be scared away. I was not looking for a handout for any idea.
                            What made me decide not to follow up in the idea were trolls like you. Any idea is immediately crapped on. I can do things for myself, which I would enjoy, or trolls, like a certain someone I am replying to. If there were potential sponsors, Chesstalk would drive them away very quickly. Quicker than the CCN.


                            • #29
                              Re: Ccn

                              Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                              First off, there were no sponsors to be scared away.
                              From what I know this is not correct.
                              Gary Ruben
                              CC - IA and SIM


                              • #30
                                Re: Ccn

                                Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                                Does anyone know when the next issue will be out?
                                The mail with a link to the newest magazine was distributed yesterday. It grew to 90 pages.

