Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

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  • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

    Rd 13 Round started with high hopes for Kramnik. Vlad looked like he was winning against Boris Gelfand but Gelfand defended admirably. Draw result. Meanwhile Carlsen and Radjabov ended up in a knight and bishop of same colour ending with six pawns each which looked dead drawn. Magnus found amazing ways to keep pressure and Radjabov played some inaccuracies and got short of time and hallucinated, sacking a piece to try and get the pawns off. Magnus ended up winning. So end of Round 13 Magnus Carlsen is tied with Vlad Kramnik for the lead but if they finished tied Magnus would win the tie break due to more wins. The stage is set for a final exciting round.


    • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

      Rd 14 Magnus is white against Peter Svidler. It would be nice to see him win and win the candidates in style. The opening is a Ruy Lopez (Spanish), the godfather of all openings. A historical occasion.


      • Re : Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

        Both Kramnik and Carlsen are now losing... So much suspense :D


        • Re: Re : Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

          Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
          Both Kramnik and Carlsen are now losing... So much suspense :D
          Carlsen has lost; he has to hope Chucky didn't take the comment about the Budapest too seriously...

          Just a note to clarify: IF Chucky somehow doesn't win (and it certainly looks at this point he must)
          then Carlsen will lose the tournament; if Ivanchuk does go ahead and win, Carlsen wins on tie-breaks.
          So, Carlsen's fate is in the hands of Ivanchuk - a rather ironic situation.
          Last edited by Kerry Liles; Monday, 1st April, 2013, 02:07 PM.
          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


          • Re : Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

            Kramnik lost, so Carlsen is the new challenger. I can't wait to see the match :)


            • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

              Rd 14 Both Magnus and Vlad got nervous in time pressure and made losing mistakes. Instead of both likely winners they are both losers. Extreme nerve problems and tiredness. Apparently the tension on site was unbelievable. Chucky played the role of spoiler against both Carlsen and Kramnik. Although Carlsen and Kramnik tied in points, Carlsen wins on tiebreak (due to having more wins than Kramnik). If the final round reporting was an April Fool's joke it was the best and most complex chess joke ever.


              • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                Who won? Chess fans!!

                The last three rounds were, from a "sporting" point of view, outstanding.

                Real humans, with complex emotional systems, playing super-high-stakes chess. The results: indelibly memorable.


                • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                  Ultra-classy press conference from Kramnik. The guy just blew at least a million bucks and not only does he show up but he is willing to try and objectively analyse the game.
                  "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                  • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                    Fantastic tournament with an expected and desired outcome - Magnus Carlsen is the new Challenger. Despite the finish and the controversial tie-break rules, we should not forget that Magnus played the best in the last two years, so his qualification is deserved as the last milestone of the road to the match with Anand. A match between generations, with the Champion being at the top of the game for more years than the Challenger has in his age.
                    Kramnik actually had a very good tournament and showed that his play is at the highest level. Svidler, Aronian, and Grischuck improved over Mexico City, Gelfand played some model games while Radjabov missed completely but I am sure he will bounce back.
                    Ivanchuk is in a way the hero of the tournament, finishing second last but winning his matches agains the first two players - how often do we see that? A man with his own agenda and ideals, a Don Quixote of chess world.


                    • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                      Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                      Ultra-classy press conference from Kramnik. The guy just blew at least a million bucks and not only does he show up but he is willing to try and objectively analyse the game.
                      Agreed Tom. Very classy. Kramnik impresses me more and more.


                      • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                        Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                        Kramnik impresses me more and more.
                        It might be late to become a fan of him :) He had plans to retire soon. The unfortunate outcome of the London tournament may only make his plans reality. Especially with two kids the life can not be boring :)


                        • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                          I always was a quiet fan (especially of his attacking skill - brilliant!) but maybe I'll become more vocal.:D


                          • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                            Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                            I always was a quiet fan (especially of his attacking skill - brilliant!) but maybe I'll become more vocal.:D
                            I also am a quiet fan of Vlad's. I had sort of hoped he might win, but didn't really think he could rob Magnus on this one, and it appears I was right.

                            I posted about Vlad the day before Rd. 9 in this tournament, on the Cooperative Chess Coalition (CCC) Facebook chess discussion page, "CCC - Chess Posts of Interest" :

                            “It is hard to remember that Vlad has been around for a while. It was 12 1/2 years ago (!!) that Vlad wrestled the title from legendary Gary Kasparov, to become the 14th world champion (in October, 2000). And Vlad reigned for 7 years, 'til he lost the title to Vishy Anand in 2007. Then he was the Challenger in 2008, but didn't regain his title. He is now, in 2013, still the 2nd highest ranked in the world (based on the March 1 FIDE list then applicable)! He should not be under-estimated, I think. “

                            I think he has proved he is still one of the best players in the world (on the April 1 FIDE Regular Rating List, he is still # 3, and one of only 3 players in the world over 2800!).



                            • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                              Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                              I always was a quiet fan (especially of his attacking skill - brilliant!) but maybe I'll become more vocal.:D
                              I can imagine why you have been quiet. Today at resurfaced old Vlad's pictures in his best youth times :D
                              The link should work, otherwise let me know about problems.

                              On a serious note - V.Kramnik is comparable to Petrosian: he defeated Kasparov (aka Botvinnik), then kept the title for a while (Leko, Topalov aka Spassky), and lost to Anand (hmm, no analogy LOL
                              imho, he really stands quite high in the ranks amongst champions :)

                              Nevertheless, I hope, Magnus will swipe away Vishy, and the chess world will have the champion and the best (highest rated) player in one person :D


                              • Re: Aronian - Carlsen - who's going to win?

                                I remember those pictures from back then. I remember thinking this guy is cool and enjoying his teenage years to the max (not just hurting his head on stressful high level chess:))

