COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • For Bob and Sid:
    1) New York City's metro area is not all in New York State; it spills into New Jersey and Connecticut as well, hence with a population higher than New York State.
    2) New York City, primarily, had the pandemic first in the U.S., and its early deaths were very high, before there was a vaccine; also due to the urban nature of the metro area. I believe that state's death numbers are actually quite a bit higher than the published figures; there is some apparent evidence, under investigation, that its former governor Andrew Cuomo was covering up data, before he resigned.
    3) Bangladesh pandemic death rate, and indeed all data from that part of the world, is not believed by experts. Their real numbers are probably at least ten times higher. Publication of the truth would lead to possible revolution against the government. We may never get the complete picture there.
    4) Israel's COVID data situation is troubled by a relatively low national vaccination rate; at least ten per cent lower than Canada's (see, even though they had large numbers of vaccine doses early in the fight, before Canada. They are heading into their fourth doses for those who are vaccinated. They do have a high index, that is, number of vaccinations per 100 Israelis, a bit higher than Canada, but that is mainly because they are so far into their third doses, much further than Canada.
    As far as Sid's assertions on alternative methods for treating COVID, I have no way to evaluate this. But doctors worldwide have a lot of knowledge, and if there were existing medications which could have worked, someone would have been prominent in speaking out, one would think.
    On future immunity to COVID having already contacted it once, likely a different variant (Omicron vs. Delta) would still cause a problem for an unvaccinated person.
    There is a lot we don't know, about all aspects of this, and public policy in Canada is inconsistent among provinces, to start. Canada is doing better than a lot of another nations, particularly the U.S.
    I note that the U.S. Supreme Court, on Thursday, rejected (by 6-3) President Biden's attempt to impose vaccine mandates on large companies, but the Court accepted (5-4) the President's plan to get mandated vaccines for national health care employees funded through their Medicare and Medicaid.


    • Hi Sid & Dilip

      COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory # 5

      There is a world conspiracy to suppress the best practice for prevention of/ treatment of COVID-19 among:

      1. All world governments;
      2. All global health organizations that are mainstream.
      3. Almost all world scientists (Those opposed to mainstream medicine are still a small minority in the world).
      4. Almost all world physicians
      5. All multi-national pharmaceutical companies
      6. The world's Oligarchy.

      This conspiracy is most willing to tolerate a very high death and serious sickness total (Much higher than necessary) in order to achieve their covert goals. I have this right?

      ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
      Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 16th January, 2022, 05:31 PM.


      • Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post

        Those banks were suppose to collect data from patents, weren't they? And the whole your cited article rotates around the database.
        When they say 100% match, and I don't see that match, what the heck is that?

        CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG -- for me it is only a sequence of letters. What will be if to change any letter with any available letter? Do we get a key to the cure or a new deadly virus?
        here is the link to the Blast site Gene bank.
        type in CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG as described in the last part of the article put in the same settings as described and then you will see it links to the 2015 Moderna patent as described in the article.
        The first part of the article proves that this sequence or the corresponding amino acid sequence has never been found or recorded in any wild type SARSCOV based on the gene database and indeed was only found as patented synthesized oligonucleotides including the 2015-2017 Moderna Patents.
        This was long before SARSCOV2 was publicly known hence very likely made in the lab and worst was in the planning for many years.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Moderna Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 11.17.00 PM.png
Views:	124
Size:	1.90 MB
ID:	217522
        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 17th January, 2022, 12:22 AM.


        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
          Hi Sid & Dilip

          There is a world conspiracy to suppress the best practice for prevention of/ treatment of COVID-19 among:

          1. All world governments;
          2. All global health organizations that are mainstream.
          3. Almost all world scientists (Those opposed to mainstream medicine are still a small minority in the world).
          4. Almost all world physicians
          5. All multi-national pharmaceutical companies
          6. The world's Oligarchy.

          This conspiracy is most willing to tolerate a very high death and serious sickness total (Much higher than necessary) in order to achieve their covert goals.

 I have this right?

          ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
          No. There is no such conspiracy.
          But wherever our governments get heavily involved, things are bound to go wrong...


          • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            Hi Sid & Dilip

            There is a world conspiracy to suppress the best practice for prevention of/ treatment of COVID-19 among:

            1. All world governments;
            2. All global health organizations that are mainstream.
            3. Almost all world scientists (Those opposed to mainstream medicine are still a small minority in the world).
            4. Almost all world physicians
            5. All multi-national pharmaceutical companies
            6. The world's Oligarchy.

            This conspiracy is most willing to tolerate a very high death and serious sickness total (Much higher than necessary) in order to achieve their covert goals.

   I have this right?

            ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
            Hi Bob,
            I hold pharma companies responsible for corrupting boh the media they sponsor as well as the world wide medical-political complex starting with the Chinese Communist Party-controlled WHO funded primarily by the chief profiteer of Vaccines himself Bill Gates.

            This should not be considered a particularly radical view given that Pfizer et al and others have paid our billions of dollars in criminal fines over the last two decades for corrupting governments and regulatory agencies tp push highly toxic and dubious treatments that have resulted in millions of deaths and serious injuries.

            As I said the heavily referenced book below outlines exactly my position that is not exactly as you describe it here. I do not hold all world govts responsible and in fact the few that resisted pharmas highly corrupt vaccine program and instead went for early treatment that have been suppressed have survived the scamdemic unscathed.



            • Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
              For Bob and Sid:
              1) New York City's metro area is not all in New York State; it spills into New Jersey and Connecticut as well, hence with a population higher than New York State.
              2) New York City, primarily, had the pandemic first in the U.S., and its early deaths were very high, before there was a vaccine; also due to the urban nature of the metro area. I believe that state's death numbers are actually quite a bit higher than the published figures; there is some apparent evidence, under investigation, that its former governor Andrew Cuomo was covering up data, before he resigned.
              3) Bangladesh pandemic death rate, and indeed all data from that part of the world, is not believed by experts. Their real numbers are probably at least ten times higher. Publication of the truth would lead to possible revolution against the government. We may never get the complete picture there.
              4) Israel's COVID data situation is troubled by a relatively low national vaccination rate; at least ten per cent lower than Canada's (see, even though they had large numbers of vaccine doses early in the fight, before Canada. They are heading into their fourth doses for those who are vaccinated. They do have a high index, that is, number of vaccinations per 100 Israelis, a bit higher than Canada, but that is mainly because they are so far into their third doses, much further than Canada.
              As far as Sid's assertions on alternative methods for treating COVID, I have no way to evaluate this. But doctors worldwide have a lot of knowledge, and if there were existing medications which could have worked, someone would have been prominent in speaking out, one would think.
              On future immunity to COVID having already contacted it once, likely a different variant (Omicron vs. Delta) would still cause a problem for an unvaccinated person.
              There is a lot we don't know, about all aspects of this, and public policy in Canada is inconsistent among provinces, to start. Canada is doing better than a lot of another nations, particularly the U.S.
              I note that the U.S. Supreme Court, on Thursday, rejected (by 6-3) President Biden's attempt to impose vaccine mandates on large companies, but the Court accepted (5-4) the President's plan to get mandated vaccines for national health care employees funded through their Medicare and Medicaid.
              Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
              Bangladesh pandemic death rate, and indeed all data from that part of the world, is not believed by experts. Their real numbers are probably at least ten times higher. Publication of the truth would lead to possible revolution against the government. We may never get the complete picture there.
              "experts" are mostly pharma corrupted bureaucrats like Dr. Fraudsci. Interesting that the few areas that have crushed the curve such as Uttar Pradash, Bangladesh, MexicoCity etc using early treatments are immediately proclaimed to have inaccurate data, Before they crushed the curve with early treatment the data was considered accurate.
              True experts are Dr's that have successfully treated hundreds of thousands of COVID patients. Show me any expert that matches this description in Health Canada, US government COVID response team, UK Health services etc. Spoiler alert-You won't Here are true experts


              Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
              As far as Sid's assertions on alternative methods for treating COVID, I have no way to evaluate this. But doctors worldwide have a lot of knowledge, and if there were existing medications which could have worked, someone would have been prominent in speaking out, one would think.
              The big lie is that no treatments exist and the only solution is vaccines, You don't have to look very far to see the science says otherwise not to mention entire regions that crushed the curve with early early therapies such as the State of Florida with monoclonal antibodies among other things. By the way did you know that the US Federal government tried to deny Florida monoclonal antibodies when they had success with it? Florida has low vaccination rates, no mask mandates, no vaccine mandates, no supression of early treatments, When they started errecting monoclonal antibody treatment centres all over the state starting in August by Ocotber they are among the lowest deaths per 100,000 in theUS. Before that, they were among the highest.



              Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
              likely a different variant (Omicron vs. Delta) would still cause a problem for an unvaccinated person.
              Yes as it does in a vaccinated person. For vaccinated people it is even worst as the efficacy of boosters last only a short while as the vaccine were designed for a very specific virus that is long gone. Here in Ontario the percentage of vaccinate people hospitalized is greater than unvaccinated. Yes it is true that the unvaccinated people as a percentage of their group is higher but the blunt fact is that 70% of the hospitalizations in Ontario are with vaccinated people.
              Here is what is going on in Quebec nursing homes with 100% vaccinated people. The reason for so many deaths from a relatively mild virus is that they do no treat their patients at all. That has been the case since 2020. It is simply mass murder of the elderly. I lost my mother-in-law last week at the Jewish Eldercare facility in Montreal where she was denied vitamin b12 that without it she chokes on food. In effect, they starved her to death with their policy of no treatment of any kind with vitamin supplements. Vitamin b12 has some efficacy for COVID hence she was denied it.


              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 16th January, 2022, 11:14 AM.


              • I am certainly no apologist for multi-national pharmaceutical companies. They should be nationalized, given the issue is general citizen health. No one should be profiting off of human illness. It is the role of all governments of the world to make this cease. It is an obscene aspect of world capitalism.

                And I accept what is said about a high degree of corruption, especially benefits to regulatory decision-makers in government, and their vassal organizations.

                My Questions:

                1. Does anyone expect this situation will ever change?

                2. Why have governments not dealt with this problem? Is there a problem for government to have its own non-profit, and subsidized, pharmaceutical companies?

                Bob A (T-S/P)
                Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 16th January, 2022, 06:52 PM.


                • Sid: I agree there is no substitute for practical experience, so doctors who have treated COVID patients are very valuable.
                  I am looking more at the mathematical side of the pandemic, as that is my area of most expertise. Advanced knowledge of the mathematics of epidemics is greatly lacking; we haven't had one on a world scale for 100 years, and an enormous amount of advanced math has been developed since then, but not for specific applied research into the field. It is a matter of knowing what methods to apply, to produce accurate models, in an age of data uncertainty. There is a lack of consensus right now, just at the time when we need it most. We will certainly see many papers in the years ahead.
                  I've been taking a look at some very interesting, as yet unpublished material I obtained from the late Sir W. Hodge, British mathematician, who worked with my late father in the late 1960 and early 1970s. I think Hodge's ideas have potential, since in this work, he looked at chaotic situations with missing / incomplete data, in scenarios of epidemic growth, which is where we are now. I think that Markov chains and stochastic processes have to be combined with Hodge's work. I've had some success with this, using Canadian data from earlier phases of the pandemic.
                  My current estimates show an average of 50 deaths per day, for Ontario, from January 1 through April 30. Those are very scary numbers; some 6,000 new deaths. I think over half those deaths will be among the unvaccinated population, which comprises about 10 to 12 per cent of adults right now.
                  My final observation for this post is wondering whether it is pure coincidence that Wuhan, the Chinese city where the pandemic started about two years ago, just happens to be the site of their national centre for coronavirus research; and some of the scientists who worked there have since been muzzled or been made to disappear. The Chinese claimed that it was animal-to-human interaction, through their open-air markets, specifically with live bats which were on sale in Wuhan, which caused COVID-19. I am not so sure that is the case. Perhaps we will never know the full story. The virus is holding the world hostage right now.


                  • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                    Yes as it does in a vaccinated person. For vaccinated people it is even worst as the efficacy of boosters last only a short while as the vaccine were designed for a very specific virus that is long gone. Here in Ontario the percentage of vaccinate people hospitalized is greater than unvaccinated. Yes it is true that the unvaccinated people as a percentage of their group is higher but the blunt fact is that 70% of the hospitalizations in Ontario are with vaccinated people.
                    Here is what is going on in Quebec nursing homes with 100% vaccinated people. The reason for so many deaths from a relatively mild virus is that they do no treat their patients at all. That has been the case since 2020. It is simply mass murder of the elderly. I lost my mother-in-law last week at the Jewish Eldercare facility in Montreal where she was denied vitamin b12 that without it she chokes on food. In effect, they starved her to death with their policy of no treatment of any kind with vitamin supplements. Vitamin b12 has some efficacy for COVID hence she was denied it.

                    Sorry about your mother-in-law.

                    In Ontario a new round of long-term care deaths is about to happen. There are 98 homes with outbreaks among staff and many staff have isolate, leaving nobody in the building to clean and feed the seniors. The provincial minister in charge of long-term care homes has resigned.
                    Last edited by Erik Malmsten; Sunday, 16th January, 2022, 07:41 PM.


                    • Tipping Point

                      There is a sociological theory that a minority view, to make progress, must reach the figure of a very committed 25% of the population. This is the "tipping point" beyond which the minority now will steadily move to replace the status quo majority.

                      A certain percentage of the world population believes that there is good science to establish that the best practice for prevention of/treatment of COVID-19 is NOT vaccination. This minority position is being rejected by the majority at the present time........the majority percentage of supporters of vaccination is quite high in the world population..

                      When, if ever, does this minority expect to achieve a following of 25% of the world population?

                      ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


                      • Sid, please accept my deepest condolences for your family's loss.


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                          "experts" are mostly pharma corrupted bureaucrats like Dr. Fraudsci. Interesting that the few areas that have crushed the curve such as Uttar Pradash, Bangladesh, MexicoCity etc using early treatments are immediately proclaimed to have inaccurate data, Before they crushed the curve with early treatment the data was considered accurate.
                          True experts are Dr's that have successfully treated hundreds of thousands of COVID patients. Show me any expert that matches this description in Health Canada, US government COVID response team, UK Health services etc. Spoiler alert-You won't Here are true experts


                          The big lie is that no treatments exist and the only solution is vaccines, You don't have to look very far to see the science says otherwise not to mention entire regions that crushed the curve with early early therapies such as the State of Florida with monoclonal antibodies among other things. By the way did you know that the US Federal government tried to deny Florida monoclonal antibodies when they had success with it? Florida has low vaccination rates, no mask mandates, no vaccine mandates, no supression of early treatments, When they started errecting monoclonal antibody treatment centres all over the state starting in August by Ocotber they are among the lowest deaths per 100,000 in theUS. Before that, they were among the highest.



                          Yes as it does in a vaccinated person. For vaccinated people it is even worst as the efficacy of boosters last only a short while as the vaccine were designed for a very specific virus that is long gone. Here in Ontario the percentage of vaccinate people hospitalized is greater than unvaccinated. Yes it is true that the unvaccinated people as a percentage of their group is higher but the blunt fact is that 70% of the hospitalizations in Ontario are with vaccinated people.
                          Here is what is going on in Quebec nursing homes with 100% vaccinated people. The reason for so many deaths from a relatively mild virus is that they do no treat their patients at all. That has been the case since 2020. It is simply mass murder of the elderly. I lost my mother-in-law last week at the Jewish Eldercare facility in Montreal where she was denied vitamin b12 that without it she chokes on food. In effect, they starved her to death with their policy of no treatment of any kind with vitamin supplements. Vitamin b12 has some efficacy for COVID hence she was denied it.

                          May your mother-in-law rest in Heavenly peace, Sid...


                          • Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

                            The Americas - USA

                            "it may seem like the gap between the two groups is narrowing—and that the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is now a misnomer."

                            But these Charts Show That COVID-19 Is Still the" Pandemic of the Unvaccinated".


                            ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


                            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                              here is the link to the Blast site Gene bank.
                              type in CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG as described in the last part of the article put in the same settings as described and then you will see it links to the 2015 Moderna patent as described in the article.
                              The first part of the article proves that this sequence or the corresponding amino acid sequence has never been found or recorded in any wild type SARSCOV based on the gene database and indeed was only found as patented synthesized oligonucleotides including the 2015-2017 Moderna Patents.
                              This was long before SARSCOV2 was publicly known hence very likely made in the lab and worst was in the planning for many years.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Moderna Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 11.17.00 PM.png
Views:	124
Size:	1.90 MB
ID:	217522
                              As I wrote those letter do not match for me 100% percent.
                              For the sake of curiosity, I deleted several last letters and ran the search. It popped me even older patents like
                              "Highly thermophilic bacterium-derived protein and gene encoding it"
                              Patent: JP 2002325574-A 10 12-NOV-2002.

                              wth that mean?


                              • Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post

                                As I wrote those letter do not match for me 100% percent.
                                For the sake of curiosity, I deleted several last letters and ran the search. It popped me even older patents like
                                "Highly thermophilic bacterium-derived protein and gene encoding it"
                                Patent: JP 2002325574-A 10 12-NOV-2002.

                                What do you mean "exactly", I ran the identical sequence and it linked to the Moderns Patent as described in the article.

                                Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                                wth that mean?
                                Why the aggressive language? "WTH" or did you just mean to put in "what"? You found another patented sequence, so what? The point of this article is that this unique sequence has not been recorded in nature by the gene bank but is recorded as part of Moderna's patents. It is unequivocal proof that the virus was man made and made for Moderna to profit from the vaccines that turn your body into a pathogenic spike protein factory that is the same spike protein found in SARSCOV2.
                                As per the graphic Moderna's patents are all over this thing.
                                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 17th January, 2022, 11:14 AM.

