COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Neil Frarey
    Florida will hold the medical establishment accountable by:
    • Creating a grand jury to investigate mRNA shots & Big Pharma
    • Investigating cardiac-related deaths tied to the mRNA vaccine*
    • Forming a Public Health Integrity Committee to oversee the medical establishment

    Together with Elon Musk's Twitter file releases showing a coordinated attack targeting scientific dissenters to control the narrative around COVID-19 should be quite illuminating.

    State of Sunshine indeed!

    *This was (cardiac-related deaths), my concern for being and remaining unvaccinated.

    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Tuesday, 13th December, 2022, 10:27 PM.

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  • Sid Belzberg

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Dale Hoshizaki View Post

    Hi Bob,

    I generally agree with Tom's post on this. Fortunately, the dominant Omicron strain is much less severe than the initial strains (probably a combination of some vaccine protection and just being a milder strain) . This year, I have only admitted 1 person from the ER who was in trouble with lung involvement (unvaccinated but also diabetic), in stark contrast to the early days of the pandemic where there were quite a few 20 and 30 year old patients requiring admission. In general the influenza A going around now is causing much more severe illness!

    I think you can think of COVID at the moment the same way you think about flu. We advise at risk people (elderly, medical issues) to get the flu shot every year and I think COVID will be the same. Every year, I imagine a new vaccine will be available for the current strain, the same way as flu. If you want to get it, great...If you don't, then don't...COVID could mutate and become more severe, but the same thing can happen with influenza - it's really no different.

    My story is similar to Tom's. I got Omicron in August, wasn't severe...lasted 3 days, and I got my flu shot this fall, but haven't gotten the COVID booster yet, as it was suggested waiting 3 months was appropriate. I haven't got around to going in for my booster, and I have no objection to getting it but it's not a big priority either, so I haven't done it yet. If someone came to me and offered it, I'd take it but too busy/lazy to book and go to a vaccine clinic! Incidentally, I should mention that whether you get COVID naturally or get the vaccine, your immunity will not be 100% and in both cases, it will not last (just like the flu shot)...Also, I'm sure there is some immunity present from getting even 1 dose of vaccine - even if it doesn't prevent infection, it would help you fight it.

    Personally, I am not worried at all about the safety of the vaccines. With well over 10 billion doses of the various vaccines given worldwide, autoimmune side effects (which do occur and are potentially serious) are obviously pretty rare. Side effects from getting COVID are pretty rare too, but my feeling is they are more common. For example, I have personally seen 2 cases of myocarditis from COVID, several pulmonary emboli, an MI (heart attack), and a CVA (Stroke). These were all in the early days fortunately. I haven't seen any definite vaccine complications. I did see a DVT (leg blood clot) occurring about a month after vaccination, but these are pretty common in general, so pretty much impossible to say it was caused by vaccination.

    Lastly, I have been seeing a fair amount of people who are still very worried about getting COVID. I point out to them that saying you'll never get COVID is probably not realistic. The virus is here to stay, and saying you'll never get it is like saying you'll never get flu for the rest of your life. The current variant is actually a good one to get, and I actually infected myself on purpose this summer for that reason! Not that I would advise anyone to do that, but I do tell people to go out, enjoy life and live their life. We got through the bad part of the pandemic and now we can get back to normality...
    Dale the booster vaccines are already useless, as the virus they were made for is already gone. The same is true for Flu vaccines by the way which is equally as useless for the same reason.

    All risk of adverse side effects with ZERO benefits.

    Low neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1 by parental mRNA vaccine or a BA.5-bivalent booster

    "however, the BA.5-bivalent-booster did not produce robust neutralization against the newly emerged BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, or XBB.1"

    PS: Reading your commentary, I do not think you have a clue about the molecular biology of the spike protein or even how mRNA "vaccines" work. Your profound ignorance of this vital topic is a disgrace to your medical profession.
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 14th December, 2022, 12:54 AM.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dale:

    Thanks for your detailed reply.

    Bob A

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  • Dale Hoshizaki
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Human Health


    Risk for Seniors Rising

    Americas - USA

    According to the medical establishment, having my 5 vaccine shots will decrease substantially the negative consequences of the disease.

    Do the "Naturalists" agree with this?

    I do understand (If I'm wrong, correct me) that it is the position of the "Naturalists" that the negative consequences of the vaccine may kill me first.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

    Hi Bob,

    I generally agree with Tom's post on this. Fortunately, the dominant Omicron strain is much less severe than the initial strains (probably a combination of some vaccine protection and just being a milder strain) . This year, I have only admitted 1 person from the ER who was in trouble with lung involvement (unvaccinated but also diabetic), in stark contrast to the early days of the pandemic where there were quite a few 20 and 30 year old patients requiring admission. In general the influenza A going around now is causing much more severe illness!

    I think you can think of COVID at the moment the same way you think about flu. We advise at risk people (elderly, medical issues) to get the flu shot every year and I think COVID will be the same. Every year, I imagine a new vaccine will be available for the current strain, the same way as flu. If you want to get it, great...If you don't, then don't...COVID could mutate and become more severe, but the same thing can happen with influenza - it's really no different.

    My story is similar to Tom's. I got Omicron in August, wasn't severe...lasted 3 days, and I got my flu shot this fall, but haven't gotten the COVID booster yet, as it was suggested waiting 3 months was appropriate. I haven't got around to going in for my booster, and I have no objection to getting it but it's not a big priority either, so I haven't done it yet. If someone came to me and offered it, I'd take it but too busy/lazy to book and go to a vaccine clinic! Incidentally, I should mention that whether you get COVID naturally or get the vaccine, your immunity will not be 100% and in both cases, it will not last (just like the flu shot)...Also, I'm sure there is some immunity present from getting even 1 dose of vaccine - even if it doesn't prevent infection, it would help you fight it.

    Personally, I am not worried at all about the safety of the vaccines. With well over 10 billion doses of the various vaccines given worldwide, autoimmune side effects (which do occur and are potentially serious) are obviously pretty rare. Side effects from getting COVID are pretty rare too, but my feeling is they are more common. For example, I have personally seen 2 cases of myocarditis from COVID, several pulmonary emboli, an MI (heart attack), and a CVA (Stroke). These were all in the early days fortunately. I haven't seen any definite vaccine complications. I did see a DVT (leg blood clot) occurring about a month after vaccination, but these are pretty common in general, so pretty much impossible to say it was caused by vaccination.

    Lastly, I have been seeing a fair amount of people who are still very worried about getting COVID. I point out to them that saying you'll never get COVID is probably not realistic. The virus is here to stay, and saying you'll never get it is like saying you'll never get flu for the rest of your life. The current variant is actually a good one to get, and I actually infected myself on purpose this summer for that reason! Not that I would advise anyone to do that, but I do tell people to go out, enjoy life and live their life. We got through the bad part of the pandemic and now we can get back to normality...

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    "Covid-19 vaccines have saved more than 3 million lives in US, study says, but the fight isn’t over."

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
    This is not a peer-reviewed study. it is a nonsensical piece of pharma-sponsored propaganda with so many holes in their data that I am not sure where to begin.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    "Covid-19 vaccines have saved more than 3 million lives in US, study says, but the fight isn’t over."

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong
    According to the medical establishment, having my 5 vaccine shots will decrease the negative consequences of the disease substantially.
    Hi Bob,
    Many "naturalists" got the injections but do not necessarily agree that climate change is man made. Others declined the injections. but believe climate change is anthropogenic. Be careful with labeling people.
    I know it is hard to accept that the "medical establishment" has utterly failed humanity in the last three years and consistently lied however that is what has come to pass. I personally would not recommend the shots for any age group and held that position three years ago before the rollout for four reasons:

    1) The type of antibodies an injection into the deltoid muscle induces are for antigens in the bloodstream. The main point of entry for an aerosolized virus is the nasal passage, where the body's first line of defense is mucosal antibodies that these types of injections do not induce. Hence it is biologically impossible for this type of injection to prevent infection or transmission.

    2) The virus mutates much faster than the injections the variety of SARsCOV2 is tailored for. Hence by the time the injection is released, the virus it is made for is long gone. This is true for the bivalent vaccine as well. This makes the vaccine utterly useless and gives nothing but risks of adverse events with no benefits whatsoever.

    Low neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1 by parental mRNA vaccine or a BA.5-bivalent booster

    "however, the BA.5-bivalent-booster did not produce robust neutralization against the newly emerged BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, or XBB.1"

    3) Zero longitudinal safety data where it normally takes a vaccine ten years of small scale trials to establish this.

    4) The virus is easily treatable at early stages, and the injection development attempted to solve a self-created problem.

    The resultant data I previously posted supports what I stated several years ago.

    This is a very important video to watch from a medical conference in Australia regarding the veracity of the "medical establishment."

    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 13th December, 2022, 01:35 PM.

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  • Tom O'Donnell
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Human Health


    Risk for Seniors Rising

    Americas - USA

    According to the medical establishment, having my 5 vaccine shots will decrease substantially the negative consequences of the disease.

    Do the "Naturalists" agree with this?

    I do understand (If I'm wrong, correct me) that it is the position of the "Naturalists" that the negative consequences of the vaccine may kill me first.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

    Both those pro-vaccine and anti-"vaccine" lack nuance, imo.
    If I were 87, I would have gotten all the shots.
    If I were 27, I would have gotten none of the shots.
    I'm 57, so very reluctantly I got the first two shots.
    I've had Omicron (I think), it wasn't particularly bad, I felt a bit under the weather for two days, so I won't be getting any more shots.

    At least the anti-"vaccine" crowd doesn't go around demanding that no one get the vaccine. Your circumstances are unique to you. Talk to your doctor or other medical professionals that you trust.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Human Health


    Risk for Seniors Rising

    Americas - USA

    According to the medical establishment, having my 5 vaccine shots will decrease substantially the negative consequences of the disease.

    Do the "Naturalists" agree with this?

    I do understand (If I'm wrong, correct me) that it is the position of the "Naturalists" that the negative consequences of the vaccine may kill me first.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Tom O'Donnell
    1.6 billion disposable masks entered the ocean in 2020 and will take 450 years to biodegrade (

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Click image for larger version

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    This Trudeau can easily be defeated by a vote of no confidence via a motion triggered the opposition.


    What is the opposition waiting for?

    Those voters are your targets.
    No he has an overwhelming majority with his NDP coalition a vote of non-confidence would fail.

    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 11th December, 2022, 06:39 PM.

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  • Neil Frarey
    This Trudeau can easily be defeated by a vote of no confidence via a motion triggered the opposition.


    What is the opposition waiting for?

    Those voters are your targets.

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Sid, PM Justin Trudeau is not the target.

    Voters are.

    Canada is not a dependency.

    It's not.

    Our nation says otherwise.

    Our Canadian natural resources, our Canadian citizens says otherwise. It does and we do. We got it going on. We always have. We simply need to be ourselves ... to be Canadian.

    Shame on PM Justin Trudeau for trying to suppress our resources and our talents ... for whatever miscalculated or misguided reasons. His want for globalization has greatly lessened our Canadian worth ... our Canadian quality of being independent.

    Of relying on our own.

    First and foremost ... Canada provides and protects it's own. That's called, Community. That's called, Family.

    A responsibility seemingly not shared by PM Justin Trudeau.

    All our natural resources together with all our amazing ability to create and manufacture product ... that's what Canada does best. Everything else just naturally follows. Health care, education ... etcetera.

    FWIW ... I'm a 5th generation Canadian ... I've been there and I've done that.

    I'm not a fan of this Trudeau.

    Simply vote him out.

    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Sid, PM Justin Trudeau is not the target..
    Yes, he is one of many targets, just like Adolf Hitler was one of many targets in WW2. Voters did not sign up for a genocidal WEF agenda that has infested many
    Western governments around the world as Klaus Schwab so proudly points out. NDP supporters did not sign up for the liberal platform, and Liberal supporters did not sign up for the NDP platform, This was political trickery, and the same trick was deployed by Hitler in 1933 when he was elected as a minority government and formed a coalition to acquire dictatorial powers after the election.

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