COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Former CNN producer and award-winning journalist Kristina Borjesson urgently reach out to Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Meryl Nass, who treat covid patients, explain the science and statistics showing why fear and persecution of the un-vaxxed are unwarranted and how the vaxxed can infect others, maybe the source of new variants, and are contracting covid themselves in significant numbers while potentially facing dangerous and deadly side-effects from taking the vaccine. The doctors also talk about the suppressed prophylactic, early, and late-phase treatments protocols for covid that could "crush" the country's covid curve if they were national policy. Link to the article mentioned by Meryl Dr. Nass about UK scientists on a government committee encouraging the use of fear to control people’s behavior during the covid pandemic:


    • Interesting Testimony by Dr Vladimir Zelenko at the Jewish court in Israel.




        • This paper shows the "vaccine" has efficacy against the beta variant( B.1.351) but at the time the delta variant (B.1.617.2 )(Delta) did not exist. Unfortunately
          the delta variant had enough mutations in the furin cleavage site that it has been able to evade the antibodies induced by the current "vaccines".
          Adding a booster for a virus that it has no efficacy for solves nothing.

          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 13th August, 2021, 09:30 PM.


          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

            You said you read this and found it informative, Read it again, especially the part about Lancett and the NEJM retracting fraudulent anti HCQ pharma spomsored papers and then lecture me about "credible" institutions and publications. ....
            Yes, I thought that article was well written and informative. In fact, as I told you at the time, it changed my mind about HCL from closed-minded to open-minded, and that is still the case. The article was quite lengthy so I'm not going to read it again. I acknowledge your point that (I'm paraphrasing) a lot of mistakes have been made by governments and respected institutions/organizations in the handling/directing of our response to covid. I suspect that, for the next 25 years and more, we'll be treated to a host of investigations, studies, class actions, and conspiracy theories as we determine who is culpable for what.

            Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
            .... Read this article about exactly how toxic Remdesevir is and how it got to be and remains the 'standard of care" in hospitals in Canada and the US then lecture me about the impossibility that pharma has corrupted almost every country in the world. ....
            My understanding is that the FDA approved remdesivir for use in covid treatment, with conditions, in Oct 2020, and that Health Canada did the same in Nov 2020. To me that says that remdesivir is an approved treatment option in the USA and Canada. I don't follow how you go from there to 'standard of care'. Can you provide links to FDA or Health Canada information which confirm approval of remdesivir as a standard of care?

            Last edited by Peter McKillop; Saturday, 14th August, 2021, 10:29 AM.
            "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
            "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
            "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


            • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

              Yes, I thought that article was well written and informative. In fact, as I told you at the time, it changed my mind about HCL from closed-minded to open-minded, and that is still the case. The article was quite lengthy so I'm not going to read it again. I acknowledge your point that (I'm paraphrasing) a lot of mistakes have been made by governments and respected institutions/organizations in the handling/directing of our response to covid. I suspect that, for the next 25 years and more, we'll be treated to a host of investigations, studies, class actions, and conspiracy theories as we determine who is culpable for what.

              My understanding is that the FDA approved remdesivir for use in covid treatment, with conditions, in Oct 2020, and that Health Canada did the same in Nov 2020. To me that says that remdesivir is an approved treatment option in the USA and Canada. I don't follow how you go from there to 'standard of care'. Can you provide links to FDA or Health Canada information which confirm approval of remdesivir as a standard of care?

              Peter, you are missing my point as to the corrupted FDA and Remdesevir. This video posted above by Dr. Zelenko gives literally the inside story of the FDA approval process regarding HCQ and Remdesevir that he was heavily involved with at the time. Well worth listening to, here is the link I posted previously.


              Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
              a lot of mistakes have been made by governments and respected institutions/organizations in the handling/directing of our response to covid.
              Substitute the word "mistakes" for "crimes against humanity". Publishing a paper with a mistake is very different than publishing a paper based on nonexistent data, a major fraud, that the authors, the peer reviewers, the journal the pharma company with a competing interest, and the medical regulatory bodies knew all about and went along with. This retracted fraudulent retracted paper to this day is the basis on which the FDA claims life saving HCQ is unsafe (even though it has been used safely for over 70 years") and that Remdesevir is safe when it is lethally toxic and condemned even by the WHO after the results came out and is still administered to this day across the US and Canada killing literally hundreds of thousands of people.
              This is the same gang that we are supposed to believe that the Vax is safe even though no longitudinal data exists and early indications are not say the least.
              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 14th August, 2021, 11:18 AM.






                  • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                    Peter, you are missing my point ....
                    Sid, you've hit the nail on the head!! I think that, because of how I was raised, I have an ingrained inclination to trust authority until authority is proved wrong, conclusively. Until provincial, state, or national-level public health figures, and/or the mainstream news media, start coming out in support of some or all of your various positions, I'm going to keep missing your points because, at the gut level, and no matter how many links you throw at me, I just don't believe most of them. There's no point in me coming back to this thread. In addition to what I said above, it's giving me a frikkin' headache. Adios!

                    p.s. Ben Daswani, I'll miss your sense of humour. Hope you visit some other threads from time to time.

                    "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                    "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                    • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                      Sid, you've hit the nail on the head!! I think that, because of how I was raised, I have an ingrained inclination to trust authority until authority is proved wrong, conclusively. Until provincial, state, or national-level public health figures, and/or the mainstream news media, start coming out in support of some or all of your various positions, I'm going to keep missing your points because, at the gut level, and no matter how many links you throw at me, I just don't believe most of them. There's no point in me coming back to this thread. In addition to what I said above, it's giving me a frikkin' headache. Adios!

                      p.s. Ben Daswani, I'll miss your sense of humour. Hope you visit some other threads from time to time.
                      The world you describe was also my paradigm until March 2020. When I saw thousands of infected patients moved into eldercare facilities, science was censored and world class Dr's and scientists disparaged that saved millions of lives but went against the narrative that the virus is untreatable early (still the official NIH guideline) that world for me ended. RIP to a bygone era.


                      • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                        Sid, you've hit the nail on the head!! I think that, because of how I was raised, I have an ingrained inclination to trust authority until authority is proved wrong, conclusively. Until provincial, state, or national-level public health figures, and/or the mainstream news media, start coming out in support of some or all of your various positions, I'm going to keep missing your points because, at the gut level, and no matter how many links you throw at me, I just don't believe most of them. There's no point in me coming back to this thread. In addition to what I said above, it's giving me a frikkin' headache. Adios!

                        p.s. Ben Daswani, I'll miss your sense of humour. Hope you visit some other threads from time to time.

                        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                        The world you describe was also my paradigm until March 2020. When I saw thousands of infected patients moved into eldercare facilities, science was censored and world class Dr's and scientists disparaged that saved millions of lives but went against the narrative that the virus is untreatable early (still the official NIH guideline) that world for me ended. RIP to a bygone era.
                        I think it is quite possible that the current vaccines, for all the good they've done, could indeed have side effects including the microclots that are the current talking points. It is possible then that within 3 years we could see a massive die-off of vaccinated people around the world from these microclot side effects. And that to me would be a byproduct of the rush to get these vaccines to market in time to save the world economy.

                        In that, I do not see anything worthy of "conspiracy theories". I don't think anyone planned for that side effect or knew it would happen (although some might have suspected it). The world's medical scientists did what they could do, they performed a small miracle of saving the day.... for about 3 years anyway. In 3 years, if the vaccinated do indeed begin dying at a 60% rate, the world economy will be ruined then for a very very long time.

                        Now, there is only one scenario in which I could see that Sid's accusations of "crimes against humanity" might have some merit. It's a long shot scenario and I don't give it much credence at all, but I can't dismiss it entirely. The scenario would be this: we've all been hearing for about the last 20 years of a bacterial so-called "superbug" circulating in hospitals. It's a bacteria, or maybe multiple types of bacteria, that are resistant to all known antibiotics. The fear has been that if this superbug(s) ever gets out into society, it's game over for humanity. People will die from the smallest scratches.

                        The Big Pharma companies have been complaining for years that they can't pour the needed funds into new antibiotics because the costs are so prohibitive, and they can't recoup the costs because no one can afford drugs that cost thousands of dollars in today's money. So the superbug(s) have continued to circulate in hospitals, my own mother died from a superbug here in Canada, in a hospital.

                        So when covid came along, it could be that governments and Big Pharma (who has plenty of government lobbysists in USA) worked together to give Big Pharma a very much needed cash infusion via the development of the covid vaccines, and in doing so, they went against the early treatment that Sid has been talking about and repressing the news that these early treatments work and vaccines are not needed. I'm only saying this is a possibility, I have no evidence. There are no email chains between government leaders and Big Pharma executives saying "Ok, here's what we're gonna do..." There is no evidence like that, and I think that is why Peter McKillop just can't be convinced of any "crimes against humanity". For myself, this scenario is the only one I can imagine where it makes any sense that the government does this work to send mountains of cash to Big Pharma, with the stipulation that it get used to develop new antibiotics to save us from the coming superbug release that is inevitable.

                        I think the chance that governments and Big Pharma just did this to make a few select people rich is a much more remote possibility than the one I just described.


                        • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                          I think it is quite possible that the current vaccines, for all the good they've done, could indeed have side effects including the microclots that are the current talking points. It is possible then that within 3 years we could see a massive die-off of vaccinated people around the world from these microclot side effects. And that to me would be a byproduct of the rush to get these vaccines to market in time to save the world economy.

                          In that, I do not see anything worthy of "conspiracy theories". I don't think anyone planned for that side effect or knew it would happen (although some might have suspected it). The world's medical scientists did what they could do, they performed a small miracle of saving the day.... for about 3 years anyway. In 3 years, if the vaccinated do indeed begin dying at a 60% rate, the world economy will be ruined then for a very very long time.

                          Now, there is only one scenario in which I could see that Sid's accusations of "crimes against humanity" might have some merit. It's a long shot scenario and I don't give it much credence at all, but I can't dismiss it entirely. The scenario would be this: we've all been hearing for about the last 20 years of a bacterial so-called "superbug" circulating in hospitals. It's a bacteria, or maybe multiple types of bacteria, that are resistant to all known antibiotics. The fear has been that if this superbug(s) ever gets out into society, it's game over for humanity. People will die from the smallest scratches.

                          The Big Pharma companies have been complaining for years that they can't pour the needed funds into new antibiotics because the costs are so prohibitive, and they can't recoup the costs because no one can afford drugs that cost thousands of dollars in today's money. So the superbug(s) have continued to circulate in hospitals, my own mother died from a superbug here in Canada, in a hospital.

                          So when covid came along, it could be that governments and Big Pharma (who has plenty of government lobbysists in USA) worked together to give Big Pharma a very much needed cash infusion via the development of the covid vaccines, and in doing so, they went against the early treatment that Sid has been talking about and repressing the news that these early treatments work and vaccines are not needed. I'm only saying this is a possibility, I have no evidence. There are no email chains between government leaders and Big Pharma executives saying "Ok, here's what we're gonna do..." There is no evidence like that, and I think that is why Peter McKillop just can't be convinced of any "crimes against humanity". For myself, this scenario is the only one I can imagine where it makes any sense that the government does this work to send mountains of cash to Big Pharma, with the stipulation that it get used to develop new antibiotics to save us from the coming superbug release that is inevitable.

                          I think the chance that governments and Big Pharma just did this to make a few select people rich is a much more remote possibility than the one I just described.





                            • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                              Sid, you've hit the nail on the head!! I think that, because of how I was raised, I have an ingrained inclination to trust authority until authority is proved wrong, conclusively. Until provincial, state, or national-level public health figures, and/or the mainstream news media, start coming out in support of some or all of your various positions, I'm going to keep missing your points because, at the gut level, and no matter how many links you throw at me, I just don't believe most of them. There's no point in me coming back to this thread. In addition to what I said above, it's giving me a frikkin' headache. Adios!

                              p.s. Ben Daswani, I'll miss your sense of humour. Hope you visit some other threads from time to time.
                              Thanks Peter. I am going to follow your lead and this will be my final post on this thread. Sid posted an article this morning from the Freedom First Network about Denmark and its fight against COVID19. As I read thru it, I was curios about the source, Freedom First Network, so I hit home and started scrolling down. Hundreds of articles and links, and when I scrolled all the way to the bottom, a podcast from Flat Earther David Weiss.

                              So how credible a source is Freedom First Network?
                              Is the Flat Earth Society a member of the Freedom First Network?
                              Or are they there for comedy relief or just trolling the left?



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                                Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                                Thanks Peter. I am going to follow your lead and this will be my final post on this thread. Sid posted an article this morning from the Freedom First Network about Denmark and its fight against COVID19. As I read thru it, I was curios about the source, Freedom First Network, so I hit home and started scrolling down. Hundreds of articles and links, and when I scrolled all the way to the bottom, a podcast from Flat Earther David Weiss.

                                So how credible a source is Freedom First Network?
                                Is the Flat Earth Society a member of the Freedom First Network?
                                Or are they there for comedy relief or just trolling the left?

                                What an idiotic concept, if it is not on mainstream news that has been lying to us for 18 months it is therefore false if it is on a website that is counter to the lying narrative. I got news for you, this story is all over the place as it is historical fact that Denmark passed this legislation.
                                Good riddance to bad rubbish!

                                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 19th August, 2021, 12:46 AM.

