COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

    Masks seem to work, if you can look passed your politics.

    It is exactly what you have been crying like a baby for.

    "We now have evidence from a randomized, controlled trial that mask promotion increases the use of face coverings and prevents the spread of COVID-19,” said Stephen Luby, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford."

    I am sorry about your friend, but they probably had co morbidities. You wrote that about other deaths, so it is fair to use those words here.
    This is the study that the article refers to

    This study just came out September 1st so I was unaware of it. Thank you for sharing. It does not appear to be peer-reviewed yet. I will read it carefully and come back with comments. Off the top these comments in the paper are noteworthy.
    "We find stronger support for the use of surgical masks than cloth masks to prevent COVID19. Whether people with respiratory symptoms should generally wear masks to prevent respiratory virus transmission—including for viruses other than SARS-CoV-2—is an important area for future research.

    At the time of the study, the predominant circulating 33 SARS-CoV-2 strain was B.1.1.7 (alpha)[62]. The impacts of the delta variant on the number of infections prevented by a given mask-wearer are uncertain; the population-wide consequences of infections prevented by a given mask-wearer may be larger given a higher reproduction number.

    While we did not directly assess harms in this study, there could be costs resulting from discomfort with increased mask-wearing, adverse health effects such as dermatitis or headaches, or impaired communication

    As for my friend, there were no comorbidities here, The main pathogen was the hospital administration that denied proper treatment..
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 07:41 PM.


    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

      There were no comorbidities here, the main pathogen was the hospital administration that denied proper treatment..
      Was she old? You did not seem to care much about old people either in that old post.

      You are too full of yourself to understand the difference between you and me. I actually care about other people. I will wear a mask (even if it means discomfort, dermatitis, headaches, or impaired communication), stay home, avoid gatherings, and get a vaccine in order to do whatever I can to help others stay alive and this is you when asked to do the same thing:

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      • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

        Was she old? You did not seem to care much about old people either in that old post.

        You are too full of yourself to understand the difference between you and me. I actually care about other people. I will wear a mask (even if it means discomfort, dermatitis, headaches, or impaired communication), stay home, avoid gatherings, and get a vaccine in order to do whatever I can to help others stay alive and this is you when asked to do the same thing:

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        Like I said the main pathogen is pigs like you that support govts that do not allow Dr's to do their job as was the case here. The rest is all bullshit. I am very skeptical of the mask study you presented but will withhold judgment until I have read it carefully. As far as not caring about old people you are full of shit, I am the one that has been screaming for a year about eldercide and therapeutic nihilism. You are in love with a govt that murdered thousands of people in nursing homes denying them even vitamin D.
        You want to fuck up your natural immunity with a vaccine that is obsolete be my guest. Your virtue signaling is pathetic. Why the fuck do you think people get headaches after prolonged wearing of a mask?? Do you have any clue what hypoxia is? No, I did not think so.
        Go for it Brian get 3 jabs heck go for 10 of them when they tell you especially if it is the jab for the original virus. Yes wear three masks over your head and a glass shield, maybe a hazmat suit for you, at least that will work.....What are you waiting for man??? Do it NOW!!!!


        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

          Like I said the main pathogen is pigs like you that support govts that do not allow Dr's to do their job as was the case here. The rest is all bullshit. I am very skeptical of the mask study you presented but will withhold judgment until I have read it carefully. As far as not caring about old people you are full of shit, I am the one that has been screaming for a year about eldercide and therapeutic nihilism. You are in love with a govt that murdered thousands of people in nursing homes denying them even vitamin D.
          You want to fuck up your natural immunity with a vaccine that is obsolete be my guest. Your virtue signaling is pathetic. Why the fuck do you think people get headaches after prolonged wearing of a mask?? Do you have any clue what hypoxia is? No, I did not think so.
          Go for it Brian get 3 jabs heck go for 10 of them when they tell you especially if it is the jab for the original virus. Yes wear three masks over your head and a glass shield, maybe a hazmat suit for you, at least that will work.....What are you waiting for man??? Do it NOW!!!!
          I am not in love with anyone in government. Your quote from that july post seems to say old people will die. To be worked up now makes you 2 faced.
          If masks can't trap the virus, they can't trap CO2. End of discussion.
          You are a lunatic. I am just happy to be doing my part to expose you for who you really are. Reread your posts with a critical eye to see how unhinged you are.


          • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

            I am not in love with anyone in government. Your quote from that july post seems to say old people will die. To be worked up now makes you 2 faced.
            If masks can't trap the virus, they can't trap CO2. End of discussion.
            You are a lunatic. I am just happy to be doing my part to expose you for who you really are. Reread your posts with a critical eye to see how unhinged you are.
            "seerms to say" ????, F* off moron. Oh sure, and millions of protestors around the world are all lunatics. Dr's scientists around the world all lunatics,.... please F* off you fascist pig.

            Looks like your mask paper is published by a joke of a leftist organization journal and until it is peer-reviewed in a normal medical journal it is worthless propaganda. I would not believe the data in it. I mean really, 1% difference among over 26000 people between the treatment and control arms in individuals with "COVID-like symptoms" does not seem very large after "adjusting for baseline covariates" in order to claim improvements of 9.3% and 11.2% instead of 1%? I am very skeptical when the multivariate analysis is used since it's so model-dependent and fairly easy to get any desired result by manipulating the model.
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            Lunatic? I have a list of COVID recovered people whose lives were saved that would say otherwise you POS. Go ahead, DM me, I can put you in contact with them, and then you can REALLY expose who I am! Yes while you are at it you can expose our "conspiracy theory:" c19 group of Dr's who treated over 120000 severe COVID patients with 50 deaths. Untreated this group would have had about 6000 deaths.
            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 4th September, 2021, 12:46 AM.


            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

              "seerms to say????" F* off moron. Oh sure, and millions of protestors around the world are all lunatics. Dr's scientists around the world all lunatics,.... please F* off you fascist pig. Looks like your mask paper is from a leftist organization and until it is peer-reviewed it is worthless propaganda.
              Thank you for admitting you view things from a political frame of reference, even though you have said this is not political for you.
              Show someone who cares about you your posts so that they can talk some sense in to you to stop embarrassing yourself. Go to bed and take a break from chesstalk.
              Last edited by Brian Profit; Friday, 3rd September, 2021, 09:31 PM.


              • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                Thank you for admitting you view things from a political frame of reference, even though you have said this is not political for you.
                I wish it was not political. Unfortunately, people like you support politicized medicine and interference with Dr's doing their job. Interesting that the one thing you do not open your very big mouth about is exactly that. Do you know why? Because there is no innocent explanation you have to offer.

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                • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  To answer your initial question, yes. All we need to do is love each other and love the world we live in, love being not a state of mind but a mode of continuous action.
                  I created the LOVE lollypop wayyy back in '08...

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	lovelollypop.gif Views:	0 Size:	27.2 KB ID:	215245

                  ...I created this tasty treat with the theory being that if folks have become sooooooo callused ... offer up LOVE in candy form, ha!!!

                  Seriously bro ... I've been on this subject matter longer than I deserve.



                  • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                    Well, I certainly prefer your posts to those of the two scientific/moral geniuses above.


                    • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

                      Well, I certainly prefer your posts to those of the two scientific/moral geniuses above.
                      Brad, I prefer your posts, particularly on the subject of time that you seem to equate with "nothingness"? Time is a function of motion that requires at least two objects moving relative to each other so how can you have time without motion?


                      • Originally posted by Brian Profit
                        If masks can't trap the virus, they can't trap CO2. End of discussion.
                        Really? How about the concept of a bathtub with an open drain filling up with water as the water enters at a faster rate than it leaves? Where did anyone ever claim that 100 percent of the viruses leave the mask? Brian, I regret to say that you are not worth engaging with anymore, either prolonged mask-wearing has made you demented or you are a victim of neurological damage caused by an adverse reaction to the vaccine. You and the MSM can't even accept the idea that a version of a drug made for animals is not the same one for human consumption. Maybe the vax is the beginning of the Zombie apocalypse? So now the MSM and Govt' should tell Dr's how to practice medicine. And you are surprised that I am triggered?
                        Brian you are making a fool of yourself and it may not be your fault. Seek help mate! I hope for your sake your excellent chess skills are holding up!
                        Click image for larger version  Name:	IVM nature article 2021-09-04 at 10.23.06 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	315.2 KB ID:	215249


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                          Brad, I prefer your posts, particularly on the subject of time that you seem to equate with "nothingness"? Time is a function of motion that requires at least two objects moving relative to each other so how can you have time without motion?
                          Thank you for the question. It seems to me that motion is not possible without time. Two objects (of thought, for there is no material substance) can exist only if time is existant in the first place. I believe that our apprehension of time is a pure intuition of substance itself. No actual motion is reqiuired for this intuition to take place, quite the opposite, motion is possible only within the context of this pure intuition. The best example I can think of is that of a musician, or of anyone else for that matter, who is able to keep time by tapping along with a musical beat. No awareness of motion is required, time is purely sensed, otherwise music would not be possible because no one could keep the beat, no one could keep time. Of course, practise helps, and good musicians have a better sense of time than most, and they have also trained their bodies to keep time better than most people can. But the intuition is pure. Yes, some musicians may count between beats to help them along, but what about the time between the counts? At some point the time passing is purely sensed without the imposition of motion/counts.


                          • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

                            Thank you for the question. It seems to me that motion is not possible without time. Two objects (of thought, for there is no material substance) can exist only if time is existant in the first place. I believe that our apprehension of time is a pure intuition of substance itself. No actual motion is reqiuired for this intuition to take place, quite the opposite, motion is possible only within the context of this pure intuition. The best example I can think of is that of a musician, or of anyone else for that matter, who is able to keep time by tapping along with a musical beat. No awareness of motion is required, time is purely sensed, otherwise music would not be possible because no one could keep the beat, no one could keep time. Of course, practise helps, and good musicians have a better sense of time than most, and they have also trained their bodies to keep time better than most people can. But the intuition is pure. Yes, some musicians may count between beats to help them along, but what about the time between the counts? At some point the time passing is purely sensed without the imposition of motion/counts.
                            Except that in order to have “intuition” of time in the first
                            place all kinds of electrons are moving around in your
                            body. No motion=No Time.

                            I remember going in for an operation that lasted a few hours.
                            When I came to I thought that the anesthetic had not worked
                            thinking I was only under for a second.
                            In my frame of reference motion in my body had stopped and
                            effectively no time elapsed within my system.
                            The idea of time existing without motion is not possible hence
                            “nothingness” can not be equated with time. It is a misnomer.


                            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                              Really? How about the concept of a bathtub with an open drain filling up with water as the water enters at a faster rate than it leaves? Where did anyone ever claim that 100 percent of the viruses leave the mask? Brian, I regret to say that you are not worth engaging with anymore, either prolonged mask-wearing has made you demented or you are a victim of neurological damage caused by an adverse reaction to the vaccine. You and the MSM can't even accept the idea that a version of a drug made for animals is not the same one for human consumption. Maybe the vax is the beginning of the Zombie apocalypse? So now the MSM and Govt' should tell Dr's how to practice medicine. And you are surprised that I am triggered?
                              Brian you are making a fool of yourself and it may not be your fault. Seek help mate! I hope for your sake your excellent chess skills are holding up!
                              Click image for larger version Name:	IVM nature article 2021-09-04 at 10.23.06 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	315.2 KB ID:	215249

                              I would call you a half wit, but you would take it as a compliment. Let me know when your political friends at bitchute tell you your talking points about the mask study you have been saying didn't exist.


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