Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Path of SARS-CoV-2 into the Human Population

    Sid alleges that this article ( that the virus was released deliberately, not by accident,..."is unfortunately way beyond [my] technical abilities".

    In fact, likely most articles on both sides of this issue are "way beyond my technical abilities".

    So I will rely on an early (Data to Aug., 2021), but still generally accepted, article that the evidence is inconclusive on this whole issue of origin/entry, and whether there were deliberate actors:

    If others have more recent articles to this same effect, please post them for the education of all of us.

    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
    You're asking us to believe propaganda by the perpetrators? Wacth the video by Naomi Wolf and you will understand why your reply is ridiculous

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Naoimi Wolf 2023-07-27 at 10.11.12 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	913.3 KB ID:	227935

    By the way, even the FBI and Department of Energy Now Support that the virus being made in a lab was likely! Here it is reported in the mainstream legacy media. The Mainstream omits that it was deliberately released and funded by Dr. Fauci's NIH in a collaborative effort with the CCP Wuhan lab. Senator Rand Paul just sent a criminal referral against Dr. Fauci to the DOJ for
    lying to congress about the funding of Wuhan Gain of Function research.

    Energy Department Joins FBI In Supporting COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory: Report

    The U.S. Department of Energy said it believes that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated from a laboratory leak, according to an updated classified intelligence report obtained by The Wall Street Journal.

    The department’s conclusion is part of an update to a 2021 report by the office of Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, according to the Journal, which first reported on the update Sunday. CNN later confirmed the Journal’s report.

    The Energy Department was previously undecided on the coronavirus’ origin, and reportedly made its latest conclusion with “low confidence.” Such an assessment usually means the information gathered is not reliable enough to make a more robust judgment.

    The report allegedly lays bare the spectrum of conclusions made by eight different parts of the intelligence community tasked with investigating the virus’ origin. The Energy Department’s finding aligns with that of the FBI, which claimed in 2021 with “moderate confidence” that the virus likely started due to a lab leak in Wuhan, China. Two agencies, including the CIA, are still undecided in their conclusions.

    The remaining four agencies and a national intelligence panel said they believe the pandemic likely began via natural transmission from animal to human. Research released last year gave more evidence that SARS-CoV-2 originated at a seafood market in Wuhan and likely spilled to people from infection-susceptible wildlife being sold.

    “All this evidence tells us the same thing: It points right to this particular market in the middle of Wuhan,” Kristian Andersen, an immunologist who co-authored one of the studies, told The Associated Press in July. “I was quite convinced of the lab leak myself until we dove into this very carefully and looked at it much closer.”

    Rand Paul sends criminal referral to DOJ saying Fauci lied about gain-of-function research funding

    Sen. Rand Paul requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland criminally investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci over Senate testimony in which President Joe Biden's chief infectious disease expert said that the National Institutes of Health never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which the Kentucky Republican says is a lie.

    Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, insists that the NIH grants did not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and has repeatedly defended U.S. funding going to bat coronavirus research in China. But he also admitted that he doesn’t actually know what the secretive Chinese lab has been doing.

    At issue in Paul's criminal referral is Fauci's testimony before Congress on May 11, when he denied under oath that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. Paul pointed to NIH grants going to the EcoHealth Alliance, which then provided funding to the Wuhan lab that a Trump State Department fact sheet contended carried out secretive gain-of-function experiments and worked with China’s military. At the time, Fauci told Paul: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

    After another back-and-forth with Fauci on Tuesday, during which the doctor repeatedly said the NIH funding approved for the Wuhan lab was not for gain-of-function research, Paul announced on Fox News that he would be sending a letter to the Justice Department over what he saw as false testimony by Fauci.

    The Washington Examiner obtained the criminal referral Paul sent to Garland on Wednesday.

    “I write to urge the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into testimony made to the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on May 11, 2021,” Paul wrote to Garland.

    NIH’s RePORTER website said the agency provided $15.2 million to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance over the years, with $3.74 million toward understanding bat coronavirus emergence. Daszak maintained a long working relationship with Wuhan lab “bat lady” Shi Zhengli, sending her lab at least $600,000 in NIH funding. Daszak was also part of the World Health Organization-China team that dismissed the lab leak hypothesis as “extremely unlikely” earlier this year.

    Paul told Garland that a 2017 paper on Shi’s experiments at the Wuhan lab, which cited an NIAID award, included research “in which the spike genes from two uncharacterized bat SARS-related coronavirus strains, Rs4231 and Rs7327, were combined with the genomic backbone of another SARS-related coronavirus to create novel chimeric SARS-related viruses” and that “these experiments combined genetic information from different SARS-related coronaviruses and combined them to create novel, artificial viruses able to infect human cells.”

    The senator told the Justice Department that contrary to Fauci’s contention, “this research, conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funded under NIAID Award R01AI110964, fits the definition of gain-of-function research.”
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 28th July, 2023, 02:16 PM.


    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

      I like to march to my own drummer.

      Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
      Great, you are a Libertarian at heart!
      I always thought that you are a good man who just hates obscene profits and obscene power; well, you will declare yourself a Libertarian once you realize that the best system to prevent obscene profits and obscene power is Libertarianism!


      • I see we have strayed off topic,
        Dilip wants to talk about Libertarianism,
        and Sid wants to talk about COVID.

        This thread is for Climate Change, so gentlemen, please focus.

        UN has now out with a new term, Climate Boiling.
        I suspect that will trigger you both with your climate anxiety.

        For most people, climate change is now obvious.
        Hopefully soon then we can accelerate efforts to save us all.


        • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          I see we have strayed off topic,
          Dilip wants to talk about Libertarianism,
          and Sid wants to talk about COVID.

          This thread is for Climate Change, so gentlemen, please focus.

          UN has now out with a new term, Climate Boiling.
          I suspect that will trigger you both with your climate anxiety.

          For most people, climate change is now obvious.
          Hopefully soon then we can accelerate efforts to save us all.

          The thread is about a scam called climate change pushed on us by CCP-controlled WEF/UN client states to deprive us of freedom in the name of
          a so-called climate emergency, just like the so-called COVID emergency that was deliberately manufactured and released by bioweapons labs
          in several countries including the US, Canada, and China.

          By the way, it is not up to you what is discussed in this thread. If you don't like it move on! You are not being forced to read it.
          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 28th July, 2023, 02:36 PM.


          • Hi Dilip:

            Your posts about me being a closet Libertarian are giving my left-wing friends (Who already are suspicious of me) greater uncertainty!

            And Sid definitely wants to paint me into the corner of all the old USSR-style Communists!

            Hey......maybe I'm doing something right?

            Bob A


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Hi Dilip:

              Your posts about me being a closet Libertarian are giving my left-wing friends (Who already are suspicious of me) greater uncertainty!

              And Sid definitely wants to paint me into the corner of all the old USSR-style Communists!

              Hey......maybe I'm doing something right?

              Bob A


              • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                UN has now out with a new term, Climate Boiling.
                I suspect that will trigger you both with your climate anxiety.

                Wrong choice of words, Bob G.
                Such stuff from UN is not anxiety-provoking, just boring...
                Since it seems to be provoking anxiety in you, you need to join the climate-indifferent happy guys!


                • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                  Wrong choice of words, Bob G.
                  Such stuff from UN is not anxiety-provoking, just boring...
                  Since it seems to be provoking anxiety in you, you need to join the climate-indifferent happy guys!
                  Hey good news for you BobG I will now "focus" on the provable lie you just fell for hook, line and sinker

                  The US percentage reaching 100F this year is currently at a record low. In fact, in the month of July, it is at a
                  record low of 18 percent versus 79% in July of 1936.
                  You can read all about the true record setting North American Heatwave in the summer of 1936 here

                  CCP Controlled UN Secreatary General Guteress Gutterez claimed that July 2023 will set records for being the hottest month on record.
                  Of course, his statements were meant to scare the West to invest in more Chinese windmills and solar panels and destroy the United States' energy sector.

                  And it’s all based on lies. More good news Bobg ,carbon emissions were far lower in 1936 than today and yet without these emissions the US had a record heatwave
                  that summer! Please explain!

                  While the CCP is using scare tactics to sell you windmills and solar panels think about FOSUM (the CCP controlled giant Chinese pharmaceutical company that partnered with Pfizer and Moderna to control all the injection manufacturing facilities around the world. Unlike the rest of the World 2020 was a banner year for the Chinese GDP. They make a lot of money wrecking your health and ultimately killing you. Next the artificial energy shortages and food shortages in the name of "climate change" are already happening.

                  By the way here is an interesting fact A Lancet study revealed that cold weather is responsible for approximately 90% of the 5.1 million annual excess deaths attributed to temperature. If the cold causes 9 times more deaths than heat, would fewer people die if global temperatures were warmer?


                  • Statement # 2 re Negative Climate Change

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	ClimateChange2.jpg
Views:	95
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	227961

                    Earth's mean temperature is now rising, has been for some time, and will likely continue to rise for some time in the future.

                    Acceptance Processing

                    Challenge 1

                    Challenge 1 by Sid Belzberg - Post # 1296 – 23/4/29

                    Defence to this Challenge by Bob Armstrong – Post # 1485 - 23/7/22


                    For approx. one week after Bob A's Defence, not one other CT'er has come forward to support the Challenge.

                    Under our protocol, the Statement # 2 would again have become “generally accepted”.

                    However, a second Challenge was launched by Dilip Panjwani. So “acceptance” must occur again.

                    Challenge 2

                    Challenge 2 by Dilip Panjwani - Post # 1486 – 23/7/22

                    Defence 1 by Fred Harvey – Post # 1487 - 23/7/23. He added to his Defence (Post # 1502 – 23/7/24).

                    There were multiple posts back and forth on Challenge 2.

                    Supplement to Challenge 2 - In the one week since Defence 1, only 1 CT'er, Sid Belzberg (Post # 1489 - 23/7/23), came forward to Supplement Dilip's Challenge 2. But Dilip advised Sid that Dilip felt his intervention was wrong (Post # Post # 1492 - 23/7/23).


                    Not one other CT'er came forward to support Challenge 2.

                    In fact, in addition to Fred, 2 CT'ers (Bob Gillanders, Bob Armstrong) came forward to defend the Statement # 2.

                    Under our protocol, the Statement # 2 is again “generally accepted”.

                    Bob A (As Group Secretary)


                    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                      Hey good news for you BobG I will now "focus" on the provable lie you just fell for hook, line and sinker

                      The US percentage reaching 100F this year is currently at a record low. In fact, in the month of July, it is at a
                      record low of 18 percent versus 79% in July of 1936.
                      You can read all about the true record setting North American Heatwave in the summer of 1936 here

                      CCP Controlled UN Secreatary General Guteress Gutterez claimed that July 2023 will set records for being the hottest month on record.
                      Of course, his statements were meant to scare the West to invest in more Chinese windmills and solar panels and destroy the United States' energy sector.

                      And it’s all based on lies. More good news Bobg ,carbon emissions were far lower in 1936 than today and yet without these emissions the US had a record heatwave
                      that summer! Please explain!
                      From your wikipedia link,

                      The 1936 North American heat wave was one of the most severe heat waves in the modern history of North America. It took place in the middle of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl of the 1930s and caused catastrophic human suffering and an enormous economic toll. The death toll exceeded 5,000, and huge numbers of crops were destroyed by the heat and lack of moisture. Many state and city record high temperatures set during the 1936 heat wave stood until the summer 2012 North American heat wave.[2][3] Many more endure to this day; as of 2022, 13 state record high temperatures were set in 1936. The 1936 heat wave followed one of the coldest winters on record.

                      You may have missed the reference to 2012 breaking many of the 1936 records. If Dilip would like to continue our simple math exercise, and compare recent years versus 1936, I am all in. But apparently he is bored.

                      But 1936 was a dry heat, and with global warming we have more moisture now, so we need to be concerned with human tolerance to heat and humidity. Have you heard the term wet bulb temperatures? Here is a video to explain.

                      Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Sunday, 30th July, 2023, 08:09 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                        From your wikipedia link,

                        The 1936 North American heat wave was one of the most severe heat waves in the modern history of North America. It took place in the middle of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl of the 1930s and caused catastrophic human suffering and an enormous economic toll. The death toll exceeded 5,000, and huge numbers of crops were destroyed by the heat and lack of moisture. Many state and city record high temperatures set during the 1936 heat wave stood until the summer 2012 North American heat wave.[2][3] Many more endure to this day; as of 2022, 13 state record high temperatures were set in 1936. The 1936 heat wave followed one of the coldest winters on record.

                        You may have missed the reference to 2012 breaking many of the 1936 records. If Dilip would like to continue our simple math exercise, and compare recent years versus 1936, I am all in. But apparently he is bored.

                        But 1936 was a dry heat, and with global warming we have more moisture now, so we need to be concerned with human tolerance to heat and humidity. Have you heard the term wet bulb temperatures? Here is a video to explain.

                        You omit the fact that the UN Secretary General's claim that this summer's heat is record-breaking does not even come close to the summer of 1936. Please explain this lie.


                        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          Statement # 2 re Negative Climate Change

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	ClimateChange2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	17.7 KB ID:	227961

                          Earth's mean temperature is now rising, has been for some time, and will likely continue to rise for some time in the future.

                          Acceptance Processing

                          Challenge 1

                          Challenge 1 by Sid Belzberg - Post # 1296 – 23/4/29

                          Defence to this Challenge by Bob Armstrong – Post # 1485 - 23/7/22


                          For approx. one week after Bob A's Defence, not one other CT'er has come forward to support the Challenge.

                          Under our protocol, the Statement # 2 would again have become “generally accepted”.

                          However, a second Challenge was launched by Dilip Panjwani. So “acceptance” must occur again.

                          Challenge 2

                          Challenge 2 by Dilip Panjwani - Post # 1486 – 23/7/22

                          Defence 1 by Fred Harvey – Post # 1487 - 23/7/23. He added to his Defence (Post # 1502 – 23/7/24).

                          There were multiple posts back and forth on Challenge 2.

                          Supplement to Challenge 2 - In the one week since Defence 1, only 1 CT'er, Sid Belzberg (Post # 1489 - 23/7/23), came forward to Supplement Dilip's Challenge 2. But Dilip advised Sid that Dilip felt his intervention was wrong (Post # Post # 1492 - 23/7/23).


                          Not one other CT'er came forward to support Challenge 2.

                          In fact, in addition to Fred, 2 CT'ers (Bob Gillanders, Bob Armstrong) came forward to defend the Statement # 2.

                          Under our protocol, the Statement # 2 is again “generally accepted”.

                          Bob A (As Group Secretary)
                          Your "protocol" is simply a reflection of only a very few Chesstalkers caring about this subject. Of the very few that care, Dillip and myself are the minority dissident voices. Hence you may as well put down any propaganda you want and declare it "generally accepted." The worst part, Bob A, is you have not even listened to the two videos that you stated you would do months(!) ago so sorry, but for me, you are no longer a credible voice in this debate.


                          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                            You omit the fact that the UN Secretary General's claim that this summer's heat is record-breaking does not even come close to the summer of 1936. Please explain this lie.
                            Am I responsible now for statements from UN Secretary General? Who put me in charge?

                            Anyway, I am sure he was speaking about global temperatures. So should you be comparing that to North American heat wave of 1936?

                            And it's only July, so take any statements with a grain of salt.
                            And YES, of course he is trying to scare us. Or put more diplomatically, alert us to the dangers of climate change.


                            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                              Your "protocol" is simply a reflection of only a very few Chesstalkers caring about this subject. Of the very few that care, Dillip and myself are the minority dissident voices. Hence you may as well put down any propaganda you want and declare it "generally accepted." The worst part, Bob A, is you have not even listened to the two videos that you stated you would do months(!) ago so sorry, but for me, you are no longer a credible voice in this debate.
                              Leaving just Sid and Dilip.


                              • [QUOTE=Bob Gillanders;n227962]

                                But 1936 was a dry heat, and with global warming we have more moisture now, so we need to be concerned with human tolerance to heat and humidity.
                                -Bob Gillanders.

                                On the positive side, we are now not experiencing the 'Dust Bowl'!
                                And also because of our moist conditions, the forest-fire arsonists (both the active and the passive) are less 'successful' than they would have otherwise been.
                                So relax, Bob G...

