Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Hi Bob G:

    For Administrator as well:

    Thanks for the possible techie explanation. I have always thought my own responses on my own thread were counted. But I'll have to check that when I just make only one response.

    Also, the other possibility is as you state: one response only by me may be counted; but when I post 2 in a row (here I posted 4 consecutively), it counts none. But this does seem an odd coding concept to me. I could see not counting the consecutive ones, but surely the 1st of my responses should count.

    What maybe should happen is that for the originator of the thread, when s/he responds, it is not counted. The coding only counts as "responses", responses by others.

    Can anybody give a definitive answer on this?

    Bob A (T-S/P)


    • Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

      Dwindling Water Supply

      Americas - Colorado River, USA

      Major water cutbacks loom as shrinking Colorado River nears ‘moment of reckoning’.

      Subscribers Only

      ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


      • CT Responses Counter for this Thread

        It is working again - now up to 466 responses when had been stuck at 460 earlier.

        Don't know whether it got fixed, or it has to do with consecutive responses by me as originator of the thread, as Bob Gillanders suggested.

        ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


        • Water is important, and the controlling of it will play an increasing role as the madness unfolds. There must be predictions about this.


          • I have read numbers of times that WWIII will be over water.

            Bob A


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              I have read numbers of times that WWIII will be over water.
              Putin may invalidate this. Canada has a lot of water and not so many people to drink it.


              • So ya, I'm here in Pineglen, Ottawa, climate change is now a topical thing, ha! May 23rd, 185 km/h force wind shredded my property ...


                The above image was shot just days after I began to cut, thanks to my amazing Stihl chainsaw, my way down my lane way.


                13 days of no power a.k.a. no electricity. I'm on well water (yay!) with a septic system (yay!). So ya, no flushing the toilet for 13 days. No drinking water for 13 days, no bath water for 13 days ... etc., etc.

                May 23rd, 2022 ... the day the trees fell.

                Please ... stop your whining.

                Nothing lasts forever.


                Last edited by Neil Frarey; Sunday, 19th June, 2022, 05:45 AM.


                • A Climate Change Consequence

                  Severe Weather Extremes


                  Europe - Italy


                  ~ Bob A. (T-S/P)


                  • Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

                    Strategy: Atmospheric Carbon Removal

                    "This CRISPR pioneer wants to capture more carbon with crops.

                    New research at Jennifer Doudna's (CRISPR co-inventor) institute aims to create faster-growing, carbon-hungry plants using the gene-editing tool."


                    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


                    • Click image for larger version

Name:	Earth's Ecological System.jpg
Views:	76
Size:	15.7 KB
ID:	220071


                      • CT Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change Thread

                        Week # 25 (22/6/15 – 21)

                        Weekly Stats:

                        ....................................................2022 Average............................................................... 2022 Average

                        .............................Last Week's.....Views/Day.......................................Last Week's.........Responses/Day.

                        Views/Day...........Views/Day.......(To Date)........Responses/Day......Responses/Day........ (To Date)

                        ...37...........................18....................49...............................2..............................1 ..........................3

                        Stats Analysis

                        The activity in the thread last week was substantially higher than the prior week. This may indicate a growing interest in the climate change issue among CT'ers, though the number of responses was also higher than the prior week.

                        The weekly periods will remain way behind the 2022 Average for quite a while. This is understandable since there were many more posts per week in the beginning than now, as everyone had their say. So, as the number of viewers decreases, and then stabilizes, the yearly average comes down only very slowly, given the high initial activity.

                        Now the activity is directly related to the number of new responses per day.

                        It is the flagging of the thread by a new response, that brings CT'ers to see what the new information is. The number of responses per week has stabilized to a bit more than 1 every 2nd day. So the number of views has also stabilized, to around 20 views per day, though this week was a bit higher.

                        It is now the case that only a couple of ChessTalker's, besides me, ever make an original climate change response (New information, vs responding to a prior response). This is OK. It is not that something is wrong with ChessTalker's....... we are merely reflecting the priority that society generally is currently giving to the climate change issue......a very low priority!??

                        But it is too bad. There is lots of climate change information out there. I am making a number of climate change responses per week, to keep everyone up on the latest information I am seeing (I am shooting for a post every 2nd day, but am sometimes falling short on this). But I only run across a small percentage of the information available.

                        I would encourage other ChessTalk'ers to respond as well with original material. As I have said, both society, and ChessTalker's need to raise climate change on their list of priorities on which to spend time. Post any climate change items of interest that you come across, to share the newest information. Also, my posting time is more limited in the Spring/Summer/Fall. So I sometimes may not make a response for a number of days. But rest assured I am not gone heart surgery was very successful.

                        The Pressing Climate Change Issue

                        The core issue, IMHO, IS how to get society to perceive the issue as URGENT, as it is.

                        What action is needed from climate activists to “AWAKEN” the public that this issue cannot just continuously be kicked down the road? Nature's Tipping point is estimated to be, on current trajectory, only 9 years away (Around Jan. 1, 2031).

                        The last report of the UN Climate Change Panel clearly stated that the window of opportunity to save ourselves is fast closing. Capping the temperature rise at only 1.5 degrees Celsius is now impossible. It noted that current government deadlines were totally insufficient to solve the problem. CO 2 must be capped by 2025! And for the first time, CO 2 “removal” has now become a necessary part of the solution. We require more than just our plant friends.

                        Time is fast running out!

                        The Large Picture Solutions

                        Can we come up with at least one or two viable suggestions of impressive, radical things that might wake up the public, that we could then put out there to other concerned client activists?

                        CT'ers' Local Actions on Climate Change

                        You can do something! When you like one of this thread's links on an aspect of climate change, spread the news by posting it to your social media accounts and other Websites/Discussion Boards you participate in!

                        ~ Bob (T-S/P)


                        • Climate Change & the Most Vulnerable

                          Americas - Province of British Columbia, USA

                          B.C. already has a large working-class population with unstable housing, little disposable income and poor access to medical care. As the climate crisis worsens, these families are unlikely to be able to afford the sudden, severe disasters that will take away their homes, their cars and their communities.


                          ~ Bob A (T-S/P)


                          • CT Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change Thread

                            Week # 26 (22/6/22 – 28)

                            Weekly Stats:

                            ....................................................2022 Average............................................................... 2022 Average

                            .............................Last Week's.....Views/Day.......................................Last Week's.........Responses/Day.

                            Views/Day...........Views/Day.......(To Date)........Responses/Day......Responses/Day........ (To Date)

                            ...9...............................37...................47..........................1/3..............................1 .............................2

                            Stats Analysis

                            There was little activity in the thread last week ....... there were only 2 responses posted, so this is expected.

                            It is also expected that the current weekly stats will remain substantially behind the 2022 Average for a long time. There were many more responses per week in the beginning than now, as everyone had their say. So, as the number of viewers decreases, and then stabilizes, the yearly average comes down only very slowly, given the high initial activity.

                            Activity now is directly related to the number of new responses per day, as we saw last week. It is a new response that brings CT'ers to see what the new information is.

                            There is lots of climate change information out there. I am shooting to post a new response every 2nd day, but am sometimes falling short on this, depending on the amount of time I have to be on-line. But I only run across a small percentage of the information available. I encourage other CT'ers to also post responses here, when they see climate change posts of interest elsewhere.

                            The Pressing Climate Change Issue

                            The core issue: Building a sense of urgency on this issue in society. We must realize that we cannot kick it down the road any longer.

                            The public is aware of the climate change issue.

                            BUT..... climate activists must find strategies to “AWAKEN” the public to the “URGENCY”.

                            Nature's Tipping point is estimated to be, on current trajectory, only 9 years away (Around Jan. 1, 2031). Capping the temperature rise at only 1.5 degrees Celsius is now impossible (UN Climate Change Panel's most recent report). UNCCP noted that current government deadlines were totally insufficient to solve the problem. CO 2 must be capped by 2025! And for the first time, CO 2 “removal” has now become a necessary part of the solution.

                            Our window of opportunity is fast closing.

                            The Large Picture Solutions

                            Can we come up with at least one or two viable suggestions of impressive, radical things that might wake up the public, that we could then put out there to other concerned client activists?

                            CT'ers' Local Actions on Climate Change

                            You can do something! When you like one of this thread's links on an aspect of climate change, spread the news by posting it to your social media accounts and other Websites/Discussion Boards you participate in!

                            ~ Bob (T-S/P)


                            • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                              So ya, I'm here in Pineglen, Ottawa, climate change is now a topical thing, ha! May 23rd, 185 km/h force wind shredded my property ...


                              The above image was shot just days after I began to cut, thanks to my amazing Stihl chainsaw, my way down my lane way.


                              13 days of no power a.k.a. no electricity. I'm on well water (yay!) with a septic system (yay!). So ya, no flushing the toilet for 13 days. No drinking water for 13 days, no bath water for 13 days ... etc., etc.

                              May 23rd, 2022 ... the day the trees fell.

                              Please ... stop your whining.

                              Nothing lasts forever.



                              The Butterfly Effect....

                              The noxious fumes from your amazing Stihl chainsaw are now causing glacial melt in the Himalayas... which causes .... which causes .... which causes ....

                              Maybe you should stop the "whining" of your amazing Stihl chainsaw and cut the trees by hand. Sorry, don't mean to pick on you, but come on... do you even have solar power?

                              I use the old-fashioned rotary push mower to cut my lawn... no motor, no electricity, just good old fashioned hard work. What do my neighbors think? I don't give a f**k.

                              Maybe the Amish know something we don't....


                              • Anthropogenic Positive Climate Change (APCC)

                                Strategy: Reduce reliance on fossil fuels

                                Electric cars, mobile phones all use lithium-ion batteries – and that’s a problem in the transition to renewable energy sources. But researchers are working to make them better


                                ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

