Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Sid:

    I understand the alternate "interpretation".........I just don't accept it.

    You understand that I am concerned about the New World Order/Great Reset, as are you.

    But we differ on some fundamental details........mainly that we are dealing with a malevolent conspiracy of powerful evil forces bent on depopulation of the world, and absolute dictatorial control over those humans left.

    The theory of current negative climate change being human-initiated, and an immediate emergency, is a deliberate lie/scam/hoax in furtherance of the above conspiracy.

    However, both of these points of view merit serious discussion........I have posted your YouTube, Climate: The Movie, to my Democratic Marxist news broadcasting site (The REAL News: Fb:

    Bob A
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 21st April, 2024, 08:20 AM.

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    The "Driver" of Negative Climate Change (NCC)?

    Sid - Post # 1977 (24/4/19) - "Couldn't be the Sun that is the driver of climate change?"

    Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change Accepters:

    1. The Sun is not the "driver" of negative climate change. It is merely the "source" of the heat that is that is the problem on Earth (And other planets).

    2. In the past, the Earth has gone through periods of rising and falling heat, due to differing factors at differing times.

    3. The current heating-up phase of Earth's soil, oceans, air and atmosphere is due mainly to a new, human-caused factor.

    4. The true "driver" of current negative climate change is man's creation around Earth, likely about 1/2 way up our atmosphere, of the "Egg Shell". This is an ever-densifying band of greenhouse gasses: Methane, CO 2, and Nitrous Oxide. It's main characteristic is that it allows in to Earth solar energy from the sun. But it does not let out into space, much of the reflected solar heat off the surface of the earth. It absorbs Infrared radiation.

    5. This rising temperature/heat in and around Earth, is "driving" negative climate change: rising temperature of soil, water and air; extreme weather events; etc.

    6. We are fast approaching the "Tipping Point": the point at which neither Nature, nor Nature with human help, can recreate the old environment which has been compatible with human existence for eons. The NEW environment will be hostile to human (And other) Earthly existence, and will eventually lead to the extinction of many current species, including man.


    A. Greenhouse gases are the gases in the atmosphere that raise the surface temperature of planets such as the Earth. What distinguishes them from other gases is that they absorb the wavelengths of radiation that a planet emits, resulting in the greenhouse effect. Wikipedia

    B. green·house gas - /ˈɡrēnˌhous ɡas/ - noun - plural noun: greenhouse gases

    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
    Bob I have offered a myriad of evidence that says otherwise. Sadly, you don't read or listen to much of it at all. You have a lot to say for someone who has no clue what they are talking about.
    As I stated before unless you take the time to listen to the other side your posts are of no value. For anyone who has any doubts.please watch this and THAT MEANS YOU BOB!!!!! After you have watched this Bob tell us where we are wrong!

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  • Bob Armstrong
    The "Driver" of Negative Climate Change (NCC)?

    Sid - Post # 1977 (24/4/19) - "Couldn't be the Sun that is the driver of climate change?"

    Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change Accepters:

    1. The Sun is not the "driver" of negative climate change. It is merely the "source" of the heat that is that is the problem on Earth (And other planets).

    2. In the past, the Earth has gone through periods of rising and falling heat, due to differing factors at differing times.

    3. The current heating-up phase of Earth's soil, oceans, air and atmosphere is due mainly to a new, human-caused factor.

    4. The true "driver" of current negative climate change is man's creation around Earth, likely about 1/2 way up our atmosphere, of the "Egg Shell". This is an ever-densifying band of greenhouse gasses: Methane, CO 2, and Nitrous Oxide. It's main characteristic is that it allows in to Earth solar energy from the sun. But it does not let out into space, much of the reflected solar heat off the surface of the earth. It absorbs Infrared radiation.

    5. This rising temperature/heat in and around Earth, is "driving" negative climate change: rising temperature of soil, water and air; extreme weather events; etc.

    6. We are fast approaching the "Tipping Point": the point at which neither Nature, nor Nature with human help, can recreate the old environment which has been compatible with human existence for eons. The NEW environment will be hostile to human (And other) Earthly existence, and will eventually lead to the extinction of many current species, including man.


    A. Greenhouse gases are the gases in the atmosphere that raise the surface temperature of planets such as the Earth. What distinguishes them from other gases is that they absorb the wavelengths of radiation that a planet emits, resulting in the greenhouse effect. Wikipedia

    B. green·house gas - /ˈɡrēnˌhous ɡas/ - noun - plural noun: greenhouse gases

    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

    Hmmm.... somebody is having a hissy fit!

    Whoever said CO2 levels on Earth are impacting the Sun? Not me, not anyone! Get a grip, man! Don't have a stroke!

    Maybe you DO have property in Dubai.... well, wherever you have property, you are surely paying much more for climate insurance than just a few years ago!
    Get lost troll
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 20th April, 2024, 03:53 PM.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

    Oh, I C, and that proves that CO2, which is .04% of the Earth's atmosphere, impacts a star 100 times larger than the Earth. Couldn't be the
    Sun that is the driver of climate change? nah....not according to Chesstalk's brainless troll.

    Maybe it would be good if you didn't think it was a good idea to subject yourself to 25,000 PPM of CO2 and then attempt to show how witty and clever
    your demented, hypoxic brain has become.

    Hmmm.... somebody is having a hissy fit!

    Whoever said CO2 levels on Earth are impacting the Sun? Not me, not anyone! Get a grip, man! Don't have a stroke!

    Maybe you DO have property in Dubai.... well, wherever you have property, you are surely paying much more for climate insurance than just a few years ago!

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

    Nobel Economist Urges Taxing of Billionaires and Corporations to solve climate crisis:

    Whether you (Sid) think it is "nonexistent" will not matter at all .... meanwhile Dubai is flooded in just 1 day like never before in recorded history ..... hope you didn't have any property there Sid ... although maybe it would be good if you did .....
    Originally posted by brain dead troll
    Meanwhile, Dubai is flooded in just one day like never before in recorded history
    Oh, I C, and that proves that CO2, which is .04% of the Earth's atmosphere, impacts a star 100 times larger than the Earth. Couldn't be the
    Sun that is the driver of climate change? nah....not according to Chesstalk's brainless troll.

    Originally posted by brain dead troll
    ] hope you didn't have any property there Sid ... although maybe it would be good if you did .....
    Maybe it would be good if you didn't think it was a good idea to subject yourself to 25,000 PPM of CO2 and then attempt to show how witty and clever
    your demented, hypoxic brain has become.
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 19th April, 2024, 12:17 AM.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

    The problem is that the rationale for Carbon tax is for a nonexistent climate emergency, not pollution.
    Nobel Economist Urges Taxing of Billionaires and Corporations to solve climate crisis:

    Whether you (Sid) think it is "nonexistent" will not matter at all .... meanwhile Dubai is flooded in just 1 day like never before in recorded history ..... hope you didn't have any property there Sid ... although maybe it would be good if you did .....

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Reasons to be hopeful about the climate

    - according to Bill Weir, former CNN Journalist (4 1/2 min.)

    Bob A

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    Agreeing in the sense that I am more understanding of your position now, and I imagine many here has been a very productive exchange. It has helped that we each feel the other is well-intentioned, though misguided.

    It is another thing entirely as to whether your "Theoretical Libertarianism" could ever be successfully implemented "at ground zero".

    IMHO, DM has more chance!

    So, given this thread, I think Pargat (I know he is not your favourite poster) has a good question:

    Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters [CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide] -

    It is argued that their criminal pollution causes damage/harm to humans, animals and the planet.

    1, How does the Natural Law analyze this "criminal charge"?
    2. Is the "Except in fair competition" exemption somehow applicable here?

    Bob A
    The problem is that the rationale for Carbon tax is for a nonexistent climate emergency, not pollution.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    It seems that you are setting up The Natural Law as overriding the will of the majority, when it "harms" the rights of the I right on this?

    If so, then it is acting like a Constitution, it seems to me.

    I think I now get your position on "majority rule", and how you "Improve" Democracy by an overriding Natural Law to guard against the excesses of the majority.

    Let me know if I am still missing something.

    Bob A

    Actually Bob A., the Natural Law as Dilip has defined it with the "fair competition" clause where fair means "NOT using any means that harms others" has this consequence:

    It must necessarily shut down any economic activity which utilizes fossil fuel sourced energy, until such time as that activity can use green energy. Green energy must be the ONLY energy we use worldwide, or at least in any nation state ruled by Natural Law Libertarianism.

    It isn't just the "excesses of the majority". It is everything we do that harms others that Natural Law must eliminate.

    I see in his reply that Dilip says .... "the 'carbon tax' is one of the things the Canadian government has gotten right, to compensate for whatever 'harm' the pollution may be causing..."

    The fact that he puts the word "harms" in single quotes means that he doesn't accept that fossil fuel pollution harms anything or anyone. Yet that is an absolute fact, that it does harm millions around the world, and I don't just mean climate change ... all kinds of lung and breathing disorders are caused by fossil fuel pollution.

    But at least Dilip is saying (in agreeing with the carbon tax) that something needs to be done about pollution ... the Natural Law would eliminate it altogether, wouldn't it Dilip? LOL

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters [CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide] -

    It is argued that their criminal pollution causes damage/harm to humans, animals and the planet.

    1, How does the Natural Law analyze this "criminal charge"?
    2. Is the "Except in fair competition" exemption somehow applicable here?

    Bob A
    Hi Bob,
    As I have said before, the 'carbon tax' is one of the things the Canadian government has gotten right, to compensate for whatever 'harm' the pollution may be causing...

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dilip:

    Agreeing in the sense that I am more understanding of your position now, and I imagine many here has been a very productive exchange. It has helped that we each feel the other is well-intentioned, though misguided.

    It is another thing entirely as to whether your "Theoretical Libertarianism" could ever be successfully implemented "at ground zero".

    IMHO, DM has more chance!

    So, given this thread, I think Pargat (I know he is not your favourite poster) has a good question:

    Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters [CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide] -

    It is argued that their criminal pollution causes damage/harm to humans, animals and the planet.

    1, How does the Natural Law analyze this "criminal charge"?
    2. Is the "Except in fair competition" exemption somehow applicable here?

    Bob A

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    It seems that you are setting up The Natural Law as overriding the will of the majority, when it "harms" the rights of the I right on this?

    If so, then it is acting like a Constitution, it seems to me.

    I think I now get your position on "majority rule", and how you "Improve" Democracy by an overriding Natural Law to guard against the excesses of the majority.

    Let me know if I am still missing something.

    Bob A
    I think we are starting to agree on some things!

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dilip:

    It seems that you are setting up The Natural Law as overriding the will of the majority, when it "harms" the rights of the I right on this?

    If so, then it is acting like a Constitution, it seems to me.

    I think I now get your position on "majority rule", and how you "Improve" Democracy by an overriding Natural Law to guard against the excesses of the majority.

    Let me know if I am still missing something.

    Bob A

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    If it is not "Democracy", then it is some version of "Authoritarian" rule.

    Bob A
    No, the 'democracy' of 50.1% trampling over the desires of 49.9% can be improved with enforcement of the Natural Law, with which 100% agree, and which gives the 'circles within circles' all the freedom to fulfil their wishes within the enforcement of the Natural Law...
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Thursday, 11th April, 2024, 07:49 AM.

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