Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    I thought we were going to have a debate about the wisdom of incorporating nuclear power into the mix of energy sources going forward, instead you post a video from Tony Heller challenging the veracity of climate change science. Okay, so I wondered if potholer54 had anything to say about Tony Heller. Why yes he does.







    All well and good, however, none of what you have posted specifically debates any of the points in the Heller video I actually posted. So please enlighten us and tell us where Heller is wrong in the actual video posted. Blindly posting videos on a different debate that apparently you have not even listened to except Heller's name in the title is not helpful.

    Dilips video already posted shows there is no viable "mix" going forward. The only solution is nuclear energy. The others are junk science that does not practically work for all the reasons posted on Dilip's video. Please enlighten us and tell us where this former supporter of this approach is wrong.
    Corruption gets in the way of this viable solution. The problem nuclear energy solves is a cleaner environment, not one that will move the needle at all when it comes to climate change as is true with the other alternatives.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 12.23.07 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	1.71 MB ID:	221263
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 20th August, 2022, 12:33 AM.


    • Comment

      • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

        we have to get it correct...

        as hardly ever happens in a public enterprise.... where everybody's business is nobody's business...


        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

          All well and good, however, none of what you have posted specifically debates any of the points in the Heller video I actually posted. So please enlighten us and tell us where Heller is wrong in the actual video posted. Blindly posting videos on a different debate that apparently you have not even listened to except Heller's name in the title is not helpful.
          Actually, I did listen to the Heller video you posted. Then I thought, this is just a general criticism of climate change science, not on our current topic of nuclear energy. I have heard all of Hellers arguments many years ago. I wondered if Potholer54 had ever fact checked Heller. I searched and found the videos that I posted. Potholer54 does a much better job of critiquing Heller than I ever could, so I won't waste my time. I leave it to the audience who they believe, Heller or Potholer54. Opinions may vary.


          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

            Actually, I did listen to the Heller video you posted. Then I thought, this is just a general criticism of climate change science, not on our current topic of nuclear energy. I have heard all of Heller's arguments many years ago. I wondered if Potholer54 had ever fact-checked Heller. I searched and found the videos that I posted. Potholer54 does a much better job of critiquing Heller than I ever could, so I won't waste my time. I leave it to the audience who they believe, Heller or Potholer54. Opinions may vary.
            Funny, I have seen the term "fact checked" bandied about a lot in the last few years. Strange how "fact-checked" rarely check facts instead, posting opinions, inevitably supporting left-leaning narratives. For example, in one of the videos you posted, to Pothholer54's credit, he agreed that Gores's claims in the 2007 film an "inconvenient truth" that weather follows carbon emissions rather than the opposite based on the graphs Gore presented were false.

            Potholer54 then tries to snivel out of it by finding a small part of the graph where the opposite is true. in science, that is called cherry picking. That was precisely the point of Hellers's video I posted

            Heller posted this video during the debate he was having with Potholer54 showing many examples of cherry-picking data and even offering software to simplify this task :-).

            Potholer54, to the surprise of no one, had no answer to that particular video as it unequivocally demonstrates fraud.

            i would say that Potholer54 came off as a pompous windbag engaged in sophistry while Heller offers clear, lucid explanations that are irrefutable, in particular in the video that I posted. Bottomline, Potholer54 did not critique the particular video I posted, and nor could you, as the fraud is clear and obvious.

            I still await your comments about why you still think Solar Panels and Wind Turbines should even be considered as part of a clean energy program, given the problems the ex-supporter of this encountered in the video posted by Dilip.

            The video does a comparative analysis of Nuclear vs. other solutions and correctly references the Lancet, where millions more have died of air pollution compared to nuclear contamination. The risks far outweigh the benefits, especially if you are under the strange belief that we can control the climate by controlling carbon emissions.

            I am all for a clean environment, as is everyone, but I am completely against corrupted governments imposing their corrupted solutions on the rest of us.

            I had faith before the pandemic that Governments were generally there for our good, but no more. The narrative they imposed on us for two years that vaccines are safe and effective and natural immunity was a "conspiracy theory," and this lab-created virus fused to a pathogenic spike protein inflicted on us, claiming it could not be treated to make sure all roads lead to a disastrous mass "vaccination" program were disgusting.

            Even the CDC the other day reversed its position on all of this and suggested unvaccinated people are no worst off than vaccinated people and all of the measures they took were ill-conceived and meaningless. Meanwhile, tyrant Trudeau imposes mandates even though the jig is now up,

            Sorry Bob, but Governments are all about money and not altruism, and that is why Climate Change is about money and not science hence solutions to this nonexistent problem like Nuclear energy is sabotaged just like early treatments to COVID were and are sabotaged at the cost of 10,000,000++ lives.

            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 20th August, 2022, 11:02 PM.


            • Good insight into governments, Sid!

              Governments work hard only for their own good, i.e., how to stay in power for as long as possible, by hook or by crook. Even if they genuinely wish to do something good for the public, it does not work, because nothing really works well in public undertakings... and the easier way to cling to power for politicians is to bribe/control/extort the media into singing their praises and ignoring their costly blunders... and in the absence of a truly energetic libertarian party, the people have little choice exept to select between multiple bad choices....

              The reason that Libertarians have not been able to venture into forming a viable political party is that for them forming a government is simply an altruistic undertaking, and there are limitations to how far altruism can be sustained in the blood-sport politics has become today. The only hope is if some darling of all media outlets fights an election as a libertarian, and on winning, truly drains the swamp for the nation to become vibrant in the true sense...
              Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Saturday, 20th August, 2022, 11:47 AM.


              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                I am all for a clean environment, as is everyone, but ....
                Ahhh, the infamous "but". This but means that you are willing to have a dirty polluted environment as long as (the following quote describes) you have your freedom.

                "Sweet Freedom! (cough, cough).... Somebody turn on the AC, it must be 140 in here!"

                "Uhhhh Sid .... we're outside in the shade, and it's only 120. We can't go inside and run AC because the nuclear plant, which had no government regulations, went into core meltdown due to some guy named Homer pressing the wrong button .... again."

                Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                ....I am completely against corrupted governments imposing their corrupted solutions on the rest of us.
                I can just see you as a young child Sid....

                "Eat your brussel sprouts, Sid, or you don't get any dessert."

                "Waaaaa! You corrupt mother! Did you buy stocks in brussel sprouts this morning? Or maybe you watched that Walter Cronkite mass media whore saying that brussel sprouts are good for growing kids! You've been LIED TO, mother! I won't eat them, they are corrupt! I demand my total FREEDOM!"

                (ha ha I hated brussel sprouts as a kid, so I'm using that, but maybe you liked them Sid! LOL)

                Anyway, the whole of human history is a story of corrupt governments .... it's the only kind there is or ever will be. Dilip should be glad Libertarians haven't ever formed a government, because they would have become as corrupt as any other and he would have no argument left.

                Now Sid, on this point of yours about cherry picking data, this is EXACTLY why I proposed a debate with actual climate scientists of both viewpoints presenting their data. If's it's cherry picked, the other side will point that out and the side presenting the data, by the rules of the debate, MUST defend the data and the cherry picking.

                I'm asking you directly Sid: why don't you organize such a debate? It seems it would be good for your side. Why just go on here ranting, which gets you nowhere?


                • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
                  Good insight into governments, Sid!

                  Governments work hard only for their own good, i.e., how to stay in power for as long as possible, by hook or by crook. Even if they genuinely wish to do something good for the public, it does not work, because nothing really works well in public undertakings... and the easier way to cling to power for politicians is to bribe/control/extort the media into singing their praises and ignoring their costly blunders... and in the absence of a truly energetic libertarian party, the people have little choice exept to select between multiple bad choices....

                  The reason that Libertarians have not been able to venture into forming a viable political party is that for them forming a government is simply an altruistic undertaking, and there are limitations to how far altruism can be sustained in the blood-sport politics has become today. The only hope is if some darling of all media outlets fights an election as a libertarian, and on winning, truly drains the swamp for the nation to become vibrant in the true sense...

                  Costly blunders? Oh, like the Gulf oil spill, caused by blunders within BP, a for-profit enterprise.

                  [ EDIT:
                  "BP Shortcuts Led To Gulf Oil Spill"]

                  I could go on and on with examples of private enterprise costly blunders, many of which caused loss of lives and / or severe injuries, but why bother? They were all caused by the drive for higher profits.

                  I don't buy your explanation of why Libertarians haven't formed a viable party or government. Altruistic? LOL maybe they should form a religion and get tax breaks in the process, not that they would do it for that reason, nudge nudge, wink wink.

                  If they formed a cult religion instead of a government, they could get people to act a certain way out of ... faith!

                  I guess they are so altruistic they don't want to save humankind. It seems you are suggesting they have real solutions, and we need their solutions.

                  I say let the idiots form a government and show us just how 'altruistic' they are when everything their unregulated society does starts breaking down. Costly blunders will become the norm.
                  Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Saturday, 20th August, 2022, 02:37 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                    Good insight into governments, Sid!

                    Governments work hard only for their own good, i.e., how to stay in power for as long as possible, by hook or by crook. Even if they genuinely wish to do something good for the public, it does not work, because nothing really works well in public undertakings... and the easier way to cling to power for politicians is to bribe/control/extort the media into singing their praises and ignoring their costly blunders... and in the absence of a truly energetic libertarian party, the people have little choice exept to select between multiple bad choices....

                    The reason that Libertarians have not been able to venture into forming a viable political party is that for them forming a government is simply an altruistic undertaking, and there are limitations to how far altruism can be sustained in the blood-sport politics has become today. The only hope is if some darling of all media outlets fights an election as a libertarian, and on winning, truly drains the swamp for the nation to become vibrant in the true sense...
                    The leather-hard thick skin which politicians of today develop in the face of constant abusive trolling and even harassment from their opponents, is not for the prospect of only a small probability of actually forming a government with a paltry salary... it is for the wealth they manage to generate for themselves by virtue of being in and abusing their power whenever they do get to form a government...

                    For Libertarians, who do not equate forming government with acquisition of any power, it would amount to a self-sacrifice to enter into the politics of today, as all they would be looking forward to would be just the legitimate paltry salary if and when they win the election... But as pointed out in the earlier post, there is hope that some highly altruistic Libertarians, possibly with a leader who is a media darling, would be able to do it...
                    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Saturday, 20th August, 2022, 08:08 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer
                      This but means that you are willing to have a dirty, polluted environment as long as (the following quote describes) you have your freedom.
                      (the following quote describes) you have your freedom.
                      Apparently, the best you have to offer is to misquote me and then, based on your misquote, go into a word salad diatribe aimed at mocking me.

                      So to be clear, what I said was:

                      "I am all for a clean environment, as is everyone, but I am completely against corrupted governments imposing their corrupted solutions on the rest of us."

                      I am against a corrupted govt that started with Sarscov2, a lab-made bioweapon patented by Moderna in 2015, and subsequently inflicted it on the entire world and then suppressed any treatments so that all roads lead to a very profitable but poisonous death shot that via suppressing treatments has killed 10,000,000+ people not from a virus but from maltreatment and malfeasance.
                      I am against Governments that produce fear porn to enforce lemming-like compliance among the population. What do you think the death shots do to you????
                      The more jabs you take the more your immune system gets destroyed. I already proved that here

                      Even you agreed that "evidence is increasing of deaths from the jabs."
                      Originally posted by Pargat Perrer
                      I'm really beginning to think we are entering, at a very early stage, a new era of increasing deaths due to the Covid jabs. The evidence is increasing in more and more sports.
                      We were never at an "early stage" the evidence has been overwhelming since early 2021 when thousands of deaths appeared on the VAERS report that never happened on that report in thirty years of tracking vaccine injuries.
                      So thanks to pharma corruption, we are still witnessing a genocide of unprecedented proportions.
                      Being against corruption does not equal demanding freedom at any cost! Do you understand that concept or is it too much for your brainwashed addled brain to handle?

                      The entire solar panel and windfarm idea is also a product of corruption and lies that continues to be pushed despite its former advocates now moving away from it, as was shown in Dilip's post with the video. Perhaps you should watch it before you start attacking me in a mocking and insulting way!

                      As for your idea of organizing a debate, my colleagues have offered $1,000,000 cash to any high-profile govt official from any health agency in the world, including Health Canada, regarding the so-called "vaccines". that are neither safe nor effective. No takers anywhere...what a big surprise.

                      And now you expect takers for a climate change debate???? LOL!!!!!!!!
                      What fucking dream world do you live in??????

                      Originally posted by Pargat Perrer
                      You've been LIED TO, mother! I won't eat them, they are corrupt! I demand my total FREEDOM!"
                      Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 21st August, 2022, 10:26 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                        Costly blunders? Oh, like the Gulf oil spill, caused by blunders within BP, a for-profit enterprise.

                        [ EDIT:
                        "BP Shortcuts Led To Gulf Oil Spill"]

                        I could go on and on with examples of private enterprise costly blunders, many of which caused loss of lives and / or severe injuries, but why bother? They were all caused by the drive for higher profits.

                        I don't buy your explanation of why Libertarians haven't formed a viable party or government. Altruistic? LOL maybe they should form a religion and get tax breaks in the process, not that they would do it for that reason, nudge nudge, wink wink.

                        If they formed a cult religion instead of a government, they could get people to act a certain way out of ... faith!

                        I guess they are so altruistic they don't want to save humankind. It seems you are suggesting they have real solutions, and we need their solutions.

                        I say let the idiots form a government and show us just how 'altruistic' they are when everything their unregulated society does starts breaking down. Costly blunders will become the norm.


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                          i would say that Potholer54 came off as a pompous windbag...........

                          I still await your comments about why you still think Solar Panels and Wind Turbines should even be considered as part of a clean energy program........

                          I am all for a clean environment, as is everyone, but I am completely against corrupted governments...........

                          I had faith before the pandemic that Governments were generally there for our good, but no more.
                          I find potholer54 videos to be very entertaining, knowledgable, comprehensive, and educational. He stresses scientific claims need to be fact checked and supported by pier reviewed scientific journals. I am not surprised by your reaction.

                          No need to await for my comments, we are not having a debate. I have already spent considerable time years ago researching climate change and coming to the conclusion it is real, not a hoax.

                          We are all for a clean environment and fighting corruption.

                          Governments around the world struggled with the battle against COVID with a variety of approaches and strategies. Some took it seriously, while others not so much. They all had to find an approach based on their individual resources and politics. Some did better than others. To come to the conclusion that there was a global conspiracy amongst governments to punish/ control their citizens for whatever reason, is just crazy.


                          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                            I find potholer54 videos to be very entertaining, knowledgable, comprehensive, and educational. He stresses scientific claims need to be fact checked and supported by pier reviewed scientific journals. I am not surprised by your reaction.

                            No need to await for my comments, we are not having a debate. I have already spent considerable time years ago researching climate change and coming to the conclusion it is real, not a hoax.

                            We are all for a clean environment and fighting corruption.

                            Governments around the world struggled with the battle against COVID with a variety of approaches and strategies. Some took it seriously, while others not so much. They all had to find an approach based on their individual resources and politics. Some did better than others. To come to the conclusion that there was a global conspiracy amongst governments to punish/ control their citizens for whatever reason, is just crazy.
                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            He stresses scientific claims need to be fact checked and supported by pier reviewed scientific journals.
                            After this Lancet and NEJM peer-reviewed paper to prove hydroxy Chloroquine does not work was retracted on the basis that data was created out of thin air
                            by hiring scientists to create this fraud courtesy of big pharma, I now view peer-reviewed papers with a very cautious skeptical eye. They are not what they are cracked up to be.

                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            I have already spent considerable time years ago researching climate change and coming to the conclusion it is real, not a hoax.
                            Well, if you are such an expert on the subject, please explain where Heller was wrong in the video I posted. A debate is not necessary, a simple
                            explanation will suffice...after all, the video presentation is very simple

                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            We are all for a clean environment and fighting corruption.
                            I am pleased there is something we can agree on.

                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            To come to the conclusion that there was a global conspiracy amongst governments to punish/ control their citizens for whatever reason, is just crazy.
                            Bob, before March 2020, I would have thought the same thing, I never say anything without being able to back it up. To start with read this book by long time Democrat Robert F Kennedy Jr
                            Below is a very stirring speech by Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav, who draws parallels between then and today

                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022, 12:26 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                              To come to the conclusion that there was a global conspiracy amongst governments to punish/ control their citizens for whatever reason, is just crazy.
                              You are right that a 'global conspiracy' is highly unlikely. What seems to have happenned is thet key elements in key countries and key international players were bought by big pharma, and the rest of the world just demonstrated herd mentality...


                              • CT Negative Anthropogenic Climate Change Thread

                                Week # 34 (22/8/16 – 22/8/22 – 7 days)

                                Weekly Stats:
                                .........................................................2022 Average..............................................................2022 Average
                                Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
                                Views/Day........Views/Day.............(34 wks.)........Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (34 Wks.).



                                On Aug. 2, 2022, ChessTalk initiated a new forum called “The Non-Chess Forum”. Our “Climate Change” thread, and one on COVID-19, were then moved out of the “Open Forum”, which is the homepage by default, and into this new forum.

                                Henry has apparently undertaken to change the homepage to clearly indicate that ChessTalk now has 3 forums (Though it has not yet been carried out) – it is not obvious that there are three forums – newbies would not know to click on “forum” to get the drop-down menu of forums (it is not an obviously link).

                                Nevertheless, somehow, activity in the thread increased, despite now being somewhat hidden from new members of ChessTalk. CT chessplayers interested in the climate change issue made the extra clicks to find us! It shows that chessplayers do wish to talk to each other, within their own family, on non-chess life issues, such as climate change.

                                We may even, over time, see the number of threads in this forum increase to include other life issues – is anyone going to be daring enough to start one on “Spirituality/Religions”, or, “Current Global Politics”??

                                Analysis of Last Weeks Stats

                                The bottom line is that activity has been increasing throughout 2022......we are well ahead each week now, of the 2022 Average.

                                Activity last week was consistent with our two weeks on the “Non-chess Forum”; this activity level has been higher than before our thread move to the “Non-chess” forum! The climate change issue among ChessTalker's is continuing to grab attention!

                                Climate Change Thread “Responses”

                                There are lots of climate change articles out there.

                                This thread encourages CT'ers to re-post responses here when they see climate change posts of interest elsewhere. ChessTalkers have been quite active posting “responses”.

                                I personally, as the thread originator, am shooting to post a new response at least every 2nd day, but am sometimes falling short on this, depending on the amount of time I have to be on-line, which is limited.

                                The Pressing Climate Change Issue

                                The core issue:

                                Building a sense of URGENCY on this issue in society. We must realize that we cannot kick it down the road any longer!

                                The public is aware of the climate change issue.......


                                climate activists must find strategies to “AWAKEN” the public to the “urgency”.

                                The Time Line

                                Nature's Tipping point is estimated to be, on current trajectory, only 9 years away (Around Jan. 1, 2031). Capping the temperature rise at only 1.5 degrees Celsius is now impossible (UN Climate Change Panel's most recent report). UNCCP noted that current government deadlines were totally insufficient to solve the problem. CO 2 must be capped by 2025! And for the first time, CO 2 “removal” has now become a necessary part of the solution, along with eliminating spewing of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.

                                Our window of opportunity is fast closing.

                                The Large Picture Solutions

                                Can we come up with at least one or two viable suggestions of impressive, radical things that might wake up the public, that we could then put out there to other concerned client activists?

                                CT'ers' Local Actions on Climate Change

                                You can do something! When you like one of this thread's links on an aspect of climate change, spread the news by posting it to your social media accounts and other Websites/Discussion Boards you participate in!

                                ~ Bob (T-S/P)

                                Click image for larger version

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