FIDE Election for President

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  • #61
    Re: Executive Power or Governor Power?: Canada's Vote in FIDE Election for President

    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Sasha:

    There may be some delay on this.

    On the CFC Governors' Discussion Board (confidential), I have raised an issue:

    it is my position that the vote decision is not to be made by the Executive. It is to be made by the Governors.

    There are as a result, as you might imagine, a lot of comments going in all directions at the moment, and unfortunately, I am not free to delve into the nature of the debate, the pro's and con's seen in my position, etc., because the discussion there is confidential.

    However, if the governors (or anyone) wish to debate the issue here, I am willing to participate, and then the issues will become publicly known.

    Anyone have any views for or against my proposition, and please give rationale for your position.

    Bob Armstrong, GTCL/Ont. CFC Governor
    Thank you, Bob, I'm already aware of the battle going on. The problem is that for the first time, and it could be as well for the last one (in 4 years Gary will be 55 and may not be inclined to run again) chess World could benefit indeed from someone of Gary's caliber to become FIDE's President. Chess has an enormous global following and with Garry Kasparov as a President I believe chess has a tremendous opportunity to realize it's full potential. Hope that even without Canada's endorsement and/or vote Gary will succeed!


    • #62
      Re: FIDE Election for President

      Originally posted by Laurentiu Grigorescu View Post
      Thanks for clarifications Mr. Zeromskis. I had doubts it is a real person, as I have never seen an avalanche of blue text postings here before.
      "You must serve in order to lead" is a principle Kasparov does not know. He never served. Hugging kids in Jamaica for the media does not prove anything. It is shallow. The more he acts, the more he distance himself from the "iconic" chess player that destroyed Kortchynoi in the 1982 Olympics with black pieces. He can't make a good FIDE president.
      Yes, I was in Lucerne watching this remarkable game being played! Is it your opinion that Kirsan has an experience to serve? Oh well, doesn't matter anyway!
      Last edited by Sasha Starr; Wednesday, 7th May, 2014, 11:06 PM.


      • #63
        Re: FIDE Election for President

        In the recent interview on Chess-News Magnus Carlsen preferred not to comment on the news that FIDE didn't get a single bid for holding the World Title match.

        His manager's, Espen Agdestein's commentary on the situation has been published by Chessvibes. Magnus's manager isn't surprised yet no one wants to hold the match:

        "In my opinion the reason is twofold. The first is time frame that FIDE operates with, which has has been extremely short, so it has been very difficult for potential organizers to organize a bid. Second, we know from the last match that the global interest is huge, but the commercial concept of a WC match has not been systematically developed. I think FIDE needs a new approach to selling the match. You need to look to other sports and how they commercialize big global events. The chess match is defined, but the package around and how to present it is not."

        If one can not learn it in 20 years why not to try something different?


        • #64
          Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

          Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
          Not a satisfactory reply. Nobody is selling anything to anybody here. It appears to me that majority of CFC members would prefer Gary as a President of FIDE. All GMs who were FIDE Presidents in the past (Euwe, Olafson) were decent people, dedicated to chess, and Gary, understanding the Western World, writing for the Wall Street Jornal, could bring chess to the new hights given a chance.
          However the time for the endorsement has probably already passed away, so lets stick with whatever our executives will decide. Just one question. At what point are we going to be informed about CFC's vote?
          Actually if we limit the voting to CFC members it seems to me that None of the Above is winning. You will probably be informed shortly after we decide.


          • #65
            Re: Executive Power or Governor Power?: Canada's Vote in FIDE Election for President

            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            Hi Sasha:

            There may be some delay on this.

            On the CFC Governors' Discussion Board (confidential), I have raised an issue:

            it is my position that the vote decision is not to be made by the Executive. It is to be made by the Governors.

            There are as a result, as you might imagine, a lot of comments going in all directions at the moment, and unfortunately, I am not free to delve into the nature of the debate, the pro's and con's seen in my position, etc., because the discussion there is confidential.

            However, if the governors (or anyone) wish to debate the issue here, I am willing to participate, and then the issues will become publicly known.

            Anyone have any views for or against my proposition, and please give rationale for your position.

            Bob Armstrong, GTCL/Ont. CFC Governor
            Executive Power or Governors Power?

            As I understand, the President prefers to debate this issue in public, so, let's do it on ChessTalk.

            Let's start from the CFC rules (

            The Chess Federation of Canada shall be governed by an Assembly of Governors

            The Assembly shall have plenary powers to exercise in the name of the Federation all powers that the Federation has accorded to it by its Constitution and the Canada Corporations Act (Part II).

            Final decisions in the following matters are reserved exclusively to the Assembly:
            the changing of the titles, duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers,

            The Assembly may delegate any of its powers to the Board of Directors, or to the President or other person or persons.

            The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the corporation between meetings of the Assembly.

            Does everybody agree with these rules?
            Last edited by Michael Barron; Thursday, 8th May, 2014, 12:20 AM. Reason: spelling


            • #66
              Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

              Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
              Not a satisfactory reply. Nobody is selling anything to anybody here. It appears to me that majority of CFC members would prefer Gary as a President of FIDE.
              On what basis do you conclude this? Surely you don't think that a self selected internet poll can be projected to the whole population of CFC members?

              And I expect I am not the only one who would thank you if you lost the silly Comic Sans fonts.


              • #67
                Re: Executive Power or Governor Power?: Canada's Vote in FIDE Election for President

                Originally posted by Michael Barron View Post
                Does everybody agree with these rules?
                How soon they forget... More relevant shortly will be the articles and bylaws recently passed along with the provisions of the new NFP act. Before you get all wound up you should recognize that the laws have changed or will as soon as we are compliant with the new act. At the moment the hold up is the new address for the CFC.


                • #68
                  CFC Handbook Still CFC RULES at Present: Canada's Vote in FIDE Election for President

                  Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                  How soon they forget... More relevant shortly will be the articles and bylaws recently passed along with the provisions of the new NFP act. Before you get all wound up you should recognize that the laws have changed or will as soon as we are compliant with the new act. At the moment the hold up is the new address for the CFC.
                  Hi Vlad:

                  At the moment, the current CFC Handbook is IN FORCE! It determines who has authority over the FIDE election vote until the "Continuance" is officially confirmed. It may be, that if the Governors are able to quickly establish that THEY have authority over the vote NOW, then they will be able to EXERCISE THEIR AUTHORITY before the CFC Handbook expires as the rules of the CFC.

                  I assume that you, as President, and chair of the Assembly of Governors, will do all in your power to assist the Governors in reaching a conclusion on whether they or the executive have the right over the vote NOW and UNTIL THE CHANGE!

                  Bob A


                  • #69
                    Re: FIDE Election for President

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    Who do the posters on Chesstalk want to win the 2014 FIDE election for President.
                    I have the perfect person to become President of FIDE:

                    Chauncey Gardiner (Peter Sellers' character in the movie 'Being There')

                    First of all, there was his simple wisdom in which everything was analogous to growing plants in a garden.

                    But even more important, there was his favorite saying: "I like to watch." Imagine if a simple video clip of him saying that could ignite non-chessplayers around the world to 'like to watch' chess! And what was his favorite thing to watch? Why, TV of course, the very medium chess needs so badly and can never have beyond Saturday morning community channels competing with cartoons.

                    But alas, instead of that charmingly simple future, we have (at least in this small corner of the chess universe) talk about lawyers and legal liability, about 'amending the Constitution' (as if the CFC were some country of great importance!), about Dale Carnegie salesmen (who are not taught to sell things they believe in, but just to sell anything and everything, and the more useless thing they can sell, the better for their ego and reputation), and about the relative power of 'governors' versus 'executive' in an organization that is in a prolonged adult membership drought.

                    Fighting over deck chairs on the Titanic.
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • #70
                      CFC Governance Problem to Continue under "Continuence"

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      How soon they forget... More relevant shortly will be the articles and bylaws recently passed along with the provisions of the new NFP act. Before you get all wound up you should recognize that the laws have changed or will as soon as we are compliant with the new act. At the moment the hold up is the new address for the CFC.
                      Hi Vlad:

                      Your statement concerns me. I know we will have new CFC laws imminently (but no one knows how long it will take the government to issue the certificate of continuance, and until then, the CFC is governed by the currently in force CFC Handbook). But are you implying that the governance situation under the new laws re CFC division of governance power is going to be somehow different under the continuance by-laws?

                      The Governors voted that the continuance should maintain to all extent possible the current CFC division of governance power, despite the re-labelling of the parties under the new legislation. If this has not happened then I am concerned.

                      As far as I am concerned at the moment, assuming the continuance identically continues current CFC Governance, the division of powers problem simply continues under the continuance, and remains to be clarified by vote of the governors, once the issues are clear, and the remedial amendments necessary. Is this not correct?

                      Bob A


                      • #71
                        Re: Endorsemeent over Vote: FIDE Election for President

                        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                        Actually if we limit the voting to CFC members it seems to me that None of the Above is winning. You will probably be informed shortly after we decide.
                        1."None of the Above" is not winning and never was. Actually its not an option, therefore you were not supposed to put it there in the first place. Agree?
                        2.Not a single vote for Kirsan in 4 days - does it tell you anything at all? If there would not be "None of the Above" option Gary would have had nearly 100%. Agree?
                        3.In a view of that in order to nominate Kirsan you must come up with some heavy arguments in favor of him, otherwise it will create an unacceptable situation.
                        4.What means "probably"? Are you suggesting that there a possibility that I, as well as other CFC members, may not be informed about your decision?
                        Last edited by Sasha Starr; Thursday, 8th May, 2014, 09:23 AM.


                        • #72
                          Slight CFC Handbook Interpretation Struggle: FIDE Election for President

                          Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                          1."None of the Above" is not winning and never was. Actually its not an option, therefore you were not supposed to put it there in the first place. Agree?
                          2.Not a single vote for Kirsan in 4 days - does it tell you anything at all? If there would not be "None of the Above" option Gary would have had nearly 100%. Agree?
                          3.In a view of that in order to nominate Kirsan you must come up with some heavy arguments in favor of him, otherwise it will create an unacceptable situation.
                          4.What means "probably"? Are you suggesting that there a possibility that I, as well as other CFC members, may not be informed about your decision?
                          Hi Sasha:

                          As I said in a prior post, Vlad's "We" (=CFC) who will be doing the deciding is definitely up in the air at the moment.

                          I have stated that it is the Governors who should decide the FIDE vote, not the Executive (which includes the CFC President), based on my interpretation of the CFC Handbook, and despite prior CFC practice on this issue. I am working hard as a CFC Governor to try to get this worked out among the governors on the confidential CFC Governors' Discussion Board, so that the vote by CFC will be done as early as possible, with due diligence, so that CFC can make an endorsement (not just privately vote in August).

                          Bob Armstrong, CFC Governor (Ont/GTCL)


                          • #73
                            Re: Slight CFC Handbook Interpretation Struggle: FIDE Election for President

                            Yes, Bob, I see your point. I have two points to make.
                            1.As the endorsement is concerned we are probably getting late.
                            2.I think that President is making a big mistake fighting you on this issue. If the majority of Governors are for Kirsan's choice, then he is OK. If the opposite is true, then why is he willing to go against it? Its difficult to understand.
                            Last edited by Sasha Starr; Thursday, 8th May, 2014, 10:14 AM.


                            • #74
                              Governor Vote a Practical Answer?: FIDE Election for President

                              Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                              Yes, Bob, I see your point. I have two points to make.
                              1.As the endorsement is concerned we are probably getting late.
                              2.I think that President is making a big mistake fighting you on this issue. If the majority of Governors are for Kirsan's choice, then he is OK. If the opposite is true, then why is he willing to go against it? Its difficult to understand.
                              Hi Sasha:

                              I agree - should the executive not want what the majority of governors want? So, as a practical matter, why not just have the 61 Governors vote and the majority decides (forget who has formal authority over the vote)?

                              I would still be pursuing in any event, a clarification in the Handbook as to division of governance power as between the Governors and the Executive.


                              • #75
                                Re: Governor Vote a Practical Answer?: FIDE Election for President

                                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Hi Sasha:

                                I agree - should the executive not want what the majority of governors want? So, as a practical matter, why not just have the 61 Governors vote and the majority decides (forget who has formal authority over the vote)?

                                I would still be pursuing in any event, a clarification in the Handbook as to division of governance power as between the Governors and the Executive.
                                I I would suggest that the Governors will vote sooner rather then later anyway, and if the majority is for Kirsan - let it be so, and if it is for Gary - that will put Executives in not a very comfortable position. Most likely outcome: Canada will vote for Gary but will not endorse him.

