Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

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  • #46
    Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

    Alrighteey then, guess I'll go with 12. ...exd4.

    1. d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7. 0-0 Nc6 8. Be3 Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10. Bh4 g5 11. Bg3 f5 12. exf5 exd4.

    Posted over there.
    Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)


    • #47
      Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...



      • #48
        Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

        We still be deciding on a move......
        Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)


        • #49
          Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

          Sorry for being VERY overdue on the move, but has decided on 13. Nxd4

          1. d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7. 0-0 Nc6 8. Be3 Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10. Bh4 g5 11. Bg3 f5 12. exf5 exd4 13. Nxd4
          Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)


          • #50
            Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

            Alex, you are in US! How is it you play for the Brits? (Not that I mind... :))

            Wow, complicated position. My first inclination is Nxd4, but there are some zwischenzugs to consider.


            • #51
              Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

              I vote 13...Nxd4.



              • #52
                Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                I agree, 13...Nxd4.



                • #53
                  Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                  Originally posted by Alan Baljeu View Post
                  Alex, you are in US! How is it you play for the Brits? (Not that I mind... :))

                  Wow, complicated position. My first inclination is Nxd4, but there are some zwischenzugs to consider.
                  a) How did you know I'm in the US?
                  b) It's kind of a loyalty thing, I guess. Joined the UK site first, over a year ago.
                  c) I sort of volunteered to admin these inter-site games, so I have an account with, OzChess, ChessLeaders, and Chesstalk.
                  d) I've tried not to vote for any of these games, as I get to see both sides of the board. I just tally votes and post progress on both sites involved.
                  Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)


                  • #54
                    Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                    Can anyone tell me haw to get diagrams posted as in the above?


                    • #55
                      Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                      Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                      Can anyone tell me haw to get diagrams posted as in the above?

                      1. Open the game in fritz.
                      2. Click on edit, copy position.
                      3. Paste it into the message. (it will look like something like this - 8/7P/5NK1/8/8/4k2p/8/5b2 b - - 0 61 )
                      4. Select it, and click on FEN in the toolbar. (it's the farthest one on the right) It will wrap [DIAGRAM] tags around it.
                      5. It won't appear in the message. Click on preview post to see it.



                      • #56
                        Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                        Can anyone tell me how to access the diagrams used in this thread?


                        • #57
                          Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                          Originally posted by Alex Devine View Post
                          a) How did you know I'm in the US?
                          Same way you know i'm in Windsor :D


                          • #58
                            Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                            Originally posted by Alan Baljeu View Post
                            Same way you know i'm in Windsor :D

                            It's been a bad week for me. I had somebody get into my router over the weekend, so I was a little IP-paranoid. Something more complicated than just looking under their profile picture. :)

                            Anyways, here's a diagram for those too lazy to post it themselves (or copy and paste into another program):

                            Last edited by Alex Devine; Monday, 14th December, 2009, 06:45 PM.
                            Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)


                            • #59
                              Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                              I vote for resigns.:)

                              Originally Posted by Alan Baljeu
                              Same way you know i'm in Windsor

                              It's been a bad week for me. I had somebody get into my router over the weekend, so I was a little IP-paranoid. Something more complicated than just looking under their profile picture.

                              Maybe Alain just googled, arriving in Illinois; extra passwords for wireless internet would be a good idea if u were hacked into ( could even just be teeneager neighbours lookin' for free hookup) Should be easier to solve than administering this nightmare of a game, anyways, Cheers, Dave


                              • #60
                                Re: Chess Forums (UK) vs Chess Talk (Canada) from move 7...

                                Originally posted by David McTavish View Post
                                Maybe Alain just googled, arriving in Illinois; extra passwords for wireless internet would be a good idea if u were hacked into ( could even just be teeneager neighbours lookin' for free hookup) Should be easier to solve than administering this nightmare of a game, anyways, Cheers, Dave
                                That's the wierd thing. I've got a password set up for all ports on my router, and I have a wireless password set up as well.
                                Somebody probably was just bored, looked around for a random IP under Verizon (my ISP) and decided to go crack some passwords.

                                Back to the game, is 13. ...Nxd4 your final answer?
                                Brick walls hurt, but are effective for banging against repeatedly. For future reference, cardboard walls are fun too :)

