2024 Canadian Open (July 13-18)

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  • #46
    Bob, what is happening with the Sambuev - Kantans game? Did Sambuev actually lose on time? I find that hard to believe.


    • #47
      Strange indeed with 1:10 on on clock and 0:00 on the other.


      • #48
        Live: Can be watched at: Lichess.org. - Watch - Broadcasts - 2024 Canadian Open [https://lichess.org/broadcast/2024-c...nd-3/bwEfb5uQ]

        Updates (Made as I check in): round over

        Rd. 6 - 4:00 PM, Tuesday, July 16

        My Position Assessments - be kind; from a CFC D Class player

        Top Six Boards - Highest Player

        1. GM Van Foreest, Jorden 2671 - Netherlands - 5/5 pts. - won
        2. GM Michalevski, Victor 2499 - Israel - 4/5 pts. - draw
        3. GM Kantans, Toms 2471 - Latvia - 4/5 pts.- won
        4. GM Bator Sambuev 2448 - Canada (Montreal, QC) - 4/5 pts. - won
        5. IM Han, Johnathan 2333 - Canada (Kanata, ON) - 4/5 pts. - won
        6. IM Olivier Kenta Chiku-Ratte 2314 - Canada (Montreal, Quebec) - 4/5 pts. - won

        Rd. 7 - Wednesday, July 17 @ 2:00 PM

        Time Control: 90 + 30

        Final Standings: Chess-Results: https://chess-results.com/fed.aspx?lan=1&fed=CAN

        Please advise of any corrections or add any missing info.....thanks

        Bob A (Avid Chess Player! CFC 1369; FQE 1517; FIDE 1570; USCF 1546)
        Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 08:06 PM.


        • #49
          My error - Bator drew. Now playing Bd. 4.

          Toms is on Bd. 3.

          I'll correct my post above.

          Bob A


          • #50
            Rd 6 Go Shawn go!


            • #51
              Rd 6 GM Van Foreest vs GM Shawn RL Nimzo Indian Defence I expect a good positional game.

              c5 and e5 against the d4 wall - Shawn's stating his intentions of a full battle in the center.

              a6, b5 interesting play by Shawn trying to gain squares.

              I love Shawn's concept of Nd3 and a potential Nxc5, if then Qb4 then a5! and lots of dynamics.

              After a series of exchanges it looks like a rook ending shaping up. Has GM Van Foreest seen further?
              Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 06:58 PM.


              • #52
                Rd 6 GM Komarov vs GM Mikhalevski Purely symmetrical (copy cat). Are we headed for a draw?

                Yes, 13 move draw.
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 06:02 PM.


                • #53
                  Rd 6 GM Kantans vs FM Zheng Caro - Kann Defence

                  White has applied the H4 pawn lever against G5.

                  Interesting play on the kingside. White has played his rook pawn to h5 and h6 and forced the black knight to h8. Black will move the king to h7 and an E5 pawn break. Im not sure I understand White's play. The pieces lack coordination.
                  Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 06:56 PM.


                  • #54
                    Rd 6 CM Latorre vs GM Sambuev Reti (Benoni in reverse)

                    In this game I dont understand the move order that was played so I cant comment.
                    Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 07:04 PM.


                    • #55
                      Rd 6 IM Han vs CM Yang Sicilian Defence

                      and yes we have g4 played - the most aggressive version of this variation

                      Interesting sparring in this one.

                      Yang's last move Kg8 is an odd quiet move. I'll have to mull that one over before I understand it.

                      Bizarre play by Yang. After Bh5 by White he plays Nxd4, Bxd4 and his rook is trapped on g6. Are there extraordinary tactics to compensate? I don't see them.

                      Yang's play has been based on a bizarre tactical conception but I dont think its sound.
                      Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 07:01 PM.


                      • #56
                        Rd 6 FM Zamorrodian vs IM Chiku-Ratte - and we have 1.a3 folks!

                        I dont know whats going on in this game. There havent been moves made in a while.
                        Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, 07:03 PM.


                        • #57

                          How many Canadians will be on the top 6 boards for Rd. 7 tomorrow @2:00 PM?

                          Bob A


                          • #58
                            Rd 6 A lot of big games, a lot of tension, a lot of blunders in the fnal moves.


                            • #59
                              Shawn RL blundered a couple of times and could not hold the endgame. As a result GM Van Foreest continues his perfect score.


                              • #60
                                GM Kantans took advantage of blunders to turn his game around and win.

