CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

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  • #61
    Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Too small for elections? - are you suggesting a dictatorship?
    Papa Bob, dictator for life? That could work.


    • #62
      Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
      Of course it is $3,400 after expenses.
      I hope you're not suggesting the organizers pay all the tournament expenses.

      So, to be absolutely clear, your prize distribution is:

      1st - $1,000
      2nd - $ 100
      3rd - $ 100
      24th - $ 100
      25th - $ 100
      26th - $ 0

      Very unusual indeed!
      Have you ever tried this type of distribution at a Peel tournament? :)
      The prize distribution has almost no influence on my decision to play or not. If it did, I would probably stay home. The typical cost of a three day out of town tournament is three hundred dollars or more when you factor in entry fees, hotel, gas expense and increased food expense (not to mention chess books :) ). I could just stay home and that would be the equivalent of a three way tie for first. As a bonus I wouldn't be tired from all the driving.

      What influenced me to play in the Hamilton Ontario Open despite being burned out from having just played in the Canadian Closed was
      1) Excellent organizers
      2) A strong event with a hard 2000 cutoff for the top section (this was probably the main thing that tipped the balance in favour of playing).
      3) This was the only strong Ontario event available to an adult player with a slow time control between now and the Canadian Open in July.


      • #63
        Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

        Originally posted by John Brown View Post
        I personally do not like tournament with sections.
        I feel we all pay an entry and we should all be eligible to play for all prizes not just a sectional prize. The recent Ontario Open was run well but I felt with such a low turnout that the prize fund was a little top heavy.

        I like the idea of only Open tournaments where there is $1000 for First and the next 20-25 players get the rest of the prizes.
        The $1000 for first should draw out the elite players and then rest of the entrants have a chance to compete for the next 19-24 prizes..
        The only way to test it would be to run such a tournament and see how it did. I probably would not attend. I don't think you would get many of the elite players. The yo yo effect in such an open tournament means that I would spend much of my time playing much lower rated opponents where almost anything wins unless I am silly enough to play into some prepared analysis. Even then there are usually holes in the prepared analysis.

        In the recent Ontario Open, 25 of the 65 entrants would have come home with a prize had this been a standard tournament profile. Instead of 9.

        So you ask why numbers are down?.
        My guess is that there is some organizer burnout taking place. I don't think that the Ontario numbers are down though there seem to be fewer events taking place in Toronto this year. Everywhere else in Ontario seems to be about the same or slightly better.

        Give more players a CHANCE to win something and more players will show up to take a chance. Casinos get more players because everyone has a chance to win, not everyone wins but when they do win they are sure ready to come back and play again and again.
        All indications are that casino numbers are way down. My own experience indicates that you can artificially inflate numbers temporarily with prizes but the long term effect is even less participation as you eventually have to return to a model where tournaments are self-supporting.

        I am thinking of a time when the Windsor Chess Association ran bingos to support tournaments (initially to pay for the Canadian Open that was organized here). We had tournaments with ridiculously low entry fees, reasonably good prizes that included free pizza and pop for lunch and we still found that interest faded after a time.

        [QUOTE]Organizers have to be set to some type of standard for tournaments with 50 or more players so that no matter where you run a tournament the entrants know that their entry is going for a whole group of prizes and not just a selected prize fund after the organizers chop up the money.

        Yes organizers have expenses but if you set a standard that First is always $1000 and entries are gauged on that First Prize then all other prizes would be depended on more prizes if more participate.[QUOTE]

        The problem with setting such a standard is that it puts up more barriers to organizing. It seems to me that there is a formula which seems to work in Toronto, Guelph, Kitchener, Hamilton, London and Windsor. That formula is slightly different in each city.

        Most ordinary Chess players are not interested in winning prizes they just want to play the game they enjoy but if they can get that from the internet or at the club level without joining the CFC then why would they need the CFC?
        Most don't need the CFC but internet chess is not the same, at least not for me.

        But sell a National rating that ordinary players can get and improve should they continue as a CFC member playing in CFC rated events then you may have a niche. But you need to know why ordinary players don't join the CFC.
        My opinion is the CFC is too wrapped up in themselves to look outside of their bubble.
        If you aren't interested in becoming a tournament player, there is no reason to be a part of the CFC as that is their focus.

        If the CFC is to grow the best way to do it is to focus on youth chess but to do so in a way that is different from what is going on now. The interest should be in retaining the children into adulthood and not milking them for as much money as can be milked right now.

        In Windsor, John Coleman`s scholastic tournament could have 2000 players if he allowed it to get that big. Recently he has been limiting the numbers to around 1300 or 1400 over two days.

        Potentially we could double the size of the whole CFC just in Windsor. Every year there is another crop who plays in this tournament for the first time and another bunch who graduate from grade school never to play organized chess again.


        • #64
          Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
          3) This was the only strong Ontario event available to an adult player with a slow time control between now and the Canadian Open in July.
          The Eastern Ontario Open will be just before the CO.


          • #65
            Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
            The Eastern Ontario Open will be just before the CO.
            I should have said:

            There was only one tournament within easy driving distance of Windsor between now and the Canadian Open.

            I get tired out after three or four hours in a car. I`m not sure how well I would handle the ten hours or so it would take to get to Ottawa. Of course Porter Airlines coming to Windsor adds another option: to fly to Ottawa.


            • #66
              Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

              I was worried for a second; I saw that Vlad had posted here and thought that he might declare a run for president by buying a motorcycle and touring around the country; in which case I would perhaps have to run against him...


              • #67
                Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                Originally posted by Paul Beckwith View Post
                I was worried for a second; I saw that Vlad had posted here and thought that he might declare a run for president by buying a motorcycle and touring around the country; in which case I would perhaps have to run against him...
                Unless you meant to say ride against him, I think you'd lose :p
                Christopher Mallon
                FIDE Arbiter


                • #68
                  Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                  I love the new web site. It looks just like the old one and I don't have to learn anything new. It's a concept whose time has come. :p
                  Gary Ruben
                  CC - IA and SIM


                  • #69
                    Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                    Cheap, Gary, cheap.

                    It takes a long while to go thru $18,000 worth of beer and pizza. I'm sure when the website finally arrives it will be the latest technology. Cutting edge design, etc.

                    Unfortunately. :(


                    • #70
                      Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                      Originally posted by John Coleman View Post

                      It takes a long while to go thru $18,000 worth of beer and pizza. .....
                      . :(
                      I see your imagination does not extend to the full range of possibilities. See

                      and the beer isn't even included.


                      • #71
                        Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                        Yeah, Roger, but the "about" page of the designer's website specifically mentions beer and hot-and-ready pizza.

                        Let's see, the website lists 8 staff members. If they buy two cases of beer a day, and four H&R pizzas, that's about $100 a day. $18,000 divided by $100 = 180 days. Wasn't it about six months ago we contracted these characters?

                        The website should be ready any time soon. Q.E.D.
                        Last edited by John Coleman; Monday, 6th June, 2011, 04:04 PM.


                        • #72
                          Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                          I bought a musical birthday card for someone. It asks what goes good with birthday cake. Then it says the name of the beverage and plays the appropriate music for the beverage. I like that card so much I might keep it. :)
                          Gary Ruben
                          CC - IA and SIM


                          • #73
                            Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                            Hi Bob
                            Have you ever tried this type of distribution at a Peel tournament? :)[/QUOTE]

                            Anyone who have ever played in a PEEL when it is run from my apartment knows that I give 100% of Prize money less rating fees and give extra book prizes for the last place finishers.

                            I guess if 16 players wanted to kick in $200 each I could give $1000 for First . never thought of that idea.


                            • #74
                              Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                              How did a thread about potential CFC Presidential candidates morph into one about prize distributions?


                              • #75
                                Re: CFC Presidential Election (from Fees thread)

                                Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                                How did a thread about potential CFC Presidential candidates morph into one about prize distributions?
                                As a potential program item of the future prez.

