2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

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  • #16
    Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

    Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
    It's true, and that's why I agree with the number of games required. My point was simply that we should consider the FIDE rating after that, instead of the CFC rating. Some players, like GM Bluvshtein, don't (or didn't) play in many weekend tournaments and thus have a lower FIDE rating than some players like IM Gherzhoy or IM Noritsyn and it doesn't make any sense.
    The problem with top-end CFC ratings currently (and to some extent even with FIDE ratings) is that it's really more of a measure of how good you are at dominating lower-rated players, which isn't really that great of an indicator of how they might perform in an Olympiad, especially on either a higher board, or should the team do well and draw strong opposition.

    Short of going with Canadian Champion + 4 selection committee choices, or even top3 in Canadian Closed + 2 selection committee choices, or some similar combination that avoids a selection rating list, I don't personally know of any better alternatives. And I admit my own alternative is probably not popular with everyone, especially those who have trouble attending the Closed.
    Christopher Mallon
    FIDE Arbiter


    • #17
      Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

      Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
      The problem with top-end CFC ratings currently (and to some extent even with FIDE ratings) is that it's really more of a measure of how good you are at dominating lower-rated players, which isn't really that great of an indicator of how they might perform in an Olympiad, especially on either a higher board, or should the team do well and draw strong opposition.

      Short of going with Canadian Champion + 4 selection committee choices, or even top3 in Canadian Closed + 2 selection committee choices, or some similar combination that avoids a selection rating list, I don't personally know of any better alternatives. And I admit my own alternative is probably not popular with everyone, especially those who have trouble attending the Closed.
      Although Canada often meets teams without GMs whom they need to dominate.

      So a fair selection by rating calculation would be to only include results of games with 2400+ opponents within the last 8 months, and also weigh the number of games so that a player can't get a higher ranking from playing 8 tournaments in Ontario versus 4 tournaments in Alberta or 2 in Quebec or BC. And maybe count only 1 day a game tournaments at the Olympiad time control.


      • #18
        Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

        Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
        Some players, like GM Bluvshtein, don't (or didn't) play in many weekend tournaments and thus have a lower FIDE rating than some players like IM Gherzhoy or IM Noritsyn and it doesn't make any sense.
        What are you talking about ?
        Last FIDE rating list :
        Bluvshtein 2590
        Gerzhoy 2489
        Noritsyn 2475
        Did you mean CFC ratings ?


        • #19
          Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

          Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
          What are you talking about ?
          Last FIDE rating list :
          Bluvshtein 2590
          Gerzhoy 2489
          Noritsyn 2475
          Did you mean CFC ratings ?
          Sorry. I meant CFC rating.


          • #20
            Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

            As opposed to some kid from Alberta who isn't the least bit objective about anything ? What is it you were argueing
            about two years ago, that Porper was a better choice then Noritsyn ?
            Last edited by Duncan Smith; Wednesday, 14th March, 2012, 07:23 PM.


            • #21
              Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

              Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
              As opposed to some kid from Alberta who isn't the least bit objective about anything ? What is it you were argueing
              about two years ago, that Porper was a better choice then Noritsyn ?
              Seriously? Porper had 50 FIDE points on the people selected. No need to say anymore on the subject it speaks pretty clearly for itself especially when you see what comments were made from the selection committee.


              • #22
                Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                Originally posted by Erik Malmsten View Post
                Although Canada often meets teams without GMs whom they need to dominate.

                So a fair selection by rating calculation would be to only include results of games with 2400+ opponents within the last 8 months, and also weigh the number of games so that a player can't get a higher ranking from playing 8 tournaments in Ontario versus 4 tournaments in Alberta or 2 in Quebec or BC. And maybe count only 1 day a game tournaments at the Olympiad time control.
                True, but that will probably give a whole bunch of people very few games ;)
                Christopher Mallon
                FIDE Arbiter


                • #23
                  Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                  Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
                  The problem with top-end CFC ratings currently (and to some extent even with FIDE ratings) is that it's really more of a measure of how good you are at dominating lower-rated players, which isn't really that great of an indicator of how they might perform in an Olympiad, especially on either a higher board, or should the team do well and draw strong opposition.

                  Short of going with Canadian Champion + 4 selection committee choices, or even top3 in Canadian Closed + 2 selection committee choices, or some similar combination that avoids a selection rating list, I don't personally know of any better alternatives. And I admit my own alternative is probably not popular with everyone, especially those who have trouble attending the Closed.
                  I think if you look back at previous selections and note what some parties were saying at the time that its easy to see where objectivity is clearly missing. It all sounds good talking about regional diversity until you look at results at the actual events. Clearly, just throwing a player into the mix because they play in say BC or Alberta isn't always a good decision. It has to be on merit and not just a political campaign backed by an eager local fan base.


                  • #24
                    Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                    Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                    I think if you look back at previous selections and note what some parties were saying at the time that its easy to see where objectivity is clearly missing. It all sounds good talking about regional diversity until you look at results at the actual events. Clearly, just throwing a player into the mix because they play in say BC or Alberta isn't always a good decision. It has to be on merit and not just a political campaign backed by an eager local fan base.
                    Living with distance-issues is part of the price of living in Canada. I still prefer it over some of the issues other places have.

                    In many cases, *how* a decision is made, or even how it *appears* to have been made, is more important than the decision itself.

                    For example, I seem to recall at some point complaints about an Ontario-only selection committee that chose Ontario players. This isn't necessarily a bad decision (I don't know either way) but it's definitely bad optics. Perhaps an all-BC or all-Alberta committee would have chosen the same two people, perhaps not. I think the makeup of this year's committee should do a good job of avoiding that, but again, sometimes you never know until the complaining starts. :)
                    Christopher Mallon
                    FIDE Arbiter


                    • #25
                      Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                      Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
                      Sorry. I meant CFC rating.
                      Then you touch upon a problem for Quebec players that has not been solved yet (thanks for the opportunity! ;)). Using CFC ratings (but not FQE ratings) for qualification purposes hurts Quebec players since their weekenders are not CFC rated. This should have been discussed and resolved before the FQE chose two years ago to donate 2 000$ to the CFC for financing olympiad teams that had only one quebecer out of 9 players (11.1%). What has this "gesture of good will" done for Quebec players besides showing to everyone that the FQE has money to throw by the window? Did it make the CFC start discussing possible arrangements to solve this problem and others ?


                      • #26
                        Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                        Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
                        Then you touch upon a problem for Quebec players that has not been solved yet (thanks for the opportunity! ;)). Using CFC ratings (but not FQE ratings) for qualification purposes hurts Quebec players since their weekenders are not CFC rated. This should have been discussed and resolved before the FQE chose two years ago to donate 2 000$ to the CFC for financing olympiad teams that had only one quebecer out of 9 players (11.1%). What has this "gesture of good will" done for Quebec players besides showing to everyone that the FQE has money to throw by the window? Did it make the CFC start discussing possible arrangements to solve this problem and others ?
                        The answer to your question is from following quote: "Ask not what CFC can do for you, but what you can do for CFC". :p

                        Ask yourself this question and support CFC by buying 2010 CFC Yearbook. CFC will appreciate your contribution very much. I belive it is $60.00 now. :D

                        Link: http://www.chesscanada.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2310


                        • #27
                          Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                          Olympiad is Canada's team, it really doesn't matter what province the players reside in.
                          If everyone took your selfish attitude, the only money in the program would be players paying their way to the event. Which is where things are headed.

                          I think if we looked at 2006, for example, 30% of the team was from Quebec. It would surprise me if much if any of the project was funded by Quebec interests. My recollection is Belzberg Tech. was involved ( a Toronto based company ), and an internet betting company from BC ( no BC players on the team ).

                          Not that it matters. The project funding is not yet another political squabble. Its a decision on whether elite chess deserves funding in Canada. The trend is it doesn't.


                          • #28
                            Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                            Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                            The project funding is not yet another political squabble. Its a decision on whether elite chess deserves funding in Canada. The trend is it doesn't.
                            I think that besides you as a possible exception, just about everyone involved in chess in Canada agree that elite chess players need and deserve funding (support) if we want them to remain assets to the chess community. It is not a question of "trends" or whether or not that support is needed, it is how to achieve it that causes some difficulties...


                            • #29
                              Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                              "...whether elite chess deserves funding in Canada"

                              That sums things up quite nicely. Significant numbers of Canadians feel that it's appropriate to fund even low profile sports such as luging, ski-jumping or Greco-Roman wrestling. But chess is widely seen as a casual pastime to be practiced in libraries, public parks, school cafeterias or private rec-rooms. I suspect that most in this country put the World Chess Championship in a similar category as the Rock-Paper-Scissors championship. Too bad.


                              • #30
                                Re: 2012 Canadian Olympiad Dream Team roaster

                                Originally posted by Ken Kurkowski View Post
                                I suspect that most in this country put the World Chess Championship in a similar category as the Rock-Paper-Scissors championship. Too bad.
                                I have to disagree with that statement because it is blatantly underestimating the positive outlook that chess enjoys within the general public. There is a reason why chess is seen so often in advertizing, in movies, and just about everywhere in fact. Chess players for some reason easily disregard these facts.
                                The main problems of chess, as I often say, come from the inside not the outside.

