COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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      • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
        That particles do not exist is now commonly accepted amongst theoretical physicists. The illusion of matter that we feel and see is created by our consciousness.
        What is interesting is that ancient civilizations knew this, long, long, long before modern science discovered this truth...
        Is the notion of "particles not existing" "commonly accepted amongst theoretical physicists" related to the "standard model" in quantum physics, (wave-particle duality etc)? Does the pilot wave theory provide an alternative theory where particles do exist? If yes, would the ancient civilizations be more related to the idea of what is real and what is not?


        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
          I have found no reference about the vaccine reporting centre where they say it should be taken for granted that the numbers posted are correct. Everywhere says don't take them literally. Except for crazy people like you.


          • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

            I have found no reference about the vaccine reporting centre where they say it should be taken for granted that the numbers posted are correct. Everywhere says don't take them literally. Except for crazy people like you.
            And the UK VAERS system AKA Yellow card system has similar alarming reports that are also interpreted by "crazy people" that are advisors to the UK govt?

            The reference I gave above is run by an organization of several thousand physicians are also "crazy people"?

            These ""crazy people treated "120,000" high-risk severe symptoms patients through Urgent care clinics and telemed services they run with less than 50 deaths that for high-risk groups left untreated the expected results is 6000 deaths! But people like you and the pharma corrupted MSM deem them "crazy people."

            All dissenters are "crazy people" but forcing children to have experimental injections that are at zero risk of succumbing to COVID but could have unknown longitudinal issues is a sane policy?
            Recently locking down the entire country of New Zealand because of a single COVID case is a sane policy? And anyone that questions it is "crazy"?

            Denying Drr's the ability to treat patients the way they see fit is a "sane" idea?

            Deliberately murdering elderly people in New York City by sending infected patients from hospitals to elder care facilities to comingle among the population without telling anyone they are infected is "sane"? Only four other States adopted that disastrous policy, all Democratic-run!

            We are already seeing a huge rise in COVID deaths and severe cases in Israel that is among the most fully vaccinated, people from the Delta variant that is the predominant virus in that area. A virus that evolved around the antibodies the original vaccine-induced. These are cases of ADE a particular deadly result from the immune system overreacting to a virus it was not inoculated against.

            This consequence was predicted by Nobel prize recipient virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier whom the mainstream labels "crazy."

            Does it surprise me that the media and pharma-sponsored CDC reports these deaths as "coincidence" when 40% of them occur within 2 days of being vaxxed where young people suddenly have heart attacks and blood clots and other rare side effects within that group? Yes only "crazy people" like thousands of dissenting Drs that dare defy the Govt are "crazy people"

            Given the above nothing surprises me. I don't think you are "crazy" Brian. You are simply a victim of a massive pharma-sponsored propaganda campaign. When you are so brainwashed that you deny vapors going right through a mask something is very wrong.
            By the way in response to the idiotic Ivermectin Salon article you posted these might be of interest to you.....although I highly doubt that anything that goes against your brainwashed narrative is.

            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Saturday, 21st August, 2021, 10:29 AM.


            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

              Is the notion of "particles not existing" "commonly accepted amongst theoretical physicists" related to the "standard model" in quantum physics, (wave-particle duality etc)? Does the pilot wave theory provide an alternative theory where particles do exist? If yes, would the ancient civilizations be more related to the idea of what is real and what is not?
              Hi Sid, I am not as well versed with the intricacies of the various models as you are... I delve into physics only when I find some so called 'philosophical' notions puzzling, and to be honest, the answers which physics has given me are not exactly yet at least...


              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                would the ancient civilizations be more related to the idea of what is real and what is not?
                I believe so. What is real, or what is substance, is what is permanent. But the only thing permanent is change, therefore substance is Time itself. God is pure activity.


                • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

                  I believe so. What is real, or what is substance, is what is permanent. But the only thing permanent is change, therefore substance is Time itself. God is pure activity.


                  • Thanks Neil. The question as to why (or how) there is something instead of nothing is without meaning. For any explanation offered will itself require its own further explanation, ad infinitum. For example, where did the universe come from? From God. Then where did God come from? From Himself. No. This would mean that He existed before He existed, which is absurd, a contradiction in terms. God cannot create Himself becuase to create is to exist in the first place. Did the universe result from the big bang of an infinitely small particle? Impossible, for where did the infinitely small particle come from in the first place? If you say that the particle came from this or that, then the next question is where did this or that come from? And once more we have the ad infinitum problem. Existence therefore, does not come from something, it comes from nothing. There is no cause for existence, for again, if there was then there would need to be a cause for the cause... and so on ad infinitum. We are lead to this question. What can be understood to come from nothing (and to return to nothing)? Time. Nothing else. Thus substance (the real, the permanent) is and can only be Time. Perhaps this is why certain religious elements refer to God as Father Time. What all of this has to do with being a 1.d4 or a 1.e4 player I cannot say. And I shall not risk speaking of Mother Nature.
                    Last edited by Brad Thomson; Saturday, 21st August, 2021, 06:51 PM.


                    • Personally, I ONLY play 1.e4, and I do NOT want the government trying to force me to play 1.d4.


                      • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                        Thanks Neil. The question as to why (or how) there is something instead of nothing is without meaning. For any explanation offered will itself require its own further explanation, ad infinitum. For example, where did the universe come from? From God. Then where did God come from? From Himself. No. This would mean that He existed before He existed, which is absurd, a contradiction in terms. God cannot create Himself becuase to create is to exist in the first place. Did the universe result from the big bang of an infinitely small particle? Impossible, for where did the infinitely small particle come from in the first place? If you say that the particle came from this or that, then the next question is where did this or that come from? And once more we have the ad infinitum problem. Existence therefore, does not come from something, it comes from nothing. There is no cause for existence, for again, if there was then there would need to be a cause for the cause... and so on ad infinitum. We are lead to this question. What can be understood to come from nothing (and to return to nothing)? Time. Nothing else. Thus substance (the real, the permanent) is and can only be Time. Perhaps this is why certain religious elements refer to God as Father Time. What all of this has to do with being a 1.d4 or a 1.e4 player I cannot say. And I shall not risk speaking of Mother Nature.
                        I still like the idea that God is a pure sports fan. This entire universe was created to satisfy God's thirst for sports. And since God has infinite time, he doesn't have to care about schedules or sissy baseball games being rained out.

                        Under this theory, all the past rise and fall of civilizations was just leading up to the current age of modern sports. The Romans and the Greeks had sports too, but that was just a prelude to what was to come. Today we have an explosion of sports, chess trying to become one of them (officially, that is).

                        Also under this theory, if the Earth is indeed the only planet in the entire universe with intelligent life, that too is allowed for, because again, God has infinite time, and this current age of modern sports after a mere 13.8 billion years is set to go on forever.

                        This theory could only be questioned if all sports suddenly came to an unexpected end. The pandemic has done a lot of things, but so far it hasn't done that.

                        God may also be a movie / TV fan. If fact, God may be the ultimate couch potato, and when he puts in a DVD (made from pure diamond so it never corrodes!), he even watches the bloopers.

                        EDIT: I just thought also, the reason God made the nature of reality so crazy was so that once we all realized how crazy it is, we would need to go out and play sports as convalescence. It's no accident that all our modern knowledge of physics and the quantum nature of reality has coincided with the explosion of sports.
                        Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Sunday, 22nd August, 2021, 01:47 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                          I still like the idea that God is a pure sports fan.
                          This raises an important question. Does God exist outside of time or inside of time? If He exists outside of time, then He is eternally present to everything we experience as past and future and therefore He knows who will win every game because in His mind the games have already been played out. If so, He must make a killing with the bookies. But if God exists inside of time then He can only guess just like the rest of us and will be at the mercy of the odds-makers.


                          • Yes, you are a crazy person. The fact that you talk about Haiti as a country we should be looking at in terms of covid when it is incredibly poor and then also spout off about the need for data to be verified, shows you are a crazy person.Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210822-150701_Gallery.jpg
Views:	122
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ID:	214997


                            • Straight up nuts, you are.Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210822-151247_Reddit.jpg
Views:	129
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ID:	214999


                              • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post
                                Straight up nuts, you are.Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20210822-151247_Reddit.jpg Views:	0 Size:	17.8 KB ID:	214999
                                You're such a brainwashed moron, people are so desperate for IVM that they turn to a version for animals and take the totally wrong dosage. Why? Because of pigs like you that support fascist murdering dictatorships that don't allow Dr's to properly prescribe ivermectin for human beings. You just fall hook line and sinker for propaganda bullshit.
                                Canada does not even allow Dr's to enter the proper information on vaccine adverse effects into the database. Here is the real world asshole

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	2Eudravigilence 2021-08-22 at 9.12.07 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	1.80 MB ID:	215001
                                By the way, over 1,021,867 are classified as serious injuries.




                                Here is the real world about Ivermectin that says it all you ignoramus, at least in the US in some States Dr's can prescribe in a clinical setting. By the way Ivermectin is a critical ingredient as part of a combo.


                                As of August 20th in the UK where the Delta variant is now the predominant virus 67% of those dying from COVID within one month of infection are vaxxed.

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	UKScreen Shot 2021-08-22 at 4.22.19 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	413.0 KB ID:	215003

                                Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 23rd August, 2021, 07:13 AM.

