COVID-19 ... how we cope :)

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  • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

    When I run into persons like this I often go up to them and ask for some help with the scriptures. They are of course quite keen to help, and I ask them to interpret Matthew 12:19 for me.
    And I like to introduce bible thumppers to archaeology whilst pointing out gross inconsistencies beginning in Genesis, ha!

    Having said that ... I don't fault those who lean hard on their own well heeled superstition(s).


    • Originally posted by Brian Profit View Post

      Get comfortable sitting at home on your computer being a raging fool. Without the vaccine, your options out in public are about to get fewer.
      We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


      • New health data released by Public Health England show that the double vaxxed are dying at a rate 434% higher than the unvaccinated.


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        • Thanks Sid for this latest report from England. I have reviewed the paper and your calculations.
          I expanded the death rate calculation by the 2 age groups and come to a different conclusion.

          Deaths in the < 50 group are small, as we would expect, but the size of the pool compared to >50 group appears to be distorting the numbers.
          Under 50, yes the death rate is higher for Vaccinated, but the numbers are small and inconclusive, IMHO.

          The 50 and older group however, Deaths per 100,000
          Vaccinated 1,986
          Unvaccinated 6,502
          This suggests to me that the Vaccine provides significant protection to the elderly.

          I am going to try and attach my summary worksheet.

          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
            Thanks Sid for this latest report from England. I have reviewed the paper and your calculations.
            I expanded the death rate calculation by the 2 age groups and come to a different conclusion.

            Deaths in the < 50 group are small, as we would expect, but the size of the pool compared to >50 group appears to be distorting the numbers.
            Under 50, yes the death rate is higher for Vaccinated, but the numbers are small and inconclusive, IMHO.

            The 50 and older group however, Deaths per 100,000
            Vaccinated 1,986
            Unvaccinated 6,502
            This suggests to me that the Vaccine provides significant protection to the elderly.

            I am going to try and attach my summary worksheet.

            Bob, you seem to have it reversed, the lion's share of deaths is in the 50 and older group 652 vaccinated versus 318 unvaccinated in the less than 50 groups 27 vaccinated versus 72 unvaccinated.

            The viral load by the vaccinated is 251 times higher than the unvaccinated in a recent research paper. This is a sign of antibody-dependent enhancement that basically means when you get vaccinated your immune system is primed up but overreacts to a variant it is not inoculated against.

            This scenario was correctly predicted by Nobel Prize recipient French virologist Luc Montagnier. despite the pharma-sponsored mainstream media and their so-called "fact-checkers" "debunking" him as it turns out he was exactly correct.

            The worst part of this story that I have repeatedly been saying for 18 months is many early treatments exist including Nutraceuticals that can be taken at home that would reduce hospitalizations by 85%. The problem is that they are cheap repurposed antiparasitic drugs and nutraceuticals that are patent expired and offer no. profit to a $ driven pharmaceutical industry so anything that shows efficacy is aggressively attacked.

            If you or anyone else on this forum ever are suffering from ADE pm me I will be happy to put you in touch with activist physicians in Canada that are willing to risk their license and treat you before you end up in the hospital where under the current care they will plow you with a toxic drug called Remdesivir (pushed at 3K a dose by big pharma) and stick you on a ventilator and blow your lungs out. You have about a 1 in ten chance of surviving this.

            In effect, you have big pharma-driven genocide that has corrupted many allies into forcing scientists and Dr's into coercive silence.
            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 09:48 AM.


            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

              Bob, you seem to have it reversed, the lions share of deaths is in the 50 and older group 652 vaccinated versus 318 unvaccinated in the less than 50 group 27 vaccinated versus 72 unvaccinated.
              I believe everyone agrees that the higher death rates occur in the elderly groups.
              So, yes, it is more relevant to focus on that group.
              And yes, more deaths in the vaccinated group. But the vaccinated group is 8 times the size of unvaccinated.
              So when you do the death rates per 100,000
              Death rate for unvaccinated is 6,502 and vaccinated is only 1,986.

              Clearly the vaccine is providing protection to the over 50 group.


              • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                I believe everyone agrees that the higher death rates occur in the elderly groups.
                So, yes, it is more relevant to focus on that group.
                And yes, more deaths in the vaccinated group. But the vaccinated group is 8 times the size of unvaccinated.
                So when you do the death rates per 100,000
                Death rate for unvaccinated is 6,502 and vaccinated is only 1,986.

                Clearly the vaccine is providing protection to the over 50 group.

                No, as you can see, I already took that into account by dividing total deaths into the size of the vaccinated versus unvaccinated cases to come up with a death rate, not an absolute number.


                • Guys, why are you dealing with all data? There is already briefing 22.
                  Can be found at

                  Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                  New health data released by Public Health England show that the double vaxxed are dying at a rate 434% higher than the unvaccinated.
                  You shall divide by the number of vaccinated and non-vaccinated to make that kind of conclusion; but not by the number of those who got sick. RIP


                  • Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                    Guys, why are you dealing with all data? There is already briefing 22.
                    Can be found at

                    You shall divide by the number of vaccinated and non-vaccinated to make that kind of conclusion; but not by the number of those who got sick. RIP
                    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                    Guys, why are you dealing with all data? There is already briefing 22.
                    Can be found at
                    You're a smart guy I am sure you can figure that one out. Hint: Data talks, bullshit walks.


                    • ..........
                      Last edited by Sam Sharpe; Saturday, 5th November, 2022, 07:31 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                        You're a smart guy I am sure you can figure that one out. Hint: Data talks, bullshit walks.
                        That you are talking BS?

                        That table is only for Delta cases even, thus go back to you paper and redo conclusions without generalizing...

                        Table 5. Attendance to emergency care and deaths of sequenced and genotyped Delta cases in England by vaccination status (1 February 2021 to 29 August 2021)


                        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                          Data talks, bullshit walks.
                          If the data is certainly true. But I do not think that we know what to think. If there is no grounds for rational decisions I trust my guts. I am skeptical of individuals who are adament in their opinions rather than open-minded. It seems to me that the adament are not fully confident in their own position and that they therefore feel the need to convinice others so that they do not feel alone. This is what religious fanatics are and do. There is "data" supporting both sides of this debate. Some choose to believe one set, some choose to believe the other set, some abstain and trust their guts, their instinct. Getting vaccinated is a personal decision, there is no right or wrong. I disagree with anyone who insists upon or tries to impose vaccinations, but I equally disagree with the anit-vaccination spokespersons who are belligerent and at times violent. We have a terrible problem and it is getting worse rather than better. Let us hope a new, more virulent varient does not appear. We are close to the end of civilization at this point, it will not take much to push us over the edge. Have fun while you can and try to be loving.



                          • Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post

                            That you are talking BS?

                            That table is only for Delta cases even, thus go back to you paper and redo conclusions without generalizing...
                            Please, the delta virus is 99% of the virus that is now out there. That is the whole problem, the original virus has evolved to this variant ,induced by the vax by the way hence the vax is losing efficacy at an exponential pace.
                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 12:51 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

                              If the data is certainly true. But I do not think that we know what to think. If there is no grounds for rational decisions I trust my guts. I am skeptical of individuals who are adament in their opinions rather than open-minded. It seems to me that the adament are not fully confident in their own position and that they therefore feel the need to convinice others so that they do not feel alone. This is what religious fanatics are and do. There is "data" supporting both sides of this debate. Some choose to believe one set, some choose to believe the other set, some abstain and trust their guts, their instinct. Getting vaccinated is a personal decision, there is no right or wrong. I disagree with anyone who insists upon or tries to impose vaccinations, but I equally disagree with the anit-vaccination spokespersons who are belligerent and at times violent. We have a terrible problem and it is getting worse rather than better. Let us hope a new, more virulent varient does not appear. We are close to the end of civilization at this point, it will not take much to push us over the edge. Have fun while you can and try to be loving.

                              Let us hope that people wake up and treat themselves before it is too late and they end up in the hospital. You can rest assured I am not alone in this conviction.
                              Ask your government why they do not even treat people before they go to the hospital with monoclonal antibodies? Florida finally woke up to the idea of early treatment albeit a very cumbersome solution. I don't care if it is as cheap and easy as Quercetin zinc C and vitamin D3 that you can buy at any vitamin shop or if it is something as cumbersome and as expensive to administer as monoclonals, as long as it is early.
                              The idea is to stop people from going to the hospitals in the first place. Ask yourself who is making all the money from the vaccines? Then look at how many billions of dollars this industry pays out every year in criminal fines.
                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 15th September, 2021, 01:12 PM.


                              • “Fully Vaccinated” Gibraltar Sees 2500 Percent Increase In “Covid” Cases


